Character ideas from other media, what are yours?


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I did a catfolk gunslinger who ended up becoming Burt Gummer from tremors, Being one of those always prepared characters. ohh that campaign was fun. I ended up with a carrige with a large double hackbut mounted on the roof and a ridiculously well stocked workshop on the inside. sadly i packed it full of 30 kegs of gunpowder and blew it up to kill the undead dragon and the Necromancer that was riding it . I was always coming up with awesome solutions to the gms problems.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Burt Gummer. lol.

Ravingdork wrote:

I also made...


...or at least as he might appear in Pathfinder's Golarion setting. :P

Wow, this deserves the rest of Pathfinder Gotham in my opinion.

chaoseffect wrote:
I want to do a Souldrinker based on Gus from Breaking Bad. Swap out "meth" for "souls".

It would serve him well to attract victims to him rather than go out hunting for them. There must be something that would suffice.

This is a great idea, just make sure he does not approach the sound of ringing bells.

The Exchange

I have been watching way too much Fairy Tail lately and have started wondering how to make as much of the cast as i can...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Brambleman wrote:
Wow, this deserves the rest of Pathfinder Gotham in my opinion.

I also did Poison Ivy now that I think about it.

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When I rolled really good stats once, I played an old human fighter with a ridiculously high charisma, crazy general feats like Cosmopolitan/Run/Additional Traits (for more class skills)/Big Game Hunter/Fleet, huge bonuses in Handle Animal, Diplomacy, Linguistics, and Perform (storyteller). He usually fought unarmed or with a dagger, or let his enemies choose the weapons. I took the trait that gave him Prestidigitation spell-like ability once a day so he was always clean and crisp. His armor made him resistant to fire, cold, and lightning, he was immune to poison, he had darkvision from a belt, Ring of Featherfall, and a Ring of Regeneration, Wayfinder with the Clear Spindle Ioun Stone, just stuff to make him a real implacable man.

He didn't always drink beer...but when he did, he drank Dos Equis.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
chaoseffect wrote:
I want to do a Souldrinker based on Gus from Breaking Bad. Swap out "meth" for "souls".

It would serve him well to attract victims to him rather than go out hunting for them. There must be something that would suffice.

This is a great idea, just make sure he does not approach the sound of ringing bells.

Ringing bells are fine; you only have a problem if the bell is making another kind of noise.

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I stumbled on a bard archtype that uses his perform to summon shadow conjured beasts and servants the other day. Seems that could make a very cool interpretation of The Darkness.

Speaking of Bards I know I have seen a Dahmpir Dirge Bard who was essentially the Crow.

Oh and I had a friend who recently ran a Dwarven Paladin who wore all Blue Armor and had a very, very low INT, but High Wisdom, and a ton of feats to absorb damage.....took me about two sessions to catch on to the fact he was playing the Tick.

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I have an inquisitor based on Oddball from Kelley's Heroes, Shelyn naturally. Still working on the way he talks, but positive waves, baby, positive waves!

I wanted my fighter to be Heki Danjo, but I couldn't figure out a personality for him, and fighter might not be the best. Maybe some sensei in there would help. On the Japanese Archery theme, if I ever make a zen archer, he'll totally be based on Awa Kenzo: Constantly talking in aphorisms and metaphors that don't really have any relationship to anything but sound really deep, but is a great archer. =D

And I've got to figure out how to make Cyrano de Bergerac, I'm thinking Order of the Cockatrice cavalier to duelist, maybe with some bard thrown in. Actually cavalier for early career and duelist for later might be relatively historically accurate...

My first time GM-ing and I was the only female so what do I do? I make all the guys create Pretty Princess Characters. They got extra "sparkle points" if they were based off Disney princesses.
Ended up with a Fighter for Mulan, a Druid for Pocahontas, a Paladin for Snow White (more based on the recent movie than the Disney), a sorcerer for Maleficent and a random half-orc rouge. I was pretty happy with the DM-ing experience :-)

Recent idea i had.

