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Ghouls are horrible at low levels, multiple paralysing attacks and one of the nastiest low level diseases in the game. No wonder Richard Pett loves the things...
Shadow Demons combine 10 points of DR with incoporeality so you half your damage and then -10 off the total. On top of that it has SR,, 3 decent attacks and a bunch of SLA's all at challenge rating 7.
Carniverous Blobs make mincemeat out of anyone making melee attacks against them. Acid and Fire is virtually worthless against them, they have a tonne of hit points, they drain Con and then heal as they do it, and they do 8d6+19+damage +1d4 Con Drain with grab (+37 grapple) then when they have grabbed you they constrict doing all that damage again. Plus they have reactive strike so when you hit them, they hit you. Basically it is entirely possible for you to charge the creature and take 24d6+57 damage and 3d4 Con drain on your action before it gets to act!
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![Tin Golem](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/golemtrio2.jpg)
slayers from the dmg. i know its not the bestiary but man are they powerful.
+21 perception and +23 sneak, 5d6 seak attack with a +12 inititive played right they have expeditious retreat active they run in and blender a weak party member then run into the night at a 60+ movement with run. man a 8th level player doesn't stand a chance.
Luz RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
Brain Ooze.
CR 7.
DC 19 Dominate Person at-will.
I dropped one of these on a 5th level party once without giving it a careful read, it fit for thematic purposes and the CR was about right so I went with it. This thing was way too tough and just toyed with the party so they eventually fled, but not before the ooze had established control over two party members.
Definitely recommended for a minimum 6th or 7th level party.
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The giant flytrap nearly caught one of my groups in a TPK. The grab, vital strike, engulf, and acid damage, this monster had two PCs engulfed (one of them died in the third round,) one grabbed, and one fighting to free his friends.
The Peluda in Kingmaker part 3 also would have killed the whole party if they hadn't decided to run away from it. There are so many ways for it to poison someone with that nasty Con sucking poison.
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Odraude |
Holy crap!
We fought one in our Friday game and I knew we were in trouble when the GM had to use his phone dice roller to roll for damage. Mother of god it hurt! And if it hits you or you hit it with a melee attack, you have to save or else you get caught on fire. AND it's incorporeal. This is a scary beast and dammit, I love it. Throwing this at my players when I restart my game :)
carn |
I think the best TPK monster for its CR is the seugathi:
https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/aberr ations/seugathi
will 20 every round with no averting eyes, mind fogDC 19 guranteing auto failure for several rounds and the seugathi selecting action for 1 confused PC every round can easily end up with 2 of the 4 party members killing each other, while the other 2 can act only every second round against the seugathi.
hogarth |
I think the best TPK monster for its CR is the seugathi:
https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/aberr ations/seugathiwill 20 every round with no averting eyes, mind fogDC 19 guranteing auto failure for several rounds and the seugathi selecting action for 1 confused PC every round can easily end up with 2 of the 4 party members killing each other, while the other 2 can act only every second round against the seugathi.
This guy mentioned it a hundred posts ago, but it's still a good suggestion.
carn |
Yes, i also saw it afterwards.
But nobody discussed it. I would guess its very close to number 1 or number 1, because at lev 4 (the intial idea was a monster CR 2 or so higher, thats likely to TPK) even a paladin will have only +6-8 will and therefore be able to attack the seugathi 50% of the time and will spend 30% or so harming himself and allies.
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![Jarl of the North Wind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/11JarloftheNorthWind.jpg)
If you go in running protection vs. evil the confusion will still get you, but it won't be able to use its confusion command power. Fighting one is very much a matter of good luck and careful prep, though; hitting one cold is a good way to die
Midnight_Angel |
Im just uncertain whether a ghost seugathi (CR8) or a level 2 monk advanced zombie lord seugathi or a level 2 monk advanced juju zombie seugathi (both CR 9) would be deadliest.
Hmm... ghost seugathi with two levels of Antipaladin (also CR9)?
Or... ghost young advanced seugathi with the same levels?
After all, that hit to Str and Con won't exactly hurt a ghost...
*ducks for cover*
GM Hands of Fate |
![Gibbering Mouther](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/3EyeballQuicksand.jpg)
Large earth elemental. At CR 5, its perfectly capable of one shotting a level 3 or 4 character.
Such is the case in a recent PFS game of Rules of the Swift which I ran. Large earth elemental hit both the party's paladins (who had rushed in to attack), and in one hit, sent them into negatives.
My group has a thing against stirges. At low levels, they are really nasty!
carn |
If as published in bestiary is the criteria, draugr captains are also very deadly.
draugr captain is advanced version thereof, can cast 3 times obscuring mist and level drains with a weapon. So stats like this:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/draugr/draugr-adva nced
but without boring nauseated and level drain instead. With power attack its +6 1d12+10 + drain (which is at least as good as + 5 dam) at CR3. 1d12+10 + drain one hits a lev 2 char without crit.
Compare that to the alternative CR 3 drain monster (wight)
and you see its deadly.
