Bag of Holding vs. Handy Haversack

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Which is better?

it depends on what you are looking for, but i prefer the haversack.

bag of holding costs more, holds more, but weighs a whole lot more. more than most weapons

handy haversack is cheaper and lighter, but it doesn't hold as much as the bigger bags, but it holds nearly as much as the smaller bags of holding. and it has compartments.

the bag of holding can hold bigger items, but digging through it is a full round action that provokes attacks of oppurtunity

handy haversack is (if i remember correctly) a standard action that doesn't provoke. and 5 pounds is less cumbersome than 25.

it's also 2,000 gold while the cheapest bag of holding is 2,500. the difference could potentially cost you consumables.

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Depends. Whichever holds your Depends. You can fit more Depends in a bag of holding, but when you gotta change them quick, the haversack dispenses them as a move action. That can save you from a big mess!

Grand Lodge

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Gear you think you might have to use shortly? Haversack. Gear you can only use when you have time to sit down and mess around with it for a few days (artisan tools, alchemy labs, anvils, etc.)? Portable hole or bag of holding. Just don't make the foolish mistake of putting one in the other.

I'll list the pros and cons of each...

*Costs less
*Can get any item you want as standard without provoking
Lighter than Bag of Holding

*Can't hold much
*Can't hold large items


Holds much more
Can hold very large items
Can hold creatures for a short while

Can be punctured by sharp objects
Very expensive
Getting stuff out is a full-round action that provokes
Weighs more

Kais86 wrote:
Gear you think you might have to use shortly? Haversack. Gear you can only use when you have time to sit down and mess around with it for a few days (artisan tools, alchemy labs, anvils, etc.)? Portable hole or bag of holding. Just don't make the foolish mistake of putting one in the other.

So,I should buy both? :3

i would start with the haversack. bag of holding can wait until we actually get large enough hauls to require it.

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Grand Lodge

sphar wrote:
Kais86 wrote:
Gear you think you might have to use shortly? Haversack. Gear you can only use when you have time to sit down and mess around with it for a few days (artisan tools, alchemy labs, anvils, etc.)? Portable hole or bag of holding. Just don't make the foolish mistake of putting one in the other.
So,I should buy both? :3

Can you buy both without it being a serious hit to your finances?

Sovereign Court

What are you trying to haul around where you've got that much to worry about?

Coins are a huge problem of course obviously, but a haversack is so useful in stressful situations like combat or emergencies that it's hard not to recommend that.

Have you considered a mount of some kind, maybe a cart?

Haversack. Its lighter, and has the ability to let you retrieve any item as a move action. that beats fumbling around in a bag of holding trying to grab that potion of cure light to pour down the clerics throat

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Image is everything. The Bag of Holding is stylish and elegant.

Only the rif-raf buy Handy Haversacks. I mean really, what wardrobe goes with a Handy Haversack???? Who wears a backpack all the time? Vagabonds, that's who.

Grand Lodge

Jason Rice wrote:

Image is everything. The Bag of Holding is stylish and elegant.

Only the rif-raf buy Handy Haversacks. I mean really, what wardrobe goes with a Handy Haversack???? Who wears a backpack all the time? Vagabonds, that's who.

Adventurer's wear haversacks, they may be similar to vagabonds in some ways, but at least they typically have the coin to pay for their meals/hooch/rooms at the inn. Especially the effective/long-time adventurers.

I'm particular to Fizban's Fabulous Fanny Pack, myself.

Grand Lodge

I prefer Mordenkainen's Measureless Man-bag.

Dark Archive

Classic Treasures Revisited has the minor bag of holding which costs 1000 gp and can hold up to 50 pounds. If you want a cheap container, it's the best choice, at least at low levels.

For your first extradiminsional storage buy a haversack, after that it's usually bag of holdings or portable holes.

Unless there are extreme circumstances, where you know that you require a BoH and a haversack won't be enough. Like, you have a huge dragon hoard to carry around, and no storage to put it. But then again you probably don't have the moneytary problem and could buy both :)

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Jason Rice wrote:

Image is everything. The Bag of Holding is stylish and elegant.

Only the rif-raf buy Handy Haversacks. I mean really, what wardrobe goes with a Handy Haversack???? Who wears a backpack all the time? Vagabonds, that's who.

You must not have seen the new Elfsport (tm) Handy Haversacks. With many different styles your sure to find one for any of your fashionable adventuring needs!

KestlerGunner wrote:
I prefer Mordenkainen's Measureless Man-bag.

What about Evard's Purse of Pernicious Pounding? Functions as a +1 greatclub and has really good storage, but if you botch the attack roll a bunch of feminine hygiene products and prophylactics spill out. It's like the chicken-infested flaw except much more embarrassing, difficult to explain and way more likely to happen in front of your mother or potential love interest.

