Shield bash build


This is my shield bash build for a fighter and I am looking for some input on it, spcifically I am worried about my to hit bonus and at later levels becoming irrelevant ( even more so than normal for martial classes)

Level 1: Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash
Level 2: step up
Level 3: Power attack
Level 4: improved bull rush
Level 5: greater bull rush
Level 6: Shield Slam
Level 7: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 8: double slice (+1 STR)
Level 9: weapon focus ( shield)
Level 10: weapon scilization ( shield)
Level 11: Shield Master
Level 12: iron will
Level 13: Two-Weapon Rend

Race is dwarf

stats are

str 18
dex 17
con 14
int 7
wis 14
cha 7

( currently at lvl 4 ability went to dex from 16 - 17
What do you guys think?

You should take the brawler archetype. also you dont necessarily need Double Slice. I would declare that your shield is your primary hand/attack so that you get full strength on it. maybe go gauntlet or some other brawler weapon in off hand. If you go gauntlet or cestus you can always 2h your shield when you are unable to full attack with offhand attacks. im a big fan of Shield Ranger 6 (for Shield master), then Fighter the rest of the way.

The Gm is actually letting me use two shields, and we think alike I am takeing the brawler archetype ( to large a bonus to dmg to ignore). I only took double slice as a, prereq for two weapon rend. An extra d10 plus 1.5x str mod if hit with both weapons.

Im kind of worried about my bonus to hit.

jacetms87 wrote:

The Gm is actually letting me use two shields, and we think alike I am takeing the brawler archetype ( to large a bonus to dmg to ignore). I only took double slice as a, prereq for two weapon rend. An extra d10 plus 1.5x str mod if hit with both weapons.

Im kind of worried about my bonus to hit.

Pump a ton into shield defenses, shield focus and what not, then get shield master and enjoy having your shield bonus treated as an enhancement bonus. Also I would highly recommend focusing on bull rush since you get them for free and the Brawler arch helps with bullrushes. I like the 2 shield builds they just seem fun. I would really recommend going ranger first though because you get Shield master crazy fast. What are your stats looking like?

I went with improved and greater bull rush by level 6 I will have 3 attacks ( 2 base, plus from off hand) and 3 bull rushes on each of them, all the bull rushes will provoke attacks of oppertunity.

Shadow Lodge

Obsidian wrote:
im a big fan of Shield Ranger 6 (for Shield master), then Fighter the rest of the way.

...which means waiting until 11th level for (Fighter) Weapon Training (+gloves), so you're not saving any time.

Grand Lodge

Just two hand a Heavy Shield.

Go Brawler, and Power Attack, and add some Armor Spikes during Full Attacks.

You do realize that the Shield slam uses the attack roll not a CMB check, and already doesn't provoke, so imp/gr shield bash just gets you a free AoO... take the Spiked Destroyer feat (worshiper of Gorum required, since you're a brawler and spiked armor is also in the Close weapons group it synergizes well) and burn 1 feat for the AoO which is the only thing those 2 feats get you.

Plus, you can't take greater bullrush until you have BAB+6, so you need a 5th level feat. Either shield slam, ITWF, or Double slice have to move back a level.

And... brawler gets close combat training at level 3, so taking 6 ranger then 3 fighter gets you shield master(full enhance to shield counts for attack)... and only loses 1 feat over the pure fighter build (which I saved you above)

while until they do a FAQ or errata Gloves of Dueling don't apply to Close combat training... they apply to -weapon training- which the Brawler replaces. (in a home game this doesn't matter, but we have a FAQ request on that in another thread, plz hit the FAQ request by my post 7th one down... much clearer and simpler phrasing than the OP Spear-training-and-gloves-of-dueling-2

The ranger levels also get you a favored terrain (i use dungeon/underground since that is the most in PFS games) a bunch more skills as class skills (freeing up traits usually) and wand use. I usually give up the AC, since i'm jumping out of the class... but you could keep it if you like, and take boon companion to keep it viable.

Just a reminder...

You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

An interesting build

Duel wielding two shields? I see how by the rules this can be done, but doesn't make sense. To properly use a shield one handed is encumbering, too try and wield two would be pretty unmanageable. Drawing a shield is not the same as drawing a weapon, neither is storing it. Also if you wanted to do anything hands free, how do you carry two shields and still do any action.

