Sincubus |

I really would like a second Misfit monsters book! I really liked the first and because of the first I really started to like Disenchanters, Wolf in sheeps clothes, Adherers and Flail snails!
In this second misfit monsters book I would like the following 10 creatures to become Paizonized into cool creatures of their former horrid selves.
1 - Bookworm (not a hazard, but dangerous small purple worm-like creatures that eat magic and especially crave magic tomes and books, they gain magical boosts for eating it)
2 - Al-mi'raj
3 - Bonesnapper (with the abilities of the x-men morlock Marrow see wiki)
4 - Gambado
5 - Vampire Rose
6 - Witherstench (other special abilities and looks)
7 - Ravid (Can only animate limited objects, other appearance, maybe much like the rage drake in heavely blue color)
8 - Phasm
9 - Digester
10 - Gas Spore (no beholder, no hazard)
Other possible misfit monsters that also can be used:
Cave Moray / Cooshee / Crabman / Diger / Eblis / Muckdweller / Mudman / Rock Reptile / Stegocentipede / Stench Cow / Tabaxi / Cat O Nine Tails / Thorny / Volt / Ethereal Filcher
Others I really like to see which I think aren't misfit but should be in the 4th bestiary:
- Memory Moss (like the 4th edition D&D version from monster manual 3)
- Hound of Ill Omen (like in 4th edition D&D version from one of the monster vaults)
- Afanc
- Deathwatch Beetle (as seperate monster, not with another beetle on the page)
- Bloodhawk (piranha of the sky)
- Boalisk (with other gaze attack)
- Carrion Moth or something similiar
- Giant Clam monsters (magical variants)
- Corpsspinner or something similiar
- Death Dog (like orthus from greek mythology)
- Mist Dragon
- Stirge Demon / Chasme
- Something made from Mercury (ooze, race, golem)
- Graymalkin
- Fox Monsters (such as the 9 tailed silverfox, and the non-catchable greek fox)
- Catfish monsters
- Archerfish Monsters (like acid and magma spitting ones)
- An Undead Ooze (blood, vampiric, bone or undead animating oozes)
- Some magical Trapdoor Spider species
- Arrowhawk
- Some magical beast or dragon chameleons
- Some seahorse based monsters, such as magical versions, giant version and a race version.
- Formians
- Fomorian and Firbolg
- Therizinosaurus must be the new dinosaur.