Shadow Lodge

sphar wrote:

I'll list the pros and cons of each...

*Costs less
*Can get any item you want as standard without provoking
Lighter than Bag of Holding

*Can't hold much
*Can't hold large items


Holds much more
Can hold very large items
Can hold creatures for a short while

Can be punctured by sharp objects
Very expensive
Getting stuff out is a full-round action that provokes
Weighs more

you forgot " if you put a piercing or slashing weapon the bag pops and you waste 50k gold" this has happened to people i play with, i just use a haversack.

oh yeah, and they have that new mage spell that lets you creat your own plane lol, that is the ultimate storage area, "create demiplane" (UM)

Well you can put slashing and piercing weapons inside, they just need to be sheashed or otherwise protected.

Also the haversack says the different pieces are "like a bag of holding" so i'd actually guess that rule applies here too.

One thing you should remember: Bag of holding is large even from the outside. 2x4 feet, that's not your normal belt-pouch :)
So it's not exactly easy to carry.

What I wonder:
It says putting a bag of holding is put into a portable hole, then both vanish.
If a portable hole is put into a BoH then it sucks everything in a 10ft radius in, which is really bad.

So that means the effect of PH and BoH while similar are not the same, since it matters which is put into which.

What happens if you put a Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, or into a Haversack? (the largest BoH fits pretty much perfectly inside a HH, which would make it alot easier to carry, increases the size by alot, but you lose the "find stuff easy" property. And then you could store your other BoHs inside that BoH - of course now you need 3 full round actions to find something or so :) )

Allia Thren wrote:
What happens if you put a Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, or into a Haversack?

IIRC, the extra dimensional spaces you place inside other extradimensional spaces (with the noted exception of the interaction of portable holes and bags of holding) simply cease functioning while within those extradimensional spaces. This doesn't mean that everything spills out - it means it's inaccessible, but only while within the other bag.

Really, this isn't such a big deal. Placing a bunch of bags of holding inside a bag of holding is great, so long as you can take the time to sort it out later, and you don't lose the 'outer' bag. That'd be embarrassing.

Party: so, where's the bag containing all the bags of stuff?
Luckless the Loser: Er, well, I just set it down for a second...
Party: ...
Sneaky the Pickpocket: What? Nothing but worthless bags in here?! BAH!
*throws it away in disgust and walks away*

personally, I've always been a fan of the Efficient Quiver over either.

Haversack is better for personal use imo, Bag is for party use.

There's also the Minor Bag of Holding

Bag of Holding, Minor:

Bag of Holding, Minor
Source Classic Treasures Revisited 8
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This more economical version of the bag of holding functions in the same manner, but its internal measurements are smaller than those of a regular bag of holding. It measures 2 feet by 4 feet and can carry up to 50 pounds or 6 cubic feet of material.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Cost 500 gp

Morgen wrote:

What are you trying to haul around where you've got that much to worry about?

Coins are a huge problem of course obviously, but a haversack is so useful in stressful situations like combat or emergencies that it's hard not to recommend that.

Have you considered a mount of some kind, maybe a cart?

I tend to play in a lot of dungeon crawls as well as difficult terrains,so sadly a cart is out of the question. ):

TheSideKick wrote:

you forgot " if you put a piercing or slashing weapon the bag pops and you waste 50k gold" this has happened to people i play with, i just use a haversack.

oh yeah, and they have that new mage spell that lets you creat your own plane lol, that is the ultimate storage area, "create demiplane" (UM)

Yeah,maybe I'll just hire an archmage xD

Haversack with bags of holding in the side pouches. Use the bags for storage and the main haversack pouch for things you'd need quickly in combat.

Liberty's Edge

Sizik wrote:
Haversack with bags of holding in the side pouches. Use the bags for storage and the main haversack pouch for things you'd need quickly in combat.

Is it possible to do this without the same effects as the portable hole/bag of holding scenarios?

I always buy both.

My first extra-dimensional purchase is always a haversack. When I fill that up, I buy a bag of holding to store any extra gear I know I won't need on a moments notice, like that extra suit of +1 full plate, or my chest of 10,000 PP.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Atomysk wrote:

Is it possible to do this without the same effects as the portable hole/bag of holding scenarios?

Yes. Most extradimensional spaces just cease to function while inside another extradimensional space. So to get to anything inside the bag of holding the haversack, you would have to pull the bag of holding out first. This is explained on page 501 of the core rulebook.

Liberty's Edge

Maezer wrote:
Yes. Most extradimensional spaces just cease to function while inside another extradimensional space. So to get to anything inside the bag of holding the haversack, you would have to pull the bag of holding out first. This is explained on page 501 of the core rulebook.

Ah, silly me. I totally overlooked the sidebar regarding Extradimensional Spaces.

