Spicing Up the Rushlight Tournament


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Got the Rushlight tournament coming up this Sunday. Officially, it's the second one the PCs have been invited to, as this campaign's taken over seven years of in-game time and it seemed like it'd be fun to work it in earlier, since it's an annual thing.

With the party having a wizard and with the party already having participated in it once, I'd kind of like to spice it up with a couple of extra or different events - particularly one that's good for the wizard to participate in. His social skills are terrible, as is his axe wielding, jousting, and archery, so the competitions as presented are terrible options for him.

Anyone else do anything to spice up the Tournament or provide better options for spellcasters to participate?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you email me, I can provide the manuscript that has the original events, that include several other ones that were cut for various reasons. I don't know that any of them are tailor made for wizards, though at least one is a good fit for spellcasters in general and another one can work for any class.

tjaden jason at gmail dot com

You could also use the dueling rules from Ultimate Combat to do spell-dueling. You could borrow the stat block from Imeckus Stroon in Blood for Blood as a sample NPC wizard as an opponent.

ooh, ooh

i have 2 sorcerors in mine....can i email u too squire?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games


I've been having a bit of trouble coming up with events for some of my players as well. We're going to be playing this Monday, if anyone could hook me up that would be the bees knees.

Geppettoe at gmail dot com

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm turning the Rushlight Tournament into a mix of old-school Renaissance Faire and World's Fair, because I've turned Pitax into a nation of Steampunk technology (thanks to my genius level Irovetti and his stolen Numerian Tech).

I'm right at the beginning of book 4 right now though, so it'll be a while before I put up my take on things.

Dudemeister said wrote:
I'm turning the Rushlight Tournament into a mix of old-school Renaissance Faire and World's Fair, because I've turned Pitax into a nation of Steampunk technology (thanks to my genius level Irovetti and his stolen Numerian Tech).

Dudemeister, you just thermo-nuked my brainpan. Definately going to use this concept once we get there in our campaign. One of my players is an escaped Numerian refugee, once a servant to 'The Masters' in her tribe's corner of Numeria. Bringing in this tie to her through tech will be delicious!

Spoiler on The Masters:
When we were setting up the game initially we had some folks who were completely new to Pathfinder and the world. As I was describing the wonder and amazement that you find in Golarion, Greta's operator keyed into my description of Numera: Numeria is a dangerous and wild place, with many barbarian tribes. Thousands of years ago a giant metal mountain fell from the sky, crashing into the plains there. Since then, there have been stories of Giant Mechanical and/or Arcane machines walking the plains, capturing peope, and destroying villages. As it turned out, Greta's operator loved the idea and ran in a very War of the Worlds direction with it.

Greta's village was one of a few villages subservient to The Masters - Giant Tripod mechanicals that demanded tribute from the tribes as slaves every year. Greta was given the honor of serving the masters and as such was taken into on of the tripods where the denizens inside fitted her with the requisite implants to allow her to better serve them - a skymetal head-band, some augments, and whatnot.

Unfortunately, the headband didn't quite fit properly and would sometime scramble the translation of what the masters were trying to say. One day, one of the masters became upset with her inability to fully understand the complexities of his commands (to better wash the pots and pans), and threw a frying pan at Greta, hitting her square in the head. This rendered Greta in a comatose state, and the Masters decided to throw her out with the trash. She awoke with the garbage, near the side of a river, with an old sword rusted tightly into it's scabard, a frying pan with a head-shaped dent in it, and a thorough knowledge of how to wield magic (She's playing a magus).

And as such another of the mysteries of the Numerian frontier is brought into focus for our campaign!

With your concept of having Pitax being steampunked out, I can bring in some frightening ties to her back story and further some back end plots as well! You're a genius, Dudemeister!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jabberwonky wrote:
Dudemeister said wrote:
I'm turning the Rushlight Tournament into a mix of old-school Renaissance Faire and World's Fair, because I've turned Pitax into a nation of Steampunk technology (thanks to my genius level Irovetti and his stolen Numerian Tech).

Dudemeister, you just thermo-nuked my brainpan. Definately going to use this concept once we get there in our campaign. One of my players is an escaped Numerian refugee, once a servant to 'The Masters' in her tribe's corner of Numeria. Bringing in this tie to her through tech will be delicious!

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks Jabberwonky.

I decided to go this route because one of my PCs wanted a gun, and later ended up taking levels in Gunslinger (I believe he's a Gunslinger/Bard at this point). So I decided to give guns and technology a little bit of a wider role in Golarion. Pitax abuts Numeria and in the module

Irovetti carries some Numerian tech to support his rule.

