Help on what will be a funny situation


Ok, so my players encountered a Grave Knight, which they defeated, however none of them made the necessary knowledge check to know about the supernatural rejuvenation ability. Believing the armor to be simply magical, they stuck it in their bag of holding. In a few days the Grave Knight will be fully healed and rejuvenated inside the bag. Since the Grave Knight is undead, I am concluding it can survive in the bag of holding. Here is where I feel it will get funny.

Can the Grave Knight escape the bag on his own? Or can the Grave Knight attempt escape any time the bag is opened (to retrieve or place an item in the bag)?

I'm open to suggestions and ideas on this. It will be a complete surprise and very comical because they have no idea.

i actually think its debateable if he can get out of the bag - the opening may not be wide enough for him to fit.

its perhaps debateable if the breastplate would have fitted also i guess.

but, if you decide that he cant escape, it could be quite funny watching them try to work out whats going on when their arm gets attacked any time they reach in to take something out!

st00ji wrote:

i actually think its debateable if he can get out of the bag - the opening may not be wide enough for him to fit.

its perhaps debateable if the breastplate would have fitted also i guess.

but, if you decide that he cant escape, it could be quite funny watching them try to work out whats going on when their arm gets attacked any time they reach in to take something out!

Good point about being able to get out. Hadn't thought of that. The armor went it piece by piece, so it was able to be fit in.

theDM1971 wrote:

Ok, so my players encountered a Grave Knight, which they defeated, however none of them made the necessary knowledge check to know about the supernatural rejuvenation ability. Believing the armor to be simply magical, they stuck it in their bag of holding. In a few days the Grave Knight will be fully healed and rejuvenated inside the bag. Since the Grave Knight is undead, I am concluding it can survive in the bag of holding. Here is where I feel it will get funny.

Can the Grave Knight escape the bag on his own? Or can the Grave Knight attempt escape any time the bag is opened (to retrieve or place an item in the bag)?

I'm open to suggestions and ideas on this. It will be a complete surprise and very comical because they have no idea.

Hmm... That's a good one.

Perhaps rather than trying to get out, the next time someone reaches into the bag he could try to pull them IN. I think that's what I'd do if I was the Grave Knight. Because those stupid mortals have to breathe in there, and he doesn't. Plus he could use whatever other items in there to set some kind of trap for them. Then, once he's pulled someone in there, the other players will be left with something of a conundrum as to how they can help the poor sod inside. Could you tell us what else is in the bag of holding? How devious do you think this Grave Knight should be?

Haha that is pretty good.

You should have wait until someone reaches in to get rations for breakfast and then grapple them and pull them inside with it.

Hilarious. Maybe treat it as a haunted or cursed item?

Or, if they want to exorcise the stowaway they'll need a few castings of 'Reduce Person' to go in and "kill" the Grave Knight. And then rely on a part member/friend/passerby to open the bag and pull them out.

Shiftybob wrote:
theDM1971 wrote:

Ok, so my players encountered a Grave Knight, which they defeated, however none of them made the necessary knowledge check to know about the supernatural rejuvenation ability. Believing the armor to be simply magical, they stuck it in their bag of holding. In a few days the Grave Knight will be fully healed and rejuvenated inside the bag. Since the Grave Knight is undead, I am concluding it can survive in the bag of holding. Here is where I feel it will get funny.

Can the Grave Knight escape the bag on his own? Or can the Grave Knight attempt escape any time the bag is opened (to retrieve or place an item in the bag)?

I'm open to suggestions and ideas on this. It will be a complete surprise and very comical because they have no idea.

Hmm... That's a good one.

Perhaps rather than trying to get out, the next time someone reaches into the bag he could try to pull them IN. I think that's what I'd do if I was the Grave Knight. Because those stupid mortals have to breathe in there, and he doesn't. Plus he could use whatever other items in there to set some kind of trap for them. Then, once he's pulled someone in there, the other players will be left with something of a conundrum as to how they can help the poor sod inside. Could you tell us what else is in the bag of holding? How devious do you think this Grave Knight should be?

The bag has all the party's shared items, mostly magic. Weapons, armor, spellbooks, potions, etc., etc. Each pc has a handy haversack for their personal belongings, and the bag of holding is basically for loot. In my opinion, the Grave Knight will be as devious as possible. Not to mention he will be peeved off with the pc's because they defeated him (barely) in the first place. I want to have fun with this cuz I think it's hilarious.

st00ji wrote:

i actually think its debateable if he can get out of the bag - the opening may not be wide enough for him to fit.

its perhaps debateable if the breastplate would have fitted also i guess.

but, if you decide that he cant escape, it could be quite funny watching them try to work out whats going on when their arm gets attacked any time they reach in to take something out!

