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This thread is for posting up your sample races.
If you want to comment or critique a sample, please start a new thread using the race's name in the title (and copy that race to the new thread).
For races posted here, please be sure to give the race a name, simple description, total point cost, and a complete list of all racial abilities and decisions.
We look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Xill, Lesser
Advanced Race: 15 points
This creature is covered in red chitin, with extended mandibles and 4 arms; however, two of these arms are little more than useless stumps. The Lesser Xill is the result of a partial gestation of a Xill Implant, and are considered worthless by their Xill progenitors. Lesser Xill lack the offensive (Paralysis and Multi-Weapon Mastery) and reproductive capabilities (Implant) of full Xill.
Type: Outsider (Native) +2
Size: Medium +0
Speed: Normal +0
Abilities: Flexible (STR, DEX) +2
Languages: Standard Array +1
Racial Abilities:
Natural Armor +2
Fast +1
Bite +1
Claws +2
Spell Resistance, Lesser +2
Skill Bonus (Perception) +2
Total RP: 15

deinol |

Plant (8 RP)
Small (0 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Normal Modifiers (0 RP) +2 Dex, +2 Con -2 Int)
Xenophobic Langauge (0 RP) Undercommon, Vegepygmy
Advanced Dex (4 RP) +2 Dex
Natural Armor (2 RP) +1 natural armor
Improved Natural Armor x2 (2 RP) +2 natural armor
Elemental Immunity (electricity) (4 RP)
Plant DR (adapted from Skeletal) (2 RP) DR 5/slashing or bludgeoning
Claws (2 RP)
Total RP: 24
To make it a more standard playable race, you pretty much have to drop to:
Vegepygmy Sprout
Plant (8 RP)
Small (0 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Normal Modifiers (0 RP) +2 Dex, +2 Con -2 Int)
Xenophobic Langauge (0 RP) Undercommon, Vegepygmy
Plant DR (adapted from Skeletal) (2 RP) DR 5/slashing or bludgeoning
Total RP: 10
I'm going to vote for a half-plant to be added to our options.

Distant Scholar |

Standard Race: 8 points
These short humanoids with dark gray skin and black hair have a thin but wiry frame. They live nomadically in the Darklands, moving from place to place through the endless caverns. They seek no roots, for to have a permanent home is to invite attack from sturdier and more powerful foes.
Type: Humanoid (wispling) [0]
Size: Small [0]
Speed: Normal [0]
Abilities: Standard (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con) [0]
Languages: Standard (Undercommon, Wispling; Aklo, Common, Drow, Dwarf, Goblin) [1]
Racial Abilities:
Sprinter [1]
Skill Bonus (Perception, Survival) [4]
Darkvision (60') [2]
Total RP: 8

John Mangrum |

PC-Ready Gnoll and Kobold I'll be trying out in my weekly game:
Standard Race: 10 RP
Type: Humanoid (gnoll) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Flexible (+2 Str, +2 Con) (2 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Strength (4 RP)
Natural Armor (2 RP)
Darkvision 60 ft. (2 RP)
Whitescale Kobold
(Based on the variant from Classic Monsters Revisited)
Standard Race: 10 RP
Type: Humanoid (reptilian) (0 RP)
Size: Small (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Greater weakness modifiers (-4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con) (–3 RP)
Languages: Standard (1 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Charisma (4 RP)
Natural armor (2 RP)
Swarming (1 RP)
Crafty (4 RP -- using the somewhat cheap listed cost)
Darkvision 60 ft. (2 RP)
Light sensitivity (–1 RP)
...And just for fun, two starting takes on a sort-of-werewolf. In this case, the abilities actually paint something closer to a bipedal wolfwere sort of thing.
Advanced Race: 20 RP
Type: Humanoid (shapechanger) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Cha) (0 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Strength (4 RP)
Natural armor (2 RP)
Change shape (6 RP)
Sprinter (1 RP)
Bite: 1d3 (1 RP)
Stalker (1 RP)
Low-light vision (1 RP)
Scent (4 RP)
...and a beefed-up version of same:
Monstrous Race: 30 RP
Type: Monstrous humanoid (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Cha) (0 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Dexterity (4 RP)
Advanced Strength (4 RP)
Natural armor (2 RP)
Improved natural armor (1 RP)
Damage Reduction (4 RP)
Change shape (6 RP)
Sprinter (1 RP)
Bite: 1d4 (2 RP)
Stalker (1 RP)
Low-light vision (1 RP)
Scent (4 RP)

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Advanced Race: 20 points
Tenebrum are constructs crafted not of stone or metal, but from the very fabric of the plane of shadows, much as Retrievers are formed from the stuff of the Abyss. Unlike Retrievers though, they are free willed and have formed their own isolated communities. Who first created them and the purpose of their creation is lost, even to the Tenebrum; they now control their own destinies. Though natives of the Plane of Shadow, Tenebrum ninjas, sorcerers and others have been encountered rarely in the First World and on the Prime Material plane.
Type: Construct [20]
Size: Medium [0]
Speed: Normal [0]
Abilities: Greater Weakness (-4 WIS, -2 INT, +2 CHA) [-3]
Languages: Xenophobic ( Aklo; Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Sylvan) [0]
Racial Abilities:
Shadow Blending [1]
Silent Hunter [2]
See in Darkness [4]
Light Blindness [-2]
Vunerable to Sunlight [-2]
Total RP: 20
Designers Note: I was trying to create a race that combined both construct and sneaky/assasin traits. Could make a decent shadow sorcerer or ninja. I'm not completely happy with this version; I would have liked to add either, "Deeper Darkness, 1/day" or "Nondetection Continuous" but these are not be permitted in the spell like abilities because of levels of the spells.

Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
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Half Ghost
Standard Race: 10 points
A half ghost is the child of a human and a ghost. While the typically appear human, there is just something about them that is disturbing. These children are always stillborn at birth. No matter how hard they try, they never seem to fit into human society.
Humanoid (0 BP)
Half Undead (5 RP)
Medium (0 RP)
normal speed (0 RP)
Undead swiftness (sprinter) (1 RP)
Human Heritage Modifier (0 RP)
Standard Language (Common) (1 RP)
Terrifying Moan (reskinned Terrifying Croak) (2 RP)
Disturbing (reskinned Sociable for Intimidate) (1 RP)
Total (10 RP)

Kyras Ausks |

the branded (still working on the name)
born craftsmen , arrogant, and with backs adorned with strange markings; these deceptively human looking race, despite the renown hatred for humans blends in quite well in human cities and towns; often making a living as a master craftsmen. it is believed by some that the branded are a creation of man meant to be used for mass-production of fine goods, even though they are not Constructs.
-normal speed
-standard mods
-linguist array
-weapon familiarity
-skill bonus craft
-hatred human/halfing
-spell-like ability
Crafter's Fortune
(i want to write more back story but that's the point)

xorial |

Yes I went and converted the Changeling from Eberron.
• Humanoid: (0 pts)
• Medium: (0 pts)
• Human Heritage: (0 pts)
• Standard Language Array: (1 pt)
• Dual minded: (1 pt)
• Change Shape: (6 pts)
• Gifted Linguist: (2 pts)
•total pts: 10
Anybody that knows the changeling write up[ will see I didn't convert the skill bonuses for Bluff, Intimidate, & Sense Motive. That would have been a 16 pt build. Anyway, I thought this would be the easiest to drop sense cross class skills are not as important as before.

Thomas Writeworth |
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Earthborn Angel
How they managed to be born on this plane to begin with, is still a mystery to even the most devote of Clerics, and most well read Scholars, Earthborn Angels are believe to the offspring of Angels, left behind on the Physical Plane. Earthborn Angel's are a beautiful race, often mistaken for angels themselves. They often feel lost within this world, knowing within that it is not their true home.
Outsider (Native) 2 RP
Medium 0 RP
Base Speed
Normal 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers
Standard Modifers 0 RP
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
Standard 1 RP
Racial Abilities
Celestial Resistance 2 RP
Flight 4 RP
Elemental Affinity 1 RP
Total RP: 10

Azure_Zero |
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Fiend Specific tiefling
Succubus touched (Female only ?)
Advanced Race: 20 points
This creature looks very human, but exceeds normal human limits of beauty. Having the little succubus blood she does have, she can resist elements and poison and social scene well, but a gift from her succubus ancestor's does give her ability to change shape, even if it is limited to humans.
Type: Outsider (Native) +2
Size: Medium +0
Speed: Normal +0
Abilities: Flexible (DEX, CHA) +2
Advanced Intelligence +4:
Advanced Charisma +4:
Stats final:+2DEX, +2INT, +4CHA
Languages: Standard Array +1 (Common, Abyssal, Bonus; Elven, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome, orc, goblin, draconic)
Racial Abilities:
Fiendish Resistance +2
Restricted Change Shape(Human (and same gender)) +2 (Custom look in Racial Ability Ideas thread)
Gift of Tongues +2
Poison Resistance +1
Total RP: 20
Why, a true succubus has a CHA of 26!
26-10=16, 16/2=8 (half-succubus level) 8/2 = 4 (succubus touched level).
Succubus were smart and their off-spring would need that as well so +2INT,
I looked at the stats (3.5 version) for succubus and saw DEX was the highest and could not have the race as a pure mental race so +2 DEX was given.
Racial Abilities:
They need their resistances of their fiendish parents (elements and poison)
Succubi are known for their changing into the most desirable form, so I needed a shape change option, but limited as it losses potentacy.
Succubi were good with words and langauges so Gift of tongues

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There really needs to be a Dragon type race to allow for Half-Dragon and Dragonborn Characters. Yes sure you could just do Monstrous Humanoid but then you aren't a dragon as much as your abilities might make you close to them... no you're a monstrous humanoid lol. So here I put together my own Dragon Type race. The point cost was derived from other abilities that granted the effects desired (immune to sleep effects and immune to paralysis effects are derived from elven immunities and duergar immunities respectively)
Dragon Type: 5 RP
> Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
> Dragon races have the darkvision 60 ft. racial ability (2 RP).
> Dragon races have the low-light vision racial ability (1 RP).
> Dragon races are immune to magic sleep effects (1 RP) and paralysis effects (1 RP).
Half Brass Dragon Human
Dragon 5 RP
Medium 0 RP
Base Speed
Ability Score Modifiers
Advanced Modifiers (+4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha) 4 RP*
Linguist 2 RP (Common, Draconic, plus any (except Druidic or other secret languages) equal to intelligence modifier)
Racial Abilities
+4 Strength 8 RP
+4 Constitution 8 RP
+2 Dexterity 4 RP
+2 to Ability of Choice (Human Choice) 4 RP**
Final Ability Modifier: +8 Str, +6 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +2 to ability score of choice
Bite 1 RP
Claws 2 RP
Bonus Feat 4 RP
Skilled 4 RP
Breath Weapon (60Ft Line of Fire 1d6, Reflex Save DC 10+Con Modifier, 1/day) 1 RP***
Natural Armor +1 2RP
Additional Natural Armor +3 3 RP
Elemental Immunity (Fire) 4 RP
Total RP: 55
*This technically breaks the rules on Advanced Modifiers as the +2 Con should be +2 Wis but I decided to change that for the race I was building.
**This is breaking and bending the rules in all sorts of ways... for one this type of ability adjustment should be in the ability score modifier traits above as Human Heritage Modifier, secondly this would be the 6th ability taken from the Ability Score Bonuses abilities section even though Monstrous Races can only take 5 abilities from any given abilities section.
***I compared this to Elemental Assault and decided they matched up good enough.
Suffice to say the half dragon template has a +4 or even +5 level adjustment (if given wings which aren't included in this build).