In any case my particular adaptation of part 5 will probably be my most "off-book" compared to the other issues because of the steampunk focus. Also I might be putting Skeletons of Scarwall in there (because I've always wanted to run it, and I think that's where I want to hide


The trick will be making the story fit.

Clockwork, and Dragons and Ghosts: Oh My!

Grand Lodge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Jabberwonky wrote:
Dudemeister said wrote:
I'm turning the Rushlight Tournament into a mix of old-school Renaissance Faire and World's Fair, because I've turned Pitax into a nation of Steampunk technology (thanks to my genius level Irovetti and his stolen Numerian Tech).

Dudemeister, you just thermo-nuked my brainpan. Definately going to use this concept once we get there in our campaign. One of my players is an escaped Numerian refugee, once a servant to 'The Masters' in her tribe's corner of Numeria. Bringing in this tie to her through tech will be delicious!

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks Jabberwonky.

I decided to go this route because one of my PCs wanted a gun, and later ended up taking levels in Gunslinger (I believe he's a Gunslinger/Bard at this point). So I decided to give guns and technology a little bit of a wider role in Golarion. Pitax abuts Numeria and in the module ** spoiler omitted **

In any case my particular adaptation of part 5 will probably be my most "off-book" compared to the other issues because of the steampunk focus. Also I might be putting Skeletons of Scarwall in there (because I've always wanted to run it, and I think that's where I want to hide ** spoiler omitted **

The trick will be making the story fit.

Clockwork, and Dragons and Ghosts: Oh My!

JUst don't forget to share.

Liberty's Edge

Hate to resurrect a dead thread and all, but my current Kingmaker campaign is just finishing up book 4. Could anyone provide me with the additional Rushlight Tourney events Mr. Nelson mentioned above? I emailed him a little while ago, but I'm sure he's quite busy and I haven't heard back yet.

timothydwithem at gmail dot com

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Timothy Withem wrote:

Hate to resurrect a dead thread and all, but my current Kingmaker campaign is just finishing up book 4. Could anyone provide me with the additional Rushlight Tourney events Mr. Nelson mentioned above? I emailed him a little while ago, but I'm sure he's quite busy and I haven't heard back yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.

i too would love a copy, rayous @ hotmail . com

Grand Lodge

rayous brightblade wrote:
Timothy Withem wrote:

Hate to resurrect a dead thread and all, but my current Kingmaker campaign is just finishing up book 4. Could anyone provide me with the additional Rushlight Tourney events Mr. Nelson mentioned above? I emailed him a little while ago, but I'm sure he's quite busy and I haven't heard back yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.

i too would love a copy, rayous @ hotmail . com

My campaign just got resurrected so hopefully this thread will too. Dudemeister where's your juicy bits to the Rushlight and Pitax in general. My email is in my profile or better yet your may just post it for posterity sake. Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

rayous brightblade wrote:
Timothy Withem wrote:

Hate to resurrect a dead thread and all, but my current Kingmaker campaign is just finishing up book 4. Could anyone provide me with the additional Rushlight Tourney events Mr. Nelson mentioned above? I emailed him a little while ago, but I'm sure he's quite busy and I haven't heard back yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.

i too would love a copy, rayous @ hotmail . com

Tis done!

I'd love a copy too please :)


I would love a copy too at some point in time.

msidorradich at gmail com

I'd like a copy too please

bob0the0mighty at gmail dot com

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Why not just post events here so we don't have to keep doing the email thing?

tchubler85 @ gmail dot com

I would also like a list of those events


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

what caleb said...

Scarab Sages

Its a long story, but the bottom line was that someone mistook the mods for a "Paizo official" product and loundly bashed them on another forum (Gamer's Den or EN World cant recall). His GM ran the mods (rather lamely IIRC) and he hated it and went there to rant.

Jason corrected his misperception that it was a mod not official Paizo release, but it sort of fell on deaf ears. I think rather than confuse people and risk affecting Paizo's reputation, Jason has kept it close to the vest ever since.

Personally I think it is gold, and plan to run it in my game, but apparently not everyone agrees. I imagine if you prefer to always win as a player, you won't like it as much.

At least this is the way I remember seeing it on another thread somewhere. Jason is free to correct me if this is not accurate :)

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I am not quite to the point where my players will be winning in the Rushlight Tournament but I think I will have them invited to attend soon. Not to start book 5, but to get them used to and complacent with Pitax and the tournament.

