Bestiary 4 Wish List

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Adam Daigle wrote:
Starsunder wrote:

Here's where I admit I haven't played very many video games...

This request seriously tripped me up. First, I couldn't see ANY connection between Granfalloon and Legion that warranted a "/", but that's because the references provided by my brain came from Vonnegut and the Bible.

...But after a little searching, I found my answer.

(Also, we can't use other folk's IP, but, thankfully, a lot of these ideas are old and are just retold, reimagined from folklore, to novels, to movies, to games, and so on. The trick is sticking to the folklore and making the story your own. It may look different, but it's got the same feel and place.)

Ah, yeah, sorry about that. I should have provided links or at least a detailed description. Sometimes I forget the rest of the world isn't made up of Castlevania junkies like myself :p

And yes, most of these monsters are from various folklore/myths, I just happen to like the way they are presented in this series.

In Laos, they have a type of oni or ogre called a Nyok. It's not really all that different from an ogre, only that it is a solitary monster. It turns invisible, violates women and eats children. Might be worth looking into. Also, the Laos word for Dragon is Munkon.

It's a shame that is only five types of primal dragons because it would have been awesome to have dragons themed on time, positive enrgy, dreams, ethereal, astral, and to a lesser extend the outerplanes as well. How about dragons based on space like moon, star, comet, planet, void, etc. Or maybe take toned down versions of Force and Prismatic and add them to three other dragons with a similar theme/idea.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
It's a shame that is only five types of primal dragons because it would have been awesome to have dragons themed on time, positive enrgy, dreams, ethereal, astral, and to a lesser extend the outerplanes as well. How about dragons based on space like moon, star, comet, planet, void, etc. Or maybe take toned down versions of Force and Prismatic and add them to three other dragons with a similar theme/idea.

I think James or Erik did state that they deliberately prefer to avoid the "we have a dragon for everything" drift that 3.5 went with.

^^I think we do in fact have a space dragon. Well, not a dragon by RAW, but the Shantak from B2 looks extremely dragon-like for a magical beast, and they have the Starflight ability, which lets them fly through space.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Starsunder wrote:

Ah, yeah, sorry about that. I should have provided links or at least a detailed description. Sometimes I forget the rest of the world isn't made up of Castlevania junkies like myself :p

And yes, most of these monsters are from various folklore/myths, I just happen to like the way they are presented in this series.

Oh, no worries. I'm learning. :) Castlevania and the Final Fantasy series are great about using old folkloric monsters in their games and I like seeing how they are depicted in them. While doing monster research I've stumbled onto more than one wiki and ended up there for a while looking at the pictures of how they are depicted.

Gluttony wrote:
^^I think we do in fact have a space dragon. Well, not a dragon by RAW, but the Shantak from B2 looks extremely dragon-like for a magical beast, and they have the Starflight ability, which lets them fly through space.

Shantaks are actually mounts in the Dream Quest of the Unknown Kadath by H.P. Lovecraft. Not too sure where else they appear in his work. But, that's their origination.

Shadow Lodge

They also have the completely badass starflight ability, making them the fastest thing in the entire campaign setting. (Well, ok, the Mi-Go also have full starflight. As will the Byakhee, assuming they're ever written up.)

Kthulhu wrote:
They also have the completely badass starflight ability, making them the fastest thing in the entire campaign setting. (Well, ok, the Mi-Go also have full starflight. As will the Byakhee, assuming they're ever written up.)

And the Oma (space whales) from Distant Worlds, which also posses that particular ability.

Actually on that note, I'd like more things with starflight. Sure you can give it to reskinned aquatic monsters to make aliens, but more unique things with it would be cool.

SquirmWyrm wrote:
Gluttony wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
lordzack wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
A Ghost Train
Especially if you can suplex it.
What the heck did I just see?
A train being suplexed of course.
Ah yes. Perhaps we could even have a few variants of it as well, such as the Eternal Train, The Black Train, and of course, Engine No. 13.

You know, an intelligent giant train-like construct with a unique engine (elemental, souls, whatever) would an interesting thing to see. While a train might not fit into Golarion, it could fit elsewhere.

A shapechanging monster who's change shape ability works like the shapechange spell so it can turn into anything...maybe call it a metamorph.

More egyptian style monsters, the last book had so few in that catergory.

the Greater version of the Cerberi and the lesser version of the Hollow serpant.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Race of Humaniod or Outsider(native) that have a third eye.