Azure_Zero |

Fiend Specific half-fiend
Half-Succubus (Female only ?)
Advanced Race: 34 points
This creature looks very human, but exceeds normal human limits of beauty. Having the little succubus blood she does have, she can
resist elements and poison and social scene well, but a gift from her succubus ancestor's does give her ability to change shape, even if it
is limited to humans.
Type: Outsider (Native) +2
Size: Medium +0
Speed: Normal +0
Abilities: Advanced Modifiers (STR+2,DEX+2, CON+2, CHA+4,-2WIS) +4
Advanced Intelligence +4:
Advanced Wisdom +4:
Advanced Charisma +4:
Stats final:+2STR, +2DEX, +2CON, +2INT +6CHA,
Languages: Standard Array +1 (Common, Abyssal, Bonus; Elven, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome, orc, goblin, draconic)
Racial Abilities:
Poison Resistance +1
Fiendish Resistance +2
Specific Outsider Resistance +2
Restricted Change Shape(Human (and same gender)) +2 (Custom look in Racial Ability Ideas thread)
Gift of Tongues +2
Spell Resistance, Lesser +2
Natural Armor +2
Improved Natural Armor +1
Stubborn +1
Total RP: 34
Stats+2STR, +2DEX, +2CON, +2INT +6CHA,
Why, a true succubus has a CHA of 26!
26-10=16, 16/2=8 (half-succubus level).
Succubus were smart and their off-spring would need that as well so +2INT,
Needed to balance the mental with some physical.
was given.
Racial Abilities:
They need their resistances of their fiendish parents (elements, poison and enchantments)
Succubi are known for their changing into the most desirable form, so I needed a shape change option, but limited as it losses potentacy.
Succubi were good with words and langauges so Gift of tongues. Added Natural armour for a defensive boost.

Starbuck_II |

Standard 10 rp
Meduim sized: 0
Humanoid (gnome)
Slow (-1)
Ability Score: Flexible: +2 Con, +2 Dex (2)
Language: Standard (1)
Darkvision 60ft (2)
Defensive Training, lesser: Humanoid (humans) (1)
Defensive Training Greater (3)
Svirfneblin magic (2)
Total: 10.
Many years ago, some Svirfneblin left underground and made their homes on the above land. They made new names for themselves. But Xenophobic humans gave them war, though eventually peace was made, they never forgot their ancient battles vs the humans, so they made it part of their culture to defend vs humans in case the battles ever begin again.
They can still cast the old magic, they have higher stats from the fresh clean air of the above world (plus less Drow to scare/kill them) and they even grew in height. They have decent defenses in combat.
Their darkvision weakened. On first look, you might think you are looking at a dwarf.
Race 2:
Standard 10 rp
Humanoid (Dwarf)
Meduim sized: 0
Slow (-1)
Weakness: +2 Con, +2 Int, -4 Wis (-1)
Language: Standard(1)
Darkvision 60ft (2)
Defensive Training Greater (3)
Duergar Immunity (4)
Stonecunning (1)
Stubborn (1)
Total: 10.
While they have low Wis, they are too stubborn to be easily controlled or fooled by Illusions or charms. They are a sturdy, slow Dwarven race, though they are not as stable as the Dwarfs most know.
Race 3:
Sparks (better Ifrit, since current ones are 6 rp)
Standard 10 rp
Outsider (native) (2)
Meduim sized: 0
Normal (0)
Weakness: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis (0)
Language: Standard (1)
Darkvision 60ft (free)
Elemental Resistance (fire) (1)
Elemental affinity (1)
Stubborn (1)
Flaming Sphere x2 (4)
Total: 10.
I gave Flaming sphere instead of Burning Hands but otherwise similar.
Race 4:
Battleforged (warforged with this system)
Standard 10 rp
Humanoid: 1/2 Construct (7)
Meduim sized: 0
Slow (-1)
Standard: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha (0)
Language: Xenophobic (Racial language: Binary) (0)
Darkvision 60ft (2)
Natural armor: +1 (2)
Total: 10.
I slowed them down but I needed the extra point (plus they aren't slowed in heavy armor). The Natural Armor simulates the old innate armor bonus they had. Pretty much other than lost Slam attack are the same.
Race 5:
Standard 10 rp
Plant (8)
Meduim sized: (0)
Normal speed (0)
Standard: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Dex(0)
Language: Xenophobic (Racial language: Rosem) (0)
Low-light (free)
Stubborn (1)
Hardy (1)
They aren't a bad plant race. I'd add Stability, but can't afford it in Standard.

sphar |
The Zentians are an ancient race of elves driven deep into the Darklands.They have hidden for centuries,relying on their mastery of gadgetry to allow them to survive.By studying fellow races of the Darklands,they have created an entire new culture all their own.
They have split away from their hated kin,the Zentek.The Zentek and the Zentians used to be one race,both infused with the power of shadow.
Advanced 20 RP
Humanoid(Elf,Zentor) (0)
Medium sized (0)
Normal speed (0) (+10 from Fast racial trait)
Standard:+2 Dex,+2 Int,-2 Con (0)
Language:Standard (Zentor;Aklo,Dark Folk,Elven,Orvian,Sakvroth) (1)
Defensive Training,Lesser(Zentek) (1)
Elf Immunities (2)
Shadow Resistance (2)
Spell-Like Ability:Darkness 1/Day (2)
Fast (1)
Weapon Familiarity:Zentian,Greatbow (1)
Underground Sneak (5)
Darkvision 120 Ft (3)
Light Blindness (-2)
Quick Reactions (2)
Nimble Attacks (2)
Silent Hunter (2)
Yeah,it really is a lot.