This is going to mean I will be introducing all sort of new and interesting events with each tournament they go to. Things like archery and jousting will stay the same but there will be a few rotating events.

If I come up with any, I will post them here.

Not sure about spellcasters, but here's something fun:

We've got two different sources of technology in Golarion. You have the Numerian otherworldly technology, which the masters don't want to share with anybody. And you've got the Alkenstar gunsmiths, who are interested in showing off their technology, but also in opening up new markets for their creations.

I imagine some intrigue between the two expos. Each of them will constantly try to one-up the other, gather intelligence on how the other's devices work (more Alkenstar doing this to Numeria, I think), and sabotaging each other's demonstrations.

Since the PCs are rulers, I imagine they're going to witness the demonstrations and be approached by both as clients. The Numerians are likely to say, "Here is what our technology can do, and we would like to send somebody to your court to 'help' you." The Alkenstar folks, on the other hand, might be interested in opening a gunworks in the PCs' kingdom (if they have saltpeter there) and/or educating the PCs' citizens about the use of firearms.

To add to the intrigue, perhaps the Arclords of Nex have a presence at the tournament as well ...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

redcelt32 wrote:

Its a long story, but the bottom line was that someone mistook the mods for a "Paizo official" product and loundly bashed them on another forum (Gamer's Den or EN World cant recall). His GM ran the mods (rather lamely IIRC) and he hated it and went there to rant.

Jason corrected his misperception that it was a mod not official Paizo release, but it sort of fell on deaf ears. I think rather than confuse people and risk affecting Paizo's reputation, Jason has kept it close to the vest ever since.

Personally I think it is gold, and plan to run it in my game, but apparently not everyone agrees. I imagine if you prefer to always win as a player, you won't like it as much.

At least this is the way I remember seeing it on another thread somewhere. Jason is free to correct me if this is not accurate :)

The site in question was RPG.net, but otherwise I think you've characterized it pretty well.

Also: Sent!

Mr. Nelson, send me a copy as well, please.


We are only in the first stages of the campaign (we killed the Thorn River bandits, and have explored a few hexes), but I figure I'd ask now so I don't forget.


I would very much enjoy a copy of this as well.


brambert1974 at gmail dot com

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Sent x2

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'd love a copy...

My Email:


Sorry to hear about that messy situation, sounds pretty ungrateful. I reallyh like how accessable and nice everyone that contributes to Pathfinder seems to be.

The Exchange

I'd like a copy as well.

caraldur at gmail dot com

I hate to be a "me too", but, well, me too?

marshall at thegattens dot com

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, me toos are fine. But while you're me-too-ing, if you're running Kingmaker you REALLY want to check out the latest from Legendary Games: the expanded print edition of ULTIMATE RULERSHIP. The PDF version is already available right here at Paizo, shop.d20pfsrd.com, and DrivethruRPG/RPGNow, but the best way to get it is from our website.

Why, you ask?

Because you'll get a special coupon code for purchasing the print edition (which should be arriving next week) from us as well. Good enough reason?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Thanks Jason

I would like a copy too please


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:

Hey, me toos are fine. But while you're me-too-ing, if you're running Kingmaker you REALLY want to check out the latest from Legendary Games: the expanded print edition of ULTIMATE RULERSHIP. The PDF version is already available right here at Paizo, shop.d20pfsrd.com, and DrivethruRPG/RPGNow, but the best way to get it is from our website.

Why, you ask?

Because you'll get a special coupon code for purchasing the print edition (which should be arriving next week) from us as well. Good enough reason?

Having purchased Ultimate Campaign I can say it is fantastic and highly reccomended for anyone running Kingmaker - or making use of the Ultimate Campaign kingdom rules.

On the subject of "Me toos" - I too would greatly appreciate a copy

IgnusFireSpirit at gmail dot com

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

This is great stuff by the way. I was already considering trying to do the stuff you talked about in the Pathfinder Chronicles Podcast with Azmyth. This is going to save me so much time coming up with much of it on my own.

I love the idea (and I think it okay to talk about this in general terms, correct me if I am wrong here,) of a death trap dungeon and a castle designed by an adventurer to handle adventurers. I especially like the idea of having hundreds of defenders run in and out of areas using hit and run tactics.

I may combine the new Troop subtype with your stuff and make Irrovetti's castle that much more of a challenge.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I, too, would like to add in a "me, too," please. (-:

jeff (at) enchantedgrounds (dot) com

Also: is Legendary Games' product line available through distribution? The side stuff for Kingmaker has always done well for my store.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Drogon wrote:

I, too, would like to add in a "me, too," please. (-:

** spoiler omitted **

Also: is Legendary Games' product line available through distribution? The side stuff for Kingmaker has always done well for my store.

