Post ye scurvy sea dogs 'ere!!

Skull & Shackles

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I've always liked peoples character ideas and i've always had a fondness for pirates so i've been anticipating this adventure path since it was announced. now i know the player's guide isn't out yet but that never stopped me before:) my pirate is:
V'RAEGGO GRANITEAXE- dwarven witch (patron:water) with a monkey familiar (named POGO)
likes to wear small animal skulls braided into his black beard favorite weapon-battle axe.

my runner up
REMY KNEE-BREAKER halfling barbarian (drunken brute archetype)
a halfling with an alchohol and anger problem (also has a war hammer).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

captain yesterday wrote:

I've always liked peoples character ideas and i've always had a fondness for pirates so i've been anticipating this adventure path since it was announced. now i know the player's guide isn't out yet but that never stopped me before:)

Ah! But do the player characters actually start out as Pirates?

We could be starting out as shanghaied lubbers.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'll probably be GMing that, even though that still is far in the future.

Lord Fyre wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I've always liked peoples character ideas and i've always had a fondness for pirates so i've been anticipating this adventure path since it was announced. now i know the player's guide isn't out yet but that never stopped me before:)

Ah! But do the player characters actually start out as Pirates?

We could be starting out as shanghaied lubbers.

doesn't matter still going with the dwarf witch.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well if you're shangaied and relieved of your equipment, I doubt those pirates will let you keep your pet monkey.

Zaister wrote:
Well if you're shangaied and relieved of your equipment, I doubt those pirates will let you keep your pet monkey.

well then i'll get a better monkey and use there heads for my spirit fetishes, AAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

captain yesterday wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Well if you're shangaied and relieved of your equipment, I doubt those pirates will let you keep your pet monkey.
well then i'll get a better monkey and use there heads for my spirit fetishes, AAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!

Remember though, Familiars are far more intelligent the normal animals.

So, it is possible that Pogo escaped, and may be trying to rejoin you. :(

Lord Fyre wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Well if you're shangaied and relieved of your equipment, I doubt those pirates will let you keep your pet monkey.
well then i'll get a better monkey and use there heads for my spirit fetishes, AAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!

Remember though, Familiars are far more intelligent the normal animals.

So, it is possible that Pogo escaped, and may be trying to rejoin you. :(

See, problem solved glad we cleared that up :) Long live Pogo the monkey. I'm still gonna use their heads for my spirit fetishes (racing to ruin 29). AAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Had an old pirate campaign me and my friends used to play back in the days of 3.5.

Mai'Tae - elf wizardress, orphan raised in a human port town, cold & calculating

Lo-Gar - Goliath paladin of tyrrany

Lo-Keg - Goliath rogue/barbarian

Ha'toi - hadozee swashbuckler/rogue

Dervin of Strom - human cleric of god of ocean storms

First adventure, during a raid by a temporary coalition of pirates on a treasure-laden cargo ship and it's escorts, killed the captain of our ship during the fighting, and seized it as our on. We were level 2 or so, with our own ship and crew.

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Of course because i invested all this effort into a single character he'll probably die in the second encounter:)

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Bandar Ozaru, vanara monk from somewhere out Vudra way. (He IS his own pet monkey!) Drunken-style archetype, monkey style feats, more Climbing and Acrobatics than you can shake a banana at.

Mad monkey monkey-man sailor monk!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really want to play this campaign, starting out as a paladin of Iomedae (or some such), and falling at some dramatically appropriate time by the end of the first book. Then maybe moving forward as either a fighter or inquisitor of Besmara or something.

Randall McNally- Sea-singer Bard

Lantern Lodge

unnamed - half-elf aquatic druid

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Kitsune rogue or fighter, basing it off of one of my favorite villains: Don Carnage of Tailspin fame.