Azten |
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It's amazing what you can find in the trees if you just take the time to look. Branchlings are the little caretakers of the trees, removing dead branches and choking weeds in return for a place to sleep and sap to eat.
Racial Points: 17
Plant (8 Points)
Small (0 Points)
Standard Modifiers (0 Points) +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis
Standard Array (1 Point) Common and Sylvan. Bonus for High Int: Halfling, Elven, Gnome.
Natural Armor (2 Point)
Spell-Like Ability (3 Points) Entangle 3 times a day
Swarming (1 Point)
Camouflage (1 Point)
Climb (1 Point)

KaeYoss |
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Avestriel (Winged Elves)
Advanced Race
+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha
Automatic Language: Elven
Bonus Languages: Common, Sylvan, Aklo, Auran
+2 to Perception
Fly 40 (Average)
Total: 20 points
Avestriel (sing. and pl.) are a very reclusive off-shoot of the elven race. Said to be very graceful and possessing wings with red and white feathers (though some claim that their feather colour is variable and that the red and white pluming is part of the myth surrounding these creatures), their earthbound cousins call them Avestriel (which is elven for "terrible red angel") and tell stories of winged elves repelling those intruding in their eyries with fierce territoriality and implacable brutality - though it is said that other elves are sometimes accepted as visitors as long as they behave.
Said to live only in areas of exceptional height - always above the cloud cover, they are said to have become immune to the sun's relentless glare and are rumoured to be able to store the light of the sun in their feathers to release at will.
Avestriel Racial Traits:
+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha: Avestriel are exceptionally agile and possess minds both sharp and swift, and their angelic appearance is awe-inspiring, but the light build required for them to be able to fly leaves them frailer than other races.
Medium: Avestriel are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Avestriel have a base speed of 20 feet. They also have a fly speed of 40 feet (Average).
Low-Light Vision (as Elf)
Elven Immunities (as Elf)
Elven Magic (as Elf)
Keen Senses (as Elf)
Lightbringer: Avestriel are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spell or effects they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). An Avestriel with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may use light at will as a spell-like ability.
Languages: Avestriel begin play speaking Elven. Avestriel with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Auran, Common, and Sylvan.

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Advanced Race
These small humanoids that are often mistaken for halfling. These descendants of the feline familiars of wizards and witches breed true. They often have a slight feline look to them in their humanoid forms and still retain some of their ancestors' magic, allowing them to change shape into that of a normal house cat.
Humanoid (Tibbit) (0 RP)
Small (0 RP)
Base Speed
Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers
Weakness (–4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int) (-1 RP)
Standard (1 RP)
Racial Abilities
Cat's Lucky (1 RP)
Stubborn (1 RP)
Change Shape(?) (6 RP)
Stalker (1 RP)
Low Light Vision (1 RP)
Total RP: 10

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Entling - 10 pts
Bipedal Treefolk with a penchant for hiding in plain sight. Everywhere from forest to a marsh or even a well manicured lawn, they're watching you. They tend to protect their unawakened brethren from the shadows of the forest and avoid contact with those not aligned with themselves.
Plant Type [8]
Medium Size [0]
Slow Speed [-1]
Mixed Weakness Abilities (+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma) [-2]
Xenophobic Language Array (Sylvan. Common, Aklo, Elvan, Gnome) [0]
Natural Armor Bonus +1 [2]
Camouflage skills [1]
Skill Focus (+2 Knowledge(Nature)) [2]
(Edit: This fits the standard ruleset. If we had our druthers and altered what has been presented to us, we would have used Elemental Vulnerability (Fire) and that would give us the points to add Treespeech just for the hell of it. That would have also delved into Advanced options instead of standard.)

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I took a look through the race creation rules and shuddered at some of the min/max possibilities. 20 will no longer be the standard stat you see tossed around, it will be 22 now.
Standard Race
These tiny and colorful creatures are are but defenseless in hand-to-hand, but are natural born sorcerers.
Humanoid (Fey) (0 RP)
Tiny (4 RP)
Base Speed
Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers [b]
Greater Paragon (–2 Str, -2 Wis, +4 Cha) (-1 RP)
Xenophobic (0 RP)
. Sylvan - (Common, Aklo, Elven, Draconic)
[b]Racial Abilities
Fortunate (4 RP)
Spell Resistance, Greator (3 RP)
Total RP: 10
Similar tweaking will generate melee monsters with a 22 str and the mental capabilities of a chipmunk. Why bother with races like half orc, build your own and discard any racial traits that are not pure combat orientated.

Azure_Zero |
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I took a look through the race creation rules and shuddered at some of the min/max possibilities. 20 will no longer be the standard stat you see tossed around, it will be 22 now.
** spoiler omitted **
Similar tweaking will generate melee monsters with a 22 str and the mental capabilities of a chipmunk. Why bother with races like half orc, build your own and discard any racial traits that are not pure combat orientated.
Min-Maxers yes, but RP and balanced type players won't create that type of race.

Jeffrey Swank Contributor |

A unique mutation of the human race, this individual has developed powers beyond that of a normal human.
Unique Monstrous Race: 30 RP
Type: Humanoid (Mutant) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Flexible (+2 Con, +2 Wis) (2 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Strength (4 RP)
Natural armor (2 RP)
Improved natural armor (1 RP)
Damage Reduction (4 RP)
Hardy (1 RP)
Ferocity (4 RP)
Claws: 1d4 (2 RP)
Stalker (1 RP)
Low-light vision (1 RP)
Scent (4 RP)
Frenzy (2 RP)
Total RP: 26 RP, with room to drop Natural Armor and Improved NA for Regeneration of possible 7 point cost?)
A unique mutation of the human race, this individual has developed powers beyond that of a normal human.
Unique Monstrous Race: 30 RP
Type: Humanoid (Mutant) (0 RP)
Size: Large (7 RP)
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Flexible (+2 Con, +2 Str) (2 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Racial Abilities
Advanced Strength +4(8 RP)
Natural armor (2 RP)
Improved natural armor +4 (4 RP)
Damage Reduction (4 RP)
Hardy (1 RP)
Natural attack (slam) (1 RP)
Reach (1 RP)
Total RP: 30 RP

