Old (A)D&D Adventures in Golarion

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I am relatively new to Pathfinder (about 7 months now), and even more so to Golarion. However, I have been playing D&D in one form or another since about 1982, and I have a massive collection of old adventures.

I am very interested in converting some of these to Pathfinder and placing them in Golarion, but I'm clueless as to where they might fit. I was hoping others more knowledgeable than me might offer their advice.

In particular, I'm thinking of the generic, non-world-specific adventures, or ones that could easily fit in Golarion. The old Dragonlance and Dark Sun adventures are probably out, as they are very world-specific, but something like Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure could easily fit in Golarion with minor tweaking. Also, most Ravenloft adventures would seem to fit nicely into Ustalav.

I also have a large campaign I started working on, and I am definitely bringing that into Golarion once I've fit it. I was only a few adventures in, but these are the ones I had finished at the time:

N4 - Treasure Hunt
B9 - Castle Caldwell and Beyond
RQ1 - Night of the Walking Dead
UK2 - The Sentinel
UK3 - The Gauntlet
RA3 - Touch of Death
RA1 - Feast of Goblyns (work halted on this one atm)

The above list is just a small sampling of the many, many adventures that would be great to convert.

Some of them could probably fit just about anywhere (The Ghost Tower of Inverness and Tomb of Horrors come to mind), while others would have to be placed very carefully (such as the Slave Lord adventures).

So, does anyone have any idea where to place the older adventures in Golarion? Not just the ones mentioned above, but ANY of them?

If necessary, I could provide a list of adventures from the before-time....

Thanks in advance!


I'm still trying to find "Bone Hill"

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Interestingly enough there is mention of "Caves of Chaos" in the the Worldwound. So that's where B2 Keep on the Borderlands could be set. Numeria is good for "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks". The Slavelord series with some slight alterations could start out in any country adjacent to the River Lands (like Galt or Brevoy, or as asequel to the Kingmaker adventure path- perhaps the slavelords were organized to antagonize the new rulers who dared meddle in Riverlands business, especially if they had the audacity to annex Pitax!)"The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" series seems like it would fit in quite well if started at Sandpoint or some other shore side location in Varasia. Hope that helps a little.

David Ingraham wrote:

Interestingly enough there is mention of "Caves of Chaos" in the the Worldwound. So that's where B2 Keep on the Borderlands could be set.

Isn't the Worldwound supposed to be some sort of hellmouth? Demonspawn spewing forth, etc.? Sounds a bit dangerous for a level 1-3 party. (B2 seems pretty generic enough that it could fit almost anywhere though.)

David Ingraham wrote:

The Slavelord series with some slight alterations could start out in any country adjacent to the River Lands

Fitting the Slave Lords in has a number of tricky points, as I see it. The first two adventures, no problem. But if I remember correctly, A3 and A4 take place on an island, one with a volcano that is threatening to erupt. While that in itself shouldn't be too difficult, the fact that so many countries seem to accept and participate in slavery makes it slightly harder...there's no point in putting them in a country like Katapesh, for example.

David Ingraham wrote:

"The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" series seems like it would fit in quite well if started at Sandpoint or some other shore side location in Varasia.

I like this suggestion! I've been reading my friend's copy of Pathfinder #1, Burnt Offerings (I wish I could find a copy of my own!), familiarizing myself somewhat with the area, and it seems perfect. I even seem to recall some nearby marshlands that could be used for the second adventure in that series!

Thanks for the helpful suggestions!


Taffer wrote:

I am relatively new to Pathfinder (about 7 months now), and even more so to Golarion. However, I have been playing D&D in one form or another since about 1982, and I have a massive collection of old adventures.

I am very interested in converting some of these to Pathfinder and placing them in Golarion, but I'm clueless as to where they might fit. I was hoping others more knowledgeable than me might offer their advice.

In particular, I'm thinking of the generic, non-world-specific adventures, or ones that could easily fit in Golarion. The old Dragonlance and Dark Sun adventures are probably out, as they are very world-specific, but something like Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure could easily fit in Golarion with minor tweaking. Also, most Ravenloft adventures would seem to fit nicely into Ustalav.

