Bestiary 4 Wish List

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Silver Crusade

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Non-evil undead, like the deathless from Ebberon.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

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I would like non-evil undead, something like the deathless as well.

More snail like monsters.

Winged monkeys would be nice to go with those winged apes.

Ooze with similar abilities/traits to silly putty/rubber

More sea cretures/monsters.

a vampire race like the ones in the movie Lifeforce.

The rest of the creatures from misfit monsters redeemed.

Silver Crusade

A set of bioweapon-style aberrations each born out of a different humanoid race. Whether their origins are from some magical curse, a disease, or a cursed magical disease, or something else, each of them would be a twisted monstrosity that may be able to turn more of its original race into more of its kind.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A monster that eats the food out of a PCs stomach, with a long probiscoid face.

Monsters based on Buffy, like those creepy gentlemen.

-Astrobeetle, emitting superheatball breath
-Ninja Cicada from outer space
-Owlstarfish, absorbing any energy
-Electric Pointer-Nwet
-Titanic Salamander; DR999/-, without sunlight

The creatures from the Tome of Horror I want to see in Bestiary 4
And I know I can just use them from the tome of horrors, but I want them to be in the Bestiary 4 anyway as I like bestairies better than the color-less Tome of Horrors, and many of the other creatures from Tome of horrors are used in Bestairies aswel, so why were they used and these not?

Abyssal Harvester
Al-mi'raj (Misfit monsters?)
Assassin Bug
Death Watch Beetle
Blood Hawk
Bonesnapper (Misfit monsters?)
Carrion Moth (strange that this isn't done already, its much like a carrion crawler)
Giant Clam (all kinds of strange variants)
Cooshee (Misfit monsters?)
Corpse Orgy or warsworn
Corpsespinner (this is the best spider-creature of all time and it craves for the artwork of the white spider from one of the adventure path books)
Chasme or Stirge Demon
Diger (Misfit monsters?)
Mist Dragon
Eye of the Deep (strange that this isn't done already, its much like a beholder)
Gloom Crawler
Iron Maiden Golem
Rope Golem
Mudman (with the artwork of the Adventure Path books)(Misfit monsters?)
Mercury Ooze (or mercury golem)
Undead Ooze
White Pudding (ice ooze)
Brain Rat (cranium rat)
Sand Kraken
Sand Stalker (variant trapdoor spider)
Sea Wasp (jellyfish)
Soul Reaper
Tangtal (dupli-cat, this is the best solution for the Displacer Beast like ever)
Vampire Rose (Misfit monsters?)
Blood Weird
Witherstench (Misfit monsters?)
Giant Archerfish
Giant Barracuda
Dire Hippopotamus (behemoth)
Bookworm (not a hazard)(variant of grick that eats magical items/books and gains magical blessings/abilities by eating them)
Gas Spore (not a hazard)(Misfit monsters?)
Hound of Ill Omen (not a hazard)
Memory Moss (not a hazard)

Necrophidius is already in Bestairy 2

I agree on these as well:

Carrion Moth
Giant Clam
Mist Dragon
Eye of the Deep
Vampire rose
Hound of ill omen(as a creature)
White Pudding
Mercury Ooze
Giant Barracuda
Giant archerfish
Rope Golem

Liberty's Edge

The formorian giants and the modrons

Liberty's Edge

Critzible wrote:
The ubue , the firbolg, fomorians, verbeeg and other smaller gaint kin

Some of them aren't in the Tome of Horrors so they'd have to be Paizo's own version but I second the call.


I also like the have the Ubue, Firbolg, Formorian, and Verbeeg as well.

I don't remember them doing the stats for the Fog giant ether.

After going through my rather large list only these critters remain, these are my favorites from the Tome of Horror that didn't make it into a bestiary yet.

Death Watch Beetle - I really love its dangerous ability to one-hit-kill other creatures, which makes this beetle rather unique and dangerous.

Carrion Moth - A really good solution to the Carrion Crawler lacking problem, the Carrion Moth isn't only much cooler its also another moth creature, we need more moth creatures.

Corpse Orgy or Warsworn - Really a cool and orignal monster, I think the Warsworn and Corpse Orgy are pretty much alike so I wouldn't mind one of them, two is not nessesairy.

Corpsespinner - This is really the best spider creature out there, a giant white tarantula or funnelweb-spider that creates web-mummy minions from its drained corpses! I really fell in love with the picture used in one Adventure Path books.