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Standard Race: 10 Points
The small woodland race from the Motion Picture the Dark Crystal. The are small, fey-like creature with pale to tan complextions, nimble frames, and long brown to blonde color hair. The features are narrow, though what they lack in stature they more than make up in heart. Having been hunted to the brink of extinction by the Skeksis’, Gelflings reside within the woodlands and desert regions in hopes to live out their days in peace, and harmony.
Type: Fey (1)
Size: Small
Speed: Normal
Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Languages: Standard (1)
Racial Abilities:
Eternal Hope (2)
Magical Linguist (2)
Skill Bonus (+1 Stealth, +1 Handle Animal) (2)
Total RP: 8

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Advanced Race: 20 Points
The wicked, twisted race from the Motion Picture the Dark Crystal. The evil race of grotesque birdlike lizards the Skeksis, are a race which lusts for power and will stop at nothing to attain it. Their skins are shades of grey to black, and adorn themselves with trinkets as a way to signify their rank and heirarchy of importance amongst their kind. They are a withered and frail race bent on wiping out the entire Gelfling race and all who would stand in their path.
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (2)
Size: Medium
Speed: Normal
Abilities: Weakness Modifier: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -4 Con (-1)
Languages: Standard (1)
Racial Abilities:
Plague Born (2)
Shadow Resistance (2)
Natural Armor (1)
Hatred: Gelphlings (1)
Weapon Familiarity: Falcion (1)
Claws (2)
Greed (1)
Total RP: 12

MaverickWolf |

Earthborn Angel
How they managed to be born on this plane to begin with, is still a mystery to even the most devote of Clerics, and most well read Scholars, Earthborn Angels are believe to the offspring of Angels, left behind on the Physical Plane. Earthborn Angel's are a beautiful race, often mistaken for angels themselves. They often feel lost within this world, knowing within that it is not their true home.Type
Outsider (Native) 2 RPSize
Medium 0 RPBase Speed
Normal 0 RPAbility Score Modifiers
Standard Modifers 0 RP
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 WisLanguages
Standard 1 RPRacial Abilities
Celestial Resistance 2 RP
Flight 4 RP
Elemental Affinity 1 RPTotal RP: 10
No can do. Flight is an Advanced Ability, and you're only building a standard race here, so it doesn't qualify for an advanced ability.

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Start with your basic Kobold, from the document;
Type - Humanoid (reptilian) 0 RP
Size - Small 0 RP
Base Speed - Normal 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers - Greater weakness (–4 Str, +2 Dex, –2 Con) –3 RP
Languages - Standard 1 RP
Racial Abilities - Crafty 4 RP, Darkvision 60 ft. 2 RP, Light sensitivity –1 RP, Natural armor 1 RP
Total RP: 4
[Crafty isn't priced in the playtest, so appears to have been thrown together, and, IMO, is overpriced, and the Bestiary Kobold uses the Xenophobic Array for languages (start with Draconic, can add Common, Dwarf, Gnome and Undercommon with Int bonuses), which makes this sample Kobold 1 pt. over for that, but, hey, it's a base to work from...]
Rather than re-invent the wheel, let's just add chrome rims to it.
Racial Templates to add to create Wyrmkin Kobolds, who have traits derived from appropriate Chromatic Dragons.
Blackscale - add;
Bite (1d3) 2 RP,
Energy Resistance 5 (acid) and +2 to saves vs. acid effects 1 RP,
+2 saves vs. sleep and paralysis effects 1 RP,
Swim 1 RP,
Swamp Stride 1 RP
Hold Breath 1 RP
+7 RP, bringing the base Kobold up to 10 RP (if the Xenophobic Array is used) or 11 RP (if it keeps the Standard language array).
Bluescale - add;
Bite (1d3) 2 RP,
Energy Resistance 5 (electricity) and +2 to saves vs. electricity effects 1 RP,
+2 saves vs. sleep and paralysis effects 1 RP,
Burrow (sand, based off of Swim for cost) 1 RP,
Desert Runner 2 RP
+7 RP over base Kobold.
Greenscale - add;
Bite (1d3) 2 RP,
Energy Resistance 5 (acid) and +2 to saves vs. acid effects 1 RP,
+2 saves vs. sleep and paralysis effects 1 RP,
Swim 1 RP,
Camouflage 1 RP
Hold Breath 1 RP
+7 RP over base Kobold.
Redscale - add;
Bite (1d3) 2 RP,
Energy Resistance 5 (fire) and +2 to saves vs. heat/fire effects 1 RP,
+2 saves vs. sleep and paralysis effects 1 RP,
Pyromaniac 2 RP,
Climb 1 RP
+7 RP over base Kobold.
Whitescale - add;
Bite (1d3) 2 RP,
Energy Resistance 5 (cold) and +2 to saves vs. cold effects 1 RP,
+2 saves vs. sleep and paralysis effects 1 RP,
Swim 1 RP,
Ice Stride (modified swamp stride) 1 RP
Hold Breath 1 RP
+7 RP over base Kobold.
I didn't notice a specific option for 'ice stride' or for burrow movement or for a single energy resistance, so I made stuff up and tried to eyeball appropriate prices. Bite seems way overpriced, for what it does. Reducing it by two size classes (while allowing claws to function at full size class) seems arbitrarily pricy.

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Advanced Race: 20 Points
The shamanistic, wandering race from the Motion Picture the Dark Crystal. The Mystics are the physical embodiment of that which is physical and that which is divine. Their skins are smooth and resemble many earth tones. The have elongated necks, long tails and arms, with stout legs bearing their bodies just above the ground. Honoring a life of peace, the Mystics are a race in search of harmony, and diplomacy, where blood shed is a last resort, if ever at all.
Type: Outside (native) (2)
Size: Medium
Speed: Slow Speed (-1)
Abilities: Flexible: +2 Wis, +2 Cha (2)
Languages: Linguist(2)
Racial Abilities:
Illusion Resistance (1)
Spell-Like Ability (2)
Gift of Tongues (2)
Skill Bonus: +2 Craft: Alchemy (2)
Total RP: 12

