stormraven |

Regarding the caster/casting question... to me it comes down to grittiness and balance. If you want to be spitting up dust with every post - then stripping divine casting and connections to deities would do it... but that would also make the arcane casting types that much more powerful in the scenario. I guess, if I were DMing this kind of shindig, I'd leave the casters (all sorts) alone and know that the balance point would be that it is a small group of heroes, saddled with the burden of trying to save stacks of normals from a seemingly endless legion of undead. Yeah, the divine casters are going to hit them hard initially... but those uses/day run out awfully quick when you are using them to blast bad guys AND heal the locals.
That's just my 2 cents when I put on my DM hat.

Evening Glory |

I'm gonna have some fun with these.
@ Manx Serimus: Vermin are immune, so no rat swarms. The birds are the really scary one. Perhaps anything smaller than Small size is too small to be effected by the curse?

Manx Serimus |

One zombie bites something, in an average of 10 hours, there are two zombies.
If a zombie can find something to bite (and why wouldn't a humanoid zombie bite a cat or dog?) they can bite 60 targets in one hour. Then in the first 10 hours, zombie 0 bites 600 targets. On an average of 10 hours, those 600 zombies are each biting 600 more, which is 360,000 targets, in the second 10 hours, those 360,000 zombies each bite 600 more, for a new total of 216 million infected zombies that will each bite 600 more (since they don't rest). Now we have 129.6 BILLION zombies, this is only 40 hours since zombie 0 got to chomping, less than two days.
Obviously it will be somewhat less than that since they will quickly overwhelm everything in their path.
Reports vary, one gives the number of rats in the us as about equal to the human population, or about 280 million.
This site, one of my favorites, gives a humanoid density in medieval times of about 30 per square mile, obviously higher in cities, with medieval london having 25-40,000.
This site gives a density of 12500 rats per square mile in london.
http://www.kgbanswers.co.uk/how-many-rats-are-there-in-a-square-mile-in-lon don/2311743
Moscow has about 84 dogs per square mile.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/628a8500-ff1c-11de-a677-00144feab49a.html#axzz1bq 4RABCu
So maybe restricting animals to small or medium would be a good idea. rats and mice might be vermin, but pigeons are not, ever watch the birds?

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

First, I am very interested in playing in this.
I have a few questions/comments.
1) How does the zombie curse interact with Eidolons, for that matter with summoned monsters?
2) If you are going to be doing a Zombie Apocalypse you have got to do something for head-shot protocols. I was thinking something like a head-shot ignores their DR?
For my character I'm thinking either a Summoner who's Eidolon is actually some kind of lesser servant of Pharasma that managed to make it to Golarian from the Boneyard to try & forestall the inevitable long enough for the gods to beat Urgathoa back, or an Undead Bloodline Sorcerer who has been phobic about his powers since they first manifested & has convinced himself this is all just some kind of delusional nightmare he can't wake from.

DM Azure_Zero |

For those who want to be assistant GMs, there can be more then one, and can run player characters and GM if they want to and can RP a character as if they didn't know things the AGM knows.
I got whole NPC families and more all written down that I use for my campaigns. I even have Generic NPC aliases for PBP that are already being used.
I'll put my hat in for assistant GM.

stormraven |

I was going to sit this game out and be content to lurk it... but now I'm really jazzed about the concept.
I'd like to submit an Aasimar Paladin, probably a Warrior of the Holy Light archetype (so none of them pesky divine spells) for consideration. She will be a fast mover - not an armored brick - and her behavior will be... um... 'unorthodox'.
Is there a problem with Aasimar for this campaign?

A CR20 Seagull |

I also agree with Manx on that issue, If every living thing in the city was Undead, and aggressive it'd be almost impossible. That can be fixed pretty easily though. Like, what if getting bitten by a zombie outside your type only "taints" you with the curse, so you still zombiefy after death, but without the instadeath in 2d6 hours thing?