*Whistles innocently*

Jek wrote:
Take back what you said about Agathions not having hyena forms; hyenas have very caring, close-knit family communities. They take proportionally longer care of their children than any other animal (other than humans), and are not deserving of their nasty reputation at all. Lions steal hyena kills more than the other way around.

Crocutals are known for their tenacity and resourcefulness. They have a generally friendly but occasionally heated rivalry with leonals, and dislike being mistaken for gnolls. :)

Also, they cast hideous laughter.

Silver Crusade

This is not a new monster, but what I'd like to see is a calculator (online makes sense) that allows one to build a creature using all the rules. So if I need a Giant Goblin Yellow Musk Zombie, I could just pick a base creature (the goblin), select the templates and traits, etc. and it would give me a complete stat sheet of the Giant Goblin Yellow Musk Zombie.

This would be an amazing time saving tool!

Michael New wrote:

This is not a new monster, but what I'd like to see is a calculator (online makes sense) that allows one to build a creature using all the rules. So if I need a Giant Goblin Yellow Musk Zombie, I could just pick a base creature (the goblin), select the templates and traits, etc. and it would give me a complete stat sheet of the Giant Goblin Yellow Musk Zombie.

This would be an amazing time saving tool!

Something like that already exists on the PFSRD: The Monster Builder.

Unfortunately, it is incomplete, and has only rudimentary templates you can add to monsters you select.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

SquirmWyrm wrote:

Something like that already exists on the PFSRD: The Monster Builder.

Unfortunately, it is incomplete, and has only rudimentary templates you can add to monsters you select.

I seem to recall visiting another site somewhere that had a more comprehensive monster builder, complete with numerous templates and the ability to add racial Hit Dice. But, alas, I don't remember what site that was.

Do any other Paizonians know which site it is I'm remembering?

The more I think about specific monsters I'd like to see in a new Bestiary, the more I realize that most of them are Golarion specific and not neutral setting. That said, I would LOVE to see a "Monsters of Golarion" book that had:
-All the Stats for the Heralds of the Deities, updated.
-Stats for unique servants of the deities, like the Yaenit-Ku (iirc)that serve Lasmashtu.
-Stats for the other Spawn of Rovagug.
-Stats for other Golarion specific monsters, like what lies in Tanglebriar.
-Older, forgotten servants of the Runelords, like the SinSpawn.

That said, monsters I'd like to see in a Bestiary 4:
-Danse Macabre
-Intelligent/ Possessed Weapons
-Ghost Battlefields (mass haunt)
-Bigger sections on Animated Objects, Skeletons and Zombies, like what was done in Carrion Crown.
-More menaces for the Astral and Ethereal plane.
-Some sort of horrible, intelligent, spawning and shapechanging ooze.
-Updated stats for the Nosferatu, a reprint of the Vrylovakas (Greek Vampire), and a "Vampire Lord" template.

Shadow Lodge

Too bad this is being pushed back, probably by a year, for the NPC Codex.

My personal top 10 as it stands for this moment:

1: Sickle Weasel or Kamaitachi (the very fast sickle-handed weasel monster faster than Shantak and quickling combined)

2: Bakeneko (the trickster cat monster with two tails)

3: Hyakume (a asian eyeball monster which can detach eyeballs to spy for it.)

4: Buggane (half mole, half giant all nasty, this monster could be the same as the greek monster Antaeus.)

5: Namazu (earthquake creating catfish monster, which must be very different from the real legendary monster as a monster as big as a continent is just insane.)

6: Bloody Bones (creepy monster from childrens nightmares made flesh)

7: Argus (greek monstrous giant covered in eyes.)

8: Abaia (the giant current-eel that floods areas and then conquers them.)

9: Kitsune (or whatever that golden fox with nine tails is gonna be called)

10: Mukade (the evil demonic centipede from asian mythology, finally an intelligent centipede monster...)

My top 20 monsters from adventure path that still need to make it into the Bestairies:

1: Skrik Nettle
2: Jinmenju
3: Gashadokuro
4: Rokurokubi
5: Raiju
6: Skull Ripper
7: Inkanyamba
8: Tengu (the oni one)
9: Black Jinni
10: Hala Demon
11: Bog Strider
12: Vilkacis
13: Camulatz
14: Chon Chon
15: Ukobach
16: Selkie
17: Bonestorm
18: Umasi
19: Springheel
20: Kijimuna

Some real world animals I'd like to see

Reindeer (to use animal companions for druids and rangers from innuit- and same-like cultures)

Elk (okay, moose, since this is an American message board), including the prehistoric Stag moose (cervalces scotti)

And while I suspect that there could be copyright issues - being able to throw some vildvittror at player characters wouldn't hurt anyone.

