To murder a fellow player character.


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All I ask for is a recording of the moment he finds out his character is dead, preferably 5 minutes either side to help set the scene and provide increased entertainment.

For the PDF I require tears. How you achieve them is not my concern...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

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[Edited thread title. Turns out "To murder a fellow player" squicks me out just a bit too much.]

What a novel idea!

A guy whose avatar is obviously offspring of Shub-niggurath is "squicked-out" by the former thread title? C'mon...


Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!

Silver Crusade

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Gary Teter wrote:
[Edited thread title. Turns out "To murder a fellow player" squicks me out just a bit too much.]

TY, Gary.

The thread title was bothering me a little bit too.

Why is the Vow of Poverty guy distributing treasure?

Have someone charm him, lol.

Grand Lodge

Title change makes me sad. No one appreciates my dark sense of humor. I intend to get as few fellow players involved as possible. I may have my drunken lizardfolk ally be my confidant, but my character really does not trust anyone who isn't lizardfolk. I believe I have the actual murder figured out. I will just need a pickaxe and some quieting needles. I have not gotten the post murder plan fully created yet. Advice is welcome.

Scarab Sages

See, to me having the lizardfolk ally POSING as you comes to mind. Have him wear your gear, your very recognizable hat that you JUST BOUGHT that morning, and crowed over very obviously to EVERYONE...then have the ally do something terrible and PAINFULLY obvious to it in front of everyone at the bar/tavern/whereever. So its PAINFULLY obvious "you" were NOT murdering your traveling companion.

Grand Lodge

That's a heavy disguise check, I am at least a foot taller than him. He is a bit of a runt, and I am a fairly large specimen. Is there a way to disguise the wounds? I do not believe we have a CSI on board, so it seems doable, but not sure how.

It never ceases to amaze me what a bunch of wusses are on these forums.

Hell yeah kill the guy. You're pirates, right?

In my opinion, if a player is going to freak out because a character killed his character, then that player probably wasn't worth playing with anyway. You have to be able to separate reality from the game, and if he can't do that, then he should probably go play WOW instead.

Grand Lodge

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No, it's been decided, I will kill him. Are you saying I am a wuss? The secretive manner in which my character wishes to kill him is his way. The ease of transition into a turtleless party is key to getting what he desires. As a side note, I do hate when WOW tactics and style show up in tabletop games. I like the fact I can climb a tree. Try that in WOW.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
I like the fact I can climb a tree. Try that in WOW.


Grand Lodge

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As far as video games go, I prefer pokemon. I have played and beaten every pokemon game. I still manage to never use any tactics or terminology from said games during pathfinder sessions. I can tell the difference.

Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
If any one has had experience killing a fellow character, I would love to hear about it.

In Eclipse Phase I called in 'nuke 'em from orbit' a tad early - took out two teamates - not so bad as I got their stems and we could 'reboot'. But still a bit of an oops moment really.

I have been hung out to dry a couple of times; once by a wussy cleric who decided that healing his meatshield was too dangerous... and to add insult to injury they didn't get his body either - left it and ran from the necromancer...

Whilst I was using 'Alnar the Bleaks' flying carpet in PFS - scouting ahead. I misjudged the speed of a racing slug. It caught poor Alnar and well - with only 1 Con off dead none of us could get close enough to get the save. - really though you'd think he'd be happy with an undamaged flying carpet. He was a bit upset but Alnar is back with us today.

The last was Boris (not my kill either but I was at the table so I don't think Metz will mind) - our rejuvenated Alnar answered the wish of a enemy with "Yes I think [/wish] he should die!" - the genie answered with your wish is my command o' master - Boris was nothing but a memory - destroyed outright in an instant.

Stunned everyone at the table (including the GM) and it's even more funny knowing that Alnar's creator reads the boards here.

back to OP - Sorry I haven't ever gone out of my way to kill another character ever. All of the deaths have been accidents.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
No, it's been decided, I will kill him. Are you saying I am a wuss? The secretive manner in which my character wishes to kill him is his way. The ease of transition into a turtleless party is key to getting what he desires. As a side note, I do hate when WOW tactics and style show up in tabletop games. I like the fact I can climb a tree. Try that in WOW.

I'm saying the people in the thread telling you not to kill him are the wusses.

Now, how do you kill a turtle monk?