Liberty's Edge

Hargrim Longbarrel - Dwarf Gunslinger [Musketeer]


Masaharu - Tian-Min Wizard [Wind]

Snatcherbanderwocky wrote:
Kitsune rogue or fighter, basing it off of one of my favorite villains: Don Carnage of Tailspin fame.

that is quite possibly the most awesome thing i have ever read . cant wait to hear how it turns out

Liberty's Edge

Me and my friend came up with our chars much to our DM's chagrin. I will be the Drow Pirate Ro'byrts and hes gonna be a waves oracle with the lame curse and a pegleg



Half-Orc Pirate Rogue named... wait for it... GREENBEARD

I have a very vague concept for a dwarven barbarian/and or inquisitor of Besmara named Chumbeard. He will have one (or two) peglegs, a hook hand, and an eyepatch. Optimizating be damned. Fell overboard during a feeding frenzy and by Besmara's blessing or sheer cussedness managed to survive. While some may find a dwarven pirate a bit odd, he's just practical. You can dig the ore outta the rock yourself, or just let some other feller do it, then board his ship and take it. I will do my best not to give him a Scottish accent. Maybe Russian.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm strongly considering an oread (Bestiary 2) shark shaman druid. I'm envisioning throwing a flaming sphere onto an enemy's boat, bouncing it up through the sails and rigging, catching the boat on fire.....

....and then watching my shark animal companion chompity-chomp-chomp on the enemy pirates as they abandon ship into the surrounding waters....

...all by third level.... MWU-HA-HA-HA

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

I'm strongly considering an oread (Bestiary 2) shark shaman druid. I'm envisioning throwing a flaming sphere onto an enemy's boat, bouncing it up through the sails and rigging, catching the boat on fire.....

....and then watching my shark animal companion chompity-chomp-chomp on the enemy pirates as they abandon ship into the surrounding waters....

...all by third level.... MWU-HA-HA-HA

You should name your shark gums:), or ol' chomper.

Raven "Legbreaker"

Tengu ranger. 2 weapon fighting with saw tooth sabers

i dont want to be captain or first mate. i want to be peoples punishment. u defy the captain?? he sends me to make you a peg leg.

Dark Archive

So far our party's got two characters who are the children of our PCs from Serpent's Skull :3

________ MacGuyver, a dervish dancer bard modeled after Uther Doul from China Mieville's "The Scar," son of Judo Kickass MacGuyver.

Alienna Caiina - TWF freebooter ranger. Fights with a long sword & hook hand. Daughter of Julianna Caiina, a now-powerful Chelaxian summoner. Lost her hand when she was kidnapped from her mother's estate in Sargava.

Renegade Jackson - Spellsinger/eldritch knight. Sword in one hand, flintlock in the other. Wants to be king of the pirates & doesn't care who gets in his way.

______________ - Neutral Evil aquatic Druid, has a giant crab companion for the express purpose of watching it fight a giant squid.

My friend's group ( I help with some co_gming advice) on this :

_____ Half-orc (urban) barbarian bouncer, Illizmagorti native with a Reggae accent and the constant smell of burning hemp about him^^

_____ Mwangi Halfling twicecursed (blind and tongues) Oracle of Life and Water, effectively a "pygmy survival kit" ; moonlights as the "Gueen of Gumbo"

______ Varisian "govenor's daughter" rogue(smuggler)/alchemist with allusions of becoming a pirate queen... strongly channeling vintage "Monkey Island"

______ Tiefling "Stage Magician" Wizard( Illusionist ), with a habit for card-sharking and astronomy calculations. Has a taxidermised parrot as a stage-prop and "familiar"... likes zombies.

Interestingly, everyone in that group took Wisdom as their dump-stat^^

Sovereign Court

Valencia Isabella Sandiago de la Varga... Swashbuckler taken from her family as she was disguised as a dandy of a young noble, clobbered on the head and forced into piracy.

deathbydice wrote:
Interestingly, everyone in that group took Wisdom as their dump-stat^^

At least party that does not think as a whole thinks that Charisma is a good dump stat :)

Yes, that could be interesting...