Shuriken Nekogami |

Nekogami (10 Race points total, standard race)
Type. Outsider (Native) (2 race points) (Darkvision comes free with package)
Size; Medium (0 race points)
+2 Strength +2 Dexterity (2 race points) (See Flexible ability score trait)
Fast Speed (1 race point) 40 feet total base land speed
Language (Xenophobic) (0 race points) Tien (racial language) Bonus Languages, Sylvan, Common, Elven, Aklo
Nekogami receive a bonus feat at first level for which they meet the prerequisites (4 race points)
Darkvision 60 feet (part of native outsider package)
Weapon Familiarity (1 race point) (Nekogami are proficient with the Katana and Wakizashi)
Nekogami are the Biologically diluted mortal Descendants of Lady Shuriken of House Nekogami of the Minkai Empire. They are Typically Slight of frame with dark hair, yellow tinted skin, toned wiry muscles, and hazel hued eyes. They typically take the life of a monk, ninja, or fighter. Most Nekogami tend to be Vigorous with the ferocity of a Tiger in combat. They usually tend to live in human dominated sections within the Minkai empire and a few exist elsewhere. Female Nekogami are typically smaller in bust and rump as an adaption to increase their mobility. And due to the fact that male Nekogami have a hard time growing facial hair. Some of them take pride in what facial hair they have, protecting it with the vigor a lion has for his main. They are strong and agile, unlike what their wiry frames would suggest. They appear almost human, with the exception of their major feline tendencies. It’s the women that do the hunting and act as the dominant sex. And the men tend to protect the children and take over when their partner is incapacitated. They think like a predator, seeing their victims as prey to assist in sustaining them, are as Vigorous as a tiger, and tend to have conservative tendencies derived from a combination of their heightened metabolism, practical lifestyle, desire to avoid unwanted attention, and preference for comfortable, loose fitting garb. A simple robe usually suffices for either gender.
New Minor Deity. Nekogami Shuriken L/N
Nekogami Shuriken is the Child Goddess of Tigers, the Hunt, and pleasure Derived through Trial. She is of Lawful Neutral Alignment and is a Subcontractor of the gods, Irori, Erastil, and Zon Kuthon. In life, she was a human monk whom had reached godhood in her youth and is a minor Goddess.
Shuriken Nekogami’s Favored Weapon is the unarmed strike. If a divine class offers proficiency in her favored weapon (such as cleric or inquisitor for example). They gain improved unarmed strike as a bonus feat. Her domains are Darkness, Animal, Healing, and Liberation.
i know fast speed is an advanced ability. but i'm sure it could slide in this case. it's nowhere near as power gamey as flight.

draco_nite |
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Changeling (Like, REAL changelings, not those half-hag things you call changelings, Paizo.)
Born from the union of a doppelganger and a human, these shapechangers take after their doppelganger parent more often than not.
Type: Humanoid (Shapechanger) 0 RP
Size: Medium 0 RP
Speed: Normal 0 RP
Ability Scores: Human Heritage Mod 0 RP
Language: Linguist 2 RP
Racial Abilities
Change Shape 6 RP
Gift of Tongues 2 RP
Total 10 RP
Created by a forgotten god to fight the horrors of the far realm, these dim-witted giants are unmatched in brute force.
Type: Humanoid (Giant) 0 RP
Size: Large 7 RP
Speed: Normal 0 RP
Ability Scores: Greater Weakness (+2 Str, -2 Cha, -4 Int) -3 RP
Language: Standard 1 RP
Racial Abilities
Fearless 1 RP
Hatred (Abberations) 1 RP
Relentless 1 RP
Stubborn 1 RP
Weapon Familiarity (Flail, Heavy Flail) 1 RP
Total 10 RP

RJGrady |

Long ago, a group of elven wizards grew impatient with the directionless and lack of conviction they saw in elven society. They withdrew to their own secret halls and homes, and gradually, became a new race, one steeped in powerful magic, almost to the point of addiction. Although they called themselves Elves of the True Blood, they became known to others, those that had heard of them, as the Arcane Elves.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Cha, -2 Str (-1 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RO)
Elven Magic (2 RP)
Sprinter (1 RP)
Low-light vision (1 RP)
Pyromaniac (2 RP)
Stonesinger (1 RP)
Dreamspeaker (2 RP)
Magical Linguist (2 RP)

submit2me |
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I'm not happy with this (as it is way overpowered for the little guys), but it was the best I could do in less than 30 minutes. I wanted to make them a standard race, but I like the flying version of them better. Levitate as a spell-like ability 3x/day just wasn't good enough. I'll try to make a low powered version later on when I'm not tired. =)
Advanced Race (20rp)
Small humanoid (moogle) (+0rp)
20ft. speed (-1rp)
+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha (+4rp)
common, mog, +other languages from int bonus (2rp)
craftsman (+1rp)
master tinker (+2rp)
proficiency with light hammer and warhammer (+1rp)
claws (+2rp)
fly (40ft., poor) (+6rp)
wing attack (+1rp)
nimble attacks (weapon finesse) (+2rp)

Shuriken Nekogami |

MaverickWolf wrote:No can do. Flight is an Advanced Ability, and you're only building a standard race here, so it doesn't qualify for an advanced ability.DOH! >.< Jumped the gun there!
Dreams! Crushed! ... no Playable Angel race.. -_-
YET! o.O
i'm fine with your playable angel race. i'm sure we can let the ability slide for the purpose of concept.
flight brings it's own troubles.
you can bypass many traps and encounters, but you miss out on some of the tangible rewards for solving them. but flying monsters, and archers can still defeat you.