I think the Elk is in Bestiary 3 now. I know it was in Kingmaker and I swear they put it in the new bestiary.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Odraude wrote:
I think the Elk is in Bestiary 3 now. I know it was in Kingmaker and I swear they put it in the new bestiary.

You are correct.

The elk is in the Bestairy 3 and you could easily use there stats for reindeer.

Adam Daigle wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I think the Elk is in Bestiary 3 now. I know it was in Kingmaker and I swear they put it in the new bestiary.
You are correct.

I knew I wasn't crazy. I had made one an animal companion for a cleric NPC I made

Moose are not elks! ;)

Kajehase wrote:
Moose are not elks! ;)

You're the one that said it :p

Odraude wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Moose are not elks! ;)
You're the one that said it :p

Except in Britain. In which case American elks are deer (and probably quite dear too).

We have deer out in the east coast. Unsure about west coast but I imagine they do too. Up in Canada and Alaska, we have caribou which are reindeer.

Kajehase wrote:
And while I suspect that there could be copyright issues - being able to throw some vildvittror at player characters wouldn't hurt anyone.

They weren't anything special in the original book (at least the translation that I read). Just harpies with no captivating song (or talent for subtlety).

Odraude wrote:
We have deer out in the east coast. Unsure about west coast but I imagine they do too.

White-tailed deer on the west coast. There's also a species called wapiti; they're also commonly called elk, but are actually closer kin to European red deer than to moose.

Arevashti wrote:
Odraude wrote:
We have deer out in the east coast. Unsure about west coast but I imagine they do too.
White-tailed deer on the west coast. There's also a species called wapiti; they're also commonly called elk, but are actually closer kin to European red deer than to moose.

In North America, we tend to call the Cervus canadensis species "elk" and the Alces alces americana, A. alces adersoni, A. alces gigas, and A. alces shirasi "moose".

And being from a semi-rural area of California, those mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) can be real pests (especially when you have to slam on the brakes at night when they feel the need to prove the "deer in the headlights" adage correct). But to bring this back on topic, how about a deer- or moose-headed Agathion? You may not be able to call it a "cervidal," but you could call it an "alcesal."

I would like to see some sub-species of other monsters.

I would like to see another Kelpie, but one more like the D&D version, the woman-shapeshifter made from Kelp.

A sub-species of Gore Weaver that drains blood of creatures to create small clone "armies" from them, everytime it eats a creatures blood it can spawn some clones from that creature, higher CR creatures and creatures with no blood can't be cloned of course. Clones lose their magical abilities but keep other abilities and stats.

With all this enthusiasm for deer and elk among PF players, perhaps we need a "Deer of Golarion" book. :P

(It can even include the Grim White Stag among its info XD)

The Deer God from Princess Mononoke:)

Arevashti wrote:
White-tailed deer on the west coast. There's also a species called wapiti; they're also commonly called elk, but are actually closer kin to European red deer than to moose.

That depends on where you are. White tailed deer arent common in Oregon's coastline but they can be found just about anywhere else across the US. In the Oregon coast there is black tail deer. We also have elk in the area and the deer and elk dont get a long to well

Having just used a small Death worm in a game the other day I would like to see much bigger varieties of the death worm.

Angel, Celestar–Angels of the 2nd choir who possess rainbow colored feathered wings and the ability to banish fiends they hit in combat.

Angel, Seraphar–Angels of the 3rd choir who act against powerful enemies of the deities of good and guide the faithful.

Archon, Sword–Wingless flying humanoid-like archons who each wield a powerful vorpal greatsword and overrsee and protect entire portions of heaven.

Azata, Apsaras–Known as water dancers among some mortal societies, these beautiful aquatic azata seek to promote love and joy in all things above and below the waves.

Agathion, Loxonal–Suprassed in power only by the Draconals, the Loxonal are the most militant of the Agathions, seeking the join celestial armies to fight the fiends of the multiverse.

Devil, Pleasure [Concugon]–Devils specializing in corrupting mortals by offering them untold pleasures of the flesh.

Dragon, Iron [Metallic]–Neutral good acid breathing dragons who actively hunt evil beings to destroy in the name of justice.