Sincubus |

This are the monsters from the first edition D&D that aren't in the Paizo books YET.
Beholder - Can't be used because of copyright (can be made better tho using argus and hyakume)
Carrion Crawler - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame I liked them)
Displacer Beast - Can't be used because of copyright (hello much nicer kamadan and coeurl)
Gas Spore (can be used but I guess won't be used because of beholder-wannabe thing)
Ixitxachitl - Can't be used because of copyright (I kinda like these guys but too bad...)
Mind Flayer - Can't be used because of copyright (A great miss...)
Morkoth - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame... really want them in)
Shrieker - I guess paizo doesn't care for them but they an be used
Su Monster - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame...)
Thought Eater - Can be used but I think they don't want to use them)
Umber Hulk - Can't be used because of copyright (a big shame...)
Water Weird - Can't be used because of copyright (this is just a water elemental, move on)
Al-mi'raj - Can be used but isn't ever gonna to happen
Blood Hawk - Can be used and I think we will see this guy somewhere in the future)
Bonesnapper - Can be used (I hope to see an improved version of it somewhere in the future)
Bullywug - Can't be used because of copyright (boggard being a good replacement)
Death Dog - Can't be used because of copyright (easy to make using the model of Orthus)
Death Knight - Can't be used because of copyright (hello graveknight)
Githyanki - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares?)
Grell - Can't be used because of copyright (too bad)
Grimlock - I like Morlock name better.
Hook Horror - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame...)
Hound of Ill Omen - Can be used but isn't used because of impossibility, but I think it can be used just like D&D 4th edition did with it in MOnster Vault 2 otherwise Shadow Mastiff will do)
Kenku - Hello Tengu
Kuo-Toa - Can't be used because of copyright (hello skum and ceretoidi)
Meazel - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame...)
Meenlock - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares?)
Mezzoloth - Can't be used because of copyright (pathfinder created much better daemons anyway)
Nycaloth - Can't be used because of copyright (see mezzoloth)
Osquip - Can't be used because of copyright (don't care)
Slaad - Proteans are much better!
Son of Kyuss - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares?)
Tabaxi - I think they are replaced by catfolk?
Trilloch - Can't be used because of copyright (pathfinder needs its own negative emotion controlling creature
Witherstench - Can be used but they find it laughable... I think they can do something cool with it...
Afanc - Can be used (but hello charybdis)
Fire Bat - Can't be used because of copyright (anyone can make up a bat on fire?)
Death Watch Beetle - I really hope they gonna use it!
Boalisk - Can be used
Boggle - Can be used
Bookworm - Can be used (I hope they use it and improve it)
Giant Catfish - Can be used
Cooshee - Can be used
Arcanoloth - Can't be used because of copyright (nobody would care)
Ultroloth - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame, the only daemon I would really like to see)
Yagnoloth - Can't be used because of copyright (don't care)
Dao - Can't be used because of copyright (hello shaitan)
Crimson Death - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame... but hello hungry fog and vampiric mist)
Barlgura - Can't be used because of copyright (hello much cooler baregara)
Chasme - Can be used as stirge demon, I hope they will!
Tanystropheus - Can be used and would be a funny bet!
Mist Dragon - Can be used, I hope they will
Shadow Dragon - Can't be used because of copyright (hello umbral dragon)
Formian - Can be used and will be used in the future
Galeb Duhr - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares)
Fomorian - Can be used is a monster from real legends
Firbolg - Can be used is a monster from real legends
Verbeeg - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares?)
Werefox - Can be made up
Muckdweller Can be used is in the tome of horrors, but who want it?
Myconid - Can't be used because of copyright (hello myceloid)
Obliviax - Can be used is in the tome of horrors (strange pathfinder didn't do it already, they rock in monster manual 3 4th edition)
Rock Reptile - Can be used is in the tome of horrors
Thri-Kreen - Can't be used because of copyright (easy to make up a mantis race with better name)
Wemic - Can't be used because of copyright (we have lamia's anyway)
Black Willow - Can't be used because of copyright (anyone can make up a monster from a black willow)
Energon - Can't be used because of copyright (who cares?)
Yochlol - Can't be used because of copyright (a shame... but hello omox and gylou)
Yuan-Ti - Can't be used because of copyright (hello serpentfolk)
Zorbo - Can't be used because of copyright (a very big shame... I find it strange that TOME OF HORRORS didn't ask for this pearl... probably some personal dislike?)

Sincubus |

Sincubus wrote:Several of those are in Tome of Horrors Complete by Frog God Games, for both Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry.This are the monsters from the first edition D&D that aren't in the Paizo books YET.
[big list chopped]
I'm not a big fan of the black-white art of tome of horrors and many of those creatures; Leprechaun - Mihstu - Tentamorth - Decapus - Spriggan and MANY more found their way into the Pathfinder Bestiaries already, so I hope these last few will find their way into the coloured books of pathfinder aswel.
Never seen Shrieker in the bestiary...