I also have a large campaign I started working on, and I am definitely bringing that into Golarion once I've fit it. I was only a few adventures in, but these are the ones I had finished at the time:

N4 - Treasure Hunt
B9 - Castle Caldwell and Beyond
RQ1 - Night of the Walking Dead
UK2 - The Sentinel
UK3 - The Gauntlet
RA3 - Touch of Death
RA1 - Feast of Goblyns (work halted on this one atm)

The above list is just a small sampling of the many, many adventures that would be great to convert.

Some of them could probably fit just about anywhere (The Ghost Tower of Inverness and Tomb of Horrors come to mind), while others would have to be placed very carefully (such as the Slave Lord adventures).

So, does anyone have any idea where to place the older adventures in Golarion? Not just the ones mentioned above, but ANY of them?

If necessary, I could provide a list of adventures from the before-time....

Thanks in advance!


I have a few of these myself...any chance that we can get a look at the conversions? Also where you plean on putting these in Golarion would be awesome!

Thanks in advance for your hard work!


Hell I'd love to help you with some of the conversions, especiually if you have any of them in PDF format. If you would like my help my contact information is in my profile

Dark Archive

We did A Paladin in Hell.
- Cheliax easy fit.

Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
- Varisia, good fit but could almost anywhere.

Grand Lodge

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B2 couldn't be in The Worldwound. It doesn't at all fit. No Abyssal-stuff there. Somewhere in rural Andoran makes sense, though -- or maybe the River Kingdoms.

A1-A4 could work pretty much anywhere: Varisia, Cheliax, Taldor... the Pomarj isn't that detailed. A3 & A4 take place on a tiny island on a large lake in the Pomarj (an orc-filled peninsula). A1 & A2 take place in the wilds around that lake in the orc-filled peninsula.

A Paladin in Hell would work well in Taldor. This Monte Cook masterpiece starts off in a pretty standard D&D setting, nothin to do with devils at first. The tornado-like storm the PCs have to get their MacGuffin at the beginning could be the Eye of Abendigo, maybe.

ToEE in Varisia -- or anywhere, really. Hommlet and Nulb could be anywhere but my first choice is Nidal.

I ran Wolfgang Baur's "Kingdom of the Ghouls" in the River Kingdoms but it could be anywhere.

U1, as mentioned, is perfect in Sandpoint, but the Cheliax coast could work, too.

L1 & L2 may be tough -- off Taldor's coast may be your best bet -- or rather -- the only thing that doesn't sound waaay wrong.

W E Ray wrote:
A Paladin in Hell would work well in Taldor. This Monte Cook masterpiece starts off in a pretty standard D&D setting, nothin to do with devils at first. The tornado-like storm the PCs have to get their MacGuffin at the beginning could be the Eye of Abendigo, maybe.

I never got my hands on that one... after about a year or so of 2nd edition, I decided it was crap and stuck with 1st edition. Didn't get any of the products after that until 3rd came out. (I am sorely regretting that decision now.)

W E Ray wrote:
L1 & L2 may be tough -- off Taldor's coast may be your best bet -- or rather -- the only thing that doesn't sound waaay wrong.

What's the big problem with the L-series? I may be forgetting something big here (L1 was my very first introduction to D&D), but as I recall, L1 is just some ruins on a hill somewhere, and L2 was an urban murder mystery. Seems either of them could fit in just about anywhere.


Moochiepoochies wrote:

I have a few of these myself...any chance that we can get a look at the conversions? Also where you plean on putting these in Golarion would be awesome!

Thanks in advance for your hard work!

I'm sorry for the confusion. Any conversions I have done so far have been converting from old edition to D&D 3.5. I PLAN to convert them to Pathfinder/Golarion, but I haven't done anything in that regards as of yet. Sorry. :(

SPOILERS AHEAD!!! These may be old adventures, but not everyone's familiar with them!

As far as my choice for placing those adventures, the following is based on my limited exposures to Golarion so far.

All I've really come up with is that the UK3 adventure might work well in Varisia, down in/near the mountains between Korvosa and the Bloodsworn Vale. If my memory isn't failing me, I seem to recall there being some sort of border history down near that region, and an old/ancient keep guarding the pass through the mountains seems to fit there. UK2 would need to be nearby, since it leads into UK3. As I recall, the Bloodsworn Vale region is a bit on the untamed side, and the area and events in UK2 would seem to fit almost seamlessly.

