So a friend asked about making a jedi...


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so i told her to pick up the psionics unleased, i think thats the name for the pathfinder book, then she said no i dont like psionics.

then i wracked my brain thinking what a good second choice is that's PFS legal. i came up with a qiggong/core monk, using hydrolic torrent
as "force push", with a temple sword. thats the best i could do.

anyone else have an opinion other then a caster hybrid, remember jedi have no verbal or somatic components in there force powers.

She would have to pick up the silent and still spell feats. I would also explain that many movie concepts are hard to realize in the game.

If this is PFS she can't use psionics anyway. If this is not PFS then what PFS rules are you using?

Dark Archive

{Bows to mighty Wraithstrike}

I would go with Sorc/Eldritch Knight but it all depends on what type of jedi you want to play. Some wore heavy armor and were Melee experts while others where more Force oriented with no armor.

Monk/Magus build also

Here a great spell for your jedi

Force punch

Force Punch
School evocation [force]; Level magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

This spell charges your hand with telekinetic force. Your successful melee touch attack deals 1d4 points of force damage per level (maximum 10d4) and causes the target to be pushed away from you in a straight line up to 5 feet per two caster levels. For every size category of the target above Medium, reduce the distance pushed by 5 feet (–5 feet for Large, –10 feet for Huge, –15 for Gargantuan, and –20 feet for Colossal) to a minimum of 0 feet. A successful Fortitude save negates the movement but not the damage.

- use could use the Reach Meta magic to increase the range beyond touch.

Reach Spell (Metamagic)
Your spells go farther than normal.

Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range to a higher range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long.

Level Increase: Special. A reach spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level for each increase in range category. For example, a spell with a range of touch increased to long range uses up a spell slot three levels higher.

Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks.

Spells that do not have a range of touch, close, or medium do not benefit from this feat.

wraithstrike wrote:

She would have to pick up the silent and still spell feats. I would also explain that many movie concepts are hard to realize in the game.

If this is PFS she can't use psionics anyway. If this is not PFS then what PFS rules are you using?

its a PFS game, i didnt know that at first. i would never suggest to a player to use still and silent to make a concept work. they would be to bad at casting.

only other character i can think is an eldritch knight or magus(basically the same thing), but casting spells would be hard to RP as a jedi type character.

I don't see a way to make this work especially at first level. Even later on it will be hard to pull off. From what I have read on the boards PFS games can be difficult.

wraithstrike wrote:
I don't see a way to make this work especially at first level. Even later on it will be hard to pull off. From what I have read on the boards PFS games can be difficult.

thanks for your help, i appreciate the effort. i agree i cant think of a way to make a character that would fit and be effective enough, other then the two already posted.

Thinking a little beyond the rules here: What does she mean by "playing a Jedi"? If she's wanting to use "The Force" to shove things around with her mind, the above suggestions work. As far as the Still and Silent Spell feats, I'd explain it for first level by saying this padawan's master has taught her to use her voice and gestures to focus the Force. In other words, make noise and waive your hands like a normal caster and pick other feats. Heck, even Vader uses a somatic component when he's doing the larynx crushing thing.

However, I think what makes the Jedi stand out as a non-rules driven character archetype is that they derive amazing powers from strict adherence to a strong, good-oriented moral code. That just screams Jedi = Paladin to me.

to be honest this seems like a fairly easy concept to pull off, just use a kensai magus with your one handed sword of choice. refluff the spells as force powers and boom seems very jedilike to me :)

also you can use staff magus to go the double lightsaber route

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

truesidekick wrote:

so i told her to pick up the psionics unleased, i think thats the name for the pathfinder book, then she said no i dont like psionics.

then i wracked my brain thinking what a good second choice is that's PFS legal. i came up with a qiggong/core monk, using hydrolic torrent
as "force push", with a temple sword. thats the best i could do.

anyone else have an opinion other then a caster hybrid, remember jedi have no verbal or somatic components in there force powers.

I agree with others here that magus or paladin would work pretty well. Oracle could also work well if you want a more "mystic" type (eg consular), just spend a feat on a sword or take the Battle mystery.