Here's a concept I've been hammering away at for awhile.....

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Lucia Rhitu wrote:
Here's a concept I've been hammering away at for awhile.....

Looks good so far :-)

I think you probably need to flesh it out a little more, though.

JohnF wrote:
Lucia Rhitu wrote:
Here's a concept I've been hammering away at for awhile.....

Looks good so far :-)

I think you probably need to flesh it out a little more, though.

Hmm...anything specific? I was planning to go towards Court Bard for most (if not all) future levels, and some stuff mechanically (like the entire eidolon form) is a definite hack job until Herolab gets stuff sorted. "Shackles Seafarer" is specifically a stand-in for "Blessed by the Sea" (I think)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Lucia Rhitu wrote:
JohnF wrote:
Lucia Rhitu wrote:
Here's a concept I've been hammering away at for awhile.....

Looks good so far :-)

I think you probably need to flesh it out a little more, though.

Hmm...anything specific?

Apparently I was being a bit too subtle - I think it would be a lot easier to critique your concept if you included a description or a link.

Everytghing that I have is in the profile, just click the picture.

A few ideas I've got:

>Ambitious magus human who wants to accomplish a goal (treasure, immortality, special artifact, whatever) and will do what it takes to get it. Possibly NE, might clash with group, we'll see.

>Indomitable Rager barbarian half-orc with two-weapon fighting. Will use shortspear and boarding axe.

>Halfling fighter who specializes in the slingstaff, uses a butt-load of slinging feats from Halflings of Golarion, hates bullies.

>Half-elf monk from Ilizmagorti who specializes in the Mantis Style. Not sure what the story here will be, but it'll be fun! Possibly taking Vow of Silence (I want to try playing a mute character).

>Human summoner who summons his eidolon by telling a wild tale about it as the ritual. I think the eidolon will be serpentine or aquatic, not sure which.

>Standard Bearer cavalier who is excited to be a pirate in the same way a little kid is. When he finds out he's been press ganged, he'll be overjoyed (until he realized piracy isn't like he imagines).

>Half-orc cleric of Pharasma (Water & Death domains). Recognizes the ocean as the giver and taker of life, morbidly curious to find out what seas will take him in the end. A fairly fatalistic and grim character.

Grand Lodge

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I'm glad no one has seemed to snag my idea yet. :)

I REALLY want to play an Elf (Sea) Witch. With the Spirit of the Water alternate racial trait.

A trident-wielding Sea Witch. That may or may not be named Ursula.

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ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

I'm glad no one has seemed to snag my idea yet. :)

I REALLY want to play an Elf (Sea) Witch. With the Spirit of the Water alternate racial trait.

A trident-wielding Sea Witch. That may or may not be named Ursula.


Orean: Kitsune Ninja(scout) moving into RMA later. No captaincy or First mate position for me...I'm just a passenger...

Ajani: Vanara Druid (Aquatic). Backstory very similar to Monkey D. Luffy, if you're familiar with One Piece.

I am going to be GMing but I really like the idea of either:

A Goblin Alchemist (Chirurgeon) with a peg leg from the Shackles


A Human Anti-Paladin of Dagon from the Soden Lands. Not sure if the whole Super CE thing would cause a lot of issues or not though.

Silver Crusade

Bonuwat monk of some sort(no alignment restrictions on monks with this GM!). I'm still bouncing back and forth for what feels best for the character. Capoeira-influence fighting style. Totally not at all influenced by Lateef Crowder's appearance in Tony Jaa's The Protector/Tom Yum Goong. Or Eddy Gordo.

Totally not...

Also, he'll fortify his diet with citrus fruites as much as possible. No scurvy for me!