B9 can fit just about anywhere, it's pretty generic. (At least the first two parts of the module...those are the only ones I used in my campaign, I skipped the other three parts).

The Ravenloft modules in my campaign are no longer set in Ravenloft. RQ1 is a zombie adventure in a small, isolated village near a swamp/marsh. Touch of Death is an isolated section of desert (probably Osirion, it's quite Egyptian in flavour). RA1 is a bit of weird one, but I seem to remember it being very "horror flavoured", with werewolves and a couple of vampires. Really can't see this one fitting anywhere but Ustalav without some major plot/content re-writing.

N4 is my biggest problem. I've no idea where to put that. An isolated island that no one has visited for 60 years, but not to far from civilization... the shipwrecked characters escape from their slavers (was having this lead into A1-4) and need to find their way off the island and sail home (or at least to a friendly port).

I also wanted to include Giant series, possibly the Drow series (without Q1), and a few older favourites (White Plume Mountain, Ghost Tower of Inverness, the Desert of Desolation series)...but I never got around to working on them. Even ToEE was planned to make an appearance! (I should probably mention I was going through and reworking content to fit the characters' levels...they were gonna hit G1 around 15th level!)


I am working on including Desert of Desolation into my upcoming campaign and plan on placing it crossing the borders of Katapesh and Osirion; starting just south of the Brazen Peaks and ending somewhere in the middle of the desert. I'll probably be posting my conversion notes when I finish everything.


Grand Lodge

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The "L" in the L Series stands for Lendore Isles.

"The Secret of Bone Hill" and "Assassin's Knot" both take place on the same small island.

But you're right, there's not really much "island" to the adventures -- you could make them inland adventures and I don't think anyone (except maybe Len Lakofka) would ever notice.

I hadn't thought of that when I posted.

Grand Lodge

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The UK series almost seems to me as being food for northern and eastern Varisian and into Belkzen -- but I could sorta see it elsewhere, too. Nothing perfect.

N4 works in my head off the coast of Augustana almost perfectly, maybe the island is closer to the Celiax border than it is to Augustana. But that could just be in my head.

C2 Screams to start in Absalom and finish in an old ghost tower elsewhere on the Isle of Kortos. This one seems obvious to me; it's perfect.

Grand Lodge

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Belongs in Greyhawk.


(But I guess I'd put it in far eastern Taldor, northeastern Taldor -- right up next to the mountains. I can see an Istivin-like city there and the remote and large peaks are there.)

(The other place is somewhere in southern 5 Kings Mountains and northeastern Andoran, with a bit of northwestern Taldor. Here you'd just have to decide whether the Istivin-like city is on the eastern part (west Taldor) or if it's on the western side (northeast Andoran).)

(Finally, you could put GDQ in north-central / northwest Cheliax on the Menador Mountains close to the Nidal border.)

....But only if you're evil and have no soul.
GDQ belongs in GH.

In the Stolen Lands campaign I play our DM used the Saltmarsh adventure and later the Arena of Thyatis (Timon), tough both were camouflaged

Grand Lodge

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I was thinking about the L series and actually, suprisingly, I think it is perfect for southern Ustalov -- a little island off the coast.

Bone Hill is all about, er,... "creepy?" undead -- zombires and skeletorns or somesuch and Assassin's Knot is the kind of murder mystery / political intrigue kinda adventure that feels apropos for city-life in Ustalov.

W E Ray wrote:
C2 Screams to start in Absalom and finish in an old ghost tower elsewhere on the Isle of Kortos. This one seems obvious to me; it's perfect.

I will have to remember that when the time comes. I had been planning to start my campaign in Absalom. It would make a nice ironic twist if, near the end, they ended up so close to where they started. :)

W E Ray wrote:


Belongs in Greyhawk.


I can see your position here, the Giant series always had a strong Greyhawk presence...and with the differences between D&D's and Pathfinder's versions of the Underdark and Drow, the D series would be a difficult fit (again, without lots of content replacement...no Kuo-Toa or Mind Flayers in Pathfinder :( ). And I really can't see Q1 fitting into Golarion at all.

But the giant series, I think, could me added to Golarion without too much difficulty. Once a location is found, it's really just a question of changing place names, if I remember correctly.


