Organization for PCs in Carrion Crown

Carrion Crown

I'm looking to start Carrion Crown next month and one of my players suggested that the PCs could all belong to an organization that functions like the hunters in the tv show Supernatural. i like this idea because it gives the characters a reason to work together beyond just the professor's will and provides a place to "order up" replacements if any of the PCs died. I'm sure that I could come up with such a group, but thought it might be better to suggest an existing organization. Looking through my Golarion stuff (which is arguably sparse), though, I'm not sure what to suggest, so I thought I'd see if anyone on the messageboards had suggestions.

Part of what makes the things that happen in Carrion Crown stressful is that the PCs are the very last step between victory or oblivion. I feel that making them all belong to one adventuring organization makes it far less scary and also opens up the possibility of why the organization doesn't just like send a ton of guys to help the PCs at every step.

Beyond that, though, there are a lot of cool organizations in the area. You can make them all crusaders from Lastwall, Knights of Ozem, or part of the Order of the Palatine Eye. I think it'd be interesting to have a whole group of Iomedae-worshipping knights go through the AP-- it'd definitely help curb a lot of the "morally questionable" reactions people have to this AP and would be like Grimdarkness vs. Noblebrightness in AP format.

Grand Lodge

It's not all that bad an idea. It's something that's commonly used in Call of Cthulhu campaigns where a TPK is a VERY real possibility due to death and/or insanity.

Maybe have a pool of NPC's who can step up and in. The Sheriff of Harrowstone, Kendra, one of the Court guards who admire how the party have conducted themselves or one of the Jury and so on. Either they or people they hire or refer to the party make a good siurce of re-inforcements. Encourage the party make friends and confide somewhat with NPC's and to keep a journal (in character is fine, not actual need for a real one) and to correspond with their friends (Bram Stoker used this device) so that in the event the party gets smacked around too badly the game can be taken up speedily by new characters who are both informed and invested.

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