I agree with all the above posts for class choice (is that possible?) But, having had to help fellow players realise just such a desire I will say this : Do not try to make the game setting fit with "what is Jedi." Rather, think on how a Jeri -like character /class /organization would be if it had developed in the campaign world. Square pegs, triangular holes, and all that. I haveknown players that get so obsessed with trying to have every power that a certain character had that they end up with a mostly unsatisfactory character.

Also depends on what kind of Forceuser the player want to be. Remember that Jedi use the Force not just as spell -like abilities by itself (Eldritch Knight) , but also to enhance their combat abilities (Monk) with greater speed, jumping, more powerful blows. The "Clone Wars Adventures " series had a great Mace Windu solo story showing this.

Silver Crusade

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Ho hai force knight !

It seems like you accept 3PP in your games, so I guess this should make your player's day.
There is a balance issue I have to correct for mid-to-high level play, and I can only suggest you to talk to the player about not playing "a jedi" but what a jedi represents in the original mythology, otherwise you'll be finding the character breaks the fourth wall just by existing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Jedi are essentially armorless paladins with extra helpings of naivete.

So basically, Paladin is the way to go.

Silver Crusade

Playing an armorless, shield-less paladin isn't the brightest idea, except if you expect the DM to pity and go easy on you or if you're playing in an un-optimized game.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Maxximilius wrote:
Playing an armorless, shield-less paladin isn't the brightest idea, except if you expect the DM to pity and go easy on you or if you're playing in an un-optimized game.

I wasn't neccessarily suggesting he go armorless. Just pointing out that the Paladin is the most Jedi-like in attitude. On the other hand if you use the class defense option for AC, then you've got possibilities. Or maybe throw in a mix of paladin and monk.

I really think, that for PFS play, magus is the way to go. If she really wants to be a jedi, she should choose spells which she can give creative descriptions for to sound like force powers. Hydraulic push for force push; color spray as jedi mind trick; expeditious retreat, jump, spider climb, levitate and feather fall for a jedi's extreme acrobatics.

Eventually, when she is high-level enough, she can get a brilliant energy weapon, and bingo, she has her light-sabre.

truesidekick wrote:
remember jedi have no verbal or somatic components in there force powers.

Im going to disagree with the somatic bit. Most instances of ""Force push" are acompanyed by a hand gesture. And remember this gem:

Qui-gon: Credits WILL do fine.
Watto: NO, They won't! What do you think you are, some kind of Jedi, WAVING your hand around like that?

Silver Crusade

Just doing a hand move toward something isn't what I would call a true somatic component nor something that would provoke attacks of opportunity.
And your example is just a successful saving throw against suggestion.

But indeed, for PFS, you can try to do it with a magus. You don't even need to be high level if you want the Light spell on your weapon to simulate lightsaber, remember that this is a free feature any +1 magic weapon can get.

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Actually, according to RAW, the majority of magic weapons glow as with a light spell.

If you want to have a crackling energy look to your weapon, get a shocking weapon and leave it "on" all the time.

Since every case I can recall in the movies where a jedi force pushed or force pulled an object, there was a gesture associated with it, I would assume that the hand gesture is necessary to focus the energies, meaning I would assume there was a somatic component to the ability.

I have to wonder though... since there is an entire RPG built around playing jedi knights, why the desire to play one in a fantasy world?

Sovereign Court

Another one for Magus.

Something I didn't see mentioned is the PFS 'reskinning' rule.

It's fine to make a character inspired by the Jedi, but it's not necessarily going to go over well to insist that your character IS a Jedi.

In fact, lightsabers is cited one of the specific examples of why there is the 'no-reskinning' rule.

Maxximilius wrote:

Just doing a hand move toward something isn't what I would call a true somatic component nor something that would provoke attacks of opportunity.

And your example is just a successful saving throw against suggestion.

The point is that the hand movement was specifically called out.

If you want to go even further into the jedi flavor, she could multiclass into the duelist prestige class when she meets the prerequisites, and ditch armor and get more of the flavor of the lightsaber-specialist jedi. This certainly would not be an optimal build by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe she is looking for flavor over power.