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

Alright, here's my character concept:
Aliquot Mufflemud was, until recently, a moderately successful thief who was quite content to make his way pulling small-time jobs for small-time pay. But after a brush with some guards left him half dead, and his partners abandoned him to his fate, he decided to go straight before his luck ran out. He tried his hand at performing sleight-of-hand tricks on the street for tips as "Mufflemud the Magnificent," but didn't have the knack for showmanship, and could barely make ends meet. Just as he was starting to despair, the first rumors of disease reached him...
Halfling Rogue 3 (Acrobat archetype)
12 STR
18 DEX
13 CON
13 INT
13 WIS
AC 21, Touch 15, FF 16
Fort +4
Ref +9
Will +4 (+6 vs. Fear)
Acrobatics +12
Climb +9
Perception +9
Sense Motive +7
Sleight-of-Hand +10
Knowledge (Local) +7
Disable Device +10
Escape Artist +10
Stealth +14
Swim +5
Perform (Act) +3
Profession (Street Performer) +5
Weapon Finesse (Rogue Talent)
Two-Weapon Fighting
+1 Chain Shirt
+1 Cloak of Resistance
Masterwork Short Sword
Regular Short Sword
Explorer's Outfit
Masterwork Thief Tools
Climber's Kit
Flint & Steel
Soap (1 lb.)
Rations (10 days)
6x Alchemist Fire
2x Tanglefoot Bag
By the way, are we rolling dice for HP?

Lieutenant Addington |

Roll dice for HP.
I'll go through posted characters tomorrow morning and speak with AGMs about getting an RP thread up an running so we can start. Those who have volunteered to be AGMs are accepted. Divine spell casters are allowed, but Positive Energy only does half damage to these zombies, not full damage (this includes Smite Evil). Arcane magic works as normal.
As for the suggesting about bites from zombies outside your type tainting you with the curse but not actually killing you, I like it. It has some nice roleplay potential. Anything smaller than Small size is immune.
Aasimar are fine.
The 3PP content is fine.
In this campaign a critical hit is a headshot, and kills a zombie instantly. Destroying the head is required to kill a zombie, but reducing it to 0 HP without a headshot causes it to become paralyzed, at which point a coup de grace (also an automatic headshot) can be applied at leisure, so headshots are not required to eliminate the immediate threat a zombie poses. A paralyzed zombie regains 1 hit point and is no longer paralyzed after 4d12 hours if not killed.
Summoned creatures and eidolons can be infected, but if they are dismissed before reanimating and not recalled for at least 24 hours they will recover (leaving the materiel plane dilutes the effectiveness of the curse heavily).

Adrian Whitefield |

I'd like to join in if there is still an opening. I'd like to utilize 1st Bard or 1st Clr/ 2nd Gunslinger combo as either tiefling or human.
A Revamped version of Dragonrider (~!Copyrighted by SGG!~) i'm working on. I can post links for the google sheets I have if need be.
Sounds like it will be fun and although it may be difficult to play a gunslinger, I look forward to the challenge!
I don't mind being an assistant DM as have a lot of experience but it looks like you have plenty of back ups! xD So if you need me let me know~

Azure_Zero |

The 3PP content is fine.
So All the resources I asked for are OK'ed sweet.
I'll run it through the randomisation system I use to generate characters.
It makes some interesting characters at times, like Alkaid ( half-Succubus cleric/monk of Kord,
and she acted like a Normal cleric/monk when I thought though about the results of the generation.) and the player's like her character

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Summoned creatures and eidolons can be infected, but if they are dismissed before reanimating and not recalled for at least 24 hours they will recover (leaving the materiel plane dilutes the effectiveness of the curse heavily).
Cool, thanks.
Then I submit for your approval
Grey, the Lady's dog
Human Sorcerer (Undead) lvl 1/Summoner lvl 2
(it occurred to me that my concepts weren't actually exclusive)
The human wreck you see slumped before you no longer recalls his given name as he suffered a complete mental & emotional breakdown after realizing just where his arcane power seemed to emanate from. He has willfully blocked it from memory but comments overheard between himself & 'Purpose' the Pharasmin 'servitor' who is frequently found to accompany him hint a family tie to Urgathoan cult activity.
OOC: I figure some lesser Pharasmin managed to get just enough of an accurate prophecy about what was to come to try & do something about it but for whatever reason the only thing it could do was come down here & 'volunteer' itself as eidolon. (i.e. browbeat this loser into provinding it with an anchor)
As may already be obvious, this is my first attempt at taking part in a PbP campaign so please bear with me. Any suggestions/pointers, my contact email is in my profile. I would particularly appreciate assistance in how to post 'crunch' on the forums, i.e. character stats & suchlike. I will post a full write-up for Grey in the morning as it is around 2:30 am right now & I have to get my sun up for school tomorrow.