Melissa Litwin |
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11 RP, Standard race
10 RP if you take out Sprinter, which I think would be valid if you want to hold things to a 10 RP buy.
Living in southern Gerund, the reclusive natives to that continents plains are a young race. Newly emerged from mysterious origins, the lionfolk's first encounter with humanity was a group of Chelish slavers who decided they would serve magnificently in chains. Capturing a leonin (as they call themselves) proved almost as difficult as keeping it alive afterward, making a lionfolk a rare but prized sight in the slave pens. Some few have escaped captivity and made their way out of Cheliax and to the plains of Varisia where the native nomadic peoples have shown them a different side of humanity. The greater majority of the race still resides in isolation on the plains of Gerund, but a few of the escapees have brought tales of Varisia back with them when they returned. The Leonin are currently embroiled in debate over whether to abandon their isolated ways or continue to distrust the humanity that has enslaved so many.
Medium humanoid: 0 RP
Standard ability modifiers: 0 RP (+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Int)
Xenophobic linguistic array: 0 RP (Base Leonin, extra Common, Gnoll, Mwangi)
Ancient foe (humanoid (human)): 3 RP
Fearless: 1 RP
Sprinter: 1 RP
Natural Armor: 2 RP
Bite x2: 2 RP
Stalker: 1 RP
Low-light vision: 1 RP
Matt Trent and I jointly made this one. The description is mostly his.

A Man In Black RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
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These rules, I swear. I figured +8 int was enough, but hey, you could go +10 if you want.
Sparkle Elves
A bunch of elves were sad at not being the bestest extra special best at magic ever. But when the Argocalypse struck, they were imbued with the power of arcane cheddicles, making them the extra specialest magic users ever!
Slow Speed (-1 RP)
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Cha, -2 Str (-1 RP)
Languages: Xenophobic (0 RP)
Elven Magic (2 RP)
Spell Resistance, Lesser (2 RP)
Advanced Intelligence x2 (8 RP)

Umbral Reaver |
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Here's a go at my 'heroic' kobold racial setup. These kobolds were originally built using VoodooMike's race building guide, coming to 10 points (standard core race value).
Here's the racial readout:
Kobold is an available player character race. Kobold player characters use the following racial traits:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution: Kobolds are small, weak and frail but make up for this with their speed and forceful personalities.
Small: Kobolds are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Armour: Kobolds have a +1 natural armour bonus.
Crafty: Kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking) and Profession (miner) skill checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills.
Keen Senses: Kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Tunnel Runner: Kobolds take no penalties while squeezing.
Weapon Familiarity: Kobolds are proficient with all picks and treat any weapon with the word “kobold” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking one regional language and Draconic. Kobolds with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Any regional language, Aklo, Dwarven, Gnome, Undercommon.
Heroic Kobold
Type: Humanoid (reptilian) [0]
Small [0]
Normal Speed [0]
Dex +2, Cha +2, Str -2, Con -2
Ability scores derived as follows:
Greater Weakness (Str -4, Dex +2, Con -2) [-3]
Advanced Strength [4]
Advanced Charisma [4]
There was no good way of generating this ability score set.
Standard Languages [1]
Darkvision 60 ft. [1]
Crafty [4]
Natural Armour [2]
Skill Bonus [2]
Weapon Familiarity [1]
Tunnel Runner (unlisted, but circumstantial; I'll shoot low and call it 1 point) [1]
Total: 17
This is terrible. Most of the failure of the system here was that it has no sane way of creating a race with -2 to two ability scores and +2 to two others, as well as the hideousness that is skill bonuses.

SwnyNerdgasm |

This is the closest I could get to my Homebrew Elves
After their disastrous uprising against the very Gods who created them over the introduction of the Human Race, the Elves of Talora retreated to the Sundered lands with their Thanatonic Titan allies to plot their revenge.
Elf, Taloran
Type: Fey - 1 Race Point
Size: Medium - 0 Race Points
Speed: Normal - 0 Race Points
Abilities: Advanced Modifiers(+2 Physical, +4 CHA, -2 INT) - 4 Race Points
Languages: Linguist Array(Elven and Sylvan) - 2 Race Points
Racial Abilities:
Ancient Foe(Human) - 3 Race Points
Fey Damage Resistance - 3 Race Points
Spell-Like Ability(Vanish 1/day) - 1 Race Point
Fast - 1 Race Point
Weapon Familiarity(Bows and Elven Curved Blade) - 1 Race Point
Quick Reactions - 2 Race Points
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to Sunlight - Minus 1 Race Point
Total Race Points: 16

Gallifrey |

I really like Iobaria and thought it would be interesting to see offshoots of some of the monsters that ended up evolving there.
Iobarian Orcs
Monstrous Humanoid(Orc)
+2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Large: Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. An Iobarian Orc takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.
Normal Speed: 30 feet base spped
Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds members of this race for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
Plagueborn: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened.
Horns: Iobarian Orcs are born with horns and gain a gore attack for a creature of their size.
Frenzy: Once per day, whenever a member of this race takes damage, it flies into a frenzy for 1 minute, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Constitution and Strength, but a –2 penalty to AC.
Languages Known: Orc. Additional Languages: Common, Undercommon, Giant, Goblin
This is built off of 10 RP
7 RP Large Sized
-2 RP Paragon Stats
0 RP Xenophobic Language Set
-2 RP Light Blindness
2 RP Monstrous Humanoid Type
2 RP Plagueborn
1 RP Natural Attack(Gore)
2 RP Frenzy
Since they are from a land rampant with disease, they have to have some defense, thus Plagueborn. I wanted them to have become much more primal than their cousins, so I made them monstrous humanoids and increased their size to Large. The idea being that they are the top of the food chain in their region and as such have grown larger than standard orcs.
While their constitutions are incredible, I also wanted to show how the land had affected them, so I took away their Ferocity. Their bodies are under enough stress, so after a battle where they take enough damage to knock them out... well they collapse like a ton of bricks. Instead they go into overdrive at the beginning of a confrontation, preferring to kill immediately and never giving their foes the chance to get their HP low, thus frenzy.
As for the horns... Well honestly I wanted to visually distinguish them from the normal orcs in some way. While many of the Orcs would proudly claim that their clans had interbred with dragons, it is much more likely that the horns one child was born with was viewed as a sign of greatness and his spawn became the ancestors of this current generation.
The Iobarian Orcs are genetically very hardy and as such there is little chance of mutation through inbreeding. This also leads to the fact that there are no known half-orcs of this variety. The genes being so strong that any half-orc child that was born would constitute as an Iobarian Orc and not a half-breed. While this may be a fact of their genetics, it is also a well known fact that any child born that would be too small to reach their large size(a runt) is destroyed in order to keep the race strong.