Dragon, Steel [Metallic]–Chaotic good electricity breathing dragons who dwell in and protect good–aligned based communities of humanoids.

Dragon, Orange [Chromatic]–Neutral evil electricity breathing dragons of jungles who seek to gain power via lies, treachery, and deceit.

Dragon, Violet [Chromatic]–Neutral evil cold breathing dragons of the Darklands who possess strange lore and unique mental powers.

Lycanthrope, Wereraven–Chaotic good lycanthropes who can possess a peculiar vulnerability to gold instead of silver. They are more often than not on good terms with the Tengu and seek to harass evil–beings.

Lycanthrope, Wereskunk–Neutral evil lycnanthropes who seek to serve their own selfish purposes.

Lycanthrope, Wereshark–Chaotic evil lycanthropes who dwell in or near costal communities (and often prey upon them as well).

Lycanthrope, Weresaurian–Very rare neutral lycanthropes whose transformed form (and hybrid form) is that of a scaled carnivorous dinosaurs; most scholars believe this strain of lycanthropy is on the verge of exinction in Golarion (as the serpentfolk have wasted no effort in hunting them down over the years). Those that remain have sought shelter in the depths of the Mwangi Expanse or among the humanoid nations of the Mwangi themselves.

Cacklebird–This rare bird of prey has a call which sounds like laughter and possesses a gaseous breath weapon that causes those in it to break into histarical fits of laughter.

Golem, Doll–Child sized porcilan doll–like golems whose bite causes those bitten to break out into deadly bouts of unstoppable laughter.

Golem, Steel–Golems who are far stronger and tougher than iron golems and possess a devestating sonic breath weapon capable of rending flesh from bone.

Skeleton, Shocking–Skeletons that crackle with electricity and can shoot bolts of lightning.

Zombie, Ooze–Semi gelatinous zombies highly resistant to blunt weapons and can infect others with filith fever,

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kthulhu wrote:
Matrixryu wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Well, the Kongamato from Bestiary 3 is practically Ridley :)

Huh. You're not wrong. Thanks Africa!

Mikaze wrote:
Can't unsee.
Right!? :P if I ever send one of these against my players I'm going to have Ridley boss music start going through my head!
Try Metroid Metal's track Ridley, from the album Varia Suite.

This might be running a bit late to the party, but I might use that theme for an upcoming confrontation my players have with a Shantak. I picked up the Metroid Metal CD at PAX East and it is cool!

However, a better choice might be Ridley - Dragonfood. It's an OverClocked ReMix by ReMixer: Rozovian, and it works with the Super Metroid boss theme which became Ridley's anthem.

.... okay, derail aside, but still speaking of aliens, I would love to see more extraGolarionals in Bestiary 4. Perhaps the Flatwoods Monster, or the Hopkinsville Goblins might entice? I remember that Planescape had a version of Men in Black called the Keepers that I found rather creepy and awesome. I'd love to see Paizo do a take on the Men in Black too. Or the Byakhee on a more Lovecraftian level? Nightgaunts are also something I'd like to see, though they're more dreamworld creatures than aliens. I suspect that Mi-Go, Color from Out of Space, Elder Things, and Dark Young were statted too recently to drop into the bestiary, but I'd love to see them.

Dark Archive

A concept I rather liked from the later 3.5 monster manuals, the one thing that made them worth looking at, were the...Monster Families, I guess. Stuff like the Mindflayers of Thoon, a bunch of monsters with a common origin that can serve as the recurring baddies in a campaign, formatted sort of like the various Outsider entries (devils, Asuras, and so on), but not necessarily a bunch of extraplanar spirit beings.

I also think that the bestiaries could do with more templates to modify existing monsters, or just variant abilities for existing monsters. I find such things very useful for making, say, Thassilonian Guardian Constructs or horrible creatures from beyond reality.

Speaking of that, I think that some monsters explicitly associated with specific Great Old Ones would play nicely, especially Paizo's original ones, Xamen-Dor and Mhar.

Xamen-Dor in particular would be a great place to put in some Necromorph-eseque plant/zombie infector undead, in the same vein as the Spawn of Kyuss (which I know at least SOMEONE at paizo likes a lot). Everyone loves Necromorph knock-offs.

Perhaps, if paizo ever makes a big thing of rules for undead creation, some undead specifically meant to be crafted by players, or bad guy minions, with more interesting abilities than generic skeletons. Undead with armor and weapons stitched/grafted on, that explode when you kill them and release toxic fumes, or big undead that you can wear like powered armor.