Again by the rules it can be done, but have you ever seen any character in a movie or book wield two shields? Dungeon crawling would be pretty hard as you would take up more space in a tight corridor, swinging shields around too bash would kill visibility. Remember these are not in the hands, rather strapped too your arms. As a GM I would veto the combo on principle. Enjoy the build though.

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Rhaleroad wrote:

Duel wielding two shields? I see how by the rules this can be done, but doesn't make sense. To properly use a shield one handed is encumbering, too try and wield two would be pretty unmanageable. Drawing a shield is not the same as drawing a weapon, neither is storing it. Also if you wanted to do anything hands free, how do you carry two shields and still do any action.

Again by the rules it can be done, but have you ever seen any character in a movie or book wield two shields? Dungeon crawling would be pretty hard as you would take up more space in a tight corridor, swinging shields around too bash would kill visibility. Remember these are not in the hands, rather strapped too your arms. As a GM I would veto the combo on principle. Enjoy the build though.



Grand Lodge

Why is it every "shield expert" also happens to be the same person who thinks people blocked sword blows, with swords?

Scarab Sages

It depends on the type of shield. As a SCA heavy fighter I own and have used several different shields. Big heaters strapped to you arm can be a pain to carry, but it only takes about 4-6 seconds to put one on. Or about a full round action as the rules correctly state.

A center grip boss shield with a belt hook can be drawn and readied in less than a second. Just like a quick draw shield.

I have an 18 inch diameter metal buckler with a center grip that can bash with the edge of the shield or it's face. It weighs six pounds, by pathfinder rules I would call it a light shield. I could easily use two of them in a boxing fighting style using them to actively block strikes and make punching strikes with the edges of face of the shield.

Pathfinder rules are not simulationist rules. They are not always realistic, but in this instance, they are not that far off from reality. Just because your imagination of what shield *should* be doesn't mean that it should automatically be vetoed as unmanageable.

So you have done this type of fighting? I have also done live D&D and been too SCA events and yet never have I seen someone wield two shields, and really you can strap on a second shield, while wielding one in a matter of seconds? Go ahead and duel wield shields at your next event, and then let us know how practical it is. Then imagine adventuring with a pair of shields. I'm not saying it is impossible in real life, or in game, but not practical and really it is just a way to cheese game rules. Can't think of a single legendary hero that fought like that. So yes, a twin shield wielder is not close too reality, or people would have done it.

Scarab Sages

I have done bash training but I wouldn't fight with two shields at an event because it's too dangerous. Shield bashing is not allowed in Heavy Combat for safety reasons. The Shield edged while rounded are capable of hitting harder than rattan and are narrower than the required 1.5 inches mandated by helm openings.

Besides, it's not a chivalrous way to fight. It's about getting in close, where there isn't enough room to effectively swing a sword, hitting unarmored spots hard, and shoving people down. It's about delivering a brutal pummeling while giving yourself extra defenses. It has no place in an honorable tournament.

However, If I was defending my life against someone attacking me with a melee weapon or arrows I would absolutely rather have two shields than a sword and shield or to be forced to rely on unarmed techniques.

Any combatant worth their salt will wear you out with low attacks on your targe side. They can also repeatedly pummel your targe unrelentingly without you being able to retaliate due to range. If it's a center grip, your wrist will give out.

Even in close combat, your at a disadvantage. You're jabbing and swinging with a shield edge in close formation where you can't really wind up.

There is a reason no armies or dueling schools ever recommended this!

However, this is a game with wizards and dragons. I'd disallow it for flavor reasons but it seems well within the realm of Pathfinder "normality"

Let's be honest with ourselves.

You're trying to build Captain America. In which case, I'd be looking into some of the feats that aren't in the CRB. There's a shield that's designed to be thrown at your enemies, and a feat that lets you be proficient in that, I believe.

As for the stats, Captain America needs to have high Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. Remember, he's a super soldier (hence the physical stats) but he's also an awesome motivational speaker. You can go as low on the Wis as you want because the Capt doesn't really get modern references. To roleplay this, you could say that an evil Wizard froze him in a block of ice and an Alchemist just figured out a way to defrost him.

Captain America didn't only use his shield. He also carried a sidearm into battle. So you might want to have your "Captain Galorion" carry a hand-crossbow as a back up weapon, and an arming sword (longsword) too.