Also, draugr captain explicitely states most draugr captains have class levels, so a nasty CR 4 lev2 antipaladin draugr captain is not a bit breach of rules. That allows with furious focus and power attack +12 2d4+16 (18-20) + drain. Published lev 2 rogue at least gets mwk scimitar +11 (1d6+13/18–20 plus 1 negative level)
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/unique-monsters/cr-4/draugr-captain-draugr -rogue-2
insaneogeddon |
I'm curious as far as PF system goes, what monsters do you consider overpowered for their CR? For instance, what creatures are likely to cause a TPK if they're encountered by either an unprepared party, a strange party build, or are encountered at a CR 2 levels higher than the APL? I've noticed a trend with certain APs that sometimes the monsters pulled from the Bestiary give the players more fits than the written up ones, so I'm wondering what people think are some of the deadliest monsters in the Bestiaries?
For my own part, I mainly am concerned with monsters of CRs of 10 or below. since these monsters are more likely to be encountered by players. (Though if there's any standouts in the upper levels, list them!)
Bestiary 1
1)Will o' Wisp: A 6th level party better be prepared for magic immunity, natural invisiblity, an unbeatable flight speed, and an abnormally high AC and touch attack. Oh, and a Fast Healing ability. Elemental resistance is all that will save you, better hope you have enough packed for every PC.
2)Shadow: The only thing that makes fights with shadows fair is that Death Ward provides immunity to them. The problem is that they are a low enough CR for a party facing them to not have access to such magic. Combine near auto-stealth and the ability to outright kill a number of PCs with a lucky critical hit (with no save) make fighting these things a nightmare, especially in multiples. A single one can TPK a whole party if it can spawn off those it kills, quite likely with a surprise round and a high initiative check.
3) Erinyes: An 8th level party has a lot to contend with here, and one of lower level could certainly get wiped. A decently mobile, flying artillery piece packing True Seeing, a very reliable ranged attack, and two extremely debilitating at-will SLAs (Fear and Unholy Blight) make the Erinyes deadly. Combining that with all the immunites, resistances, and abilities that Devils have (DR, SR, teleporting, summoning) and you have...
I think an inquisitor with expeditious retreat, snake style at 3rd, see invis at 4th, and specializing in archery could take these out. Between the touch AC of snake style, judgments giving everything from fast healing to AC (touch inc.) boosts and bane you should be right. If your solo take deadly aim before precise shot and who needs a party?
But any other class is pretty boned for sure!
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Selgard wrote:** spoiler omitted **Imps.
CR 2<...>
Give the bugger a bow and something to hide behind and he's just terrible.
Not to mention Beast Shape I at will.
Voadam |
I fifth or whatever ghouls for their three melee attacks with fort save or paralyze at CR 1. Only +3 on their attacks, only DC 13, and only 13 hp but they are a nasty CR 1 minion mob.
I'll add to the chorus on the banshee as well, screaming death if you don't have death ward going.
The CR 17 winterwight's blightfire is also particularly nasty, after getting hit by any of three +30 natural attacks take 5 succesive DC 29 fort saves or each time take 1d6 con drain. It ruined our barbarian after he missed a save and death spiraled.
I found the roper's multiple touch attacks for str damage nasty and took out a high level character a round in 3.5, though it didn't survive a round once the fighter archer got it in his sights.
Devilkiller |
I hate running into pretty much anything which uses touch attacks, including the previously mentioned banshee and witchfire. We recently fought a ghost with 3 touch attacks for 13d6 each. Even if you save for half that's painful. Spectres are obviously pretty bad too.
If using the advanced template is OK here I'll nominate CR13 Advanced Sea Serpents. Using their "Elusive" ability they can approach the PCs with a Stealth of +55, achieve surprise, and then inflict big damage with their Bite, Constrict, and Swallow Whole.
I always thought Ropers were pretty nasty until I recently noticed how easy it is to drop them in pits or have a Huge Air Elemental take them for a Whirlwind ride. Actually, they're still pretty nasty...
Rakshaka |
Swarms have been mentioned, but one that escaped notice I think is the Leech Swarm. Two kinds of ability damage, ability drain, and all the usual fun of swarms (weapon immunity/distraction), all on a CR 4. Oh, and good luck getting those area of effects off in the water, where fire spells require Caster Level checks and alchemist fire and acid flasks won't necessary break against the water surface. Ability Drain at Level 4? Seriously? Oh, and it has a Stealth score, which combined with the bonuses for being submerged, make it achieving surprise extremely likely.
Rakshaka |
Ropers wouldn't be so bad, except their SR is beyond ludicrous, not even remotely on par with what a CR-equivalent monster should possess. This makes fighting them a trap for spell slingers, who look to capitalize on the creature's fire vulnerability with damage spells that involve SR rather than indirect means to fight them (walls, buffs, swarms, etc). All the while, the one most capable of hurting the thing (the martial character) has to close and get his strength sucked in the process. The thing that makes them fair are their weakness against ranged characters (archer types), but the environment where they are encountered (caverns) makes achieving a safe range unlikely. I don't think they're overpowered, but they are tough.