Azure_Zero |

@Azure_Zero: Lol is that an online system or is that something you came up with yourself?
I came up with it my self
Randomisation system
take an even number of classes you want to play (a number of 2^n works best) and do a dice roll tournament (higher is winner and advance, tie=reroll),
then do the same to races you want to play(templates count here),
then do the same for archetypes, you want, of the winning class,
then randomise everything else, but the feats, skill, and equipment, and maybe a few other things (you need some order to make something usable).
A previous DM of my had a good gender randomiser, take two dice (d4 or d6)
and roll them, if both are the same ((even & even) or (odd & odd)) then female, if both are different (even&odd) then male.
I do this process for recruitable NPCs and misc NPCs in my games,
towns have much shorter lists of options to keep certain aspects of the town correct.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Grey, the Lady's dog
Human Sorcerer (Undead) lvl 1/Summoner lvl 2
(it occurred to me that my concepts weren't necessarily mutually exclusive)
The human wreck you see slumped before you no longer recalls his given name as he suffered a complete mental & emotional breakdown after realizing just where his arcane power seemed to emanate from. He has willfully blocked it from memory but comments overheard between himself & 'Purpose' the Pharasmin 'servitor' who is frequently known to accompany him hint at a family tie to Urgathoan cult activity.
NG Human Sorcerer 1(Undead)/Summoner 2
13 Str, 13 Dex, 13 Con, 13 Int, 13 Wis, 16 Cha
Hit Points: 18 (1d6 + 2d8 + 6)
AC 12, Touch 12, FF 10; note, AC does not factor in Mage Armor
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; +1 vs divine spells
Init +3, BAB +1, CMB +2, CMD 14
Sling +2/1d4B 20/x2 crit. 50ft. range
(mostly for when he is helping to hunt game i.e. squirels, rabbits, rats... 'Don't you DARE judge me...')
Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7
Knowledge (Planes) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +7
Profession (Cook) +5, Profession (Scribe) +5
Spellcraft +7
Common, Osiriani
History of Heresy (f), Reactionary (c)
Dodge, Run, Toughness
Ring of Sustenance (he might kill to keep this)
'Precious'-Pack Mule (likewise)
Explorer's Outfit
2nd Explorer's Outfit
Pack Saddle
Belt pouch
Barrel (Usually for water)
Clay jug
Iron pot
Winter Blanket
signal whistle
Inkpen & Ink
paper, 20 sheets
parchment, 5 sheets
10 days fodder
1 lb Soap
10 vials Acid, 7 vials Alchemist's fire, 4 Tanglefoot bags
Cantrips: Daze, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation, Resistance
1st level: Cause Fear, Sleep
4 per day; note, affects once-Humanoid Undead as Humanoids.
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic
1st level: Enlarge Person, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor
3 per day
Grave Touch 6 per day (I don't see this getting much use)
Summon Monster I 6 per day, 2 minute duration (THIS I see getting used, A LOT!)
An oddly emaciated figure, somewhat resembling a skeletal ape with scythe-like claws & a crow's-skull head. It's fore-limbs stretch out from it's shoulders to the ground. Unlike an ape it's posture is straight & erect, even proud. Unlike it's companion.
2HD Medium Outsider (Humanoid Base Form) Speed 30'
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Hit Points: 19 (2d10 +2)
AC 15, Touch 11, FF 14; note, AC does not factor in Mage Armor
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
Init +1, BAB +2, CMB +6, +7 on Push; CMD 17
Claw(X2) +7/1d4+4S 20/x2 crit. 10ft. reach
Push: on a successful claw attack against a medium or smaller target, may attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the target of the attack is pushed 5 feet directly away from the eidolon.
Acrobatics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5
Weapon Focus: Claw
Claws (free), Limbs: arms (free), Limbs: legs (free), Push: Claws (1 pt.), Reach: Claws (1 pt.), Str increase (2 pts.)
Darkvision 60', link, share spells, evasion
I think that is all the crunch needed/required. If I missed anything, please let me know.

Lloyd Jackson |

I'd drop the rule about summoned creatures being infected. No other action taken by summoned creatures has any effect upon i.e. They don't gain XP, can't take loot, can't die, ect.
A gunslinger sounds cool for this. I've got class in 7 minutes, so no time for it now, but how many players are we looking at and what classes are they playing?