Rina Shadowsong; a young grey elven girl with a small hint of drow blood running down her veins. daughter of the Titanslaying witch Anira Shadowsong. she wears a black japanese schoolgirl uniform and carries a series of fetish dolls carved from bamboo with a red string tied around their necks. she likes channeling curses through the dolls as an amplifying focus, she is generally creepy, and she has a pet crow, she especially hates older males, she makes a lot of open curse threats, she speaks with the dead, and she drinks the blood of the deceased with every meal.

she was inspired by a combination of Enma Ai from Jigoku Shoujo, Tharja and Henry from Fire Emblem; Awakening, my cousin's witch, Anira the Drunken Titanslayer, Haitian Voodoo, and some Japanese Superstitions.

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Brock Sampson - barb/fighter specializing in dagger

Any suggestions for Sterling Acher of Isis fame aka duchess?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

lol. I made Brock Sampson and Dr. Byron Orpheus in Star Wars Saga.

I wanted to make a knight as cool as Sir Tristan of Cornwall after reading Le Morte d'Arthur. When I was done making him though, he was more like a lawful good vlad the impaler (without the impaling), and less of a downer than good old Tristan. The 8 or 9 levels I played him turned out nothing like the inspiration.

I designed a character who was to resemble a prophet from the Old Testament or John the Baptist (not due to any religious leanings of mine). By the time I was done building the character, he was a man dissatisfied with life as a noble (well-educated) who went to live in the wilds (self-sufficient survivalist), then travelled the world performing good deeds (magical ability) and preaching (social skills). I wanted to do something interesting with the 3.5 Healer class. I ended up never playing him, as I figured he would have limited effectiveness in a group of tomb robbers.

Shadow Lodge

Main character in the movie version of Winter's Bone became my summoner. She has this backwoods twang to her voice and a code that doesn't have to do with law. Thing is, by level seven she evolved to the version of her that joined the army, becoming an eagle knight and has lost some of the rougher edges.

Another character I think is based off a bunch of real life artists. He's a 50 something sorcerer, with 4 daughters from three different women and three different species (Half elf, Human, Assimar two of which are PCs). He drinks too much. But he has good sense. I picture him a lot like Doc Sarvis from the Monkeywrench Gang.

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This was a purely theory-crafted joke by my group. A level 20 monk with the feat Run, and then nothing but 15x Fleet feats, under the effects of the Haste spell, has a base movement speed of 165 feet. If he runs as a full round action he moves 1650 feet, which is 990,000 feet per hour, or 187.5 miles per hour. Tornado force winds (175+ mph) do 6d6 damage per round for every round a creature or object is exposed to them.

The Flash.

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I made a Free hand fighter that uses equipment trick to throw his sheath at people. He also uses two weapon fighting with his sword and free hand. I can't help but think I'm trying too hard to be Yuri Lowell.

Liberty's Edge

I recently made a character for Curse of the Crimson Throne PbP who is not so secretly Vi from League of Legends. She's rough and tumble but a good soul at heart, reformed ex-Little Lamm trying to make a legit life for herself. ^_^ Although I doubt she'd want to join the Korvosan Guard or other law enforcement agency...

A friend of mine is running the Mask of Death module, so we all decided to characters from the actual movie...or secretly play Disney Villains. One person is playing Gaston (Unarmed Fighter), my wife is playing Sir Axelrod from Cars 2 (as a Machinesmith) and I'm playing Long John Silver from Treasure Planet (Bladebound Kensai with a Homunculous Familiar and a big gun).

Sovereign Court

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I enjoyed Gaius Baltar from the new Battlestar Galactica so much that I made a Calistrian cleric after him - he's chaotic neutral, lies like it's going out of style, and is out for himself first. I've had him grow a little bit on the way, caring about a few select other people (kids and those in need) to the point where I really play him neutral with a teeny tiny good tendency.