Banatine |
Dragonborn of Apsu
A noble draconic race, comprised of humanoids who willingly undergo the Rite of Rebirth, a ritual where they become a completely new being, dedicated to the destruction of evil dragonkind.
Becoming dragonborn replaces ALL previous racial features, and replaces them with the following traits:
Abilities: +2 Con, +2 Cha -2 Dex. Dragonborn are hearty, healthy, and charming, but they are awkward in their newly adopted bodies.
Humanoid (dragonblood): for all effect related to race, a dragonborn is considered a dragon and a member of her original race.
Ancient Foe: Dragonborn gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC aginst dragons. Dragonborn have an innate sense of how best to defend themselves against their potential enemies.
Immunity to Frightful Presence: Dragonborn are immune to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons, but not of other creatures with the ability.
Wings: A Dragonborn possesses fully formed wings, granting them a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability.
Languages: A Dragonborn gains the ability to speak draconic after their transformation, but does not lose any languages she already knew.
Standard Modifiers: 0RP
Speed normal: 0RP
Humanoid (dragonblood): 0RP
Ancient Foe (dragons): 3RP
Languages: (gain Draconic) 1RP*
Immunity to Frightful Prescence: 2RP*
Flight: 4RP
Total: 10RP
*Wasn't really sure if just gaining 1 language was worth a RP, and not sure if Immunity to Frightful Presence was only worth 2, but they balance each other out i think.

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One more example of the types of builds we'll see floating around if the rules go live as written.
Standard Race
The beastial elf / orc hybrids have been selectively breed for generations for one purpose only: war.
Humanoid (elf / orc) (0 RP)
Large (4 RP)
Base Speed
Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers [b]
Paragon (+4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, +2 Cha) (-2 RP)
Xenophobic (0 RP)
. Orc - (Common, Elven, Goblin)
[b]Racial Abilities
Bite (1 RP)
Orc Ferocity (2 RP)
Natural Armor 1 (2 RP)
Total RP: 10
Sample level 1 character using this build:
Male Brute (Barbarian) 1
N Large Humanoid
Height: 12'6"; Weight: 754 lbs.; Age: 19
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+1 natural armor)
hp 14
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1
Spd 40 ft.
. . Nodachi +8 (2d8 +7/18-20/x2)
. . Bardiche +8 (2d8 +10/19-20/x2)
. . Bite +8 (1d4 +7/20/x2
Str 24, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +8; CMD 8
Feats Power Attack
Traits Elven Reflexes, Killer
Skills Perception (5), Intimidate (2)
Languages Orc

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MaverickWolf wrote:No can do. Flight is an Advanced Ability, and you're only building a standard race here, so it doesn't qualify for an advanced ability.DOH! >.< Jumped the gun there!
Dreams! Crushed! ... no Playable Angel race.. -_-
YET! o.O
With 5 levels of Synthesist you can build an angel. Buy all your resists plus a few stat bonuses and get your wings at 5th level. My only problem is it actually costs an evolution point to get rid of your claws.
I've been working on a concept that starts with this path, then switches over to paladin after 5th level.

Azure_Zero |

draco_nite wrote:Changeling (Like, REAL changelings, not those half-hag things you call changelings, Paizo.)But what Paizo calls changelings is actually closer to the real world myths about changelings...
He's right.
Here's the link to the proof
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One of my favorites from 2ed that never got a fair shake in 3rd (other than Dragon Magazine)
The Tortle are Turtle folk they appear in the Red Steel Champaign setting.
Humanoid (Tortle) 0 RP
Medium 0 RP
Base Speed:
Normal 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers:
Standard (-2 DEX, +2 CON, +2 WIS) 0 RP
Xenophobic Array 0 RP
(Tortle) Common, Aquan, Elvan, Sylvan
Racial Abilities:
Swim 1 RP
Low-Light Vision 1 RP
Natural Armor 2 RP
Improved Natural Armor +2 2 RP
Endurance as Bonus Feat 2 RP
Total RP: 8

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Standard Race: 10 PointsThe small woodland race from the Motion Picture the Dark Crystal. The are small, fey-like creature with pale to tan complextions, nimble frames, and long brown to blonde color hair. The features are narrow, though what they lack in stature they more than make up in heart. Having been hunted to the brink of extinction by the Skeksis’, Gelflings reside within the woodlands and desert regions in hopes to live out their days in peace, and harmony.
Type: Fey (1)
Size: Small
Speed: Normal
Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Languages: Standard (1)
Racial Abilities:
Eternal Hope (2)
Magical Linguist (2)
Skill Bonus (+1 Stealth, +1 Handle Animal) (2)Total RP: 8
Remember Female Gelflings have wings. :)

Xum |

One more example of the types of builds we'll see floating around if the rules go live as written.
Standard Race
The beastial elf / orc hybrids have been selectively breed for generations for one purpose only: war.
Humanoid (elf / orc) (0 RP)Size
Large (4 RP)Base Speed
Normal (0 RP)Ability Score Modifiers [b]
Paragon (+4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, +2 Cha) (-2 RP)[b]Languages[b]
Xenophobic (0 RP)
. Orc - (Common, Elven, Goblin)[b]Racial Abilities
Bite (1 RP)
Orc Ferocity (2 RP)
Natural Armor 1 (2 RP)Total RP: 10
That's off. Large is 7 points, how come you get +2 Initiative? And it -2 Cha, not +2.
But you could do this.
Standard Race
Humanoid (0 RP)
Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed
Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers [b]
Paragon (+4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha) (-2 RP)
Xenophobic (0 RP)
. Hulkonic
[b]Racial Abilities
Advanced Strength x3
Total RP: 10
There you go. +10 Stregth? Yes please.