Does Anyone Else Hate Gunslingers

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
JiCi wrote:


Unless he's wielding pepperboxes, he cannot reload unless he has a free hand, meaning no TWF every round unless he spend one or two rounds to reload.

Pepperboxes, unlike true revolvers, don't turn their barrels on their own. You still need a free hand to pull that off.

LazarX wrote:
JiCi wrote:
Unless he's wielding pepperboxes, he cannot reload unless he has a free hand, meaning no TWF every round unless he spend one or two rounds to reload.
Pepperboxes, unlike true revolvers, don't turn their barrels on their own. You still need a free hand to pull that off.

Oh, that's good to know. I wasn't aware of that. That's one more reason to not call the gunslinger broken for that trick.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
JiCi wrote:
LazarX wrote:
JiCi wrote:
Unless he's wielding pepperboxes, he cannot reload unless he has a free hand, meaning no TWF every round unless he spend one or two rounds to reload.
Pepperboxes, unlike true revolvers, don't turn their barrels on their own. You still need a free hand to pull that off.
Oh, that's good to know. I wasn't aware of that. That's one more reason to not call the gunslinger broken for that trick.

It's the major reason why the Colt Revolver was such a big deal in 1835. (There actually was an earlier revolver invented two years earlier in Europe, but the inventer never patented it. Prior to that there was a revolver that used flintlock firing, but it was.... a flintlock.

JiCi wrote:

Unless he's wielding pepperboxes, he cannot reload unless he has a free hand, meaning no TWF every round unless he spend one or two rounds to reload.

Then again, he could also use 2 pistols of the infinite sky... or somehow tricked you at enhancing his pistols with the endless ammunition enhaqncement, even though you cannot apply it to firearms... and even though it could be done since a bow's or crossbow's nocking could easily be substituted be pulling back a firearm's flintlock mecanism.

A dual wielding double barreled pistolaro is quite rules legal, and can reload so as to get his full attack sequence.

I illustrate exactly how at the link below.


That no longer works, however, since they nerfed Weapon Cords to a Move action.

Rynjin wrote:
That no longer works, however, since they nerfed Weapon Cords to a Move action.

Ah thank you I was unaware of that. Was that an errata, an FAQ, or a reprint in a new book?

Covent wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
That no longer works, however, since they nerfed Weapon Cords to a Move action.
Ah thank you I was unaware of that. Was that an errata, an FAQ, or a reprint in a new book?

It's an Errata, which can be found in the FAQ section, which will be changed in future printings of Ultimate Equipment.


I've only read to page 5 or so, so I don't know if this is still a topic people are hung up on about the rules for firearms but, just because firearms hit Touch AC doesn't mean they pierce through armor or put holes in them. They hit Touch AC because even if the bullet is stopped by the armor it's still going to hurt like hell. Even though modern bullet proof vests will stop a bullet from penetrating you, it won't stop it from bruising you black and blue and possibly breaking bones.

In essence, they hit Touch AC because even if the armor stops the bullet itself, the kinetic force still hurts ALOT.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Duskblade wrote:

And finally, dual wielding pistols is almost too easy when you use things like Weapon Cords.

Weapon Cords were errata recently to remove the more broken interpretations of their use.

LazarX wrote:

Weapon Cords were errata recently to remove the more broken interpretations of their use.

You're replying to a complaint made in 2011. So yeah it's a bit behind.

I'll jump on the bandwagon of undead threads.
We just got done with a game of all gunslingers of various types. The game was based on the movie Magnificent 7. They were all Pre-Gen characters and I played Vin the only real Gunslinger in the group.

If we played the game like the movie, only 3 characters would have survived but we all did.

Anyway the only real thing that I hate about gunslingers is that there isn't a Grit Pool. I think that if I had more points I would have used more deeds. Also, I think there would have been more deeds created in other books if there was a grit pool.

Another thing: the dice hate me so a Gunslinger would be perfect for my low rolls. :)

Argh! Zombie thread! *Turns undead*

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
WWWW wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:

LOL, I forgot entirely about this thread. I love it whenever someone says "Well, this aspect of the game is troublesome for me because it makes no sense to me."

And the immediate response is "Dude! The game has frickin' DRAGONS in it! Dragons aren't real. Therefore your argument is invalid."

Sigh... Well, using that logic we may as well allow first level characters to carry around Federation matter/anti-matter converters so they can shoot planet-destroying lasers on demand. Got a problem with that?