Grand Lodge

One I did myself was an elven monk named Shizuru who wielded a naginata.

After my latest series marathon, I think I need to run an outcast prince who specializes in enchantment spells.

I generally don't do this, but I have to admit to once creating a 2nd Edition Savage Ranger ripped off almost entirely from Tarzan and the character Reacher from the Coramonde books.

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
One I did myself was an elven monk named Shizuru who wielded a naginata.

I hope she was incredibly, incredibly unhinged and/or unnaturally obsessed with another character. But always super polite!

Half of the characters in that series would make really cool summoners...

TriOmegaZero wrote:
After my latest series marathon, I think I need to run an outcast prince who specializes in enchantment spells.

Best done with psionics I think. That way there's no material components or anything, just a sudden, unexpected, kill them all...

I hope I got those references right. Awkward if not. :P

Grand Lodge

Hmm, well he always seemed to need to make somatic gestures, but really only the verbal ones were important. :)

Although I don't hold to the idea that it must BE the character in every way. Inspiration without total copy.

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I GMed a game where the Gunslinger based his character loosely off Vash from Trigun.

Coincidentally, the Cleric based his off Wolfwood.

Yeah, it was an interesting campaign, being Lovecraftian and all.

If I typed it all out it would look like a bad Trigun-Lovecraft crossover fanfic.

Ogre Barbarian/Paladin (yeah I know the alignments don't work, but that is what the character is) Bazhell Banakson from David Weber's War God series. (He claims they are orcs, but Bazhell is 7'9")

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My current bard is based off of The Grey Mouser. Mercurial, skirt-chasing, but overall good (mostly) and is good friends with the Fafhrd-like barbarian in the group.

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Perhaps not the best of literary works, but I have in my game an elven inquisitor (with the Community domain) and she is modeled after Goodkind's Confessors from the Sword of Truth series.

All she has to do is look at a PC or NPC to get the desired Bluff-, Diplomacy-, or Intimidate-based result. She's also decent as a melee/ranged combatant.

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Paul Muad'Dib
Either a cleric of... himself?
One HELL of a Ranger (Skirmisher?)
or a destined blooded sorcerer.

Scott_UAT wrote:

Paul Muad'Dib

Either a cleric of... himself?
One HELL of a Ranger (Skirmisher?)
or a destined blooded sorcerer.

Depending on you're source material, you could go with a Bard to emulate Voice training. I don't know off hand if the archetypes would prevent this, but I would go with either a sound striker and dervish or arcane duelist.

Otherwise, yeah, skirmisher or guide would be a good bet. Unless there was a boatload of sandworms, then I might consider a cavalier of sorts.

Nitro-13 wrote:
I made a Drow monk based off Spiderman Noir once.

I would be very interested to hear more about that. I love Spider-man noir. Probably more than standard universe Spider-man.

When working on my PFS musket master a few ideas popped into my head.

pistolero/master of many styles monk with the catch off guard feat who uses his guns as improvised weapons based off the clerics in Equalibrium

gunslinger/urban barb-invulnerable rager with high intimidate who uses a blue lantern to trigger his rage based of Randel Oland from Pumpkin Scissors

Gunslinger/monk = Gramaton Cleric...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Rolls to resist getting into thread ...
1d20 ⇒ 10
... Damn it!

Gil Grissom – LG Gnome* Alchemist & Loremaster
[*- Yes, gnome! Consider the character's odd behaviors and somewhat obsessive traits.]

... actually all the CSI (at least in the original series) would be Alchemists with various specialties.

The Crusader wrote:

This was a purely theory-crafted joke by my group. A level 20 monk with the feat Run, and then nothing but 15x Fleet feats, under the effects of the Haste spell, has a base movement speed of 165 feet. If he runs as a full round action he moves 1650 feet, which is 990,000 feet per hour, or 187.5 miles per hour. Tornado force winds (175+ mph) do 6d6 damage per round for every round a creature or object is exposed to them.