Azure_Zero |

but how many players are we looking at and what classes are they playing?
I'm a wild card in what I'll be playing, due to randomisation.
But for Kicks why don't we all try randomly generated characters
Randomisation system
take an even number of classes you want to play (a number of 2^n works best) and do a dice roll tournament (higher is winner and advance, tie=reroll),
then do the same to races you want to play(templates count here),
then do the same for archetypes, you want, of the winning class,
then randomise everything else, but the feats, skill, and equipment, and maybe a few other things (you need some order to make something usable).
A previous DM of my had a good gender randomiser, take two dice (d4 or d6)
and roll them, if both are the same ((even & even) or (odd & odd)) then female, if both are different (even&odd) then male.
End Randomisation
It would lead to interesting characters, an interesting party and in a zombie apocalypse it'll have a more real feel to it.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Lloyd Jackson wrote:but how many players are we looking at and what classes are they playing?I'm a wild card in what I'll be playing, due to randomisation.
But for Kicks why don't we all try randomly generated characters
It would lead to interesting characters, an interesting party and in a zombie apocalypse it'll have a more real feel to it.
I'm not sure how you figure completely randomized character creation will give a 'more real' Zombie Apocalypse feel to the game. Also not sure about the 'more interesting characters' comment. I played with the Red Box, rolling 3d6's in straight order & you don't get a whole lot more random than that. You also don't get a lot more ditched characters than that trying to find ONE that will work with what the group is trying to do. My 2 coppers.
My difficulty with that idea is I have already started coming up with character ideas I am interested in playing. If/when Grey dies I will give serious consideration to the randomization idea.

Mr. Swagger |

I want to play a druid. I don't know how long the zombie plague has been going on, but I am assuming about 20 years. If it is not then my background story can be changed.
PS:It seems my story got erased from herolabs.
Short version :(
My character was a toddler when the forces of good lost. He has grown up in cities and forest as his parents moved around. He developed a great interest in nature, and this was noticed by Desna, but she wanted to be sure of his physical and mental prowess. She had a mantis attack him. My character defeated the mantis, but did not kill it. He instead opted to keep it alive. The mantis attacked him a few more time, but eventually gave up, and accepted its role as pet, which is quiet strange for an insect. This was not expected, but it did impress Desna so she blessed him with the powers of druid and made the Mantis into his animal companions.
He was then instructed to make his way to a safe haven, but my character plans to make his own safe haven if he has too, and reclaim the world from the undead.
The original story was a lot longer...
PS2: He is a male orc.

Mr. Swagger |

Lloyd Jackson wrote:but how many players are we looking at and what classes are they playing?I'm a wild card in what I'll be playing, due to randomisation.
But for Kicks why don't we all try randomly generated characters
Randomisation system
take an even number of classes you want to play (a number of 2^n works best) and do a dice roll tournament (higher is winner and advance, tie=reroll),
then do the same to races you want to play(templates count here),
then do the same for archetypes, you want, of the winning class,
then randomise everything else, but the feats, skill, and equipment, and maybe a few other things (you need some order to make something usable).A previous DM of my had a good gender randomiser, take two dice (d4 or d6)
and roll them, if both are the same ((even & even) or (odd & odd)) then female, if both are different (even&odd) then male.
End RandomisationIt would lead to interesting characters, an interesting party and in a zombie apocalypse it'll have a more real feel to it.
I am going to disagree with it feeling more real. The only thing I get to control as a PC is my character. I at least want to have that, and considering how dangerous this game will be I might not even get to enjoy that for long, but at least I will die with a character of my choice :). Having the dice give me a string of characters I may not enjoy is not something I want to chance.

Lloyd Jackson |

I am putting forward two different character concepts. Take your pick on which you would prefer and I will fully stat them out.
Fatima Naser
N Female Human(or Rakshasa-spawned Tiefling), Keleshite
Bard 3
()Reflect stats changes if tiefling
Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Arcane Strike(minus this if Tiefling)
Skills: Profession(sailor), Perform(dance), Perform(sing), Diplomacy, Use Magic Device, Stealth, Knowledge(Geography/Local/History 1 rank in each)
Brief Backgroud: Fatima is a true Keleshite woman beautiful, graceful, arrogant, and passionate. She came to Absalom to see the legendary city and take all it has to offer. Ultimately, she wants to become a merchant captain with her own fleet. Once she becomes aware of the crisis, she will endeavor to lead people to one of the ships in the harbor, or anchored off the coast elsewhere.
The other submission
Einarr Bjornson
Male Human, Ulfen
Fighter 3
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus, Improved Initiative
Skills: Survival, Craft(weapon), Profession(soldier)
Einarr is a devotee of Gorum. All he really desires is a challenging fight against worthy foes. Like his god, Einarr has no tolerance for cowards, or those who prey on those weaker than themselves. He is in Absalom to seek his fortune after hearing from a cousin serving in Taldor. Once the crisis hits, he will first try to get out of the city and then plan from there. He will try to protect those he finds along the way. The undead are evil things that prey on the weak; they have no honor.

