8/10 for looking like Lord Soth but being more of a Lord Sith.
1/10 Too many eyes. Some things are best kept secret.
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5/10. "Has anybody seen my pet butterfly? He was sitting on my desk, then I fell asleep, now I can't find him anywhere!"
Half Kiss.
Half the clown from It.
Half Joker.
Half Psycho Malkavian.
What's not to like?
(Yes, that makes 4 halfs, I was never good at Math)
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6/10 He might not be pretty but his humor is contagious!
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2/10 no pointy ears or glowing red aura plus the eyes aren't even yellow.
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4/10. Don't yawn in the middle of having your picture taken!
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
6/10 Don't be on fire when having your picture taken!
7/10 Yay for dreadlocks and tribal style, but don't kill while having your picture taken! Oh... well... nevermind.
10/10 I've always wanted to visit Christmas Island.
8/10 yay for silver hair and tattoos.
7/10 You remind me of my sister.
6/10 It is a good drawing of the iconic fighter, but is still a drawing of the iconic fighter.
8/10 Those books seem an interesting read for me and you seem an interesting... friend for my cat familiar.
8/10 nicely done, good artwork, don't rate it higher because my 9-10s are reserved for exceptionally well done artwork
Edit: Like perfect avatar artwork/name combinations
Avant garde. I can feel the emotion poring through the unique artistic medium in a style reminiscent of childhood. However the proportions for the books are slightly off. Additionally the color detracts from the warm childhood feelings and instead move towards a colder, more violent emotion.
4/10. Get your tetanus shot today, kids! Don't let THIS happen to YOU!
4/10 Speaking of tetanus, if that's not the clearest example of a sardonic rictus...
5/10 I like the artwork, but it looks more like a ghost then a doctor.
6/10 Looks sneaky just like me, and it's so hard to find literate animals these days.
(And she's an undead doctor, should I ban her from practising just because she is not alive?)
Hard to go wrong with a ninja, plus it is not smart to offend a ninja.
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9/10 I like the thought that an Elohim is named oversight.
(Nope, but she might want to stop crying before she operates though)
7/10 The image makes me think; how is this done? Then it makes me think if he is strong enough to take a stack of game books what else could he take.
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A nice strong skull with determined blue eyes.
10/10, would reanimate again.
A cross between the Joker and Emperor Palpatine. 10/10
9/10 It feels as if this is the correct name for the avatar in question, only reason for no 10/10 is that I dislike his color scheme... It isn't quite cultish enough... more Desna-like really.
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Is tiny rodent but cannot be digested for some reason.
8/10 My friend Nina thinks you are cute (She's an owl).
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Redheads are cute.
Owls are cute.
Because cute.
6/10 doesn't seem to fit the name, as a dragon hunter would know better than to wander around naked.
7/10 A snack and some light reading.
Is cat, but the ninja part needs some work. I can still see you, after all.
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8/10. The guy from the cover of The New Yorker meets Adam Maitland from Beetlejuice.
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10/10 You have become the iconic user of that Avatar, and it is intricately tied into that name, at least for me.
Seriously though, I do a double take every time I see someone else using that avatar...
8/10 I was wondering where my Pathfinder books disappeared to...
8/10 I don't know what you are suposed to be (egyptian-like leonine ogre thing?) but the art is awesome.
6/10, the glowing eyes are a nice touch but they are not quite as pretty as mine.
8/10 You have a winning smile but it's not quite as pretty as mine.
7/10 Black Dragon; one of my faves, but if you are reborn are you undead, or did someone pay to have you brought back to life?
(Metaphorically reborn. I almost died and was saved by a divine intervention and turned into a CG black dragon. As he is the god of Rebirth, being The Reborn sounded better than The Redeemed. A group of kind-hearted PCs helped me.)
7/10 good kobold pic and you look kinda draconic. That's a compliment.
Oh great I get to follow Mohrlex the Reborn a majestic black dragon and hero of the people. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with an appearance that's unfortunate to the point it's almost disability. 10/10
Don't let him fool you. He's not a hero. He had to have his ass saved, a Wyrm Black Dragon.
5/10 Not pretty but different and well done.
And don't worry for your disability, I can lend you some eyes. I have many.
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Thanks for rubbing it in. I don't always get sympathy from others, but when I do it's from a multiple eyed saliva monster or some other horror people run from in terror. 8/10
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