The Flash.

I love this idea, and now I'm trying to create it. A few questions:

1) How did you get 16 feats as a monk? None of the monk's or monk archetypes' bonus feats let me choose Run or Fleet, and as a human monk I can get a max of 11 feats by level 20. What am I missing?

2) How did you get the x10 run speed? I can find the rules for x5 run speed, but that's only if I have the Run feat and it's a full round action. I can't seem to find any rules for x10.

Thanks for the help!


So far, I can get a movement speed of 185 before running.

Base Speed: 30
Barbarian 2: +10
Swift Rage: +5
Martial Artist Monk 18: +60
Fleet x10: +50
Haste: +30

185 x5 (Run) = 925 ft in 6 seconds, or 154 feet per second.

154 fps = 105 mph. Not quit tornado status, but well within hurricane.

If I can get that x10 Run speed, that brings us to 308fps = 210 mph.

If I can get those 6 extra Fleet feats, that brings us up to 205 base speed. Running at x5 is 1025 in six seconds = 171fps = 116mph. Or combined with the x10: 342fps = 233mph.

Looks like even without the monk's bonus feats, we can still do this if we can simply get that x10 run speed.

Liberty's Edge

Haste and Monk do not stack : they are both enhancement bonuses.

Fastest 20-th level character I imagined had a Speed of 180 without magic items or spell effects.

Elf, Cleric (Travel) 1/Oracle (Flame) 1/Monk 18

Feats : The whole Eldritch Heritage chain with either Elemental (Fire) or Efreeti + 6 times Fleet.

I saw Natsu mentioned in the OP. I think Martial Artist Monk with Dragon Style covers him a lot better. Maybe make him a Suli with only fire damage.

The black raven wrote:

Haste and Monk do not stack : they are both enhancement bonuses.

Fastest 20-th level character I imagined had a Speed of 180 without magic items or spell effects.

Elf, Cleric (Travel) 1/Oracle (Flame) 1/Monk 18

Feats : The whole Eldritch Heritage chain with either Elemental (Fire) or Efreeti + 6 times Fleet.

Nice catch.

Ok, so no haste.

We can do 18 Monk and any combination of Barbarian 1, Cleric (Travel) 1, or Oracle (Flame) 1 for the other 2 levels.

Human: 30
Monk: +60
Other 2: +20
Eldritch Heritage (2 feet chain): +30
Fleet x8: +40

Total: 180

Shadow Lodge

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A young goblin, abducted at an early age by human cultists, found out that the fools in his tribe were wrong: writing is what rules the world! Escaping to his tribe only to get thrown out again, he rejoins the cult of the human god, and is given a magical ring by them in order to inspire great fear.

Goblin Necromancer/Cleric of Norgorber/Mystic Theurge who specializes in fear spells, Yellow Lantern Goblin.

His goblin song-prayer:

In Blackest Day, in Brightest Night/
Beware your fears made into light/
Let all who try to stop what's right/
burn like my power - NORGORBER's might!

(Also, "Norgorber Corps" is really funny to say)

Also, anyone who's read a Redwall book would probably have had a passing idea for a group full of catfolk/kitsune/tengu/whatever who want to set up a monestary... Or they could just play Ironclaw, or overlay furries over whatever fantasy setting they want.

Personally, I feel like making a character who's obviously someone else only works best when all the players want to do that and the GM finds it just as hilarious.

Liberty's Edge

bookrat wrote:

We can do 18 Monk and any combination of Barbarian 1, Cleric (Travel) 1, or Oracle (Flame) 1 for the other 2 levels.

Human: 30
Monk: +60
Other 2: +20
Eldritch Heritage (2 feet chain): +30
Fleet x8: +40

Total: 180

The Eldritch Heritage chain has to be the whole 4 feats (Skill Focus : Kn Planes included) to get the speed. Thus Fleet can be taken only 6 times.