Grand Lodge


I wouldn't call G1, G2 and G3 a series.
More like two-and-a-half lame hack-n-slash sets of encounters, not really different from Monte Cook's Orc-N-Pie, really.

It could fit in Golarion.

But the series as a whole, well....

Okay, any of you experts care to tell me how to fit in Dead Gods? No, I am serious. Is it at all possible, or tons of work without a payoff?

Grand Lodge

First a few questions:

Are you gonna keep it as Orcus (Tenebrus)? or change it to one of Pathfinder's? (Personally, I think you HAVE to keep him Orcus but, duh, it's your game not mine.)

Where are you gonna put Sigil in the Pathfinder cosmology? (Personally I'd go midway into the Great Beyond -- not too Deep, not too near).

Any problems keeping Set in Pathfinder -- if not it's no biggie, Set is in Dead Gods only as a token Suber-Awesome, Super-Evil (And Lawful) personality that Tenebrous puts a major Beat-Down on. Who do your Players see as a Super-Awesome, Super-Evil, also Lawful baddie that can be used instead, Mephistopheles?, Baalzebub? Maybe even Asmodeus if you really wanna scare 'em?

Once you have those two biggies, the rest of Monte Cook's classic should fit pretty easily.

How 'bout this:

"Sigil" is in the Great Beyond (but not so far as to be Far-Realm-tainted) and has many doors to the Boneyard and other Outer Planes . . . . The "real" reason Paizo hasn't published Orcus is because he's dead and his Wand is lost . . . . Yggdrasil still connects everything as per Great Wheel cosmology, no problem . . . . The "wilderness-like" Outlands where the campaign begins is remote, rural Boneyard (obviously connected to Yggdrasil) . . . . Set or whoever still gets his Aspect slaughtered letting the PCs know something really scary is happening . . . . Cold Lands, 9 Hells, Vault of the Drow, Arborea, Howling Planes -- all that stuff is easy. That is, none of that stuff is either too different from Pathfinder OR too famous that it's immediately recognized as "Not Pathfinder"; They can all be Demi Planes, Layers of the Abyss, Great Beyond worlds, etc. -- no one will know and nothing will contradict future Paizo published material and it won't affect your Dead Gods Campaign in the slightest.


And done.

Taffer wrote:

I've been reading my friend's copy of Pathfinder #1, Burnt Offerings (I wish I could find a copy of my own.


Paizo is coming out with a Pathfinder updated book of the first Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords it is expected in June 2012.

W E Ray wrote:

First a few questions:

Are you gonna keep it as Orcus (Tenebrus)? or change it to one of Pathfinder's? (Personally, I think you HAVE to keep him Orcus but, duh, it's your game not mine.)

Where are you gonna put Sigil in the Pathfinder cosmology? (Personally I'd go midway into the Great Beyond -- not too Deep, not too near).

Any problems keeping Set in Pathfinder -- if not it's no biggie, Set is in Dead Gods only as a token Suber-Awesome, Super-Evil (And Lawful) personality that Tenebrous puts a major Beat-Down on. Who do your Players see as a Super-Awesome, Super-Evil, also Lawful baddie that can be used instead, Mephistopheles?, Baalzebub? Maybe even Asmodeus if you really wanna scare 'em?

Once you have those two biggies, the rest of Monte Cook's classic should fit pretty easily.

How 'bout this:

"Sigil" is in the Great Beyond (but not so far as to be Far-Realm-tainted) and has many doors to the Boneyard and other Outer Planes . . . . The "real" reason Paizo hasn't published Orcus is because he's dead and his Wand is lost . . . . Yggdrasil still connects everything as per Great Wheel cosmology, no problem . . . . The "wilderness-like" Outlands where the campaign begins is remote, rural Boneyard (obviously connected to Yggdrasil) . . . . Set or whoever still gets his Aspect slaughtered letting the PCs know something really scary is happening . . . . Cold Lands, 9 Hells, Vault of the Drow, Arborea, Howling Planes -- all that stuff is easy. That is, none of that stuff is either too different from Pathfinder OR too famous that it's immediately recognized as "Not Pathfinder"; They can all be Demi Planes, Layers of the Abyss, Great Beyond worlds, etc. -- no one will know and nothing will contradict future Paizo published material and it won't affect your Dead Gods Campaign in the slightest.