DM Azure_Zero |

@Azure Zero: I love the randomization you got there, if you don't mind me using it in the future I'd love to steal a copy of your post. The town generator is a neat idea too =D
I don't mind. You can favorite if you want.
It's a system that next to always give a result your Ok or great with.
Towns I do a bit differently, on NPC generation.
Make a list of jobs in the town, (group similar ones together, or ones that work together)
and make them a family unit (use a 4-NPC character sheets to hold the family data together),
randomise any children's gender and age, but base their stats on the parents, with 2d4 (or 2d6) for pushing and pulling stats from the average of the parents.
Any single (no married) NPCs can file up a spare or two 4-NPC sheets.
(these NPCs every now and then are recruitable or romancable)

Azure_Zero |

My randomisation list
Races (list)(2^3=8 perfect)
Angel Heritage*
Fiendish Heritage*
Elemental Heritage*
Jotun! (ITCoG)
Nymph-Born(Template) (template acquired, and roll again)
*Requires another randomisation table
(uses 4 Winds assimar,tieflings(CoT AP, stuff too) and elemental PDF and some ARG samples)
! taking it's paragon class.
Classes (list) (2^3=8 perfect)
Barbarian/Fighter (to similar, I'll toss a coin)
Sorc/Witch (to similar, I'll toss a coin)
It's getting late, so I'll start randomising tomorrow.
I'll make a few concepts.

Adrian Whitefield |

Rifleman's bulwark 40gp +4 - -10 50% 45 lbs.
Rifleman's bulwark
This heavy iron tower shield is a hallmark of the Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps of Rhul. It follows all the rules for a normal tower shield, including needing the Tower Shield Proficiency feat in order to use the shield effectively, with the following exceptions. When using the rifleman's bulwark to benefit from total cover, the character can make a ranged attack with a rifle or pistol by placing the firearm on the precision-tooled notch and peer through the view port. The attack gains a +1 circumstance bonus to hit; with the -2 penalty to attack rolls that tower shields give, the total is a -1.
I didn't know if you'd allow Variant Tiefling Abilities and Features. From Council of Thieves Pages 64-67 or not so here is my guy thus far. If you allow the variants (which will replace his darkness 1/day ability) then I will make the appropriate rolls and such.
Male Tiefling Cleric 1 Gunslinger (Gun Tank, Pistolero) 2
NG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +6
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20. . (+6 armor, +4 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 22 (2d10+1d8+3)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Battleaxe +3 (1d8+2/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Ranged Pistol +3 (1d8/20/x4)
Special Attacks Agile Feet (4/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day), Strength Surge (4/day)
Cleric Spells Known (CL 1, 2 melee touch, 3 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 12), Magic Weapon (DC 12), Abundant Ammunition
0 (at will) Guidance (DC 11), Mending, Stabilize
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Gunsmithing, Opening Volley, Rapid Reload: Pistol
Skills Acrobatics -3, Appraise +6, Bluff +1, Climb -6, Craft (Firearms) +6, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -9, Fly -9, Heal +5, Knowledge (Local) +6, Perception +6, Ride -9, Stealth -4, Survival +5, Swim -6
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal
SQ Aura (Ex), Bullet Defection (+3) (Ex), Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (2/day) (DC 9) (Su), Cleric Domain: Strength, Cleric Domain: Travel, Deeds, Grit (Ex), Gun Tank's Resolve (25%) (Ex), Quick Clear (Ex), Spontaneous Casting, Up Close and Deadly +1d6
Combat Gear Alchemical Cartridge, Paper (30), Masterwork Agile Breastplate, Masterwork Battleaxe, Masterwork Tower Shield, Pistol; Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Crowbar, Grappling hook, Gunsmith's Kit, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Pouch, belt (empty), Rations, trail (per day) (4), Rope, silk (50 ft.)
Agile Feet (4/day) (Su) For 1r, you ignore difficult terrain.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Bullet Defection (+3) (Ex) A gun tank is adept at modifying and using her armor to stop firearm attacks. Starting at 2nd level, a gun tank wearing medium or heavy armor gains half the armor's bonus plus the armor's enhancement bonus (if any) as a deflection bonus against any n
Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (2/day) (DC 9) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric Domain: Strength Granted Powers: In strength and brawn there is truth–your faith gives you incredible might and power.
Cleric Domain: Travel Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Damage Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Darkness (1/day) (Sp) Darkness once per day.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeds Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longerlasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as a gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The
Grit (Ex) A gunslinger makes her mark upon the world with daring deeds. Some gunslingers claim they belong to a mystical way of the gun, but it's more likely that the volatile nature of firearms simply prunes the unlucky and careless from their ranks. Whatever
Gun Tank's Resolve (25%) (Ex) At 1st level, the gun tank can shrug off the most serious of attacks. When the gun tank is wearing medium or heavy armor and is subject to a critical hit or sneak attack, she can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to attempt to negate the crit
Gunsmithing You know the secrets of repairing and restoring firearms.
Benefit: If you have access to a gunsmith's kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft c
Opening Volley Successful ranged attack grants +4 on next melee attack roll
Quick Clear (Ex) At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform t
Rapid Reload: Pistol You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Strength Surge (4/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to a melee atack or strength check.
Up Close and Deadly +1d6 At 1st level, when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the 1d6 damage anyways.
[spoiler=Haundo's Story]
Haundo, or Hound, was born a Tiefling and has lived a very hard life until he arrived in Absalom. He is eighteen years old and stands roughly six foot seven inches tall and has an unusually light build for someone so strong. unlike most of his kind Haundo looks more like a dog then a half fiend, he doesn't bare any horns, cloven feet or the smell of ash.
Instead he looked like a bipedal hound, with backward bending knees and pawed feet and fanged teeth. He looks akin to a doberman or Ibizain hound. Not only does he look and act mostly like a hound, he works like one as well. He serves in the Night Watch of Absalom, trying to keep the streets safe at night and crime down in the rough district of the city he was assigned too. Many times muggers, gangbangers and other criminals have tested his skills with both the blade or long arm. Most of these encounters end with Haundo's opponents leaving in a coffin. His ability to see in complete darkness has given him an advantage over normal humans and is something out of his fiendish heritage that he is thankful for.
He doesn't talk very much and when he does his voice is rough and gratty much like a dogs. So instead of talking he has focused on listening, watching and learning. His heavy armor makes him a hard opponent for most people to take down as well.
Let me know what you think~ Thanks!

