Ringeirr Malenkov

Northron's page

Organized Play Member. 153 posts (184 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Grand Lodge

Heya! I'm heading down to PaizoCon from Canada to help out in HQ. If anyone is looking for a room mate to reduce your hotel costs, please DM me. I don't smoke or snore, and I'm told I'm thoroughly pleasant. Ideally I plan to be there from Thursday to Tuesday (Thur. night to Mon. night), but any portion of that would be great. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Email sent! Looking forward to it.

Grand Lodge

Same. I've clicked on the Request Access button several times, so maybe that's not getting through?

Hope the holidays were good to people.

Grand Lodge

No worries, Venus, the real world must take precedent. I really enjoyed this, so thank-you for inviting me to play at your table. I hope we can do it again!

Happy holidays, everyone!

Grand Lodge 4/5

All hail! Exciting times!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Thank-you, Mike, for bringing me in as a VC, and all the work since then. You will be deeply missed, and I look forward to a proper farewell at GenCon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congrats to both of you!

Grand Lodge

Foiled Again wrote:

Loved the new venue. The hall for the PFS games was much more comfortable for all, plus removed the hassle in mustering for the regular PFS slots. Having some great restaurant choices a quick walk away helped as well. The temp food area was nice, but we had less time at dinner, so having it available then would be a possible improvement. Hopefully it was used enough that the hotel could extend the hours.

This is the first year I brought my son (12 when we arrived, 13 when we left) and I appreciated how everybody, Paizo and fellow attendees, went out of their way to ensure he was having a great time. He got a huge kick out of Mike Brock coming over and joking with him before the Friday special. The extra token Mike gave him ended up being used in his roll at the prize table that got him his personal core rulebook, so he'll remember this interaction for years to come. I appreciated the players and GM pitching in to help him when he struggled with the free-form encounters at the start of the Sunday special. It would have been easy for them to get frustrated, but they were all great.

Speaking of the Sunday special, hats off to John Compton for writing a great scenario. After Friday, we were hoping that Sunday was going to be the same plot, just flipping to Aspis, and we were not disappointed.

For the love of Abadar, could someone arrange for a Bulmahn-sized microphone at the banquet podium? He always looks so uncomfortable having to scrunch down for his part in the previews.

Please don't schedule slots that go past 5 in the main room on banquet night. The PACG had a 4-6 slot that was cut short by needing to be out of the room at 5. Less of a problem this year with PFS not having official afternoon slots scheduled.

I was leery of the afternoons free of PFS, but I ended up being OK with it since I just played the PACG instead. There was so much to do, I never made it to any seminars or the delves. Great to have choices. Maybe offer a limited slate of "official" slots in the PM?

Speaking as the GM for that game, please tell your son he did a fantastic job. We've all been at that point as a gamer, so I'm glad we were able to help him along. I'm not so sure he needed us though, he seemed to get into the spirit of things well enough. Hopefully we'll see you both next year, I'd be happy to have you at my table again!

Grand Lodge

Deidre Tiriel wrote:

Name: Majuba & Cass/Deidre

How to contact: Paizo PM
Have reservation already or looking for a room? Reservation already!

If you already have a reservation
What hotel: Doubletree!
Dates: 5/21-5/25
Expectations: Non-smokers only

We have a 2 queen room with a balcony & 2 friendly cats. We have a spare bed. Due to the cats, would prefer one roommate rather than 2 this year. Can share the room for one night or the whole time.

Message sent!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congratulations, Dominick!

Grand Lodge

Heya, all! I'm coming in by bus from Edmonton, should arrive just before the VO dinner Thursday; plan to leave on the Tuesday after the con. Is there anyone looking for a room mate? I'm clean, don't snore, and have totally gotten over that sleep-stabbing thing. I can also send you my share of the room cost by mid-April, so that will be out of the way before the con.

Respond here or send me a PM, either is good.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congratulations, and thank-you!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rick sounds like the best of men. My condolences.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Welcome, Fernando!