Taeryn Stormcrow

Elf Air-Elemtalist (CN). He woke up some day in a brothel in [Big City next to Port Peril], next to him a dead whore.
He didn't remember anything from before the night. Only by use of his magic and some dirty tricks he managed to flee the city.
The city guards accused him as being the "Ripper", so he headed towards Port Peril. This is more then a decade ago, now he lives on the city streets (Child of the streets), getting some money by stealing and telling stories (Barrroom Talespinner) he gathered in his only possesion, a old book (his spellbook).

Spells mainly Air/Water related and enchantment, also big focus on "social skills"

His companion is Jack, a kleptomanic monkey with a taste for alcohol. :)

(And I know far away from optimised^^)


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If I get to play, here's my character:

Drunken Master Monk 5, then Drunken Brute/Invulnerable Rager Barbarian.

He's a salty mariner who smokes a pipe, wears a white hat, constantly mutters, and has enormous forearms. He specializes in unarmed combat. He's pretty good normally, but put a jar of fermented spinach in him, and he flies into an unstoppable rage!

As for a name...hmmm...maybe something about his eyes...

A dwarf zen archer monk named Foo. I can't decide on a character history though. He's either a super focused greedy and malicious monk from a temple devoted to Mammon (demon of greed and wealth). I figure if that doesn't give him the go-ahead to loot and pillage helter-skelter then nothing will.

OR (and I like this better) he's just kind of a guy who could never get his stuff together in life. He's been kicked out of every organization he's ever been a part of for theft or looting of some sort.

In any event, he's a pretty well trained sailor with a slew of skills that can benefit the party (as long as they're not social skills).

My band of scurvy swabs and craven riggers will be meeting in two weeks. In the meantime, they have some basic ideas:
Goblin rogue, male (CE)
Drow ranger, male (NE)
Human witch, female (?)
Human druid, female (CN)
Lots of discussions on familiars and animal companions so far

Our first session is this Wednesday. Very excited!

My character's build and background are in this profile.

I'll be running this with a magus (bladebound cutlass), sea witch, shapeshifter ranger, and possibly a monk. I noticed the Player's Guide mentioned Paladins as a poor choice, but lawful monks don't seem to make good pirates philosophy wise either...unless it's the law o' the sea...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Devastation Bob wrote:
I'll be running this with a magus (bladebound cutlass), sea witch, shapeshifter ranger, and possibly a monk. I noticed the Player's Guide mentioned Paladins as a poor choice, but lawful monks don't seem to make good pirates philosophy wise either...unless it's the law o' the sea...

Well,I've got

Human Monk, male (LN)
Human Ranger (Trapper), male (CN)
Human Bard, male (CG)
Gnome Druid (Storm), male (CN)

So it may be that he's just gonna be the sore thumb,
even amongst his own party.

I'm curious to see how it will all play out.

Liberty's Edge

Game #1 includes my two oldest children, my ex-wife (Hell must be freezing over), and her friend.

Male, half-elf Alchemist (CN)
Female, elf ranger (N)
Female, catfolk rogue (N)
Female, catfolk bard (N)

First session went well aside from the bard unable to get very far in the rigging and then falling down on the descent to the deck.

Liberty's Edge

I will be playing:

(just Janessa, hasn't done anything special yet to deserve a name)

Human CN Druid (Aquatic), Domain: Water (Oceans).

Janessa will eventually also take 1 level of Cleric of Besmara, take the 'swap 1 Domain for a familiar' option for a parrot familiar, and the War (Tactics) Domain.

1= Gunsmithing
Human Bonus= Exotic Weapon Prof: Firearms

Janessa was born to a Cleric of Besmara mother and a Druid father. Born through a sea birth.


My alternate is/was:

Suli CN Summoner (Synthesist).
Eidolon: Zeeheer (SeaLord in Dutch). Aquatic base form. Evolutions: limbs (arms), claws.
Would be very fun for combat, but I prefer the potential character growth for Janessa.


Liberty's Edge

Ah, why not.

Female CE Human Barbarian [Sea Reaver]

Human: Power Attack
Lev 1: Scythe Focus

...I should probably figure out what rage abilities she'll be taking. XD

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