What are the Grave Knight's stats though? Surely he's entirely capable of tearing a hole in the bag of holding if he wants. The stat block I'm looking at in Undead Revisited has a Devastating Blast that he can use three times per day, which does a 30 foot cone of 10d6 fire damage. That would be perfect for busting a hole in bag.

Shiftybob wrote:
st00ji wrote:

i actually think its debateable if he can get out of the bag - the opening may not be wide enough for him to fit.

its perhaps debateable if the breastplate would have fitted also i guess.

but, if you decide that he cant escape, it could be quite funny watching them try to work out whats going on when their arm gets attacked any time they reach in to take something out!

What are the Grave Knight's stats though? Surely he's entirely capable of tearing a hole in the bag of holding if he wants. The stat block I'm looking at in Undead Revisited has a Devastating Blast that he can use three times per day, which does a 30 foot cone of 10d6 fire damage. That would be perfect for busting a hole in bag.

Oh yes, no doubt he could bust the bag open if he wished to do so. But correct me if I'm wrong: doesn't piercing a bag of holding destroy the item, and all of its contents?

Dark Archive

A little of topic but maybe useful... I am reaching far back in 3.0 (I think) but I remember a module that you adventured in the planes of Bags of Holding. You ran into all kinds of crazy encounters as you went from Bag to Bag and even Extradimensional mansions. Maybe he can somehow force them to come in after him. He all powered up with magical items, maybe allied up with an evil planar creature from that plane that can shift them out to cause trouble and then back into thier bag. All crime evidence.leads back to PC's. Now they are forced to go into that plane to evade the law and prove their innocence while stop the evil dual.

Cool Idea I'll have to remember it for later

WhipShire wrote:
A little of topic but maybe useful... I am reaching far back in 3.0 (I think) but I remember a module that you adventured in the planes of Bags of Holding. You ran into all kinds of crazy encounters as you went from Bag to Bag and even Extradimensional mansions. Maybe he can somehow force them to come in after him. He all powered up with magical items, maybe allied up with an evil planar creature from that plane that can shift them out to cause trouble and then back into thier bag. All crime evidence.leads back to PC's. Now they are forced to go into that plane to evade the law and prove their innocence while stop the evil dual.

Never heard of this. Can you remember the module? I'll look into it.

Dark Archive


If your a cruel DM (To Sand... To Sand), if thier is potions of healing he could poison them or a wand of healing he could corrupt to cause wounds....

theDM1971 wrote:
Shiftybob wrote:
st00ji wrote:

i actually think its debateable if he can get out of the bag - the opening may not be wide enough for him to fit.

its perhaps debateable if the breastplate would have fitted also i guess.

but, if you decide that he cant escape, it could be quite funny watching them try to work out whats going on when their arm gets attacked any time they reach in to take something out!

What are the Grave Knight's stats though? Surely he's entirely capable of tearing a hole in the bag of holding if he wants. The stat block I'm looking at in Undead Revisited has a Devastating Blast that he can use three times per day, which does a 30 foot cone of 10d6 fire damage. That would be perfect for busting a hole in bag.
Oh yes, no doubt he could bust the bag open if he wished to do so. But correct me if I'm wrong: doesn't piercing a bag of holding destroy the item, and all of its contents?

Oh yes, you're quite right. I forgot about that. Maybe that's not really the best strategy then.

Dark Archive

theDM1971 wrote:
WhipShire wrote:
Never heard of this. Can you remember the module? I'll look into it.

Sorry... It was a long time ago. Might of even been 2E. Using Create demi plane spells and Magnificence Mansion like spells you could create what.ever you wanted. As for planar creature could attempt the adv creature play test rules or adapt any number of creatures in the beasties...

Dark Archive

theDM1971 wrote:
Oh yes, no doubt he could bust the bag open if he wished to do so. But correct me if I'm wrong: doesn't piercing a bag of holding destroy the item, and all of its contents?

Indeed, if the bag is overloaded or pierced from the inside or out its contents are lost forever.

(It's an expensive but certain way of disposing of any medium or smaller creature and a great way to hide any evidence permanently. Once unconscious/asleep pull the bag over them and stab the bag.)

Presumably the knight had to make some sort of knowledge check to recognise he is in a bag of holding and NOT to try and cut his way out.

theDM1971 wrote:
...doesn't piercing a bag of holding destroy the item, and all of its contents?

Actually, now that I think about it, this could make forcing them into a fight inside a bag of holding even more horrifying. Something as simple as a missed fireball spell could very easily wipe out the whole party. The sadist DM inside me is squealing with delight.