Monk is +60, but Elf with favored class option makes it +78 (mechanically equal to +75).

I seem to have miscalculated previously as I now get :

Elf: 30
Monk (Elf favored class option): +75
Other 2: +20
Eldritch Heritage (4 feat chain): +30
Fleet x6: +30

Total: 185

The black raven wrote:
bookrat wrote:

We can do 18 Monk and any combination of Barbarian 1, Cleric (Travel) 1, or Oracle (Flame) 1 for the other 2 levels.

Human: 30
Monk: +60
Other 2: +20
Eldritch Heritage (2 feet chain): +30
Fleet x8: +40

Total: 180

The Eldritch Heritage chain has to be the whole 4 feats (Skill Focus : Kn Planes included) to get the speed. Thus Fleet can be taken only 6 times.

Monk is +60, but Elf with favored class option makes it +78 (mechanically equal to +75).

I seem to have miscalculated previously as I now get :

Elf: 30
Monk (Elf favored class option): +75
Other 2: +20
Eldritch Heritage (4 feat chain): +30
Fleet x6: +30

Total: 185

I was quickly skimming it and I missed that it was a higher level power. Thanks! Also, good catch with the elf.

Fig wrote:
Perhaps not the best of literary works...


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The cast of the hit series "Bones":

Vivisectionist mind chemist = Bones
Ranger/ rogue/ sleepless detective = Booth
Druid = Hodgins
Bard = Angela
Enchanter Wiz= Sweets

Fig wrote:

Perhaps not the best of literary works, but I have in my game an elven inquisitor (with the Community domain) and she is modeled after Goodkind's Confessors from the Sword of Truth series.

All she has to do is look at a PC or NPC to get the desired Bluff-, Diplomacy-, or Intimidate-based result. She's also decent as a melee/ranged combatant.

Way back when...

On one of these pages I described a character I made. Ranger with about 10 different weapons (I may be exaggerating a bit). Named him Chase.

This was a 2nd ed character, so it was a bit more difficult to emulate compared to pathfinder.

Question: would it be more difficult to base a character off the book series or the TV show? :)

bookrat wrote:

Way back when...

On one of these pages I described a character I made. Ranger with about 10 different weapons (I may be exaggerating a bit). Named him Chase.

This was a 2nd ed character, so it was a bit more difficult to emulate compared to pathfinder.

Question: would it be more difficult to base a character off the book series or the TV show? :)

I would imagine the books, but that's up for debate. Given the chance, I wouldn't mind trying to put some effort into making (show) Mord Sith. The only problem is that it would likely be another inquisitor.

The Sisters of the Light might be more interesting: specialized knife fighters with some casting. A bard perhaps?

I do like the idea of making Chase: he would make for a good character, I have no doubt.

Here is something that takes a bit of a tweak. Drizzt Do'Urden as a sohei monk with dervish dance. The tweak comes with him being able to use two scimitars at the same time, and let weapon training apply to scimitars. Minor change that, but sohei 8 gives him some super flurry options, + 4 to ini and the ability to act in a surprise round, better will saves, and all that jazz. Make him ranger (guide) 2/ sohei 8/ ranger X. Focus on archery style feats, and the rest goes to "TWF" with scimitar flurries.

Michael Westin is a bard/ rogue.

My personal favorite is a teifling ninja/ shadow dancer named Kurt Wagner.

Ever since I picked up Age of Aztec by James Lovegrove, I've had an idea floating around. Based of the Conquistador of that book.

An inquisitor that serves no particular deity, but instead is devoted to bringing down a false theocracy. I would most likely build him to be extremely defensive, given his tactics thus far. He would have some crazy enhanced rapier, a pepper-box (revolver, if advanced firearms), and a mithril breastplate of some sort.

Or, Ender from Ender's Game. A young bard using Perform (Oratory) to inspire courage.

I poped out a young template Sabosan bard based of the exploits of batboy from the weekley world news.

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