Emberion |
Well, I received a speedy reply:
"Thank you for your email. Our Webstore Specialist, Liz Courts, is currently out of the office, which has caused a slight delay on our end. Normal webstore operations will be back-up when she returns. We appreciate your patience in this matter." (Justin Riddler, Paizo Customer Service)
While there is no ETA in the email, we are confident that the delay is simply bad timing and that the file will be up when she returns...hopefully soon. My appologies, we had no warning that this would happen.

Emberion |
when Azure Abyss will be in PoD ?
Near the beginning of June, if all goes well. The review process at the printer is slow and fickle. They've rejected entire documents because a single page has "too many colors" and don't even mention which page. They are not fun to deal with, but I think we got the process down to the point where we only get one or two rejects before it goes through. Each bounce costs us two weeks.

Emberion |
Are any of these available in print format, or will they be (POD, maybe?)?
The corebook, Indigo Ice, and Waves of Thought can be purchased POD from RPGnow.com. Azure Abyss will be available POD some time in June. Later this month, Indigo Ice will come off POD for a couple of weeks to incorporate the recent update. They take the old one down during the approval process for the new one (which makes little sense, but that's the procedure). We don't have the revenue to offer print copies anywhere else, unless Paizo sponsors a POD program as well.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

So this is a thing. Squid anthromorphs? Could be.
EDIT: That wasn't me implying they are squid anthromorphs. I don't know anything about what is and isn't in the bestiary. I was merely stating a theory.

Oceanshieldwolf |

So this is a thing. Squid anthromorphs? Could be.
EDIT: That wasn't me implying they are squid anthromorphs. I don't know anything about what is and isn't in the bestiary. I was merely stating a theory.
That is a seriously cool cover!

Emberion |
Good news! Azure Abyss and the Indigo Ice revision were both accepted by the printers (for the POD program at RPGnow). My preview copies are on their way, and as soon as they get here, as long there are no glaring issues, they will be available on POD. This puts the projected POD at or around June 10th.

JiCi |

Question about Parasite Visage: What's the use? You hijack a huge creature... but can't use any of its abilities beside its physical strength. If you hijack at the brain, shouldn't you be able to command it to use every ability at its disposal?
Hey, I hijack a dragon... but can't use its breath weapon...
Sounds like a waste here...

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

Question about Parasite Visage: What's the use? You hijack a huge creature... but can't use any of its abilities beside its physical strength. If you hijack at the brain, shouldn't you be able to command it to use every ability at its disposal?
Hey, I hijack a dragon... but can't use its breath weapon...
Sounds like a waste here...
From my point of view it equates to one less enemy combatant, and a serious buff to a caster's melee effectiveness.

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I actually have not been able to check out any of Alluria's stuff yet but I hear nothing but great things!
Slightly off topic, but since there are a LOT of underwater adventure enthusiasts here, I hope you don't mind if I mention that The Sunken Pyramid, an underwater mega-adventure from Raging Swan Press was just released. From what I understand, the adventure would be a very nice fit with Alluria's products :)
The Sunken Pyramid has received 6 out of 6 5-star reviews so far, please check it out:
In fact, at least one reviewer specifically commented that The Sunken Pyramid adventure and Alluria's products would work well together - that's what actually made me think I might drop into this thread and mention it :)
Sorry for the slightly off topic sidebar!

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Perfectly alright Marc. That does raise a question though. In a completely aquatic society how do you handle every day necessities such as agriculture, entertainment, waste management, and proper disposal of the dead?
Interesting question! I think that, since different aquatic societies are every bit as varied as land-based societies, their ways of approaching things like agriculture, entertainment, waste management, and proper disposal of the dead would be just as varied.
When writing the Sunken Pyramid, I included a pretty extensive section on Sahuagin culture, religion and society in which I addressed many of these very topics!
Merfolk, aquatic elves, kua toa and the like would (or should) each have their own ways of addressing these things, although there would most likely be some similarity due to their common aquatic natures.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

Just bought Azure Abyss awhile ago, and while I'm very happy with it(it's probably my favorite of the line yet), I'm having some trouble finding a few of the Bonus Feats for Anglers anywhere, namely: Rugged Northerner, Hunt for a Living and Survivor feats. Any idea where those can be found?
Rugged Northerner and Survivor can both be found d20pfsrd.com. I'm not sure about Hunt for a Living.

The-Last-Rogue |

Thanks guys. I guess I can house rule Hunt for a Living for now. I can't wait to see the bestiary too. The cover is looking good.
You know . . . I just looked back on my notes, and I think HUNT FOR A LIVING is a design error. Instead, I created the HARVEST class ability to cover what I had intended HfL to do. I must have forgot to remove it from the bonus feat list.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

what percentage of the book will be new creatures?
Well, so far I've only seen A through I. But in those 111 pages there were approximately 27 new monsters. That is of course not including reprints from Creepy Creatures and the Fey Folio. Honestly, I don't know the exact percentage, but I've heard there will be something like 60 new monsters total, along with npcs from all the major races so far.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

We're getting closer to release. Sorry it's taking so long, but you know what they say "anything worth having is worth waiting for." Anyway, as a sort of appetizer I figured I'd tell you a little bit about it. Firstly, and most importantly in my opinion, we get a handful of aquatic lycanthropes with some real nice artwork for each. Secondly, there are new psionic monsters for those of you that are into that sort of thing. Finally there are a number of new high CR challenges to terrorize even experienced players with.
Well, that's all I'll say for now. Thank you all so much for your patience, we all appreciate your patronage!

Emberion |
OmNomNid wrote:I'd say by the end of the month, but don't quote me on that.Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:We're really close now. GET EXCITED!How close?
It is finally out! Sorry it took so long guys! It was an EPIC project by Alluria standards. Right now, it is being reviewed by the Paizo Staff and should be up here shortly. For now, its available at RPGnow.com. POD version will be available there at the end of October.
Thanks to all who contributed ESPECIALLY Sam Hing, Steven O'Neal, and Jeffrey Turner. We put in a TON of hours in on this one. I know I, personally, have been working on it every day for nearly six months strait.
We hope you enjoy it!