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Looks good redclover.
I will be going over characters tonight and tomorrow as much as possible (off to work in a minute). I think that I will have time come SUN night to start the second campaign spot and both games.
Please let me know of any chances you wish to make before SUN as characters will be set in stone by then.
Group 1:
Azure_Zero - Cleric(Theologian)
Pixel Cube - Inquisitor(Witch Hunter)
Gavgoyle - Alchemist
redclover - Paladin(Undead Scourge)
NPC- Wizard/Rogue (shooting for Arcane Trickster)
Group 2:
Dorf - Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
robin - Sorcerer
Paizo Fan - Paladin
ChrisO - Witch
NPC- Ranger(guide/trapper) weapon/shield style

Azure_Zero |

I will be going over characters tonight and tomorrow as much as possible (off to work in a minute). I think that I will have time come SUN night to start the second campaign spot and both games.Please let me know of any chances you wish to make before SUN as characters will be set in stone by then.
I am assuming you mean Sunday.
Azure_Zero |

Group 1
Azure_Zero - Cleric(Theologian) of Kurgess (focusing on the Ferocity subdomain)
Pixel Cube - Inquisitor(Witch Hunter) not Vampire hunter? (Inner sea magic)
Gavgoyle - Alchemist(??)
redclover - Paladin(Undead Scourge) of Shelyn
What are the heights and weights of your characters?
It'll help with visualization of proportions and comparisons of the characters. And this way if one gets KO'ed we know how big you are and how much you weigh for carrying you out.

Talia Senshir |

[Group 2 - ChrisO
Got a good portion of my character up using alias.
Any of you kindhearted folks wish to take a look and let me know if I'm doing this correctly? I've some stats and a description. Have background excerpts written, too, which I'll put up there as soon as I can.
Please forgive my newbness. I'll get the hang of it, I'm sure. :)

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Greetings, compatriots. I am Fleisher Montvale, a student of the Alchemical Arts of Chirurgery... looking for the Essential Spark of Vitality that the gods have blessed us with. My interest in my Life Elixers stem from my childhood. My parents were both struck down with a wasting disease that left them shallow, pained husks of their former selves, and worse, brought them back as mindless undead when they finally fully subcame to the diseases predations. My brothers, Konnard and Eustorius, and I were able to put them back into their rightful place in the ground, but I've thought of almost nothing but ways I could have helped them since that day.

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What are the heights and weights of your characters?
It'll help with visualization of proportions and comparisons of the characters. And this way if one gets KO'ed we know how big you are and how much you weigh for carrying you out.
Human low average 5'8" 160-5#... For visual purposes, I'm thinking Aaron Paul's character Jesse on Breaking Bad. Not the meth head personality, mind you, just as a visual.
Edit: sorry, this is for Fleisher Montvale.

Azure_Zero |

Group 1
Azure_Zero - Cleric(Theologian) of Kurgess (focusing on the Ferocity subdomain)
Pixel Cube - Inquisitor(Witch Hunter) not Vampire hunter? (Inner sea magic)
Gavgoyle - Alchemist(Chirurgeon)
redclover - Paladin(Undead Scourge) of Shelyn
What are the heights and weights of your characters?
It'll help with visualization of proportions and comparisons of the characters. And this way if one gets KO'ed we know how big you are and how much you weigh for carrying you out.
Grey Jonas - ?? ??lb
Fleisher Montvale - 5'8" 160-165 lb
Rapheal Teofil - ?? ??lb

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Heads up that we are still on for starting Sun nite. Sorry no RP tavern Azure_Zero this game starts with very little interaction between the PCs, but we will get a chance for some RP before to much adventuring occurs.
So I have set up my first Obsidian Portal(OP) page here for group one and will be setting up the one for group 2 in a moment. I wanted there to be only one with key info but do to what the group might do the info might change so I need to set up two.
What I need for you all to do is create your own PC page for your use. Still checking characters but we will be able to start even if I don't have that finished by Sun.

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And here is the site for group 2.
Please use the PC page as a means to track clues, items, builds and/or whatever else you may think to help store it for easy finding.