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Kthulhu wrote:Sincubus wrote:Several of those are in Tome of Horrors Complete by Frog God Games, for both Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry.This are the monsters from the first edition D&D that aren't in the Paizo books YET.
[big list chopped]
I'm not a big fan of the black-white art of tome of horrors and many of those creatures; Leprechaun - Mihstu - Tentamorth - Decapus - Spriggan and MANY more found their way into the Pathfinder Bestiaries already, so I hope these last few will find their way into the coloured books of pathfinder aswel.
Never seen Shrieker in the bestiary...
As stated above by Epic Meepo, that's because they are in the Core Rules, in the Environmental section. Clicky

MMCJawa |

I think Shriekers are now considered not so much monsters as they are a hazard, and thus not in the bestiary.
Now that TOH complete has been updated to Pathfinder, there will probably be a lot less reason for Paizo to include creatures from that book within, unless they wish to seriously revamp the flavor text for a given creature, or a given creature is viewed as being necessary for a particular adventure path.
Most of Paizo's customers buy the books for the stats and other information. not the artwork (which I agree, can be pretty bad for Tome of Horrors).

Dragon78 |

To be honest there aren't to many monsters left in the Tome of Horrors that I would want to get into Bestiary 4. More then likely Paizo will do there own versions of the mythical creatures that can be found in the Tome of Horrors and whatever classic D&D creatures they might want to use as well. There maybe a few creatures I would like Paizo to get into a hardcover bestiary like Mudmen.

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Now that TOH complete has been updated to Pathfinder, there will probably be a lot less reason for Paizo to include creatures from that book within, unless they wish to seriously revamp the flavor text for a given creature, or a given creature is viewed as being necessary for a particular adventure path.
Yeah, that was kinda my point, although I perhaps didn't get it across as well as I could have. I don't see Paizo including many more ToH monsters unless they seriously want to revamp either the flavor or the mechanics of the monster, or if it's a big part of a Golarion adventure.
Most of Paizo's customers buy the books for the stats and other information. not the artwork (which I agree, can be pretty bad for Tome of Horrors).
Opinions vary. I like most of the artwork. Maybe it would be nicer in color, but B&W also has it's own appeal. And for every bit of art in the ToH I don't find all that great, I could almost certainly find a bit of Pathfinder art that I'm just as "meh" about.

Sincubus |

For example, I really disliked the Mishstu in the TOme of horrors, but in the bestiary 2 I really adored it because the art made it more alive for me, and that is just one small example.
I'm sure everybody would ADORE a Al-mi'raj in paizo style/art!
But the tome of horrors wasn't all bad in art, the cooshee for example stole my heart because of the artwork, never seen such a cool version of the cooshee before.

MMCJawa |

I will agree that Paizo artwork is not always better than ToH. Honestly, off the top of my head, the only ToH creatures I would like to see redone in a Paizo product are some of the mythology based creatures (Asrai and Barbegazi at the top of that list, mostly because I remember reading about them in folklore books long before I stumbled upon DnD) and maybe some of the orc variants.
Something I would be more interested in seeing is reprinting a few of the the current 3pp monster creations, as a sort of nod to the various 3rd party publishers that do really good work. I LOVE the Midgard Bestiary for instance, and nods to that product would be great. I was quite pleased to see that apparently the AP's might start referencing those creatures, at least according to James Jacobs.

Dragon78 |

I think he was thinking ofa Siren instead of Harpy but I can't think of a Kelpie as "pretty".
Yeah the Asrai should have some cold based abilities but the whole water/tree/rock/etc. dependacy thing is getting used to much. Besides I want something that leave the water without dying in a day or less.

Odraude |

Well the point is the kelpie is supposed to look like a woman first.
Also, if the Bestiary 3 is any indication (being out after ToH Complete), Paizo will still grab some from the ToH. I notice though that some of the monsters grabbed from the ToH (like the Poltergeist in 2) were changed a bit from their ToH counterpart.
Also don't forget the Asrai's weakness to Sunlight.

MMCJawa |

Was that the weakness...Sunlight turns it into water? As long as something causes it to disintergrate into liquid form I am happy.
On the Kelpie, is a human form part of it's game abilities? I always get confused on what DnD says versus myth (my first exposure to a lot of these creatures). In legend, Kelpies didn't generally take human form, but only that of a attractive horse that convinced people to ride it. Once ridden though, the person was "stuck" to the back, after which the Kelpie would jump into the water, change form, and eat the now drowned victim.