Eye of the Deep - While its very different from a beholder I rather want this one to be in it as its finally a eye-based monster in the bestiary, of course there is the Gibbering MOuther and Chaos Beast, but this is a rather different eye-based monster, closest to a beholder you can get + its pretty awesome.

Graymalkin - The perfect replacer for the Julajimus, a familiar-pet creature that can take the form of any animal it desires.

Mudman - I really like Mudman, they are as close you can get to the oldfashion swamp monster and the picture in one of the Adventure Paths is also very cool. I would like the Mudman to be somewhat more powerful tho, not a CR2 monster but maybe CR5.

Mercury Ooze or Mercury Golem - Mercury is just so nasty.

Stegocentipede - Really the best centipede-monster out there, I really liked the picture of it in one of the Adventure Path books, I can see this beast be the ultimate pet for the Gnolls.

Tangtal - while it doesn't have the tentacles it still is a black panther with duplicate-abilities and so close enough to the Displacer Beast, you can't use Coeurl anymore? Use this.

Vampire Rose - This dangerous plant has tons of potentional to become something nice, I would like them to be related with vampires.

Gas Spore - I would prefer this creature to be somewhat different from the D&D version, just a floating fungus which explodes and leaves irritating dust in the air, maybe an aerial version of the Ascomoid.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Moar demodands and qlippoths plx.

I am not sure if I am interested in more demodands in their new incarnation but certainly I want to see more qlippoths. Elder evils for everyone!

More demodands are welcome for me, but I'm probably the only one who doesn't like qlippoths... they are like the only creatures in the second manual I really don't like, maybe together with the movanic/modavic/whatever angels.

Grand Lodge

Probably already mentioned, but your own version of the Dragonborn race.

I like the qlippoths but was disappointed that the uber-qlippoth looked like a flying Magic 8 Ball.

Dark Archive

I'd like to see more creatures from the other planets located in the Golarion solar system.

Just for some generic wishes I'd love to see at least 3 new Golems and Spiders. Golems just because I feel that, even though there are some amazing ones already; there's a sincere 'lack' in their total numbers. Yeah I know there are technically handfuls of 'construct' type monsters but I'm more of a fan of the true, traditional '"Insert Type Here" Golem'.

Why Spiders? More of a really personal/niche reason. Since the Jorigumo is now a monster as of Bestiary 3 I'd really like a massive selection of Spiders to work with if I wanted to run a Spider-antagonist centric campaign. Although I admit this is a harsher request since, admittedly, there are only so many types of Spider you can make without having to dip into 'Pokemon' territory. (Aka: Throw a new element on it, call it a 'new' creature. XD )

They need to rework the corpsespinner and maybe monsterize a long-leg spider and trapdoor spider, but after that they really need to create more Mantis, wasp and earwig monsters, because there are more than enough spider species to choose from, while there is only one mantis + some god mantis which I don't like as monster as its a legendary monster.

Maybe some red mantis monster that isn't a god and which is just a elephant sized mantis with some special abilities, they are spawn from the mantis god.

Really there is only one mantis monster and thats the normal giant mantis... there are like 10 spiders already... but again the best spider is still to come, the corpsespinner.

The rest of the Lamia kin plus some new ones.

More types of Giant Centipedes, Cockroaches, and Sea Anemones

More types of Drakes(Storm, Jungle, Mountain) and Linnorms

More celestials(Azatas, Angels, and Agathions)

More Proteans

More Aeons and Psychopomps

More Inevitibles

More Oni(Catfolk, Goblin, Cyclops, Ratfolk, Troll, Elf, Dwarf, Wayang, Gnome)

More Qlippoths and Azura

More non fungus/mold based Plant creatures(Cacti, Sundew, Pitcher plant, Flower, Tree, Vine, etc.)

More Fey- more Sprites(Sea, Moon, Winter, etc.), more Gremlins, Buckawn, Jack o' lantern, Jack Frost, Wild Hunt, Faeries(modern clasic version like a weaker and/or more powerful version of the Pixie), Leanan Sidhe, Asrai, Killmoulis, Huldra, Alp, Pucca, Springheeled Jack

Some creatures from the other planets of Golarion's sloar system.

More creatures Alice in wonderland like the Cheshire Cat and the Catapiller.

More Familiars- like good AL Fey, more Dragons, some plants, Aberrations, Constructs, an Int non acidic Ooze, etc.

More Giants and Golems

More Elementals, particularly a CR 20 that combines all four elements.

