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Scarab Sages

Believe it or not, there's a place for this.

This exists? I had no idea that that thread even existed.

Why bother arguing with yourself? You already know who's going to win.

If you don't, I'll tell you.

Not you.

Never mind.

Have some suet. There's enough for everyone!

Fuet? I'd have some fuet.

Scarab Sages

I'm Hiding In Your, just doesn't have the same charm to it.

Sovereign Court

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All this, ladies and gentlemen has been proudly brought to by my seemingly random comment.

*Real world me would just like to add, that upon learning more about Starfinder, he intends to get the core rulebook and do some reverse legacies.*

This post is sponsored by...*do I really need to say this? Alright* GoatToucher brand ointments! *Shudders.*

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your, just doesn't have the same charm to it.

Try it - you might like it!

GoatToucher Brand rump ointments: It won't seem so bad, with GoatToucher Brand rump ointments!

The Game Hamster wrote:
Should I be concerned that I just spent 4 minutes arguing with myself on an internet server?

If you read closely you can pin point the exact moment his mind snapped.

Scarab Sages

Vidmaster7 wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Should I be concerned that I just spent 4 minutes arguing with myself on an internet server?
If you read closely you can pin point the exact moment his mind snapped.

The part where he fails to capitalize "Internet?"

While in comparison you can tell when IHIYC snapped by when he started wearing make-up and hiding in peoples closets.

Scarab Sages

...What make-up?

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Sovereign Court

Basically Vidmaster7, IHIYC and I (as Shadeblade of the Darkfolk) are perfect examples of why you should NOT get a tattoo whilst inebriated. I got one on my backside that's supposed to say "happiness and laughter" in gnomish, but I've never had a gnome look at my backside and tell me "that's what it says". Whereas IHIYC on the other hand got one on his upper left arm that's supposed to say "great warrior" in orcish only for an orc to tell us "no, it says butt monkey". Then he got drunk again and got a tattoo on his upper right arm that's supposed to say "dawn of enlightenment" in elvish but an elf said "no, it says deliveries on toilday".

So now, IHIYC is as the butt monkey who delivers on toilday for the rest of his life.

You are mistaken sir I have no tates.

That's why I only let my sis tattoo me.

What tattoo's do you have kileanna?

Also is your sister a tattoo artist or was she in prison?

Kileanna the character has tattoos. I am saving money to get one on my back but no tatoos yet. When I do it will be a dragon with flaming wings.

My sister isn't the best tattoo artist but my tattoos are very simple!
She learned from the elves. She hasn't been on prison, she never got caught!

I have my facial tattoos which represent the pattern of a snowy owl and also a pretty intrincate one on my chest that represents a rising sun with an eye inside (the eye has 3 ,pupils representing past, present and future) and 5 rays of light that would be my dear party members.

I had more than that but cyclic reincarnation got me back to life with no tattoos and I had to get new ones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh Ho Ho That is quite lovely my dear. I do seem to be having some difficulty seeing them past those glowing eyes of your however.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got the glow to hide my heterochromy... It works well, now people only talk about the glow.

This is the tattoo artist that I am probably going to pick for my tattoo.

I like the new alias I think it is the hat that really pulls it all together.

Sovereign Court

Vidmaster7, I wasn't saying that you had any tattoos and I'm sorry if you misunderstood. I said that IHIYC and Shadeblade of the darkfolk had tattoos because of heavy consumption of alcohol.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, that is indeed one smashing hat.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*whips out some Silly Putty, presses it into tattoos, peels them clean off*

Takes care of THAT.

*holds up tattooed Silly Putty for all to see*

Backwards badly-translated tattoos? Anyone? I'm sure it's some kind of collectible....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a potattoo.

Like a regular potato, only simultaneously Celtic, Tribal and giving several Hidden Clues as to my gang affiliations.

Sounds like a regular potattoo to me.

Potattoos are overrated. You should try a carot card reading instead. They can last a whole life-time, unlike a potattoo which can rot in just a few short years, which can get real messy.

Yes, but you may summon Forces Beyond Your Control, like you do when you mess around with a OuiJacketPotato board.

Sovereign Court

No-one should ever use vegetables (or fruit for that matter) to consult the spirits of their ancestors, summon powerful entities or other such uses. It always ends horribly, you either get torn to shreds or (if you're GoatToucher) no response at all.

Have you tried sacrificing the innards of different squashes? spaghetti squash is particularly effective.

The Invenusable Flytrap wrote:
No-one should ever use vegetables (or fruit for that matter) to consult the spirits of their ancestors, summon powerful entities or other such uses. It always ends horribly, you either get torn to shreds or (if you're GoatToucher) no response at all.

Ah, so that wasn't ectoplasm after all, then.

Oh dear.

{Calls therapist}

There's my cutting-board!

Aww someone ruined my awesome streak I had. darn you hamster.

*bows deeply, with much gravitas*
Your welcome

Why are we darning the hamster? Has it got a hole in it?

Dark Archive

*shows up with needle, thread, and 4-foot-tall flesh golem constructed of stitched-together still-living rodents*

Heeeeeeere, hamsterhamsterhamster...!

Sovereign Court

Oh my goodness, if there were any deities in this world they've clearly gone away - NEVER TO RETURN!!!

Dark Archive

Ia! Ia! Yog-Sothoth!!!

Sovereign Court

No, that deity is also on a permanent vacation thanks to you and your ungodly (and rightly so) creation.

Yoghurt SockMoth is still here, though. Almost as good!

I don't think darning means what you think it means.

Dark Archive

*warps laws of time and space to 'darn' every hair in Vidmaster7's beard together with impossible speed, then animates it with a Jacob's ladder*


o_O I disapprove

Dark Archive

*makes Vidmaster7's beard and rodent-golem fight for his amusement*

Don't make me call in the big guns.

We're halready 'eeeeere!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't think darning means what you think it means.

Darning can mean whatever they want it to mean, if they pay it double wages!

Also They are using it correctly.


Winz for goblinz!!!

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