Sincubus |

Vampire Rose - Vampire Rose - Vampire Rose
I think its really a classic enemy! (and there aren't that many plant monsters!)
I also really really want a magnetizm controlling monster... BUT
The creature should ONLY be about magnetizm (so not like the plasma ooze)not some CR20 creature with multiple abilities. (NO exodus from x-men type creature)
The creature should be of low or medium intelligence.
The creature should be a non-humanoid, plant or magical beast should be awesome!
Its CR should not be above 10.
Metalmasters were really cool, but I'm sure it can be made cooler.
Mole creatures, we really need mole creatures.
Mercury Creatures, the book really need mercury creatures, golem, ooze, whatever else.

Dragon78 |

I would prefer that the Asrai doesn't have vulnerability to sunlight so it would be more useful to me. I am not a big fan of creatures you can't use during the day. Funny that there aren't any creatures that can't come out during the night.
I would like to see some creatures that are kind or at least non threatening during the day but at night change into dangerous creatures with no memory of what they do.
A dragon familiar that looks like a linnorm and one that looks like a asian style dragon.

Sincubus |

I don't know HOW the TOME OF HORROR did it but they got the rights to copy Gloomwing - Aurumvorax - Yellow Musk Creeper and a whole lot more that D&D said they would not use again or maybe a few times.
But in 3.5 or 3.0 of D&D were a lot of creatures that never returned in 4th edition and maybe Paizo can ask for permission to gain the copyrights of the following creatures of 3.5/3.0:
Abyssal Ant
Cranium Rat
Grey Jester
Burning Effigy
Ocean Strider
Arrow Demon
Plague Spewer
Rot Reaver
Vermin Lord
Whisper Demon
Frostwind Virago
Beast of Malar
Crawling apocalypse
Saguaro Sentinel

hellharlequin |

I don't know HOW the TOME OF HORROR did it but they got the rights to copy Gloomwing - Aurumvorax - Yellow Musk Creeper and a whole lot more that D&D said they would not use again or maybe a few times.
But in 3.5 or 3.0 of D&D were a lot of creatures that never returned in 4th edition and maybe Paizo can ask for permission to gain the copyrights of the following creatures of 3.5/3.0:
Abyssal Ant
Cranium Rat
Grey Jester
Burning Effigy
Ocean Strider
Arrow Demon
Plague Spewer
Rot Reaver
Vermin Lord
Whisper Demon
Frostwind Virago
Beast of Malar
Crawling apocalypse
Saguaro Sentinel
add the sky ray to the list and I'M very happy

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I also really really want a magnetizm controlling monster... BUT
The creature should ONLY be about magnetizm (so not like the plasma ooze)not some CR20 creature with multiple abilities. (NO exodus from x-men type creature)
The creature should be of low or medium intelligence.
The creature should be a non-humanoid, plant or magical beast should be awesome!
Its CR should not be above 10.
Just giving a beastie a +X deflection bonus to AC vs metal weapons, and the ability to make a ranged disarm attempt against a metal weapon, or ranged trip or reposition attempt against a metal-wearing foe, could work, representing the creature using magnetic forces to fling metal items away from itself. (or a ranged steal maneuver or drag power, for using the same power to pull metal clad people or metal held items towards itself)
Add a 'chassis,' such as a giant spider made of electrically-charged crystal from the elemental plane of earth, or a slow-moving root-footed four-armed tree-woman fey, able to push metal away from herself (but taking 50% extra damage from metal weapons that manage to get through her AC bonus vs. metal weapons and aura of disarming stuff) and it's good to go.
A horse sized rust monster with a magnetic attraction aura that allows it to use a 30 ft. ranged disarm/steal maneuver once per round to 'summon' a metal item to itself, or to send out a powerful pulse of magnetic attraction that repositions all metal-clad foes within 30 ft. of it to drag them 5 ft. closer to itself, could be scary...