Grand Lodge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Heya, Mark! I just signed up to GM The Confirmation. I get into town at 4:25am, so I shouldn't have any trouble being at Scotty's for 8am. Hopefully I can find a shower somewhere in between. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Looking forward to all of this. Thank-you!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congratulations, John! Here's to many more!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hello! Brent Jans, VC for Edmonton. I'll second what Myron said, if you need help don't hesitate to contact either of us. You can reach me at pfsedmontonvc@gmail.com.

And if you know what the dates for your convention will be, I'd be happy to make the trip to help out as long as I can clear it in my schedule. It's a pretty easy trip from Edmonton.

Good on you for getting things started in Saskatchewan!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hello! My name is Brent Jans and I'm the Venture-Captain for Edmonton, AB, Canada. Starting a new thread because we just launched a few new sites for Pathfinders to connect in Edmonton, and I wanted to get the word out.

If you are interested in PFS, stop by our new website and forums to get the latest news and information about Society play in Edmonton. You can register for events on our Warhorn page. As well, you can find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

We currently run weekly game nights at two locations: Monday nights at Mission: Fun and Games in St. Albert; and Tuesday nights at The Adventurer's Guild. Newcomers are always welcome and details are on the website and Warhorn pages.

If you have any questions regarding Pathfinder Society in Edmonton, or even around the province, don't hesitate to contact me at pfsedmontonvc@gmail.com; I'm happy to help out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I used to organize Living Greyhawk here in Edmonton, and LG had a mix of General and Regional adventures. Because of how the regions were assigned, if I wanted to play out-of-region I had to travel to the US. Not just over the border, either; I had to go a state or two south in most cases to leave our region.

Because of this experience, exclusive scenarios just don't do it for me. If we are somehow going to create more and different content, then why not create content everyone can use? Why opt for a "solution" that only benefits population dense areas?

I have a similar issue with making exclusive con scenarios. I think it's great that there are regional cons that can pull 50+ tables over a weekend. I don't have any cons in Alberta that can do that yet, and there might never be one (I'm working on it, and I live in hope). That makes the probability of any of my local players getting to play one of those scenarios small, again, unless they travel. So I generally don't even mention Bonekeep exists; why taunt my players with material they can't play?

This idea of "exclusive" content, whatever the flavour, seems counter-productive. Mike has already pointed out why it won't work from Paizo's stand point, and no one seems able to craft a selling feature he can take back in order to change minds.

I don't know what the solution is here, but I really think "exclusive" isn't it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Mana Wastes would be interesting. But I'd also like to see more adventuring into the non-human lands as well: Kyonin, Hold of Belkzen, The Five Kings Mountains, the Darklands. Human areas get a lot of play and that's understandable, humans are the majority race on Golarion. But there must be artefacts of interest to the Pathfinders among the non-human races, many who were around before humans.

Grand Lodge 4/5

As it says in the entry, as of 2011 you couldn't take anything new from Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. If you had taken a legal option from the book prior to that date it's grandfathered in, as listed. But you cannot take anything from the source now, as it has been replaced by the Inner Sea World Guide.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Welcome, David!

Grand Lodge


Scotty's Chocolate Cake - Zarta's Sinful Indulgence
Big Ass Burger - Starstone Burger
Shewman Special - Handy Haversack Surprise
Mo'fo Cluck - Flaming Cockatrice

And that's all I've got so far. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congrats, Myron!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congratulations, Art! A positive example for all we can do!

Grand Lodge

RSVPed on FB. Sounds like a great time, thank-you Kyle!

Grand Lodge

Definitely interested in sharing a room, so if anyone is looking for a clean, non-snoring roommate please drop me a line. I'm looking to be there by Thursday evening and leave Monday morning. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5


Grand Lodge 4/5

Congratulations Kyle!

Grand Lodge

Welcome, John!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Awesome! This is exciting news, my players will love this!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Thanks, Mike! Looking forward to seeing you all at Gencon!