And done.

I thought Orcus was still in Pathfinder...

I always liked Against the Cult of the Reptile God (I think that's N1), and the Lenore Isles series, expecially Assassin's Knot...

Grand Lodge

N1 -- or really the remote town or Orlane -- can literally be ANYWHERE in Golarion. It could fit 100% perfectly in Varisia. It could fit 100% perfectly in Andoran. It could fit perfectly in remote Taldor or Cheliax or The River Kingdoms or Molthune/ Nirmathas/ Lastwall. N1 is one of those adventures that can go anywhere seemlessly.

Incidentally, it is also one of my ALL TIME favorites. It's Number Four on my Greatest Modules List of 1E and one of the greatest ever.
Orcus might be a name somewhere in a sentence in a little used paragraph in Pathfinder but he's not really "Orcus!" -- equal to Lamashtu or Asmodeus or Rovagug.

Grand Lodge

It seems to me that there are too many similarities between "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" and "The Skinsaw Murders." A GM should probably run either "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" or "The Skinsaw Murders", but not both, with the same group of players. I presume that players would recognize the similarities between the two adventures and their experience with one would affect how they play the other.

Taffer wrote:
David Ingraham wrote:

Interestingly enough there is mention of "Caves of Chaos" in the the Worldwound. So that's where B2 Keep on the Borderlands could be set.

Isn't the Worldwound supposed to be some sort of hellmouth? Demonspawn spewing forth, etc.? Sounds a bit dangerous for a level 1-3 party. (B2 seems pretty generic enough that it could fit almost anywhere though.)

David Ingraham wrote:

The Slavelord series with some slight alterations could start out in any country adjacent to the River Lands

Fitting the Slave Lords in has a number of tricky points, as I see it. The first two adventures, no problem. But if I remember correctly, A3 and A4 take place on an island, one with a volcano that is threatening to erupt. While that in itself shouldn't be too difficult, the fact that so many countries seem to accept and participate in slavery makes it slightly harder...there's no point in putting them in a country like Katapesh, for example.

David Ingraham wrote:

"The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" series seems like it would fit in quite well if started at Sandpoint or some other shore side location in Varasia.

I like this suggestion! I've been reading my friend's copy of Pathfinder #1, Burnt Offerings (I wish I could find a copy of my own!), familiarizing myself somewhat with the area, and it seems perfect. I even seem to recall some nearby marshlands that could be used for the second adventure in that series!

Thanks for the helpful suggestions!


I could see the Slavers series in the Mwangi Expanse/Shackles area. It'd require a bit more tweaking than normal, but it would explain the islands and be thematic down there.

Y'know, I didn't realize this thread was a necro until it was too late.

I would be very interested in your take on the Sentinel and the Gauntlet.

How would you change the Slavelords? In the original, it was tied back to the Giants series and then the Drow modules with the House of Eliserv behind the whole thing, if I remember correctly.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Slavelords, you just have to find the source of the slavers. Doubtless they are working with the Katapeshi, and flirting with Absalom and Qadira and Osiron. The whole module fits perfectly in the Inner Sea area, and the gnoll/flinds in the second part of it fit nicely for the desert states there. From there, it's just a matter of setting their secret base out in the islands there, competing or allied with the pirates of the Shackles.

Really, you could dump Slavelords into Skull and Shackles as a long-term nemesis and do fine.

Sub aboloth influence for drow, and you're pretty much good to go.

The GDQ series works fine for Varisia, you just have to realize that there's a huge shift in power for Giants vs Drow in PF. The drow are going to need something substantial to dominate or influence giants, especially those already wary of being enslaved. I'd personally have a Drow House backing a particularly ambitious Rune Giant, and start leading attacks down into Galt or one of the other states that isn't really expecting Giant attacks (or the giants are driving out other races which are hitting those states.) Galt makes fine sense if you use the premise of geased PC's being forced to take on the Giants.