As for roleplaying the Capt's charismatic personality, I'd start by looking up his most famous quotes- My favorite of his can be found by google-ing; "Captain America - No. You move"

Also try to keep in mind that d&d characters are way more capable than any of us. I mean, they could literally swing a weapon for 8 hours, non stop without any fatigue...

Have you tried this build out yet?

2 Shield Basher Build

Rhaleroad wrote:

So you have done this type of fighting? I have also done live D&D and been too SCA events and yet never have I seen someone wield two shields, and really you can strap on a second shield, while wielding one in a matter of seconds? Go ahead and duel wield shields at your next event, and then let us know how practical it is. Then imagine adventuring with a pair of shields. I'm not saying it is impossible in real life, or in game, but not practical and really it is just a way to cheese game rules. Can't think of a single legendary hero that fought like that. So yes, a twin shield wielder is not close too reality, or people would have done it.

By that logic, we need to ban all the spellcasting classes too. And those stupid unrealistic dragons.

Grand Lodge

Can you fit any barbarian/rage user in there for:

Prerequisite: Str 13, Con 13, rage class feature, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: While raging, when you attempt a bull rush combat maneuver, you can spend 1 additional round of your rage as a swift action to add your Constitution bonus on your combat maneuver check to the bull rush. Further, if you bull rush an opponent into a square another creature occupies or into a solid object, the opponent and the creature or object take bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier.

And if you can swing it, have a friend cast Create Pit and start reenacting the beginning of 300 while yelling, "This is Sparta!"

Seems so fun.

Grand Lodge

Gorignak227 wrote:

Can you fit any barbarian/rage user in there for:

Prerequisite: Str 13, Con 13, rage class feature, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: While raging, when you attempt a bull rush combat maneuver, you can spend 1 additional round of your rage as a swift action to add your Constitution bonus on your combat maneuver check to the bull rush. Further, if you bull rush an opponent into a square another creature occupies or into a solid object, the opponent and the creature or object take bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier.

And if you can swing it, have a friend cast Create Pit and start reenacting the beginning of 300 while yelling, "This is Sparta!"

Seems so fun.

Oh! You can take the Viking fighter archetype which grants rage at lvl 4 (at the expense of heavy armor).

I personally use a Slayer in PFS to shield bash, and I at level 8-9-10 took Fighter archetype Brawler.

People with their arguments about things being realistic are ridiculous. Arguments about physics and stuff are a complete waste of time when considering we're playing a game where you can fight fictional monsters while using magical spells.

Read the rules, and play the game.

I personally love this build. It's a Ranger, though, but can also be done via Slayer.

I also suggest a ranger, with the two weapon fighting combat style. That way you don't need high dexterity for the TWF feat chain. This lets you make a strength build to increase your hit & damage bonus.

Ranger Bonus Feats:
02: TWF
06: Improved TWF
10: Double slice
14: Greater TWF
18: Two weapon rend

Standard feats:
01: Shield Focus
03: Improved Shield Bash
05: Quickdraw
07: Shield Slam
09: Power Attack
11: Shield Master
13: Vital Strike
15: Cleave
17: Combat Reflexes
19: Great Cleave

Weapon configs

  • Light shield + 1-handed weapon
  • Light shield + sling (up to 500’ range; 1/round RoF with 5’ steps)
    ... a light shield allows the hand to reload.
  • Light shield + darts (up to 100’ range; Full attack)
    ... can full attack thanks to quickdraw.
  • Light shield + nothing
    ... thanks to quickdraw can use thrown or melee weapons, and threatens with a shield.
  • Alot of darts (up to 100’ range; TWF full attack)
    ... quickdraw + TWF means can TWF-full attack at range. Darts are nice and light.

  • I got an orc that can carry 306 lbs in light load without giving a damn and you guys actually argu about how exhausting fighting with the weight of the shield would be or unwieldy? seriously its a fantasy game...