Grand Lodge 4/5

teribithia9 wrote:
This isn't about convention boons, but it is about pathfinder tales chronicles and their possible abuse. I met a guy a couple of weeks ago who was of the opinion that when you assigned a tales chronicle to a pc, the pc received everything on that chronicle for free. So, take, for example, the gem of seeing on the death's heretic chronicle. He believed that he received that gem for free. So, if he chose to assign the death's heretic chronicle to his first level character, he believed that first level character got a 75000 gp magic item without having to pay for it (and could then turn around and sell it for 37500 gp). I tried to tell him that, like any other chronicle, it only gave him access to buy the items, not the item for free. But he clearly didn't believe me and I wonder if others are mistaken in the same fashion. As much as it pains me to say, since I think this is patently obvious, maybe there needs to be an explicit statement in the guide or FAQ that this only grants access and not the item itself?

Like any other Chronicle, the boons grant you access only to an item, unless the boon specifically says you get the item for free. But if it is listed with a cost, you have to pay for it.

Even if this player doesn't agree with this "opinion", his first character audit will straighten things out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Scott Young wrote:

Congratulations to all the new Venture-Officers, and especially to fellow Canadian Robert Trifts, stepping up from Leftenant to Captain!

Seconded! Congrats on the promotion, Robert! We three need to discuss a Pan-Canadian PFS event soon... ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sorry to hear that Neil, but I can understand the need. I hope I still get to meet you at a con in the future or around the gaming table!

I shall toast your stepping down with the traditional Canadian "Beaver Bite"; two parts screech to one part maple syrup, chased with a pale ale and a bowl of poutine...

Grand Lodge

Awesome! Thanks, Mike and Don!

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nickademus42 wrote:
Let me clarify by pointing something out:
Core Rulebook, p. 91-92 wrote:
You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning half your check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work.

The Day Job roll represents a period of work, which makes it different than say an Acrobatics check to avoid an AoO. But the Craft and Profession skill have the same use stated in the RAW. So a Day Job is technically just like other skill checks, other Craft and Profession skill checks to earn income over time.

Now, that said, there is nothing in the CRB that says you can't take 10 on the Craft check to earn income over time. Nosig is asking why the Day Job, which uses a different mechanic but is in-game the same thing, does not allow the player to take 10. Simply saying it's different isn't an acceptable answer.

Actually, saying it's different when it is different is a perfectly acceptable answer.

Notice the emphasis I placed in your quote above. You are right about the RAW in the Core book. But as has already been stated, the Day Job check is meant to cover an indeterminate amount of time. It could be a week, it could be two weeks, or it could also be three days and then you're off on another mission.

I think some confusion is coming from comparisons to the old Living Greyhawk model of "day job" checks. But in LG that time period was a set period, since LG tracked your character's time by the week. Pathfinder Society does not, and because of that and for reasons already stated, you can't Take 10 on a Day Job roll.

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:

Fromper - I'm sure I am not the only one on this board that could come up with a regular job that would let me travel at a moments notice on Society Missions all around the world. (Writing a travel coloume for a local Mag. or Book club, cleric for my Faction Leader, Guild jurneyman - "if I'm in town and punching the clock I pull the pay, it's union rules", so many others). Can I explain why (in game) it has to be a roll and not a T10? Sure. But why do I have to build this in game justification for a rule variation? This is an exception to the T10 rule. I would like to know if there is any reason other than "just 'cause!".

Nosig, you seem to be complaining that people are giving you "in game" justifications for the Day Job no T10 rule, but then you use "in game" justifications for why it should be allowed.

As Bob already pointed out, the Day Job roll is not like other skill checks. It is an abstract way to aggregate income results over an indeterminate period of time during your character's off-hours. Since there is no way to measure that time, and no way to determine what things (good or bad) happen during it, players must roll to represent the hand that luck (again, good and bad) can have in a character's off-hours work.

I'm not sure what else can be said about this. Imo, your question has been answered, but if you feel it hasn't, I guess you will just have to accept, "because its the rule". But I hope you can understand the reasoning behind it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I personally started playing in 1980 at age 10, through a D&D event being run through my local library. So I consider that to be the min. age for role-playing games, inasmuch as I think about age minimums. As luck would have it the youngest of my four nephews just turned 10, so guess who is getting the Pathfinder Beginner Box for Christmas? And of course Uncle Brent will be happy to GM...

