Archer cleric


Lantern Lodge

Tinkering with a cleric build. Mostly healing support with some ranged attacks in it (archery).

I'm thinking of dipping into some monk levels for the zen archer archetype. Thoughts?

The Exchange

kantoboy wrote:

Tinkering with a cleric build. Mostly healing support with some ranged attacks in it (archery).

I'm thinking of dipping into some monk levels for the zen archer archetype. Thoughts?

I've seen it done Cleric/Zen Archer and Cleric/Fighter. Fighter version wasn't worth a damn after level 10, Zen Archer version plain ole sucked until he died at 9th level. Stick to crossbow, maybe rapid reload and your attacks will be something once you start self buffing and get outside 5th level.

Lantern Lodge

Weaponbreaker wrote:

I've seen it done Cleric/Zen Archer and Cleric/Fighter. Fighter version wasn't worth a damn after level 10, Zen Archer version plain ole sucked until he died at 9th level. Stick to crossbow, maybe rapid reload and your attacks will be something once you start self buffing and get outside 5th level.

I'm curious why a crossbow?

Grand Lodge

Clerics are proficient with them. They're not proficient with other bows.

unless they are an Elf or Half-elf with ancestral weapon or a cleric of Eristal.

Lantern Lodge

Dax Thura wrote:
Clerics are proficient with them. They're not proficient with other bows.

Oh...I'm thinking of taking the 'heirloom weapon' trait to solve that problem or be a cleric of a deity that uses bows.

kantoboy wrote:
Dax Thura wrote:
Clerics are proficient with them. They're not proficient with other bows.
Oh...I'm thinking of taking the 'heirloom weapon' trait to solve that problem or be a cleric of a deity that uses bows.

Bad idea in my opinion with the nerf to the trait its now a non masterwork item. Though if it a home game you can get Masterwork Transformation cast on it.

Lantern Lodge

So is it better to stick to all cleric levels?

kantoboy wrote:

So is it better to stick to all cleric levels?

If your not after being a combat monkey yeah go all cleric and enjoy the buffs.

kantoboy wrote:

So is it better to stick to all cleric levels?

Not neccessarily. I´d recommend a level Ranger for favourite enemy, propably better Ranger´s focus from the Guide Archetype (+2 to hit and damage on one target till its dead), fits thematically nicely with a Cleric of Erastil. Track, Wildempathy and the skills (Stealth!)are also nothing to scoof at.

Mechanically there´d also be the Rogue: Sniper-Archetype, sexy: halfed penalties for far-shots, maybe an Ex-Poacher ?

If your thinking about doing more than 1 or 2 level-dip either way, i´d recommend half-elf for race. Both Ranger and Rogue get very interesting abilities for a concept as this in 2nd and third level, though that would seriously curb your casting abilities.

With the Ranger you could take Precise-shot or Farshot, without bothering with Point-blank. Rather take DeadlyAim early, if your target is in point-blank-range and is still worth shooting you or your party propably made a tactical mistake.
Given the campaign-style favourite terrain and endurance might be interesting.

On the Rogue-side there is a rogue talent or sneak attack+2d6, though there you get the range-problem again.

The Exchange

I'll avoid multiclass-dipping advice (though I admit that Ranger is a good one for the archer cleric concept) and simply advise 1) bow over crossbow, 2) liberal use of magic weapon (and, when you get to it, greater magic weapon, and 3) use shield other on your lowest-AC front-liner since you're not going to be close enough to use spontaneous healing spells: shield other is excellet in combination with your Channel Positive Energy class ability. Because of the cleric's strictly-average BAB, you may want to invest in Weapon Focus and Dex-boosting items (not a bad idea anyway since they bump up your class's one weak save.)

Shadow Lodge

That's pretty MAD to go archery, the only stat that isn't 'useful' here is int.

if you're set on using a bow i'd recommend Half-elf or Deity with the long bow as the favored weapon. I don't recommend Elf as -2 con hurts and they have no bonuses to wis or char.

unless you're going to have 12 or more strength you might be better off going human and getting a light crossbow and rapid reload, as this will rely less on strength than the other builds.

Also what system are you using for your stats?

Lantern Lodge

Skerek wrote:

Also what system are you using for your stats?

20 pt buy. Thinking of going human:

STR 12,
Dex 16,
CON 10,
Int 10
Wis 16,
Cha 13,

Grand Lodge

Lincoln Hills wrote:
I'll avoid multiclass-dipping advice (though I admit that Ranger is a good one for the archer cleric concept) and simply advise 1) bow over crossbow, 2) liberal use of magic weapon (and, when you get to it, greater magic weapon, and 3) use shield other on your lowest-AC front-liner since you're not going to be close enough to use spontaneous healing spells: shield other is excellet in combination with your Channel Positive Energy class ability. Because of the cleric's strictly-average BAB, you may want to invest in Weapon Focus and Dex-boosting items (not a bad idea anyway since they bump up your class's one weak save.)


I'm currently running a cleric of Erastil in a home game, and he is doing quite well without multi-classing. His own ability to buff, coupled with potion brewing and a few well-chosen magic items (personal buff items and wands) make him a decent threat in combat. And since the party also has a ranger, he isn't always stuck in the archery role; he can chose to support clerically as needed.

So, I'd go Erastil. This gets you bow proficiency right off the bat, the Feather domain (amazing for archer clerics) plus you're spoiled for choice in regards to others. I'd suggest Good myself.

Next, I'd adjust my scores according whether or not I want to get Guided Hand or not. Guided hand will let you use your wisdom in place of dexterity for attack rolls.

So let's talk ability scores. Personally I'd adjust it like so for a non guided hand build.