    I was thinking about a combination of shield slam, squash flat and spiked defender, sounds good to me

    I was going to reply to offer some build advice, but then I realized I already did... Over a year ago.

    jacetms87 wrote:

    This is my shield bash build for a fighter and I am looking for some input on it, spcifically I am worried about my to hit bonus and at later levels becoming irrelevant ( even more so than normal for martial classes)

    Level 1: Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash
    Level 2: step up
    Level 3: Power attack
    Level 4: improved bull rush
    Level 5: greater bull rush
    Level 6: Shield Slam
    Level 7: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
    Level 8: double slice (+1 STR)
    Level 9: weapon focus ( shield)
    Level 10: weapon scilization ( shield)
    Level 11: Shield Master
    Level 12: iron will
    Level 13: Two-Weapon Rend

    Race is dwarf

    stats are

    str 18
    dex 17
    con 14
    int 7
    wis 14
    cha 7

    ( currently at lvl 4 ability went to dex from 16 - 17
    What do you guys think?

    I like the combination of Shield Slam and Greater Bull Rush, but to make it really work, you have to take Paired Opportunist and Combat Reflexes. With Greater Bull Rush, you are giving out Attacks of Opportunity to your allies. Among allies with Paired Opportunist, when 1 of you get an AoO, you all do. In this case, you get an Attack of Opportunity when your allies do. This can be pretty broken: There is no reason why your Attack of Opportunity can't be another Shield Bash, which triggers another Greater Bull Rush, which triggers another AoO from everybody, including you.... If you have Allies who also have Combat Reflexes, this can be quite devastating.

    Paired Opportunist is a Teamwork Feat, and it only works if your allies have it, too. I get around this by getting PO via 1 level in Cavalier or 3 levels in Inquisitor. Cavaliers get this ability called Tactician where all allies within 30' get your Teamwork Feat for a short time. Inquisitors have an ability called Solo Tactics that allow them to act as it their allies have their Teamwork Feat even when they don't. Even though it's a biggerr dip investment, you might want to go Inquisitor, anyway: you are worried enough about your Will Save to take Iron Will. Dipping even one level in Inquisitor will raise your Will Save by just as much and give you other things, too. And after 3 levels in Inquisitor, you're only 2 levels away from being able to put Bane on your Shield. How cool is that?

    Have you made plans about your shield? Do you have any thoughts about your other weapon? You said you were going to be a Dwarf, so Dwarven War Axe? Dorn Duergar and use it 1 handed? Are you going to throw hammers and knives? Are you going to throw your shield?

    I like Thunder and Fang. Use an Earthbreaker in 1 hand, and a Klar in the other. Get the Bashing Enchantment for your Klar, and it will do 2d6, same as your hammer.

    I like Phalanx Soldier. After 3 levels in Phalanx Soldier, you can use a Shield in 1 hand and a Pole Arm in the other, say a Reach Pole Arm like a Lucerne Hammer. Take the Phalanx Formation Feat, and you can use your Reach Weapon to attack from the 2nd rank. When someone closes inside your Reach, Shield Slam them back out again and keep tenderizing them with your hammer. Or take Great Cleave, and hit everybody both adjacent to you and 10' away with either your shield or your Pole Arm.

    If you want to Bash with some other kind of shield, maybe take 1 or more levels in Warpriest. Lots of people think Shield Spikes don't stack with the Bashing Enchantment. So, with 1 level in Warpriest, your Heavy Spiked Shield or your light, Quickdraw, Throwing Shield do Sacred Weapon Damage, and there's no reason why Sacred Weapon Damage won't stack with the Bashing Enchantment.

    Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

    Just a reminder...

    You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

    But you can if get them from Slayer talents.

    Casual Viking wrote:
    Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

    Just a reminder...

    You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

    But you can if get them from Slayer talents.

    Ooh, didn't realize: thanks.

    Scarab Sages

    Scott Wilhelm wrote:
    Casual Viking wrote:
    Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

    Just a reminder...

    You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

    But you can if get them from Slayer talents.
    Ooh, didn't realize: thanks.

    Actually, you can't. The Slayer talent gives you a ranger combat style. You reference the ranger ability for that style, and thus can only use the feat when in medium or light armor.

    Imbicatus wrote:
    Scott Wilhelm wrote:
    Casual Viking wrote:
    Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

    Just a reminder...

    You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

    But you can if get them from Slayer talents.
    Ooh, didn't realize: thanks.
    Actually, you can't. The Slayer talent gives you a ranger combat style. You reference the ranger ability for that style, and thus can only use the feat when in medium or light armor.

    Ooh, didn't realize: thanks.

    Imbicatus wrote:
    Scott Wilhelm wrote:
    Casual Viking wrote:
    Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

    Just a reminder...

    You can't use Ranger Style Feats in Heavy Armor.