Clearly the answer is set an elaborate trap, with PIZZA as the bait, and tip off the Foot Clan where he'll be.

Not PF, nor even DND, but the best Player Kill I ever witnessed in a table top RPG was in Shadowrun. We had one guy who was a Mage, who didn't like another guy who was a Sam. We'd fled our car after it got hit by RPGs and was burning. The Mage implanted a suggestion into the Sam's mind that he left something very important in the glove compartment. The Sam dove back in the car to get it, and all his grenades cooked off.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I am only 2nd level, and I am no spellcaster. Cool story though. I am really liking the coup de grace with a pickaxe while he sleeps idea. Unless I can think of something else, or someone has a great suggestion, I think I will stick with it. As I said though, the post murder is still up in the air.

A charismatic lawful evil lizard man, among pirates. If you are lawful you need the permission of the captain to kill anyone aboard his boat that isn't self defense. But you are evil so a frame up isn't out of the question.

Get the captain on your side some how, lie, cheat, and steal if you must. If this guy has been the center of attention for very long a paranoid pirate captain isn't going to like him either. For a few gold coins and maybe this captain will even be open to the idea of cutting out the turtles flapping tongue before keelhauling him.

If that fails challenge him to a dual of honor. Just make sure you poisoned him the night before.

You are lawful evil, act like it.

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Eh, lawful evil are only bound by the rules they agree to follow. For instance, if the captain never told people to follow his rules, and he agreed to do so, then he doesn't need to ask the captain's permission to kill another person. Also, it is a pirate ship, and it's unlikely the captain would allow the murder of another crew member, regardless of how he acted. It only sets the precedent for further members.

Pirates, in my opinion, are like the Drow of Menzoberanzen. Murdering another person, and getting away with it, is applauded. Murdering another person and getting caught? How dare you! Kill the thieving dog!

Can't you pull a 'Serpico' on him?

Let the 'bad guys' do your job for you. When its time to rush into a room full of devils or whatever... the rest of you change your mind and back-out, after he is fully entrenched.

I wouldn't kill him, but there are plenty of ways to help him die. ;)

Sovereign Court

Usually, attacks against other player characters are kept to a minimum. Generally speaking, if this happens too often, something is wrong with the players' understanding of how the game works. However, with fairly competent players, sometimes actually playing their character's persona means that they come into diametric oposition with the party's goals or in some rare cases, in distinct conflict with another player character. During the past 30 years of playing the game, I've only slayn 1 player character (belonging to another player). This occurred because both characters were of evil alignment, and my character learned the other player was in league with an evil god and taking direct actions against my church. In this case, when the player character was weak during a battle, I took a shot at him to take him out. This was the right action to take based on my character, and fortunately, it all worked out story-wise as well. You need to be sure you have a good relationship with your GM and the other players, otherwise attacking other player characters, or killing them, is kind of a sucky move and will earn you more hostility than the integrity of the story is worth.

In short it should be:
>In sync with the story and the character personalities (not arbitrary)
>The "right thing to do", meaning all other options are exhausted

Grand Lodge

Just to restate, these guys are "pirates" the way Jon BonJovi is a cowboy. I had to kill some real pirates after our "pirates" decided "we are on the same side" and tried to join forces, because hey, we are criminals, and they are criminals, we are on the same side, right? Also, I stated earlier my character own personal code of conduct. I thought of the character concept long before I decided which alignment best suited it.

As for alternative methods of killing, the poison option is still very viable. Remember, for each additional dose of a poison, the DC increases by 2.

Now, any poison that would actually kill the victim, is around a 100 gp a dose. Wolfsbane would be my preference, but at 500 gp a dose, it's pretty expensive. However, a lot of the poisons are based off natural plants, so you might be able to find the base plant and use that, although at a weaker effect. For instance, say you find the Wolfsbane plant, instead of a 1d3 Con at DC 16, you get 1 con at DC 12. Multiple uses of the plants would increase the DC and you could keep applying it while he's drinking, for example, after a successful raid or something.

So as he's drinking he would be getting weaker and more susceptible to the alcohol, and continue drinking. It would take 10 minutes for the poison to come into effect, but after it does, every minute he loses another 1 point. I imagine he's got a 10 - 14 Con, so it would take about a half hour for him to die.