Dude! The game has frickin' DRAGONS in it! Dragons aren't real. Therefore your argument is invalid.


Clearly a balance concern and a problem with "realism" (verisimilitude perhaps) are exactly the same thing.

Oh, so if the laser beam did d6+2 damage, then you'd be fine with it.


I might be fine with it then. clearly it's magic, or an OOPArt.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think after twelve pages we can come to the conclusion that nobody hates gunslingers.

Grand Lodge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I think after twelve pages we can come to the conclusion that nobody hates gunslingers.

Ahem... *raises hand*.

OK, mechanically they're whatever. And I try not to ban anything from my games unless it's outright broken or I'm not confident in my understanding of the rules. (Summoners foot that bill.)

But I hate guns in fantasy. If I wanted a Steampunk or Wild West or modern campaign, I wouldn't be playing Pathfinder - there are way better systems for that.

I don't get the summoner, and I hate Eastern gimmicks (not due to any dislike of Eastern culture, but rather the frustration that Eastern weapons/items are ALWAYS superior to their Western counterparts even if that makes no sense, apparently because WEEABOO!!!), but nothing breaks the circle for me quite like a gun-wielder in the middle of battle between knights and wizards.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was being facetious.

Grand Lodge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I was being facetious.

In that case, cheerfully withdrawn!

Except for that bit about how much I hate the assumed superiority of Eastern weapons. I will never miss an opportunity to harp on that.

EntrerisShadow wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I was being facetious.

In that case, cheerfully withdrawn!

Except for that bit about how much I hate the assumed superiority of Eastern weapons. I will never miss an opportunity to harp on that.

But they obviously are superior! I mean, with the crappy iron and stagnant military traditions in Japan how could they not have better weapons, tactics, and philosophies of warfare than the political powderkeg that was medieval Europe?!?

Seriously, the only Asian weapon I'd consider to be flat-out superior to its European counterpart is the repeating crossbow, since it was the single fastest firing weapon of its day bar none. Even then, the cost in range, power and accuracy meant it lacked the versatility of more powerful crossbows.

EntrerisShadow wrote:

Except for that bit about how much I hate the assumed superiority of Eastern weapons. I will never miss an opportunity to harp on that.

Do you have any examples here? Only thing I can think of in Pathfinder is the Ninja, and that's more the Rogue being bad than the ninja being obviously superior oriental whatever.

Actually thinking about it, OA stuff is generally pretty lame in D&D too. The Wu-jen is awesome, but more because he's a full caster who casts off the wizard list than anything special he has.


Personally I hate double guns.

Its idiotic that they are better than advanced guns (once you magic away misfires)

Its senseless that there is a limit on barrel numbers..why not make a 8 barreled gun, and load all as a free action..

Its senseless that only guns get to double up with more barrels.. Iwant a double headed spear that does 2d8, a tri blade longsword that does 3d8 etc

Double guns and weapon cords are whats broken not so much the gunslinger.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here you are sir. Your bident awaits.

Weapon damage is far too abstract to make any sense.

Grand Lodge

ngc7293 wrote:

Anyway the only real thing that I hate about gunslingers is that there isn't a Grit Pool. I think that if I had more points I would have used more deeds. Also, I think there would have been more deeds created in other books if there was a grit pool.

Another thing: the dice hate me so a Gunslinger would be perfect for my low rolls. :)

Excuse me but um, did you actually fire your weapon? Because if you did, you would have regained grit every round or close to it.

Roll a 2- hit. Roll Damage-boss dies or is close to death.
2nd attack: roll a 3- hit. Roll damage- boss dies. Regain grit.

2nd round. Spend grit. Roll a 7. Hit. Roll damage grunt is dead. Regain grit.

The only thing that gives validity to you having problems with grit is that you used pregens. So maybe it took three shots to kill the boss and 2 for the grunts. That's still a grit a round.

I love gunslinger, it's one of the few classes that not too far behind full casters in high level combat. Only problem is that anything tactic against arrow works on bullets as well, but it's not that much of a problem, really. When against with other players or GM, most of them only care able damage or caster saved or dead spells. With enough luck, gunslinger works fine. You never see a two weapon fighter that are smart enough to use tower shield or seeing a rogue drop prone. So far I have not played with anyone that would use those rules like I did. They consider it was a waste of action.

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