Sincubus |

Sincubus wrote:I also really really want a magnetizm controlling monster... BUT
The creature should ONLY be about magnetizm (so not like the plasma ooze)not some CR20 creature with multiple abilities. (NO exodus from x-men type creature)
The creature should be of low or medium intelligence.
The creature should be a non-humanoid, plant or magical beast should be awesome!
Its CR should not be above 10.Just giving a beastie a +X deflection bonus to AC vs metal weapons, and the ability to make a ranged disarm attempt against a metal weapon, or ranged trip or reposition attempt against a metal-wearing foe, could work, representing the creature using magnetic forces to fling metal items away from itself. (or a ranged steal maneuver or drag power, for using the same power to pull metal clad people or metal held items towards itself)
Add a 'chassis,' such as a giant spider made of electrically-charged crystal from the elemental plane of earth, or a slow-moving root-footed four-armed tree-woman fey, able to push metal away from herself (but taking 50% extra damage from metal weapons that manage to get through her AC bonus vs. metal weapons and aura of disarming stuff) and it's good to go.
A horse sized rust monster with a magnetic attraction aura that allows it to use a 30 ft. ranged disarm/steal maneuver once per round to 'summon' a metal item to itself, or to send out a powerful pulse of magnetic attraction that repositions all metal-clad foes within 30 ft. of it to drag them 5 ft. closer to itself, could be scary...
I don't like to create monsters myself, I like the pictures, the stories, the entries in books and the books themselves so I rather see a creature (you just made up for example) in the books with an unique name.
The rust monster ideas is cool tho, could see a rust monster-like creature that has magnetic pull and push abilities.

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Kthulhu wrote:The chances of Hasbro/WotC giving Paizo the rights to anything that isn't open content are virtually nil.But why they gave it to the TOME OF HORRORS then?
Because the agreement for the original Tome of Horrors (from 2000) to use WotC IP was reached at the time when WotC's policy on licensing IP was quite different. For a short while after 3ed's release 3PP's were able to do things such as ToH or a supplement on Mind Flayers.
Soon afterwards, the IP policy at Wizards changed drastically, and remains quite strict to these days.
Also, Paizo is WotC's biggest and direct competitor, something that has to be factored in when dreaming about any sharing of IP between the companies.

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Kthulhu wrote:The chances of Hasbro/WotC giving Paizo the rights to anything that isn't open content are virtually nil.But why they gave it to the TOME OF HORRORS then?
ToH came out VERY early after the advent of the concept of open content. I think WotC was still really getting a feel for what they might want to release as open content, and what they wanted to keep as closed content.
And since then, they have tended towards making more and more of their stuff closed content. With a few exceptions, almost everything from the three core rulebooks was open content. But after that, the open content became fairly rare...only three more books had any real substantial portions added to the SRD (Psionics, Epic, and Unearthed Arcana).
And with 4E, WotC/Hasbro pretty much stopped making anything of note open content. So, while they can't put the lion back in the cage, they seem to be pretty intent to not let much of anything else escape.

MMCJawa |

well...the RP Game history is hardly big oil. WOTC has the right to limit their material the same as Paizo has done. Complaining and requesting for close content monsters is not going make them happen.
At any rate, I would much rather see Paizo crank out new monsters with similar concepts than revitalize a bunch of little known monsters.
Given a new 5th edition is coming out, maybe you should ask the people at WOTC to reprint these monsters? I am willing to bet they might be going back to a more old school bestiary style, which contains more fluff, in 5e. Combined with good quality artwork that should be meet your demands.