Alternatively, if you want to throw a little realism into the game, Wolfsbane is described as "instantly lethal" if applied in a large enough dose. So maybe a large application of the raw plant would equal a normal refined poison, allowing him to die much quicker.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
talks very, very, very, slowly, and in riddles.
Snapshot wrote:

Did I mention the tongue thing?

I have a new favorite poster...

Tels wrote:
Alternatively, if you want to throw a little realism into the game, Wolfsbane is described as "instantly lethal" if applied in a large enough dose.

Drop a 1 ton block of Wolfsbane on him! That'll get him! Then you can declare all innocently, "Gasp! He was poisoned!"

hmmm you're on a ship, do you take shifts on watch? oooooh monks train with heavy things on their wrists and ankles, or at least you could convince him to, 20 lbs on each limb should work for strength training / swimming hindering. Course you have to throw him overboard then...

Does your DM allow you to purchase or find cursed items?

I once was going to tie up a PC (and his annoying cohort) in a portable hole, toss that in a leadlined adamantine box and then throw it into a bag of holding to lose it on the astral. I needed permanent non-detection on the box too. Granted that's expensive, but we were an epic party. Never did get to do that. :( He had it coming...

I feel your pain, a lot of groups have annoying players and we have a hard time getting rid of them.


Grand Lodge

Being at a low level is a boon and a burden when it comes to the murder. I am going to do this tomorrow, so if anyone has good post murder cover-up advice, I would love to hear it.

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Cover it up by using things like sulfur and brimstone in minute amounts to make it look like a devil attacked. If you can, fake claw marks in his body, and use something like a fishing spear (which has a barbed end) to push into the wound after you use the pick. It will look like a creature with a barbed tail stabbed him in his sleep, and clawed his body. The scent of sulfur and brimstone will make them think of infernal powers, like a devil working for the God-Dragon.

Write out your plan on a piece of paper, give it to the GM. Have him roll things like perception vs your stealth behind the screen. Then he will need to pull Tortle aside and let him know his character was killed in his sleep and he should make up a new one. While he's rolling up a new character, he can listen in as the GM explains that Tortle never left his bunk that morning. When they investigate, they see a clawed carcass with multiple stab wounds from a barbed object and they smell sulfur and brimstone.

Grand Lodge

I dig that. It may even put the focus back to the big threat we are working against. A dead character definitely brings the focus back to the problem at hand.

It might also give the player a hint. His character was constantly derailing the party from the plot, and he just so happened to be the ones the Devil's killed. Who's to say it was even the Devils working for the God-Dragon? Might have been Asmodeus himself, sort of sponsoring the party in freeing the Devils from the control of such a chaotic entity.

Are you the only one in your group that reads this forum? He could be expecting the attempt on his life by now you know.....

Grand Lodge

Morain wrote:
Are you the only one in your group that reads this forum? He could be expecting the attempt on his life by now you know.....

He has been spending way to much time preparing for some commercial. My DM and one other player knows though. They seem way too enthusiastic about it to tell him. I am still a little taken aback by the enthusiasm.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I am still a little taken aback by the enthusiasm.

It's just good-hearted murder. And of a turtle bastard no one really likes, no less.

Can't wait to hear how this one turns out, bbt! :)

Grand Lodge

I intend to. I think I will blame the murder on one of the useless NPCs joyriding in our ship. I hate those guys.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I intend to. I think I will blame the murder on one of the useless NPCs joyriding in our ship. I hate those guys.

This. ALWAYS have a scapegoat!

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Then the post murder is simple. Take something belonging to the person you intend to frame. You can either leave it clutched in the hands of the turtle dude or soak it in blood and hide it in the room of the person you are framing. Just be sure none of your stuff is discovered on the body and that you take any clothing you wore (and you should wear something to cut down on bloody scales,) is tied to a rock and tossed overboard.