More Dark Tapestry monsters, more Aliens, and maybe some stuff from Australia and Arcadia. Also, if paizo wants to make more dinosaurs, you could 1. invent some new species based on speculative evolution, or, 2. make an intelligent dinosaur playable race. Like raptors. Everyone loves raptors. See:

I just began running a PBP Serpents skull game and the players have been exploring Smugglers shiv. I think its intentional but I got ideas of the Isle of dread in my head from Savage tide and I found myself missing the Masher.

There is the giant moray eel to replace it but its missing something. So a replacement for the masher would be awesome

Ah, a monster one of my professors mentioned today that I had never heard of (and that he said likely got more forgotten from mythology than monsters like werewolves for being far more "silly") is the Monopod.

Basically a one-legged dwarf sensitive to the sun that rests in the shadow of its own foot for comfort. They move around with hops and jumps, and are supposedly surprisingly good at it. They strike me as somewhere in the CR 1 to 3 (or maybe to 4) range.

Despite a bit of a silly concept, I think there's bestiary-monster potential in there, but that it needs help to come out. Magic ability, poison breath, psychic powers... Something. In a more positive light though I think there's a lot of potential for creative use of the one-legged body.

(Off the top of my head for example: The ability to, as a move action straighten to its full height, standing on its toes to extend the reach of a single melee attack for that round by 5ft. Or the ability to ignore difficult terrain by hopping, similar to the Jiang-shi in Bestiary 3)

Menehune- Hawaiian mythical dwarf or gnome like fey.

Nawao-Hawaiian mythical race of giants.

Nemean Lion-greek myth-lion that could not be killed by mortal weapons(but could be strangled or maybe blugeoned to death) and it's claws could pierce any armor(like adamantine).

Orthrus-greek myth-two headed hound that guarded sacred places or live stock.

Rainbow Serpant-Aboriginal myth-giant multicolored serpint linked to land, life, fertility, and water.

Yowie-australian version of bigfoot or yeti.

I would like to see more:

* high-CR (21+) monsters, additional spawns of Rovagug possibly

* monsters fit for playable PC races

* Tarn

Dragon78 wrote:

Menehune- Hawaiian mythical dwarf or gnome like fey.

Nawao-Hawaiian mythical race of giants.

Nemean Lion-greek myth-lion that could not be killed by mortal weapons(but could be strangled or maybe blugeoned to death) and it's claws could pierce any armor(like adamantine).

Orthrus-greek myth-two headed hound that guarded sacred places or live stock.

Rainbow Serpant-Aboriginal myth-giant multicolored serpint linked to land, life, fertility, and water.

Yowie-australian version of bigfoot or yeti.

The Orthrus was stated up in Mythic Monsters Revisited for the Chimera actually. It's a CR 7 Chimera with no fly speed, Power Attack instead of hover, and Survival instead of Fly. It has no claw attacks but it's bite (two of them) is 2d6 and can add 1.5 times the strength. In addition, you get the trip ability on one bite as well as the rend ability for both of them. Finally you get all around sight.

A link to said creature: LINK

Twig blights. They were one of my favorite monsters from 3rd edition ever since they first appeared in the sunless citadel. For the uninformed, they are small, low CR plant critters that try to kill living creatures for their blood.

Oops forggot they had them as a type of Chimera.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Jabborwacky wrote:
Twig blights. They were one of my favorite monsters from 3rd edition ever since they first appeared in the sunless citadel. For the uninformed, they are small, low CR plant critters that try to kill living creatures for their blood.

I'm pretty sure those are not open content.

Also, while I know these aren't the same, can I interest you in a twigjack?

Another vote for vampire masters, leshay, hunefers, and the brachyurus.

Vampire Lord/Master Vampire sounds great to me.

More Leshay would be nice.

Brachyurus would be ok

What is a hunefer?

Liberty's Edge

Better monsters-as-PCs rules.

And grays. Little green men are also acceptable.

Stats for Formians would be nice.

I would also like the "Greys"(with telekinesis and telepathy) type of aliens or even "little green men" type.

I'd like to see a write up of Spiritual Companions for the Druid. I've always loved the Shaman class in 4th Edition and I felt that the shaman options of the druid didn't quite fit the bill. I'd like them to be spirits of the wilderness and the seasons instead of animals. Things like lesheys or lesser kami or a spirit animal made corporeal. I think it'd be really cool to have that.

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