Silver Crusade

Brambleman wrote:
Maxximilius wrote:

Just doing a hand move toward something isn't what I would call a true somatic component nor something that would provoke attacks of opportunity.

And your example is just a successful saving throw against suggestion.
The point is that the hand movement was specifically called out.

I agree with you on the fluff, still, designing the whole thing perfectly according to the fluff would be a b%@%& to balance, and would require creating exceptions on how the spellcasting of this specific archetype works.

SLA + fluff are still the best way to emulate those abilities, otherwise they would be "spontaneous casters with a super-limited, super-specific spell list oh-and-they-have-only-somatic-component-on-spells-but-don't-provoke-when-ca sting".

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Actually, according to RAW, the majority of magic weapons glow as with a light spell.

If you want to have a crackling energy look to your weapon, get a shocking weapon and leave it "on" all the time.

Since every case I can recall in the movies where a jedi force pushed or force pulled an object, there was a gesture associated with it, I would assume that the hand gesture is necessary to focus the energies, meaning I would assume there was a somatic component to the ability.

I have to wonder though... since there is an entire RPG built around playing jedi knights, why the desire to play one in a fantasy world?

for the same reason they introduced a jediknight class in rifts... people like to play what they like.

paladin/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight.

You can use Greater Magic Weapon as "activating" your lightsaber, and later on use telekinesis (Mage hand is your lower level "force")

ell, maybe even get pilfering hand at some point just for flavor

Silver Crusade

If you can ignore things like spell preparation and really care for the jedi feel, Magus will work at all levels of play. I would suggest a Hexcrafter Magus some of the hexes will give the suitable force feeling: Evil Eye, Misfortune, Charm...
A Magues even gets the right spells like telekinesis (and with arcane accuracy he is really good with them).

truesidekick wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Actually, according to RAW, the majority of magic weapons glow as with a light spell.

If you want to have a crackling energy look to your weapon, get a shocking weapon and leave it "on" all the time.

Since every case I can recall in the movies where a jedi force pushed or force pulled an object, there was a gesture associated with it, I would assume that the hand gesture is necessary to focus the energies, meaning I would assume there was a somatic component to the ability.

I have to wonder though... since there is an entire RPG built around playing jedi knights, why the desire to play one in a fantasy world?

for the same reason they introduced a jediknight class in rifts... people like to play what they like.

So... if they like to play "Green Lantern" you just give them a ring and let 'em fly?

ive built green lantern... whats your point?

Hmm, a Green Lantern like Ring....

Tels wrote:

Hmm, a Green Lantern like Ring....

you dont need to make a new item for it, you can add as many effects to the same ring as you can afford in pathfinder. all you would need is charges per day:

*x fly
x mage armor
x shield
x telekenisis
x fabricate/greater
x desguise self
x anything else you can think of

it wouldnt fly in a PFS game seeing asthough its a custom item, but you can very easily make a ring that tosses a green lantern costume on you x times per day

** x is how ever many charges you think you would need. if you craft the ring your self it comes out to be, about 150k or 300k if you have it made and abilities added.

is it green lantern exactly? no but its close enough for the other people at the table to know what your referencing. now i digressed the thread...

I second qingong monk, or maybe something with a splash of inquisitor. Remember that jedi powers often DO have simple somatic components; see obi-wan hates for an example.

Jedis aren't paladins:

I don't think jedi are very paladinesque at all. They are, in my opinion, very much good but not so much lawful. It might depend on the time frame and jedi in question, but looking at the movies, they seem mostly neutral good. Qui-gon, obi-wan and anakin (before his fall) break the rules and orders of the jedi council frequently, the jedi council itself uses "unhonorable" strategies of deception, espionage and the like. They do support having a system of laws, and usually follow them, though.

I'd say jedi as a whole are a neutral good organization with a lawful bent, but they've got nowhere near as much focus on acting honourable as paladins do.