Shiftybob wrote:
theDM1971 wrote:
...doesn't piercing a bag of holding destroy the item, and all of its contents?
Actually, now that I think about it, this could make forcing them into a fight inside a bag of holding even more horrifying. Something as simple as a missed fireball spell could very easily wipe out the whole party. The sadist DM inside me is squealing with delight.

Shhh! I'm trying to keep mine asleep. my players would walk into something like this eyes wide shut flinging fireballs, arrows, spears and scorching rays willy nilly. All I would have to do is remind them that the party treasure is still in the bag an instant TPK.

This is great. I just see the Grave Knight emerging from the bag armed to the teeth with all of the parties best loot.

The Exchange

Might I recommend buying/borrowing KODT's BagWars saga? I was laughing so hard I was crying and/or giggling maniacally. Made my daily commute pass quickly and fellow carpoolers nervous. Premise: The knights temporaily stored henchmen in the bag(extraplanar domain with all other bags sharing but remotely isolated) along with all thier hoarded gear, spellbooks, rations/water, all listed mundane equipment(x3)etc. Then promptly forgot. 6 months later they need something and have a rude awakening. Sadistic ideas galore. I am gonna have to re-read these now.

1) +10 to grapple, plus a chance for dismemberment during the ensuing tug-o-war?
2) Depending on surprise round and init, a devastating burst aimed at the perfectly framed inquisitive face of the opened haversack does wonders for the complexion.
3) I could see this becoming a "Cursed" item.

I'm envisioning using this idea as a trap in a future dungeon.

PC#1: "Look, a bag of holding."
PC#2: "Cool, maybe there is something useful inside."
PC#3: "Maybe there is gold."
PC#4: "I'll open it and find out."
PC#1: "Where did #4 go?"

Michael Combe wrote:

I'm envisioning using this idea as a trap in a future dungeon.

PC#1: "Look, a bag of holding."
PC#2: "Cool, maybe there is something useful inside."
PC#3: "Maybe there is gold."
PC#4: "I'll open it and find out."
PC#1: "Where did #4 go?"

Johny 5 got him. Johny 5 is alive.

hmmmmm....How much weight can the bag of holding hold? I'm sure they didnt calculate the weight of the graveknight with the armor...they throw some stuff in and BOOM...

Ha, this will definitely be a funny situation.
I can totally see someone reach into the bag or open it and have an arm grab them and pull them in.
Reminds me of a time when i put a drow in a handy haversack, forgot about it went to get a quest relevant item and pulled the dead body out instead.

Silver Crusade

First, the death knight tries to cut his way out. This results in him and the contents of the bag being sucked into a nearby dimension (for some reason I am imagining a deserted island looking place).

He takes all the PCs stuff and hoofs it to a more defensible location. Maybe he recruits a few planar locals to his cause.

The next time a player reaches in you tell them "You feel a warm breeze on your arm and hear the sound of waves crashing on the shore. You can feel the tingle of the sun on your arm."

With their stuff gone they may feel obligated to go get it. Maybe the death knight left a message laid out with stones and they can see it through the opening.

Let them get in and out easily. Then make a short adventure of it. If they clear the island then it can be a nice get away location. But to get any items from it in the future they have to go in and can't just reach in.

After a few games maybe some creature starts handing stuff to them during combat.

PC: "I better get my scroll of fire protection out of the bag."

Thing: "Here you go mate." monstrous arm comes out and hands you the item.

Can't he pierce the bag from the inside?

Lantern Lodge

Question to the OP, does that bag of holding have any OTHER magic items?

I mean, the easiest way out for the party is to pierce the Bag of Holding and destroying everything that is inside the bag.

But... if there is other magical of valuable items in there......

Secane wrote:

Question to the OP, does that bag of holding have any OTHER magic items?

I mean, the easiest way out for the party is to pierce the Bag of Holding and destroying everything that is inside the bag.

But... if there is other magical of valuable items in there......

Like a potion of gaseous form? ;-)

karkon wrote:
Maybe the death knight left a message laid out with stones and they can see it through the opening.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."? (I couldn't resist)

I like the idea of an arm reaching out with whatever item is requested by the party... and then hearing a cough with open palm waiting for the tip.

Silver Crusade

Macharius wrote:
karkon wrote:
Maybe the death knight left a message laid out with stones and they can see it through the opening.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."? (I couldn't resist)

I like the idea of an arm reaching out with whatever item is requested by the party... and then hearing a cough with open palm waiting for the tip.

and if you don't tip it then it starts handing you the wrong or useless items.

I could sure use my scroll of fly. Hands you an avil.

Still puts hand out for a tip.

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