I have a Bag of Holding type IV, which I keep in a Handy Haversack, Which I keep in a Versatile Vest, its confusing at times.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The efficient quiver works wonders for hauling coin and gem loot, too.

You're an archer. Why do you need to haul around extra staves and javelins? replace those with long rods hollowed out to fit coins and gems inside them, of the appropriate length.

At ten coins per inch, a 4' 'javelin' and a 6' 'staff' can contain 480 coins and 720 coins respectively. That's 18 x 480 coins + 5 x 720 coins (I expect you stow your bow in there.)

that's 12,240 coins of storage, or 1,224 pounds of coins, for the low price of 900 gp. Note: there's no weight limit on the Efficient Quiver!

Between this, a minor bag of holding, and a haversack, I think you're set on loot hauling. If the DM only hands you 5000 gp life size statues, then I suggest a Wand of Item.


Grand Lodge

@Aelryinth I tend to use those for my backup weapons. So they tend to be full. That's one of the items I think needs to be properly defined the most. Like the Kusarigama.

Liberty's Edge

I prefer Efficient Quivers over either one.

"Oh, crikey! A rust-monster!" <draw all metal weapons and stuff them into javelin slots in EQ, which can hold sharp objects no-problemo>

Grand Lodge

Mike Schneider wrote:

I prefer Efficient Quivers over either one.

"Oh, crikey! A rust-monster!" <draw all metal weapons and stuff them into javelin slots in EQ, which can hold sharp objects no-problemo>

That would take my current ninja awhile to accomplish. 2 Cestus, Wakizashi, Katana, Nunchaku, Morningstar, spear, Kusarigama, 10 daggers, 40 shuriken, 40 arrows (20 blunt 20 regular), shield, and a shortbow. I'd have to keep the vast majority of that in the quiver.

My GM freaked a little when I kept pulling out weapons. He even had me tally up the weight, which even with armor, I can walk around with all of that stuff.... the less said about how, the better I imagine. I'm encumbered every time I put my backpack on.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Kais86 wrote:
Mike Schneider wrote:

I prefer Efficient Quivers over either one.

"Oh, crikey! A rust-monster!" <draw all metal weapons and stuff them into javelin slots in EQ, which can hold sharp objects no-problemo>

That would take my current ninja awhile to accomplish. 2 Cestus, Wakizashi, Katana, Nunchaku, Morningstar, spear, Kusarigama, 10 daggers, 40 shuriken, 40 arrows (20 blunt 20 regular), shield, and a shortbow. I'd have to keep the vast majority of that in the quiver.

My GM freaked a little when I kept pulling out weapons. He even had me tally up the weight, which even with armor, I can walk around with all of that stuff.... the less said about how, the better I imagine. I'm encumbered every time I put my backpack on.

Pretty sure that a cestus, kusari gama, and morningstar don't fit the long/thin profile the quiver is looking for, and a shield definitely doesn't, but the rest is fair game. I imagine you stow them in your haversack, anyways...


Liberty's Edge

It's a move, not a standard, to get the item. The lack of provoking is the big deal- it's a move to withdraw an item from your nonmagical backpack too- additionally, if you have a ludicrous numbers of say, scrolls, any real DM will be like, ok, it's nice that you have that many, buuuutt.... and with a handy haversack, no problem.

Bag of Holding is more for, well, holding. You put your loot in it. It's heavy, holds a lot more and is more expensive.

Grand Lodge

Aelryinth wrote:

Pretty sure that a cestus, kusarigama, and morningstar don't fit the long/thin profile the quiver is looking for, and a shield definitely doesn't, but the rest is fair game. I imagine you stow them in your haversack, anyways...


The cestus is mostly a piece of cloth with some metal bits attached to it, the kusarigama is a sickle with a chain attached to it, but the morningstar is right out.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yeah, but a cestus is not long and's a big gauntlet with spikes on it that fit over your hand. A javelin could fit inside the area it covers.

A sickle has the arc of the blade to deal with, so no, there. Even a sword with a large hilt would violate the rule, although you could be lenient. Something like a katana would probably be okay, but a monster cross hilt? nope.


Grand Lodge

Aelryinth wrote:

Yeah, but a cestus is not long and's a big gauntlet with spikes on it that fit over your hand. A javelin could fit inside the area it covers.

A sickle has the arc of the blade to deal with, so no, there. Even a sword with a large hilt would violate the rule, although you could be lenient. Something like a katana would probably be okay, but a monster cross hilt? nope.


I like the ones without guards or with really small ones, like the one (gun)Viktoria from Malifaux uses, although not as fancy. You could have a sickle that folds, I mean it's already a pretty heavily customize weapon, so why not. You still have to be able to fit stringed bows in that thing, so I imagine there is some room for leniency. The Cestus weighs a pound and my ninja has improved unarmed combat, so it wouldn't be too weird to have a cestus on. Though it is annoying to have to take it off every time I need to use a bow, pick locks, or fiddle with poisons.