The next day, you wait until the body is discovered to react. Be natural, don't say anything that would be out of place, but insist that the boat be searched for evidence. When the evidence is found on the scapegoat, insist on a quick trial and execution and kill him off quickly before anyone has the right mind to question him properly.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I intend to. I think I will blame the murder on one of the useless NPCs joyriding in our ship. I hate those guys.

if you can get away with the murder, i think a good idea for the post is to tie him to a rock and just toss him in the ocean or bay or wherever you park. maybe there's some shore leave, you can relieve the guys who are on guard duty, say they have been working really hard and deserve a break, then toss the dead body overboard

I don't know if that would work with your GM, but maybe.

or you could be hauling a bag of 'fish' to the villagers (or some other supply) that you stayed up all night taking care of. you're getting a good deal on the price, but it was a lot of work.

fence the turtle's equipment as the profits

EDIT: damn, realized he was Vow of poverty. fence the exotic turtle meat? or tell them you got ripped off

Does he sleep in a cabin on the boat? Does this cabin have a kind of opening / glass / window? Slip into his room during night, coup de grace him, throw the corpse out of the window (the sea will take care) than go back to sleep. The next morning, you have no freaking Idea of what happened to mr turtle. You were just sleeping.
It can be very funny to kill a character in game. My evil ranger killed twice our rogue / shadowdancer (well, it was not intentional, I was just swinging a cursed berserk sword while she was around flanking) and we had a lot of laughs (and our cleric casted a bunch of spells to repair the loss).

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Yeah, I am only 2nd level, and I am no spellcaster. Cool story though. I am really liking the coup de grace with a pickaxe while he sleeps idea. Unless I can think of something else, or someone has a great suggestion, I think I will stick with it. As I said though, the post murder is still up in the air.

Er, glad I could be of help. I'd probably pay an NPC to do it though. The nice thing about sea adventures is that you can toss evidence overboard.

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Well? We're waiting...

Iced2k wrote:
Well? We're waiting...


Picture an angry housewife with a frying pan standing in her kitchen. And yes, her foot is tapping.

Grand Lodge

Update: There has been a delay in the scheduling of the next session. I have now discussed the topic with all players, except the player who's character I intend to murder. They have agreed they are cool with it, and to remain silent until the deed is done. I will post results as soon as the deed is done.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Update: There has been a delay in the scheduling of the next session. I have now discussed the topic with all players, except the player who's character I intend to murder. They have agreed they are cool with it, and to remain silent until the deed is done. I will post results as soon as the deed is done.

ROFL, you know your character is bad when all the other players are perfectly content with murdering you.

Grand Lodge

As I said, I took a good amount time considering the pros and cons of my actions. I also found out I wasn't the only one considering it.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
As I said, I took a good amount time considering the pros and cons of my actions. I also found out I wasn't the only one considering it.


cup-de-grace! cup-de-grace! cup-de-grace! cup-de-grace!

blackbloodtroll wrote:
As I said, I took a good amount time considering the pros and cons of my actions. I also found out I wasn't the only one considering it.

LOL. If it is that unanimous get them to help out.

Why have they been following this clown if they want to kill him also? Make sure you are not being setup. :)

Grand Lodge

The players may know, but none of the characters know. Also, not all the players want to be involved. I will still most likely do it on my own.

Zahariel wrote:

Don't do it. Speak to the player, explain to him that he is being annoying and making the game less fun for you, and ask him to tone it down.

In-party violence doesn't solve anything and in fact tends to escalate.

Wait Wait Wait, yes this does or at least in my groups it does someone is always getting murdered for some stupid reason or another.

One game one of the players was a jackass tentacle monster so 3 of the party members plotted to kill him, but only 2 of them attempted to carry it out, because the other player was dating the victim (it was to much to ask for her to actually play her character she was just as annoyed with him as we were).

Another time our Were-rat druid coup da graced the party Necromancer, because he was channeling to much and hurting him bribed my anti-paladin off with the dead necromancers loot to not stop him. So I let the were-rat kill him than I got him resurrected and sent him after the were-rat to watch the fall out.

My point is which I'm sure got lost in all that up there is kill the annoying party member if you think that's what your character would do. The other player should know he's being annoying just by watching the rest of the group and secretly he probably wants to die and is just pushing the envelope.

Grand Lodge

That sounds like outside drama coming into game. This is a different situation.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
That sounds like outside drama coming into game. This is a different situation.

well 2nd one ended in drama since she backed out, but the first one wasn't drama the were-rat hated getting hit by the channels and killed the necromancer. Anti-Paladin raised Necro to enjoy watching Necro and Druid fight it out. What's most important is that I liked watching them fight and now the were-rat is player is playing an Ogre mage.

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