Gruumash, Why are you so Awesome?

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Pigman should have the watching of what in its mouth it is putting. That way is the laying of the bad noise.

Dark Archive

Thanks Grummash for letting me live in your new basement, can i have something to cover my bare lightbulb?

Looks confused with all the questions and multiple choice answers flying about...


Orc Minion 21 wrote:
Thanks Grummash for letting me live in your new basement, can i have something to cover my bare lightbulb?

Fawful's swallowed it, by the looks of things...

Limeylongears wrote:
Orc Minion 21 wrote:
Thanks Grummash for letting me live in your new basement, can i have something to cover my bare lightbulb?
Fawful's swallowed it, by the looks of things...

Fawful knows not the what of this talking.


MIDBUS! That is not for the eating for sidekicks! Spit out! Spit out now!

Dark Archive

Minion 21 happy to give you the space. Please make sure to stack the wood you have been chopping up in the corner by your bed. As for the bulb sort of adds to the décor of the place don't you think?

Dark Archive

Multiple choice questions in general are not usually awesome. Just saying.

Fawful can you give Minion 21 back his light bulb please. I am sure we can find you something better to eat than that.

You can having. Just be sure to have the washing off of Midbus spit.

Dark Archive

I think I'll leave the spit on, it gives the room a nice green color...That's pretty awesome

Green? *looks at his minion* What have you been of the eat, Midbus?

{pours another Colortini} Ah, refreshing.

Colortini?! Holy crap, I feel old.

rubs against Gruumash and rubs some awesome onto himself


Dark Archive

"Good Possum, Good boy." Reaches down and gives him a pat.

Colortini ? I had to look that one up. Poor Tom Snyder. Can't say I watched a lot of late night TV though.

I can remember way back into my childhood, but I can't remember anything before my parents gave me my first TV... a little b&w 11" set with rabbit ears and a monaural headphone jack. I loved that TV, and watching late night shows when my overactive brain wouldn't sleep became a cherished activity, even though I usually didn't know who the guests were, what they were talking about, or why the jokes were funny. I suspect the real reason I got addicted to reading as a kid was because my parents restricted my TV watching while they were awake.

Dark Archive

Ah the taboo of it all always gets them.

I remember Saturday morning cartoons (because my parents were not early risers.) Then Creature Double Feature was a favorite usually Saturday Afternoon.

Dark Archive

Saturday night 11pm, this is where I could be found in my childhood

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
So Pillbug are you also part orc? Or 100% goblin?
7/8s goblin, 1/8 sewer troll (on granpappy's side)

pappy's side granpappy's side or mammy's side granpappy's side?

Dark Archive

So what other exciting questions can I answer about my awesomeness?

Squirrelshades wrote:
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
So Pillbug are you also part orc? Or 100% goblin?
7/8s goblin, 1/8 sewer troll (on granpappy's side)
pappy's side granpappy's side or mammy's side granpappy's side?

I'm a gob in the Deep South, so mammy's and pappy's granpappy are the same granpappy.

Dark Archive

Yeah that seems to happen a lot with those Deep South tribes. Which tribe by the way?

Dark Archive

Sorry folks be away a little bit I know certain questions have been wanted to be asked.

So Ask away true believers.

Dark Archive

A little quiet out there. I am guessing I have intimidated a few people. Not to worry though I am very open and accessible.

Dark Archive

Bump ....

Was that a bump, an Awesome bump, or a Mythic Awesome bump?

Dark Archive

Well it did come from me ... so an Awesome Bump which is of course a Mythic Awesome bump ... it is implied since it came from me.

How are things Pillbug? I did not see you comment in the new goblin thread.

:::come out of the possum house and shakes off some fleas with a curious look:::


Dark Archive

"Good boy." Glad to see you are still here Awesome Possum.

:::runs around Gruumash happily:::

Dark Archive

Yup we are still pretty awesome. It is tough to be as awesome as us.

Dark Archive

*Pops head out of the basement, brandishes axe*

Dark Archive

Orc Minion 21 I think we should go a kill a few elves to show how awesome we are what do ya think?

Gruumash . wrote:
Orc Minion 21 I think we should go a kill a few elves to show how awesome we are what do ya think?

Pointless and tawdry displays like that are not awesome. What would be awesome is transforming elves into something you could be proud to kill, without it being pointless and tawdry. That would be awesome.

Dark Archive

When I kill Leogolas you cant tell me that would not be awesome. And lets be honest the way PCs play elves they are all like Leogolas.

Killing Elves is always awesome.

I never thought I'd see anything cheesier than the surfing scenes in Escape from L.A. until I saw Legolimburger surfing on a shield. And while cheese can be awesome, this cheese was the exact opposite of awesome.

Dark Archive

Exactly why it is so awesome to kill elves. :)

Bring it on, broccoli features.


Dark Archive

Gruumash . wrote:

When I kill Leogolas you cant tell me that would not be awesome. And lets be honest the way PCs play elves they are all like Leogolas.

Killing Elves is always awesome.

Or Drizz't, I'd love to sink this axe deep in his skull...and that stupid cat too!

Legolas is a Mary Sue. He cannot be killed.

Drizz't too.

Dark Archive

Oh well you cant kill them. But when you are awesome like me ... well another story entirely.

Oh yeah.

Iunno man. You might be able to kill them because you are that awesome, but the big bad wizard on the shore will likely just bring him back. Bluh.

Dark Archive

Great if he does ... gives me and 21 more opportunities to kill them again.

Gruumash . wrote:
Orc Minion 21 I think we should go a kill a few elves to show how awesome we are what do ya think?

OOH elf hunt! Cool!

Can I come along for luck? :)

Dark Archive

Gruumash . wrote:
Great if he does ... gives me and 21 more opportunities to kill them again.

Oh yeah and a wee zerd, that will be awesome

Dark Archive

"Well #21 and I don't need any luck in hunting elves. But you are welcome to join us ... just keep a little bit of a distance eh? Don't want to get caught in your bad luck aura eh? but by all means help the elves."

By the time you think you've found us, you'll resemble nothing more than a unhygenic pincushion or a very much past its use by date hedgehog. More than you do already, I mean.

Salivates at the thought of hunting elves and gnawing on their lean tender limbs. That would be some awesome dining

Awesome O. Possum wrote:
Salivates at the thought of hunting elves and gnawing on their lean tender limbs. That would be some awesome dining

Tastes like broccoli.

Dark Archive

More like beef and broccoli in my experience.

Need more Awesome in your life?

You have come to the right thread.

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