While I'm against playing paladins "lawful stupid", I have a hard time imagining paladins use mind-control spells to escape the law ("these aren't the droids your looking for"), disregard the right of a fair trial (mace windu vs palpatine) and so on.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
So... if they like to play "Green Lantern" you just give them a ring and let 'em fly?

It'd probably be a better solution to reflavour class features. While I'm no expert on the Green Lantern, I'd say a sorcerer would work quite nicely. I wouldn't recommend playing super heroes below level 10 though.

Grand Lodge

No one is full jedi at first level, that is a very important thing to remember.

Shadow Lodge

The average Jedi is a level 1 warrior. IE, a faceless mook who only exists to get slaughtered by other faceless mooks.

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:
No one is full jedi at first level, that is a very important thing to remember.

Do you have a source for that? While I can see some jedi paths as prestige class material (like they did in Kotor 2) I see no reason not to be a jedi at level 1. Maybe call the padawan to indicate their status in the organisation/faith, but from my point of view every first level character was finished his education.

Grand Lodge

A source? Really? Is Luke Skywalker a first level character? No one in Pathfinder is that powerful at first level. Hell, even he needed training.

I'd go with Paladin/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight, or Arcane Duelist Bard.

Don't forget the power of spells like open/close, unseen servant, jump, and detect thoughts, all of which can be had fairly early on.

If you want to do this in a home game, I'd look at unarmed swordsage (3.5)

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:
A source? Really? Is Luke Skywalker a first level character? No one in Pathfinder is that powerful at first level. Hell, even he needed training.

Well if you go immediately to one of the most powerfull characters...

I haven't really looked all that much in the Starwars D20 book, former buddy of mine had them, but of let's start.

Luke didn't stat play as a Jedi, he was raised bay farmers, so he started as a commoner of expert with some elite stat array and maybe a force feat that gives him an insight bonus.

Remember, that a first level Pathfinder character can do a lot and jedi masters (higher level characters) could do the really cool stuff.

A magus can use mage hand to levitate stuff, shocking graps (force lightning) magic missile, call weapon (the spell can only get it from an ally, but how many movies did it take Luke to learn that particular trick?), infernaly healing, unseen servant....

It really depends on your definition of "that powerfull" since most of the jedi you see in the movies for are higher than level 1 (other than the guys that just get killed after 3 seconds by stormtroopers).

I am not claiming that the Magus is the best or only way to stat a jedi like character the other suggestions Paladin/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight, or Arcane Duelist Bard, Monk/Empyrial Sorcerer, are all great.
However the player has to decide when he wants acces to certain powers, and since society play goes to level 12 there is a glass ceiling for your build.

Grand Lodge

I am saying, you are not going to be like one of iconic Jedi characters at first level. I have had many occasions when newer player want to resemble a iconic character, like say, Batman, and are disappointed that their character cannot do it all at first level. You work towards the ideal, and that is important to let players know.

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I am saying, you are not going to be like one of iconic Jedi characters at first level. I have had many occasions when newer player want to resemble a iconic character, like say, Batman, and are disappointed that their character cannot do it all at first level. You work towards the ideal, and that is important to let players know.

Yeah, that one never gets old, I have a player like that too. I guess this doesn't happen so often in other systems like the one white wolf uses for Vampire (but that one has its own problems in similar areas).

As other s have said, first she needs to answer the question of what do you mean by making a jedi?

If she means the philosopy and actions of the jedi, probably some order of paladin comes closest.

If she means mechanical abilities of the jedi, probably the magus comes closest.

This wouldn't work for PFS, but I like the idea of tweaking the monk a little to approximate a Jedi.

Start with Qinggong. Replace Stunning Strike with Precise Strike. Replace Flurry of Blows and Unarmed Damage with Black Blade and allow ki to be spent to increase enhancement bonus like the Arcane Pool.