More playable Races- like a Fey touched race, Plant based, Law and Chaos plane touched, Dog/wolf folk, exotic woman with strange skin colors(blue, Green, Orange, etc.) Mousefolk, Rabbit folk, etc.

There is already a Cheshire-like cat creature in bestiary 2... its called the Silvanshee.

I hope they don't spoil more pages on the qlippoths tho, those are really my least favorite creatures from all three books combined. (sorry personal taste, they are too chaotic for me)

Dragon78 it seems you want everything, except for undead, devils and demons?

It is not the Cheshire Cat or even like it.

I have no Undead that I have a wishlist for if that is what you mean, I really like Crawling Claw/Hand, Dullahan, Attic Whisperer, and Polterguest from Bestairy 2. I also like the Medusa head and Flaming skull from Carrion Crown.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Primordial/alien angels more in tune with other worlds and planar depths and heights beyond human(oid) ken. Benign beings who have to put effort into not causing nosebleeds and blackouts because they're not calibrated to what humanoids would consider reality. Beings that are entirely benevolent, but operate on very alien mindsets.

Some of them bleed and shed fractals like dust. Some of theme are angels of worlds and races with completely alien physiologies and biospheres. Looking upon some of them is like looking at one of two mirrors facing each other, giving the viewer a mindnumbing view of infinite variations of that celestial and what it represents. Some possess impossible geometries and Escher-borne anatomy. Some of them call back to the old ideas of them appearing as burning rings or with a thousand eyes and tongues. Some of them are beautiful, some of them disturbing to look upon, but all of them alien in form.

All of them are angels that qualify as needing to give the old angelic greeting of "Be not afraid".

For other celestials:

Benevolent angels of night, shadows, and darkness.

Azatas representing fierce barbarian cultures.

Cephalopod-related agathions and serpent-related agathions, both of which could be made really cool looking going the avoral/cetaceal route.

Let me quess the Aeons and Qlippoths are your favorite creatures of all time?

They fit perfectly in that discription.

I'm not really into chaotic-form creatures, spare for the chaos beast.

Anyway I agree on the Azata's and Agathions, those would be refreshing.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sincubus wrote:


Let me quess the Aeons and Qlippoths are your favorite creatures of all time?

They fit perfectly in that discription.

Not really. Neither qualify as benign, good celestial beings, and that's the big thing I'm hoping to see combined with some well executed alienessnessness. Both also lack in a lot of the other areas listed, since that isn't what they were really designed for.(such as a range of apearances between both beautiful and disturbing, but always alien and possibly a bit unsettling)

I imagine looking upon primordial/alien angels would be less like Qlippoths driving people crazy and more like the angels' lack of "calibration" with the local reality causing anything from headaches, seizures, blackouts, synesthesia, or the rare case of spontaneous temporary enlightenment and/or evolution.


Beings that, when they try to pull the "I've taken a form you're more comfortable with" routine, almost always manage to still fall into the uncanny valley.

They're freaky as hell, but they want to help. And sometimes their ways of helping can be as alien as their appearances...

Mikaze wrote:
Sincubus wrote:


Let me quess the Aeons and Qlippoths are your favorite creatures of all time?

They fit perfectly in that discription.

Not really. Neither qualify as benign, good celestial beings, and that's the big thing I'm hoping to see combined with some well executed alienessnessness. Both also lack in a lot of the other areas listed, since that isn't what they were really designed for.(such as a range of apearances between both beautiful and disturbing, but always alien and possibly a bit unsettling)

I imagine looking upon primordial/alien angels would be less like Qlippoths driving people crazy and more like the angels' lack of "calibration" with the local reality causing anything from headaches, seizures, blackouts, synesthesia, or the rare case of spontaneous temporary enlightenment and/or evolution.


Beings that, when they try to pull the "I've taken a form you're more comfortable with" routine, almost always manage to still fall into the uncanny valley.

They're freaky as hell, but they want to help. And sometimes their ways of helping can be as alien as their appearances...

+1 is too few.

Astral Wanderer wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Sincubus wrote:


Let me quess the Aeons and Qlippoths are your favorite creatures of all time?

They fit perfectly in that discription.

Not really. Neither qualify as benign, good celestial beings, and that's the big thing I'm hoping to see combined with some well executed alienessnessness. Both also lack in a lot of the other areas listed, since that isn't what they were really designed for.(such as a range of apearances between both beautiful and disturbing, but always alien and possibly a bit unsettling)

I imagine looking upon primordial/alien angels would be less like Qlippoths driving people crazy and more like the angels' lack of "calibration" with the local reality causing anything from headaches, seizures, blackouts, synesthesia, or the rare case of spontaneous temporary enlightenment and/or evolution.