    But you can if get them from Slayer talents.
    Ooh, didn't realize: thanks.

    Actually, you can't. The Slayer talent gives you a ranger combat style. You reference the ranger ability for that style, and thus can only use the feat when in medium or light armor.

    No, you select a feat from a list called a Ranger Combat Style, and lock yourself into the list you picked, but you don't get the Combat Style Feat class feature.

    The Slayer Talent allows you to take the relevant feat without prerequisites, but doesn't mention heavy armor. It doesn't give you a class feature. It doesn't use the usual phrasing for gaining the class features of another class.

    Scarab Sages

    Slayer Talents wrote:

    Ranger Combat Style (Ex): The slayer selects a ranger combat style (such as archery or two-weapon combat) and gains a combat feat from the 1st-level feat choices for that style. He can choose feats from his chosen combat style, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 6th level, he may select this talent again and add the 6th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the style's feat list. At 10th level, he may select this talent again and add the 10th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the style's feat list.

    You still must select a ranger combat style. Ranger is a parent class of slayer. The ability doesn't need to explicitly state that you can't use it in heavy armor because it references the ranger combat style class feature. It would need to explicitly state that you can use it in heavy armor.

    Imbicatus wrote:
    Slayer Talents wrote:

    Ranger Combat Style (Ex): The slayer selects a ranger combat style (such as archery or two-weapon combat) and gains a combat feat from the 1st-level feat choices for that style. He can choose feats from his chosen combat style, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 6th level, he may select this talent again and add the 6th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the style's feat list. At 10th level, he may select this talent again and add the 10th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the style's feat list.

    You still must select a ranger combat style. Ranger is a parent class of slayer. The ability doesn't need to explicitly state that you can't use it in heavy armor because it references the ranger combat style class feature. It would need to explicitly state that you can use it in heavy armor.

    It references Ranger Combat Styles to let you know the list you are pulling from, and nothing more. You "select" a ranger combat style, but you do not "gain" one. It has already been demonstrated that features from parent classes don't count unless explicitly stated to. For example, Investigators can't freely use wands of their extracts unlike the alchemist parent class.

    Scarab Sages

    Even if that is true, expect heavy table variation. I wouldn't make or allow a slayer to use a ranger style feat in heavy armor without a FAQ clearly stating that is the case. Especially considering Slayers do not gain Heavy Armor proficiency.

    Imbicatus wrote:
    Even if that is true, expect heavy table variation. I wouldn't make or allow a slayer to use a ranger style feat in heavy armor without a FAQ clearly stating that is the case.

    Why though. It's hardly broken. Burning a feat to gain +3 to AC and -2 to ACP, along with a certain reduction in speed, since even if mithril, you are still slowed. It's very rare to see anyone who isn't a fighter or a mounted build use heavy armor anyway, because there is no reliable way around that movement reduction.

    Scarab Sages

    Melkiador wrote:
    Imbicatus wrote:
    Even if that is true, expect heavy table variation. I wouldn't make or allow a slayer to use a ranger style feat in heavy armor without a FAQ clearly stating that is the case.
    Why though. It's hardly broken. Burning a feat to gain +3 to AC and -2 to ACP, along with a certain reduction in speed, since even if mithril, you are still slowed. It's very rare to see anyone who isn't a fighter or a mounted build use heavy armor anyway, because there is no reliable way around that movement reduction.

    Unless you are a Dwarf. Part of the balance of Combat Styles the cost and balance of AC vs Offense. If you are going to take TWF without meeting the Dex requirements, you can't just throw on heavy armor to make up the AC difference for having a lower DEX.

    Yes, it's still less powerful than using a two-handed weapon, and yes, it wouldn't be unbalanced for rangers to use them in heavy armor. But that is how the rules are written.

    Imbicatus wrote:
    Even if that is true, expect heavy table variation. I wouldn't make or allow a slayer to use a ranger style feat in heavy armor without a FAQ clearly stating that is the case. Especially considering Slayers do not gain Heavy Armor proficiency.

    Normally I would judge things on the lower power game scale but as a slayer you very specifically don't get the Ranger Style class feature. As an Archery Style can only select Point Blank Master with they style feat and not with a hit die feat. So therefor no secondary benefits also corresponds to no secondary limitations. PFS would also rule slayers can use combat style feats in heavy armor as that is RAW.

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