>>Ask *Sean K Reynolds* ALL of Your Questions Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

Hi Sean, how are ya?

I was perusing your profile recently and came across a couple of interesting things that I was hoping you could elaborate upon.

For those not inclined to click the link above, here is the text of Sean’s profile:

About Sean K Reynolds
I've been playing D&D since 1979.
I worked at TSR as the "online guy."
I worked at Wizards of the Coast as an online content manager and a game designer.
I worked at Interplay on what would have been Baldur's Gate III, what would have been Fallout 3, what would have been an Exalted Console game, and what would have been a spinoff of the Baldur's Gate franchise. Oh, Interplay, such madness in you....
I wrote books for AD&D 2nd edition and D&D 3rd edition (including Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Birthright, and Ravenloft). Now I'm a designer and developer for Pathfinder.

I was once the third-most hated man on the internet.
I've played a lot of World of Warcraft, and there are things tabletop RPGs can learn from WOW, but you can push that too far.

I play RPGs to have fun. I design RPGs so people can have fun playing a roleplaying game. I don't care if a new rule isn't the "optional choice," or if it is "only for roleplayers," or "only for GMs." There are other playstyles than the one you use, and I have to design for all of them. If you don't think an option is worthwhile to your character, don't take it--that's why we have hundreds of options in the game, some of which will be better or worse for your idea of a character. I don't care about "optimal builds." I don't care about maximizing damage. I do care about having fun.
The game is not a competition between you and the other players. It is not a competition between you and the GM. The game is about getting together with people and having fun in a shared fantasy world.

My two questions are:

”Sean K Reynold's profile” wrote:
I've played a lot of World of Warcraft, and there are things tabletop RPGs can learn from WOW, but you can push that too far.

What are some of the thing that tabletop RPGs can learn from WOW and what would be pushing it too far? I have never played WOW and don’t know much about it so could you kindly provide examples from tabletop RPGs that do these things?

”Sean K Reynold's profile” wrote:
I design RPGs so people can have fun playing a roleplaying game.

Since you put an emphasis on role, I’m guessing you didn't want readers to accidently read roll. Is this error common enough that it is necessary to distinguish between the two types of games? Also, I’m not quite sure about the meaning of rollplaying game. Are you referring to a game that has no story and the game is entirely resolved through dice rolls? Like Monopoly or other board games?

Thanks for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you!!

Bumping this back to the top of the list...

Dark Archive

Does Sean actually answer questions directed at him?



I'm guessing ...no


Nice attempt, brother. Next time work to 'honestly' establish the thread before tossing out such obviously inflammatory questions.

Sean, do you admit to killing puppies on Sunday mornings, and cute fuzzy kittens before you start each work week?

ulgulanoth wrote:
Does Sean actually answer questions directed at him?

I don’t know, though I hope so! James has his own thread and Vic, Lisa, & Erik (among others) have certainly answered questions directed at them. Hopefully Sean doesn’t mind popping into the thread once in a while.

Trollthulhu wrote:
Nice attempt, brother. Next time work to 'honestly' establish the thread before tossing out such obviously inflammatory questions.

...said the dude with Troll in his alias. :)

No troll or inflammation is intended in my questions. Sean has posted a few statements in a public forum and I’ve asked for some clarification. Though, if you feel that my questions are inflammatory, please elaborate. I can always re-word my questions if they truly are trolly.

And if Sean can’t/won’t answer my questions, no harm done. I’m asking more out of curiosity than anything…

Sovereign Court

Sean is probably offended that he doesn't get stars round his name.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Trollthulhu wrote:
Sean, do you admit to killing puppies on Sunday mornings, and cute fuzzy kittens before you start each work week?

My dearest Trollthulhu,

It is a poorly kept secret that Invader SKR, like the rest of his extraterrestrial species, is an obligate telomere-ivore. As such, he must prey on primarily young mammals on a regular basis simply out of dietary necessity. He had been subsisting on baby orang-utans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and free-range forum trolls, but for Christmas, he received a copy of Mark Bittman's new cookbook, How to Cook Puppies and Kittens.

And now you know... the rest of the story. Good day.

It's a cookbook! A COOKBOOK!

GIR, Irken S.I.R. unit wrote:
Trollthulhu wrote:
Sean, do you admit to killing puppies on Sunday mornings, and cute fuzzy kittens before you start each work week?

My dearest Trollthulhu,

It is a poorly kept secret that Invader SKR, like the rest of his extraterrestrial species, is an obligate telomere-ivore. As such, he must prey on primarily young mammals on a regular basis simply out of dietary necessity. He had been subsisting on baby orang-utans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and free-range forum trolls, but for Christmas, he received a copy of Mark Bittman's new cookbook, How to Cook Puppies and Kittens.

And now you know... the rest of the story. Good day.

I hope they don't hear about this in any of the various PETA threads...


Dark Archive

when do you think Sean will answer our questions?

ulgulanoth wrote:
when do you think Sean will answer our questions?

Maybe this is what the Mayan Calendar is actually counting down to...

Dark Archive

that would be an unexpected turn of events

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, the Mayan calender didn't have Leap Days/Years, so it's likely already past the "real" 12/21/2012. So we all probably died horrible agonizing deaths sometime a year or two ago, and only exist now as figments in some bong-addled goblin's brain.

You're welcome.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

What is the landspeed velocity of a fishstick?

42, dude.

Puff, Puff, Pass.

{twirls 'stache}

ulgulanoth wrote:
when do you think Sean will answer our questions?

Hopefully at his earliest convenience. :)

Hello Mr. Reynolds,
I have a question if you don't mind.

In this thread: Best Larger Weapon: Huge Falcata?
The question about if having to use an additional hand to use a larger weapon than they would normally be able to is considered a penalty.

This is confused a little by the monster ability that the redcap has the ability:

PRD wrote:
Heavy Weapons (Ex) A redcap can wield weapons sized for Medium creatures without penalty.

As a redcap is size small and uses a medium sized two handed weapon.

Now with the tiefling variant ability:

"PRSRD wrote:
You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

Very similar language is used and I was wondering if you could please give your best interpretation.

Thank you,

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

ulgulanoth wrote:
Does Sean actually answer questions directed at him?

He does, but he's also a busy man. Especially with RPG Superstar going on! I've seen him in here, answering questions from time to time in the past, so I'm sure he'll be back.

Scarab Sages

Whoa! I forgot all about this thread. Thanks for the reminder.

What's your favorite weapon for zombie apocalypses?

INSKR but....

.22LR pistol and rifle and a crowbar.....and if ive got space an assualt weapon for dealing with human aggressors preferrably something in 5.56mm (ar-15 rounds) because the ammo is more common.

Liberty's Edge

Do you prefer the word soda, pop, coke, or some other variant?

How do you celebrate pi day?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would have thought that at this publishing company, every day is Pi day.

Treppa wrote:
How do you celebrate pi day?

Depends if you pronounce it Pie or Pee.

Shadow Lodge

I've never seen this thread before, but I have to say, if I was SKR, I would seriously consider never ever ever responding to this thread.

Now that you have free time, are you ever going to post in this thread? :)

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