Remember that GDQ is driven by conflict between Eclavdra as a cleric of the Elder Elemental Evil, and Lolth. That simply makes it a conflict of religions...and drow are all up for secular conflict between demonic religions. If House Eilservs and their Cthulthu-esque patron is on a tear to gain power, that is just fine. The Vault is simply a stronghold of the drow not found yet by most surface dwellers. You can completely remove the Lolth influence entirely...plenty of other demon lords willing to fill in.

Too, some of the encounters are going to be absolutely killer if taken as presented...and a city of drow is not somethign even high level characters should be stirring up.


Liberty's Edge

I ran a converted version of the compilation B1-9: In Search of Adventure in Varisia and it worked great. Some of the adventures were goofy old school fun too. Castle Caldwell anyone?

Grand Lodge

Where would GMs place the forbidden city of Xuxulieto in the Golarion campaign setting? Has anyone converted "I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City" to Pathfinder? I presume that the yuan-ti would be converted to Pathfinder's serpent-folk? Has anyone made a conversion that they would be willing to share?

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What about Okeno for the slaver series?

Aelryinth wrote:

Slavelords, you just have to find the source of the slavers. Doubtless they are working with the Katapeshi, and flirting with Absalom and Qadira and Osiron. The whole module fits perfectly in the Inner Sea area, and the gnoll/flinds in the second part of it fit nicely for the desert states there. From there, it's just a matter of setting their secret base out in the islands there, competing or allied with the pirates of the Shackles.

Really, you could dump Slavelords into Skull and Shackles as a long-term nemesis and do fine.

Sub aboloth influence for drow, and you're pretty much good to go.

The GDQ series works fine for Varisia, you just have to realize that there's a huge shift in power for Giants vs Drow in PF. The drow are going to need something substantial to dominate or influence giants, especially those already wary of being enslaved. I'd personally have a Drow House backing a particularly ambitious Rune Giant, and start leading attacks down into Galt or one of the other states that isn't really expecting Giant attacks (or the giants are driving out other races which are hitting those states.) Galt makes fine sense if you use the premise of geased PC's being forced to take on the Giants.

Remember that GDQ is driven by conflict between Eclavdra as a cleric of the Elder Elemental Evil, and Lolth. That simply makes it a conflict of religions...and drow are all up for secular conflict between demonic religions. If House Eilservs and their Cthulthu-esque patron is on a tear to gain power, that is just fine. The Vault is simply a stronghold of the drow not found yet by most surface dwellers. You can completely remove the Lolth influence entirely...plenty of other demon lords willing to fill in.

Too, some of the encounters are going to be absolutely killer if taken as presented...and a city of drow is not somethign even high level characters should be stirring up.


This is all good stuff to consider. Thanks for sharing!

Shadow Lodge

I have to wonder, wouldn't it be easier to tell the players "We're doing the next campaign in Greyhawk/Mystara/etc than all the work involved in trying to make these adventures make sense in Golarion?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Varisia has enough open space and varied terrain to fit most things, in my experience. It lacks big, interconnected empires, but they're pretty rare in AD&D modules anyhow.

"From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold stars, "I am man.", our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our mortality. But tonight, we shall hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself. Tonight, we shall ascend into the heavens. We shall mock the earthquake. We shall command the thunders, and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself."

Have people found it easier to convert old adventures into Pathfinder 2nd Edition or Pathfinder 1st?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kthulhu wrote:
I have to wonder, wouldn't it be easier to tell the players "We're doing the next campaign in Greyhawk/Mystara/etc than all the work involved in trying to make these adventures make sense in Golarion?

The problem there is you need to convert the setting information. Not a small issue when you think about it.

I believe there was one called The Hidden Shrine of Tchmon(sp) a tourney module where three pre-gens at first had to race against time to get out of a poison filled section of a tomb and then get the rest of the way out. Sounds like it would be good for a jungle setting.

Or maybe get something from the old D&D modules. Earthshaker! Find the giant robot to beat back the Oliphant of Janderley.

I'm currently playing in a Play By Post Age of Worms game for PF2e, and other than rebuilding things in 2e the DM has plopped it down in Varisia, with Diamond Lake being a sister-town to Sandpoint. The younger sister, the one nobody wants to hang out with.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Morhek wrote:
I'm currently playing in a Play By Post Age of Worms game for PF2e, and other than rebuilding things in 2e the DM has plopped it down in Varisia, with Diamond Lake being a sister-town to Sandpoint. The younger sister, the one nobody wants to hang out with.