Qinggong Monk
1st feat:
1st (bonus monk feat) deflect arrow
1st precise strike replaces stunning fist
2nd weapon master (weapon focus w/weapon temple sword) loses evasion until 9th level
2nd (monk bonus feat) dodge
3rd feat:
4th replace slow fall with hydraulic push

See were it's going?

as soon as she can get a 50kgp weapon, gets a +1 Brilliant Energy Temple Sword (not sure what level that is in PFS, prolly around 10)

An Alternate would be to go Cleric/Qinggong Monk
Then take Crusader's Flurry to be able to flurry to with the deity's chosen weapon. Perhaps a long sword, because the monk follows Iomedae?

This option also gives access to spells such as command, grace and sun metal, the ability to heal allies with channel, plus domain powers.

Silver Crusade

Just to rebound on my first post, I did a big update on the Force Knight that should fix the most blatant balance issues I discovered while number-crunching.
If you decided to use it or already sent the link to someone, be sure to check the changes if you don't want to have bad surprises.

so, i told here to talk to her gm aboutchanging the qiggong monk to fit her concept. they sat down and changed what her monk was able to swap out so it was fair,but still fit her concept. it changed into something like this:

4th level
true strike (force awareness)
augery (force awareness)
hydrolic push (force push)
hydrolic torrent (force push unleashed)
charm person (force persuade)
dominate person (force persuade)
suffocation (force choke)
chain lightning (force lightning)
telekinesis (force throw)

so she decided to swap it out of the PFS game and run it in her home game where she could play it how she wanted it. i think she decided to run a ranger in PFS.

thank you all for your opinions and suggestions

Liberty's Edge


I say Bard. Odd choice, I know...but here's why:


Remember that scene in A New Hope? "These aren't the droids you're looking for..."

You know that only Bards can do just that, for free, no casting of spells required. Just Fascinate and suggest and then you stroll right on by.

Also, they've got the CHA to effectively use things like Diplo and Bluff, which there's more than a fair bit of in movies.

Further, they get spells like Mage Hand - so for those like grabbing the light saber moments, they can do that.

Bards can further be made more combat effective depending on the Archetypes...

Yeah I know, I'm a bit late to the race...but still, just figured I'd toss in my two cents.

The Exchange

ok if i may take a crack at this.
depending on how you would like to play this character i would offer 2 suggestions. they vary only on weapon choice to decide the rest of the path
if you can accept a jedi using a "monk weapon" then i would suggest pure monk.
i would use a few archetypes to flesh this out. i would focus on quiggong monk. it seems at almost every level there is a "push" type effect. now maybe in this plane the jedi must learn to control water before he can control wind and then master force in the end. this brings the quiggong in where you can sac monk abilities for hydraulic spell likes then the pushes after that. keep high jump as this is very jedi like. and then its just a choice of which monk weapon what kind of feats and if you want to do a style.

but if you MUST have a sword just do this
first 4 levels go paladin (u must learn to fight with your sword before you worry about bringing the force into your style) take the sanrae goddess (misspelled im sure) her favored weapon is a scimitar then take the crusaders flurry feat, you may now flurry with a scimitar.
this 4 level dip of pally gets you cha to saves immune to fear, immune to disease bab 4, 4d10 hp, and channel energy. then get your weapon enhanced to +1 and guided. guided lets you use your wisdom in place of str for dmg and att. go back to monk at level 5. use quiggong and start "developing" your force abilities. by level 8 you will have your first real force push ability and be able to swing your sword 4 times using your wisdom to drive the whole machine.

Grand Lodge

I am actually thinking cleric of Irori. Get channel smite and guided hand feats. Consider the wisdom of the flesh trait.

The Exchange

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I am actually thinking cleric of Irori. Get channel smite and guided hand feats. Consider the wisdom of the flesh trait.

just a straight cleric?? you could use one level of cleric and gain entrance to crusaders flurry and go into monk. the thing i like about monks is they mimic the force ability and operate without armor.

Grand Lodge

Nephril wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
I am actually thinking cleric of Irori. Get channel smite and guided hand feats. Consider the wisdom of the flesh trait.
just a straight cleric?? you could use one level of cleric and gain entrance to crusaders flurry and go into monk. the thing i like about monks is they mimic the force ability and operate without armor.

Yeah, but that first level should be cleric to maximize effectiveness.

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