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Character checking - Group 1
*Channel energy should read 1d6+4 (do to houserule)
*Will save list WIS modifier as +3, should be +2
*Melee attack lists STR modifier as +1, should be +2
*Have total GP spent at - 116gp, 4sp, 4cp leftover should be 123gp, 5sp, 6cp please double check my math
*Not sure which outfit you are wearing? I have your weight at 48lbs (if wearing the traveler's outfit) or 51lbs (wearing the other)
*Like the background and all the extras but don't see how she is related to Professor Lorrimor before he died.
*Below is another way to do skills you can copy paste it if you wish. What I really had trouble with was understanding what the totals were for each skill.
Skill Ranks = 04 [2 (Cleric) + 1 (INT)] x1 (Level) + 1 (FC)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP = -1
+1 Acrobatics = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
+1 Appraise = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
+3 Bluff = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
+1 Climb = 0 (ranks) + 2 (STR) - 1 (ACP)
+1 Craft(________) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
+9 Diplomacy = 1 (ranks) + 3 (CS) + 3 (CHA) + 2 (racial)
NA Disable Device = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
+3 Disguise = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
+1 Escape Artist = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
+1 Fly = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
NA Handle Animal = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
+2 Heal = 0 (ranks) + ) (CS) + 2 (WIS)
+3 Intimidate = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
NA Know(Arcana) = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Dungen) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Engine) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Geogrh) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
+5 Know(Histor) = 1 (ranks) + 3 (CS) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Locals) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Nature) = 0 (ranks) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Nobles) = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Planes) = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
NA Know(Religo) = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
NA Linguistics = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
+5 Perception = 1 (ranks) + 2 (WIS) + 2 (racial)
+3 Perform (Sing) = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
NA Profession(Seamstress) = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 2 (WIS)
+1 Ride = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
+6 Sense Motive = 1 (ranks) + 3 (CS) + 2 (WIS)
NA Sleight of Hand = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
NA Spell Craft = 0 (ranks) + 0 (CS) + 1 (INT)
+1 Stealth = 0 (ranks) + 2 (DEX) - 1 (ACP)
+2 Survival = 0 (ranks) + 2 (WIS)
+1 Swim = 0 (ranks) + 2 (STR) - 1 (ACP)
NA Use Magical Device = 0 (ranks) + 3 (CHA)
Grey Jonas
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 (+2 against fear)
Speed 20 ft
Melee shortsword +1 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/x3), outside 30ft +3 and 1d8+1
Special Judgment 1/day
Spells Prepared (CL 1st, concentration +4 DC 13 + spell level):
1st (2/day)— disguise self, hex ward, sanctuary*Not allowed spells from domain list. Perhaps you would like to take an Inquistion instead of a Domain?
0 (4/day)— brand, detect magic, light, read magic
Domain Protection, Resistant Touch
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Attack +0; CMB +1, CMD 14
Spell Sage, Stern Gaze
Feats Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Sense Motive)
Traits Making Good on Promises, Reactionary
Skills Disguise +4, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +3, Knowledge (Religion) +3, Perception +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +4
Skill Ranks = 07 [6 (class) - 1 (INT)] x1 (Level) + 1 (human) +1 (FC) Looks like you spent an extra one but I'm not sure Stealth doesn't add up.
Stealth +5 = 1 (rank) + 3 (CS) + 3 (DEX) - 2 (ACP)
Combat Gear armored coat, composite longbow +1, 20 arrows, tanglefoot bag, shortsword
Other Gear sacred symbol (amulet), manacles and key, 10 ft. rope, 5 gp
I have gear way off - Starting wealth is 240gp and you have spent 377 (and have 5gp more leftover)
*Charisma Mod. -1
*Have gold spent at 131gp, 4sp, 4cp; and leftover at 48gp, 5sp, 6cp I just don't see that listed anywhere.
*Have total weight at 47.5lbs (medium load) - Note: club weighs 3lb, spear 6lbs, 2 sunrods weigh 2lbs, and the belt pouches weigh 1/2lb
*CHA mod listed wrong for Bluff
*Craft(Alchemy) missing +1 do to being level 1
*Sleight of Hand missing +3 for favored class bonus
*Armor check and medium load are not added together to get your check penalty. You either take the ACP of the armor you are wearing or the load penalty - whichever is higher.
*Perform dance should be +8
*Really need gear
*CMB and CMD listed but no figure posted

Evangline Valeria Aurora |

Fixed most of it
*Have total GP spent at - 116gp, 4sp, 4cp leftover should be 123gp, 5sp, 6cp please double check my math
*Like the background and all the extras but don't see how she is related to Professor Lorrimor before he died.
The above are what's left of corrections, I will do them after work.
*Not sure which outfit you are wearing? I have your weight at 48lbs (if wearing the traveler's outfit) or 51lbs (wearing the other)
she keeps a spare set of clothes.

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I believe I am ready to travel to Ravengro to attend the funeral of a gentleman I respect very much.
(Added one more Alchemist's Fire, one vial of acid, and a dagger (with the pommel embossed with the seal of the Lastwall War College's Field Healers Services division (charged the price of a signet ring and dagger for that). Adjusted the GP accordingly.)

Deacon Nesser |

Who are you firm on keeping? Are you dropping out to dm or will be running a dmpc?
I only ask so I may prep an alt char to better suit group composition.
As far as I know Deacon is the only full arcane caster submitted (but that didn't help last game recruitment) and some groups chaff at a sorc limited spell selection, so I am happy to make a wizard.

DM Azure_Zero |

1)Who are you firm on keeping? Are you dropping out to dm or will be running a dmpc?
I only ask so I may prep an alt char to better suit group composition.
As far as I know Deacon is the only full arcane caster submitted (but that didn't help last game recruitment) and some groups chaff at a sorc limited spell selection, so I am happy to make a wizard.
We'll see the number and who has applied, then I can make my decisions on if I'll just GM or GM and have a GM-PC go in.
Also It looks like I'll be restarting the game from page 1.

DM Azure_Zero |

I'll be postponing my decisions til tomorrow, after I see what characters are and players want in.
Everyone hop to the discussion and post your character concept with a character background.
You can post 2 character concepts, without backgrounds, but if on is selected, you got to come up with one.
NO Summoners, Gunslingers, or Magus