markofbane |

While I'm working on getting my sorcerer together, I have a couple of suggestions that occurred to me.
Since a crit counts as a headshot, taking down a zombie, perhaps a couple of things pertaining to accuracy should assist. For example, perhaps for each die of sneak attack a character has, add one to the die roll range for a crit for zombie slaying purposes only. If a character uses the deadly aim feat, for each +1 they take off their BAB, add 1 to the crit range as well. If you are a ranger with undead as a favored enemy, add +1 to the crit range for each +2 bonus you have vs. undead.
Just some thoughts. Thanks!

wraithstrike |

While I'm working on getting my sorcerer together, I have a couple of suggestions that occurred to me.
Since a crit counts as a headshot, taking down a zombie, perhaps a couple of things pertaining to accuracy should assist. For example, perhaps for each die of sneak attack a character has, add one to the die roll range for a crit for zombie slaying purposes only. If a character uses the deadly aim feat, for each +1 they take off their BAB, add 1 to the crit range as well. If you are a ranger with undead as a favored enemy, add +1 to the crit range for each +2 bonus you have vs. undead.
Just some thoughts. Thanks!
I don't like this. It adds complication, and makes the game too easy for ranger archers.
PS:I think the OP should finalize the rules, and pick soon before the crowd gets too big. :)

markofbane |

I don't like this. It adds complication, and makes the game too easy for ranger archers.
PS:I think the OP should finalize the rules, and pick soon before the crowd gets too big. :)
I'd like to see someone take an archer, see how that works out for them after the first 40 or 60 arrows. :)

Mr. Swagger |

wraithstrike wrote:I'd like to see someone take an archer, see how that works out for them after the first 40 or 60 arrows. :)I don't like this. It adds complication, and makes the game too easy for ranger archers.
PS:I think the OP should finalize the rules, and pick soon before the crowd gets too big. :)
I was thinking about it if my druid dies. I was also going to take the craft skill that allows me to make arrows also though. In addition I was going to get a good melee weapon. I don't like the idea of only being stuck with one option.