Bringing new children/tweens into gaming is one of the ways we will keep our hobby strong. We just need to be the best stewards we can for the generations coming up behind. And I think the Pathfinder community as a whole is particularly able in this regard.

Grand Lodge 4/5

WalterGM wrote:
Scott Young wrote:

I have a "Cheat sheet" for new players that explains both the subtleties of Organized Play plus helps them choose factions (if they're starting in a regular scenario) that I'm happy to share with anyone who wants them. It gives new players at the table something to read while the GM preps the game, and answers most of the common questions.

Ooooh, pick me! I want to read/use it for my new players.

+1 to that; I'd also love a copy of that when it's available.

Grand Lodge

Very cool! I can't wait to expand my collection of pre-painted minis with these new scuplts. I am super excited about the new minis!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Cyxodus wrote:
I would think that the scenarios for season 1 would have a dual number. #1-01 (#29), #1-02 (#30), etc. A doable compromise.

Except that any change to the scenario numbering would still require a lot of data entry work for very little pay-off. And Michael makes a very good point about chronicles already in use; do we track those down and force the players to update them?

The actual inconvenience is pretty small. Just consider it a little quirk of the PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Scott Young wrote:
Brent Jans wrote:

Looking forward to working with you and Neil; we need to plan out the Great Canadian Pathfinder Moot real soon!
Going to PaizoCon? We're toying with driving out from Winnipeg...

I am definitely going to Gen Con this year. Did the drive out from Edmonton in 2010, which was interesting fun (especially when crossing back to Canada with resin steampunk gun replicas).

I'll keep the drive in mind. Funds allowing, I wouldn't mind just flying but I'll have to play that by ear.

Grand Lodge 4/5

While I can see how it may seem unfair that con-goers have access to special boons, I don't agree that it is unfair. As has already been stated, this is the PFS con-goer's reward for attending the con and spending their time on PFS.

And as has also already been noted, they are getting something special but no more or less effective that anything from the core rules. The tengu already cited; is that really going to work any better than a dwarf or human? Will it help a player "win" PFS better? No, of course not. It is just different. No one is depriving PFS players who can't make it to cons of anything. Heck, the last time I was at GenCon was two years ago. The time before that? 1996. I know what it is like to be isolated from these major conventions, believe me.

But that doesn't stop me from enjoying PFS. And Paizo does provide options for people that want special boons right in their home town (the Beginner Box Bash already mentioned is a good example).

The fact is, scarcity makes these boons valuable, and the races allowed by them interesting. Without that scarcity, we might as well just allow everyone to play everything and see how interesting things are then. There is already an organized play system that follows that model, and I haven't found anywhere near as much fun with it as I have PFS. Of course, ymmv.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Scott Young wrote:
Brent Jans wrote:
Thanks for the kind words, all! Congratulations to my fellow newbies, and a big thanks to the the VCs and VLs working so hard before us. I'm looking forward to working with you all.
Congrats, Jan! You're only 13 hours away by car, hopefully I'll get up your way soon!

Ha! It's Brent, actually, though you aren't the first person to make that mistake. And oddly, my birth certificate does show my last name as having an apostrophe (Jan's). Someday Jan will claim me as hers...

Looking forward to working with you and Neil; we need to plan out the Great Canadian Pathfinder Moot real soon!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Thanks for the kind words, all! Congratulations to my fellow newbies, and a big thanks to the the VCs and VLs working so hard before us. I'm looking forward to working with you all.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Both #3–07 and #3–08 have been turned over to the web team and should go live today, as indicated on their product page for the last few weeks. I don't know why the availability on them switched from "Available tomorrow" to "Unavailable" instead of to "Available later today" but those sorts of technical details are not my purview anyway.

Thanks, Mark! Appreciate the quick reply.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Just wondering if there is an update on the release of Echoes? I had it and another Season 3 scheduled to run this coming weekend, but I notice they are both listed just as Unavailable.

I've switched out this weekend's scenarios, so no harm done there. Just curious when I can send my Pathfinders back to Blackros Museum... :)

Grand Lodge


With enough plush goblins, I could organize a "gobbo hunt" in place of an Easter egg hunt one year...

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