Beings that, when they try to pull the "I've taken a form you're more comfortable with" routine, almost always manage to still fall into the uncanny valley.

They're freaky as hell, but they want to help. And sometimes their ways of helping can be as alien as their appearances...

+1 is too few.


Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
  • Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic Planetouched races
  • Lawful and Chaotic dragons
  • A draconic race
  • A platypus
  • low-level constructs
  • A leonid centaur (aka a wemic)
  • More devils

What he said, plus moar Starpanda.

Only, 50% less cute, and 50% more 'you find a slime-covered corpse that's had it's head pulled off by a starfish-headed bear-monster that's standing right behind you thanks to it's power to move through space and time.'

Kherubs (angels capable of unlimited shapechanging, in animated or inanimated objects)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I looked over the Adventure paths and would like to see the following in the bestiary 4:
Bog strider
saumen kar
were bat

It might sound cheesy, but...
- more angels (only 6 so far)
- more agathions (only 6 so far)
- more archons (only 7 so far)
- more azatas (only 5 so far)
- more aeons (only 5 so far)
- more daemons (13 so far)
- more demons (19 so far)
- more devils (14 so far)
- more inevitables (only 5 so far)
- more kytons (only 4 so far)
- more oni (only 6 so far)
- more proteans (only 4 so far)
- more qlippoths (only 7 so far)
- more rakshasas (only 6 so far)

Now, if you could just have at least 10 per category, I would be satisfied.

Silver Crusade

A miniature gryphon that has the backend of a housecat and the front end of a parrot or small bird of prey. They'd be fun to have as fimiliars.

More Megafauna, something really out there... like... Something super prehistoric.

More dragon types, I've got a few ideas if you're looking Piazo.

Hybird dragons would be cool, if they're possible.

TheLoneCleric wrote:
So would Alchemical 'monsters' crafted in experiments.


I second hybrid dragons.

I also second that last idea from Mikaze. It is EPICALLY awesome.

Apostle of Gygax wrote:
Non-evil undead, like the deathless from Ebberon.

+2 about the next Bestiary in less than a year? This is a wishlist after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like how in this Bestiary, there were more Lovecraftian monsters from the Dreamlands. I'd like them to up the ante with that and have more from the Dreamlands. Things like:

- Nightgaunts. Probably my favorite of the mythos.
- Gugs.
- Maybe change up ghouls to have a smarter, yet still cannibalistic like their cousins.

Other Lovecraft ideas, but non Dreamland, include Yig (A serpent man with batwings) and the Ithaqua, although we do have the Wendigo in the Bestiary 2 that comes very close admittedly.

I was so happy to see the Great Race of Yith in there. That, along with the Wake of the Watcher, made me a very happy person :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

I do like the amount of Lovecraftian critters that are showing up in the books now. It's good to see ancient evils that aren't tied to the whole CE vs. LG vs. LE vs. CG cycle.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TheLoneCleric wrote:
So would Alchemical 'monsters' crafted in experiments.

Ooh, yes! An 'ooze' made from alchemists fire or alchemical acid or poison could be funky, as could a little homonculous that was able to spit such things (or tanglefoot bags, or generate smokestick clouds, etc.).

My own alchemical 'critter' was a small-sized 'sunrod golem' that had a Str 6, and followed it's creator around serving as an ambulatory light source, weak pack mule, and could squirt sunrod liquid on nearby foes 'lighting them up' with a faerie fire like debuff. Wimpy, no real offensive potential, and less competent at carrying gear than a 1 HD skeleton, but still kinda useful.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
A miniature gryphon that has the backend of a housecat and the front end of a parrot or small bird of prey. They'd be fun to have as fimiliars.

Owl-sized 'reverse owlbears' that have the head and lower limbs of a bear, but the wings and body of an owl, could work similarly, as could similar scaled-down hybrid creatures, such as eagle-sized perytons or whatnot.

A wee chimera, with tiny little goat head, normal cat head, and a 'dragon' head that spits 3 doses of alchemical fire a day, could be funky as well, or a housecat sized sphinx that is less 'magical beast' and more 'whimsical fey.'

Odraude wrote:

- Gugs.
- Maybe change up ghouls to have a smarter, yet still cannibalistic like their cousins.