Sincubus |

well...the RP Game history is hardly big oil. WOTC has the right to limit their material the same as Paizo has done. Complaining and requesting for close content monsters is not going make them happen.
At any rate, I would much rather see Paizo crank out new monsters with similar concepts than revitalize a bunch of little known monsters.
Given a new 5th edition is coming out, maybe you should ask the people at WOTC to reprint these monsters? I am willing to bet they might be going back to a more old school bestiary style, which contains more fluff, in 5e. Combined with good quality artwork that should be meet your demands.
Ok then, instead of the creatures I wish for the following abilities/special things that make the creature unique:
Kython - Extremly gore and murderous creature.
Skulvyn - Slow Aura.
Hullathoin - Some undead spawning horror monster, truly master over the undead, also a NON humanoid undead.
Cranium Rat - Hive mind, becoming more powerfull in big groups.
Ulgurstasta - Something that eat people and pukes them out as undead.
Urskan - Armored bears, or just polar bear monsters.
Grey Jester - Negativity absorb, destroy joy, feed on negative emotions.
Skirr - NON human mummies, mummies for me are ancient relics, god-like beings hidden under the sand.
Deepspawn - Massive army spawn, after eating a goblin spawn an small army of them.
Metalmaster - Magnetizm control.
Darktentacles - Swamp based octopus with extremly long tentacles, much like in Lord of the ring one movie.
Advespa - Female wasp demon.
Burning Effigy - Creature made of black fire that enters your body and burns its way out if used out.
Fiendwurm - Pukes demons out of its inner portal.
Gravorg - Gravity control.
Julajimus - Takes forms of small cute creatures to seduce children.
Morkoth - Undersea labyrinth.
Avalancher - Vibrating powers to create earthquakes and avalanches.
Chraal - Negative ice elemental of dark ice.
Mindshredder - Creatures that feed off mind energy to become more powerful, much like barghests, redcaps and nabassus do with life energy.
Plague Spewer - Creature that pukes up swarms of insects or other vermin.
Ragewalker - Creatures that animate weapons to fight for them.
Rot Reaver - Creatures that bring rot and decay.
Splinterwaif - evil Dryad
Trilloch - Induce negative feelings and emotions into the surroundings making allies enemies.
Zorbo - Absorb materials into the skin of everything it touches, so if it touches diamond it turns into diamond itself.
Vermin Lord - Well this is pretty much covered by Derghodaemon and ettercap so forget this one.
Whisper Demon - Mad whispers that turn others suicidal.
Frostwind Virago - Frost queens.
Merchurion - Liquid metal / Mercury.
Rylkar - Freaky rat creatures that have different ranks.
Sinister - Just like the name.
Beast of Malar - Beast that can take multiple animal forms to hunt.
Ghaunadan - Ooze that can take humanoid form.
Dharculus - Ethereal hunters.
Crawling apocalypse - Another NON humanoid mummy.
Marru - Just something better than the jackalwere...
Saguaro Sentinel - Cactus creature.

Azazyll |

I'm going to say it again: I want my ethereal marauder. If you could tie it together somehow with the ethereal filcher and some other tri-symmetrical ethereal creatures, that would be even better, but I'd take just the ethereal marauder with a full-on misfit monster style write up. Or just in the book!
Please Paizo! Pretty please!

DungeonmasterCal |

A guy named "Boz" runs a site called the "Creature Catalog" where he and others have converted tons of monsters from sources ranging from Dragon and Dungeon magazines and other sources for 3.5. In fact, he's still doing it, but at a slower rate. It's a fan-work, and probably not regulated by WotC, but I could be wrong on that one. 3.5 to Pathfinder, not a difficult leap for an enterprising GM.

Odraude |

This year they are coming out with the NPC Codex and the Inner Sea Bestiary instead of the Bestiary 4. I'm alright with that honestly as I've found that I have more NPCs with levels as the bad guys instead of creatures of myth and legend these days. Still, it's always good to have ideas listed up here for the developers to read.

Dragon78 |

Also next year the first hardcover will be Ultimate Campaign(I hope they change the name) so at best we could hope for is the second hardcover of next year. While the Innersea Bestiary is nice, I doubt it will old be over for another year or so. But if we get Dragon Empire Bestiary and a Distant World Bestiary next year...well maybe.
I would like to see Paixo's version of Grendal and his mother.