I mainly play in PFS,so I have no need to haul around chests of coins.

Aelryinth wrote:

The efficient quiver works wonders for hauling coin and gem loot, too.

You're an archer. Why do you need to haul around extra staves and javelins? replace those with long rods hollowed out to fit coins and gems inside them, of the appropriate length.

At ten coins per inch, a 4' 'javelin' and a 6' 'staff' can contain 480 coins and 720 coins respectively. That's 18 x 480 coins + 5 x 720 coins (I expect you stow your bow in there.)

that's 12,240 coins of storage, or 1,224 pounds of coins, for the low price of 900 gp. Note: there's no weight limit on the Efficient Quiver!

Between this, a minor bag of holding, and a haversack, I think you're set on loot hauling. If the DM only hands you 5000 gp life size statues, then I suggest a Wand of Item.


PRD wrote:

Efficient Quiver

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th

Slot —; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape as a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 6 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it.

donaldsangry wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

The efficient quiver works wonders for hauling coin and gem loot, too.

You're an archer. Why do you need to haul around extra staves and javelins? replace those with long rods hollowed out to fit coins and gems inside them, of the appropriate length.

At ten coins per inch, a 4' 'javelin' and a 6' 'staff' can contain 480 coins and 720 coins respectively. That's 18 x 480 coins + 5 x 720 coins (I expect you stow your bow in there.)

that's 12,240 coins of storage, or 1,224 pounds of coins, for the low price of 900 gp. Note: there's no weight limit on the Efficient Quiver!

Between this, a minor bag of holding, and a haversack, I think you're set on loot hauling. If the DM only hands you 5000 gp life size statues, then I suggest a Wand of Item.


PRD wrote:

Efficient Quiver

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th

Slot —; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape as a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 6 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it.

I'm pretty sure you were trying to make a point here, but since you never actually wrote anything of your own, I have no idea what it was.

DreamAtelier wrote:
donaldsangry wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

The efficient quiver works wonders for hauling coin and gem loot, too.

You're an archer. Why do you need to haul around extra staves and javelins? replace those with long rods hollowed out to fit coins and gems inside them, of the appropriate length.

At ten coins per inch, a 4' 'javelin' and a 6' 'staff' can contain 480 coins and 720 coins respectively. That's 18 x 480 coins + 5 x 720 coins (I expect you stow your bow in there.)

that's 12,240 coins of storage, or 1,224 pounds of coins, for the low price of 900 gp. Note: there's no weight limit on the Efficient Quiver!

Between this, a minor bag of holding, and a haversack, I think you're set on loot hauling. If the DM only hands you 5000 gp life size statues, then I suggest a Wand of Item.


PRD wrote:

Efficient Quiver

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th

Slot —; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape as a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 6 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it.

I'm pretty sure you were trying to make a point here, but since you never actually wrote anything of your own, I have no idea what it was.

My bad, the bold text was pointing out that the EQ holds up to 60, 18 and 6 objects of various sizes, not 12,240 coins.


I'd still support Aelryinth's way of doing things. As far as the magic item is concerned, it's holding a single thing (the container into which the coins are placed).

Same as how a handy haversack 'thinks' it's just holding a bag when you put a bag of holding in it, and doesn't count all the contents of the bag of holding against what it can carry.

Of course, the alternate option to make Aelryinth's method work is to simply melt down the metal and cast it into the appropriate shape before putting it into the quiver.

In which case you can use the arrow slots as well.

Liberty's Edge

Try bolding "...of the same general size and shape..." and it'll make more sense that rolls-of-coins tricks will work.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Or you just say "I'm putting in staffs. Hollow staffs full of coins. I'm putting in javelins. BLunt javelins full of coins."

And it works perfectly.

I shook my head when i realized this was possible. Did they never think someone would come up with the idea of hollow pipes as coin holders for a Quiver?


thomas nelson wrote:
I have a Bag of Holding type IV, which I keep in a Handy Haversack, Which I keep in a Versatile Vest, its confusing at times.

What's the Versatile Vest? I'm not familiar with that one, but I'm always up for more subtle means of storage.

wynterknight wrote:
thomas nelson wrote:
I have a Bag of Holding type IV, which I keep in a Handy Haversack, Which I keep in a Versatile Vest, its confusing at times.
What's the Versatile Vest? I'm not familiar with that one, but I'm always up for more subtle means of storage.

Versatile Vest, I love little slice of life magic items. There is a another great stupid item I love called the Bag of Everlasting Dung. It has no real in game use but its such a weird item I've got to get one.

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