Str: 14
Dex: 15
Con: 10
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 11

Put the +2 bonus in your choice of wisdom if you think youll be casting more then shooting or dex if you'll be shooting more than casting. The advantages of this build are you don't suffer a two feat tax getting Guided Hand. But what if we want it?

Then we build like this.

Str: 14
Dex: 13
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 10

Put the +2 bonus in either Strength for Damage or Wis for Attack. I normally go for more attack.

Feat wise Point Blank shot is your first feat followed by either channel smite (for guided hand) or rapid shot.

From there it all really depends on the game. You'll eventually want to either be casting mroe than shooting or shooting than casting when needed. This determines where your feats go from here.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The main problem with archer-clerics is MAD-statting to get DEX high at the expense of WIS, or ripping a lot of feat-slots to solve the problem. Fortunately, Ultimate Combat has just the Scooby-snak we've been looking for:

STR:12 ...20pt human

Traits: Birthmark, Reactionary

01 cler1 00 [Erastil:Animal(Feather)/Plant], 1st, Channel Smite, Guided Hand
02 monk1 00 [Zen Archer][bow-flurry], Perfect Strike, Precise Shot, WIS>AC
03 cler2 01 Improved Initiative 3rd-level you're INIT+11, AC:16 touch flat-footed in your underwear, and have two MW bow attacks at +5/+5 (sounds tepid, but then you're an "easy buff" as a cleric, and will scale fast). Monk grants Perception and Escape artist (keep high) and Climb and Swim (a single rank will let you take-10 DC15). Bump skills with favored class for 3/level (defensively plan the character like a wizard).

Wisdom is now the only stat you care about, as it is used for attacks, AC, CMD, and spells.

Dark Archive

kantoboy wrote:

Tinkering with a cleric build. Mostly healing support with some ranged attacks in it (archery).

I'm thinking of dipping into some monk levels for the zen archer archetype. Thoughts?

Ask your DM to make your life easier and let you use the Zen Archery feat from 3.5's Complete Warrior. :)

Lantern Lodge

Diabhol wrote:
kantoboy wrote:

Tinkering with a cleric build. Mostly healing support with some ranged attacks in it (archery).

I'm thinking of dipping into some monk levels for the zen archer archetype. Thoughts?

Ask your DM to make your life easier and let you use the Zen Archery feat from 3.5's Complete Warrior. :)

Lots of good advice here. I need to look at the guided hand build. I'll probably make something less extreme though, that 7 intelligence build is kinda hard to RP. :D

kantoboy wrote:

Tinkering with a cleric build. Mostly healing support with some ranged attacks in it (archery).

I'm thinking of dipping into some monk levels for the zen archer archetype. Thoughts?



God: Elastril
Evangelist Cleric (Animal [Fur])

1 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
3 Rapid Shot
5 Boon Companion
7 Manyshot
9 Quicken Spell

Best Archer Cleric in town. If you don't want to cast so many spells for healing drop your Wis to 14 and raise Str to 14

7 Int isn't hard to RP. You got lots of Wis and just are a bit slower than usual humans and don't tend to stick to the great schemes and stuff...

At lvl 9 you can be riding on your large Roc and activate Inspire Courage for a move, cast a quickened buff (divine favor, shield of faith?) plus a standard action buff (prayer, whatever) in the first round.
Everyone is going to love you...

Dark Archive

I go:


As an Evangalist. Bow and song make nice synergy

I prefer to avoid the companion, the fur domain is otherwise mediocre on the spell list. Restoration is great, liberation always nice.

For bow proficiency you can get heirloom weapon. In a home campaign magic it into masterwork,for PFS get bracers of archery later so you can get a magic bow.

Thalin wrote:

I go:


As an Evangalist. Bow and song make nice synergy

I prefer to avoid the companion, the fur domain is otherwise mediocre on the spell list. Restoration is great, liberation always nice.

For bow proficiency you can get heirloom weapon. In a home campaign magic it into masterwork,for PFS get bracers of archery later so you can get a magic bow.

12 dex but 18 con? ^^

Liberty's Edge

Mike Schneider wrote:

The main problem with archer-clerics is MAD-statting to get DEX high at the expense of WIS, or ripping a lot of feat-slots to solve the problem. Fortunately, Ultimate Combat has just the Scooby-snak we've been looking for:

STR:12 ...20pt human

Traits: Birthmark, Reactionary

01 cler1 00 [Erastil:Animal(Feather)/Plant], 1st, Channel Smite, Guided Hand
02 monk1 00 [Zen Archer][bow-flurry], Perfect Strike, Precise Shot, WIS>AC
03 cler2 01 Improved Initiative 3rd-level you're INIT+11, AC:16 touch flat-footed in your underwear, and have two MW bow attacks at +5/+5 (sounds tepid, but then you're an "easy buff" as a cleric, and will scale fast). Monk grants Perception and Escape artist (keep high) and Climb and Swim (a single rank will let you take-10 DC15). Bump skills with favored class for 3/level (defensively plan the character like a wizard).

Wisdom is now the only stat you care about, as it is used for attacks, AC, CMD, domain uses and spells.

Other nice things about this build: 1) Unarmed strike punch damage with your Inflict touch-attacks, 2) getting Precise Shot without the annoying Point Black Shot requirement, 3) Also getting Rapid Shot for free as Zen-flurry, and being -1/-1 instead of -2/-2 to hit since monk BAB is like fighter BAB when flurrying.

General Susumu is a good Archer Cleric God now.

Evil, Glory, Law, Nobility, War

Liberty's Edge

Lincoln Hills wrote:
I'll avoid multiclass-dipping advice (though I admit that Ranger is a good one for the archer cleric concept) and simply advise 1) bow over crossbow,...

It depends upon how strong you are. In a point-buy campaign (such as PFS), strength is a very attractive dump stat for a cleric.

If your STR is 7, a bow is worthless.

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