I actually just called Alliance today about connecting with them for distribution. The person in charge of purchasing was out but I'll be talking with them soon and hopefully can start getting our stuff into distribution soon.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Jason Nelson wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I, too, would like to add in a "me, too," please. (-:

** spoiler omitted **

Also: is Legendary Games' product line available through distribution? The side stuff for Kingmaker has always done well for my store.

I actually just called Alliance today about connecting with them for distribution. The person in charge of purchasing was out but I'll be talking with them soon and hopefully can start getting our stuff into distribution soon.

Try ACD, too. I'll admit to some bias (seeing as they are my main distributor), but they're a much friendlier company than Alliance/Diamond Comics. And if you need a reference feel free to use me. They tell me I'm in their top 5 Paizo accounts, so if I tell them something is sell-able they're likely to listen.

Edit: You can also go to GTS. They're a sub-distributor, and don't get as touchy about sales numbers. Essentially, get on with them and they'll get your stuff to all the big guys. I'm sure it's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it.

Another Edit: You could also sell to me direct. :-D

Jason Nelson wrote:

Hey, me toos are fine. But while you're me-too-ing, if you're running Kingmaker you REALLY want to check out the latest from Legendary Games: the expanded print edition of ULTIMATE RULERSHIP. The PDF version is already available right here at Paizo, shop.d20pfsrd.com, and DrivethruRPG/RPGNow, but the best way to get it is from our website.

Thanks for the tip, Jason.

And while we are me-tooing, might as well throw my hat in:

jeffrey_rank (at) yahoo (dot) com

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Drogon wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I, too, would like to add in a "me, too," please. (-:

** spoiler omitted **

Also: is Legendary Games' product line available through distribution? The side stuff for Kingmaker has always done well for my store.

I actually just called Alliance today about connecting with them for distribution. The person in charge of purchasing was out but I'll be talking with them soon and hopefully can start getting our stuff into distribution soon.

Try ACD, too. I'll admit to some bias (seeing as they are my main distributor), but they're a much friendlier company than Alliance/Diamond Comics. And if you need a reference feel free to use me. They tell me I'm in their top 5 Paizo accounts, so if I tell them something is sell-able they're likely to listen.

Edit: You can also go to GTS. They're a sub-distributor, and don't get as touchy about sales numbers. Essentially, get on with them and they'll get your stuff to all the big guys. I'm sure it's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it.

Another Edit: You could also sell to me direct. :-D

I am a pretty direct kind of person. Email me at makeyourgamelegendary@gmail.com and we'll talk.

I would appreciate a copy as well:

hassassin dot d20 at Gmail

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

By the way, for anyone wanting the free download of our Ultimate Rulership Building Tiles, there have been problems with the downloads both on our site and at DrivethruRPG, but the file has been uploaded to both Paizo.com and d20pfsrd, so it should be available for free download there shortly. If you have any questions or issues, you can also just email us at makeyourgamelegendary.com.

Jason Nelson wrote:

By the way, for anyone wanting the free download of our Ultimate Rulership Building Tiles, there have been problems with the downloads both on our site and at DrivethruRPG, but the file has been uploaded to both Paizo.com and d20pfsrd, so it should be available for free download there shortly. If you have any questions or issues, you can also just email us at makeyourgamelegendary.com.

I love a copy as well. I using the IronKingdom 3.5 RPG with my Pathfinder games, this would work nicely.

rumseys at gmail dot com

Just found out about Ultimate Rulership through reading this thread. It looks excellent Jason!

If you could send the extra events to me as well, that would be really helpful! This reminds me of the old Challenge of Champions from Dungeon!

garmsumner at aol dot com

So I fit in, me too, please.

jeffery.a.pierce at gmail dot com

Yeah, that would be nice!

garandc at me dot com

If it's not too late to join in on this, I would very much like a copy as well.

Thank you in advance.

self_trephination at yahoo dot com

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am looking forward to the Tournament rules discussed in another thread, but I would love a "me too" to tide me over until then.


Can I get in on the email list too?


Sorry for the ancient Necro, but:
Does anyone have a copy of the Manuscript being discussed here?

If we're going to resurrect the thread we might as well do it properly. I wouldn't mind getting in on the mail list either.

ben_edmondson -at- hotmail -dot- com

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