I hate to break it to you, but the adventures we're talking about here are decades older then Age of Worms.

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I mean, sure, but Age of Worms itself is nearly 20 years old at this point. It works perfectly well for the thread.

Meanwhile, what's funny is that B2 KotB doesn't work in the Worldwound, it might well make sense for a border area between Mendev and the Sarkoris Scar in PF2E. :V

Also, yes, S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is the classic Numeria plot.

I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, could easily be in the Mwangi Expanse, though given its age you may want to, uh. Massage it a bit for unfortunate elements.

In general, the big problem, especially post-Remaster, is going to be matching monster types from 1E or 2E to more modern interpretations, and making use of the larger bestiary available to PF to fill things in. Old testament adventures are certainly usable, but they might be a lot of work to adapt in some cases.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SpaceDrake wrote:
I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, could easily be in the Mwangi Expanse, though given its age you may want to, uh. Massage it a bit for unfortunate elements.

Yet it is, ironically, less offensive then Serpent's Skull.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Thread Necromancer wrote:

"From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold stars, "I am man.", our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our mortality. But tonight, we shall hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself. Tonight, we shall ascend into the heavens. We shall mock the earthquake. We shall command the thunders, and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself."

Have people found it easier to convert old adventures into Pathfinder 2nd Edition or Pathfinder 1st?

So, for me it's much easier to convert to second edition than first. First edition I was always worried about my encounters. Are they so weak the players will steamroll them, or did I put in a TPK? Second edition I don't have to worry as much...

Wikipedia list of modules

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

When I ran Kingmaker, I inserted Castle Amber as an interlude, replacing Steven Amber in the backstory with Count Ranalc, and revealing a (somewhat revised) explanation of Nyrissa and Ranalc's relationship, including the ghost of a cursed daughter in the throne room.

Grand Lodge

Ah, one of this Grognard's favorite ever Thread topics!

Phillip Gastone wrote:
I believe there was one called The Hidden Shrine of Tchmon(sp) a tourney module where three pre-gens at first had to race against time to get out of a poison filled section of a tomb and then get the rest of the way out. Sounds like it would be good for a jungle setting.


The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is one of the all-time favorites, though it never tickled me too much. Like ToH it had a booklet of illustrations that was amazing. And the "C" in C1 stands for "Convention" -- as in, 'Convention Play'.

Grand Lodge

SpaceDrake wrote:
Also, yes, S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is the classic Numeria plot.



Is S3 the classic Blackmoor plot?!?

Arneson did his whole, Temple of the Frog / Saint Stephen / Blackmoor idea a few years before Gygax made the Froghemoth adventure.

Grand Lodge

Lord Fyre wrote:
Yet (I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City), ironically, less offensive then Serpent's Skull.


And as implied, Serpent's Skull is a true and faithful homage to I1. (that actually improves upon the Dave Cook masterpiece -- of course going from 28-32 pages vs 6 volumes of 96 pages does that) In fact, it's one of those homage adventures that almost borders on plagiarism.

But yeah, The Mwangi Expanse is great for Dwellers.

Grand Lodge

TritonOne wrote:
It seems to me that there are too many similarities between "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" and "The Skinsaw Murders." A GM should probably run either "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" or "The Skinsaw Murders", but not both, with the same group of players. I presume that players would recognize the similarities between the two adventures and their experience with one would affect how they play the other.


I know this is from a decade ago, but, when it was first posted (over a year after my last post in this Thread), I missed it.

I don't think there are any similarities at all between U1 and Skinsaw.

Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh:
In U1 there's rumors of a haunted house on the hill outside of town but, upon investigation, it's not haunted at all -- there are a few lame smugglers using 1st Level illusion spells to keep folks away. NO Undead. No ghosts, or hauntings or anything spooky or, frankly, even sinister. The PCs wipe out the smugglers pretty easily, steal their little smuggling/pirate dinghy, and are ready for the MUCH better U2 "Danger at Dunwater" and incredible (although WAAAAY too high Level for that group of PCs) U3 "The Final Enemy." But U1 isn't at all a ghost story or haunted house or creep show at all. It just 'sounds' like it -- which is why it was popular back in the day.

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