Gugs are already in the game and have been in Golarion since before the Pathfinder ruleset came out

And there is nothing stopping a ghoul from being intelligent, in fact IIRC ghouls have a +4 racial adjustment to Intelligence

Is this the lovecraft fan-site or something? :p Really everybody wants lovecraft things, I never even heard of the man, probably never did something in Holland, didn't knew any of the lovecraft monsters 8ter.

From jiCi's list I agree with:

- more angels (only 6 so far)
- more agathions (only 6 so far)
- more archons (only 7 so far)
- more azatas (only 5 so far)
- more daemons (13 so far)
- more demons (19 so far)
- more devils (14 so far)
- more oni (only 6 so far)

I agree with JiCi, but once they get to 20 different types they need to stop and seeing that Demons are only one away from the max I would want that would make me happy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lovecraftian monster...

-Lampeft for Familiar
-Spawn of Tsathoggua (or Tsathoggua as Divine)
-Cats from other planets

Shadow Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:
I agree with JiCi, but once they get to 20 different types they need to stop and seeing that Demons are only one away from the max I would want that would make me happy.

See, I can agree with the concept of a set number and a strict progression for devil (or other lawful outsiders). But demons (and other chaotic outsiders)? No way, there should be infinite variety.

Sincubus wrote:

Is this the lovecraft fan-site or something? :p Really everybody wants lovecraft things, I never even heard of the man, probably never did something in Holland, didn't knew any of the lovecraft monsters 8ter.

From jiCi's list I agree with:

- more angels (only 6 so far)
- more agathions (only 6 so far)
- more archons (only 7 so far)
- more azatas (only 5 so far)
- more daemons (13 so far)
- more demons (19 so far)
- more devils (14 so far)
- more oni (only 6 so far)

Kthulhu wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I agree with JiCi, but once they get to 20 different types they need to stop and seeing that Demons are only one away from the max I would want that would make me happy.
See, I can agree with the concept of a set number and a strict progression for devil (or other lawful outsiders). But demons (and other chaotic outsiders)? No way, there should be infinite variety.

Eh eh, glad you like my list :)

I went with 10 just to get a little more variety... and I'm pretty sure that every major outsider group can have infinite numbers, not just the demons.

Well (almost)every outsider group should have at least 1 type per CR range from 1-20.

At least Angels, Devils, Azatas, Demons, Agathions, Daemons, Oni, Proteons, Inevitables, Archons, Azura, and Qlippoths.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I had an idea for hybrid dragons called "Pearl Dragons"
They tend to come in some chromatic colours, or dilutions of them (Black, Blue, White, Pink, and Grey) but have a metallic sheen to them.
They also tend to be Neutral, and are descended from the mixing of Chromatic and Metallic bloodlines (less than willingly at the part of the Metallic dragons).

Gururamalamaswami wrote:
Zuvembie. I'm not sure if he's referencing Pigeons From Hell or Black Canaan. I believe it's the former, which certainly gave me the creeps.

Definitely gave me a Pigeons vibe, anyway.

Apostle of Gygax wrote:
Non-evil undead, like the deathless from Ebberon.

"Undead" kept going by sheer force of will, because of some great and, in this case, benevolent cause? Something like archliches or baelnorns, maybe?

Mikaze wrote:
I imagine looking upon primordial/alien angels would be less like Qlippoths driving people crazy and more like the angels' lack of "calibration" with the local reality causing anything from headaches, seizures, blackouts, synesthesia, or the rare case of spontaneous temporary enlightenment and/or evolution.

So more like the original concepts of cherubim and/or seraphim, then?

At any rate: I'd still like to see dweomercats, lawful and chaotic planetouched, and possibly a "wolf race." (Not sure about the Blue Space Babes someone mentioned up-thread, though; depends on how they're handled.) And did the forester's bane/snappersaw plant make it into the Tome of Horrors? Because I could have sworn it did.

ETA: It sure did. So add that one to the list, even if it is a mindless plant that barely escapes being more "hazard" than "monster."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have a Fey/Kami request. I was reading through Dragon Empires and it occurred to me that it would be really awesome to have a Template that could be applied to Fey allowing them to bind themselves to the gods to become Kami. On that same line of thought it would also be nice to have a Template that allowed Kami to turn away from the gods and infuse their essence with the First World becoming Fey. Since both have a tendency to be concerned with the natural world and both would be considered spirit creatures a little blending between the two wouldn’t be surprising.

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