Sizik's page
Organized Play Member. 161 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Dustyboy wrote: So what happens if you put enough creatures in the same square? Such as getting 10-20 bats/rats/ect and assuming said form as per wild shape?
Good luck doing that. Note that a rat swarm (Tiny) contains 300 rats, and a bat swarm (Diminutive) contains 5000 bats.
Swarm Subtype wrote: A swarm of Tiny creatures consists of 300 nonflying creatures or 1,000 flying creatures. A swarm of Diminutive creatures consists of 1,500 nonflying creatures or 5,000 flying creatures. A swarm of Fine creatures consists of 10,000 creatures, whether they are flying or not. Swarms of nonflying creatures include many more creatures than could normally fit in a 10-foot square based on their normal space, because creatures in a swarm are packed tightly together and generally crawl over each other and their prey when moving or attacking. Larger swarms are represented by multiples of single swarms. The area occupied by a large swarm is completely shapeable, though the swarm usually remains in contiguous squares.[/quote
GrinningJest3r wrote: I don't even want to think about what would happen to the weapons if all of that energy doesn't have a place to go. Into the bullet, obviously.
PRD wrote: This spell functions as mending, except that it repairs 1d6 points of damage per level when cast on a construct creature (maximum 5d6). Should be:
CRB wrote: This spell functions as mending, except that it repairs 1d6 points of damage per level when cast on an object or construct creature (maximum 5d6).
Claxon wrote: Also, I would like to add in that Bluff doesn't mean that an NPC believes what you are telling them. Only that they believe that you believe what you are saying. Oh really?
Quote: If you use Bluff to fool someone, with a successful check you convince your opponent that what you are saying is true.
Yes. Fluff-wise, losing your Dex bonus means that you can't move out of the way to avoid an attack. Being flat-footed implies that this is because you're not prepared to do so, either by being unaware (i.e. before you've acted in combat), or by concentrating on having stable footing (e.g. using Acrobatics). While climbing, you literally can't move out of the way, since you're hanging on to something with both your hands and feet.
All of the Extra X feats should be replaced with a single Extra Class Feature feat, with specifics in the class feature descriptions.
Suggested feat text wrote: Extra Class Feature
Choose one class feature. You gain extra uses of that class feature
Prequisite: Class feature that allows Extra Class Feature to be taken
Benefit: You gain additional uses of one of your class feature. See the class feature description for details.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. You can only apply this feat to the same class feature more than once if the class feature allows it, otherwise it applies to a different class feature.
Lay on hands, for example, would have the following additional text:
You may take the Extra Class Feature feat for this ability. Each time the feat is taken, you gain two additional uses of Lay On Hands per day. You may take the feat multiple times, and the effects stack.
Canzy77 wrote: Ok so now I am very confused does this mean that a fighter at 3rd gains armor Training AND any feat with an * next to it (like for arguments sake improved unarmed strike)????? No, you only get the bonus feats at even levels, with the exception of 1st. Of course, don't forget about the feat that every character gets at third (and every odd) level.
Ravingdork wrote: What does the spell mean when it says the following?
"A creature can only take damage once from the clashing rocks, no matter how many times the clashing rocks pass over a target creature."
As an instantaneous effect that only moves in one direction, I don't see any possibility for the rocks to go over a creature more than once, and thus don't understand the purpose of the above line.
Most likely for multi-square creatures.
Quote: Also, can I choose the orientation of the rocks? For example, when using it against a flying creature, could I have the rocks appear above and below rather than side to side? Perhaps I could have both appear above the target smashing in and down (like a V-shaped trajectory)? It doesn't give any restrictions on the orientation of the rocks, only that they be on opposite sides of the target.
Over the summer I played in a Carrion Crown game in which two of the PCs were goblins, one of which was an undead lord cleric of Urgathoa. We managed by keeping them out of public sight most of the time, and they wore halfling/gnome disguises when they went outside.
As I was walking to class, I pondered over the fact that one of the barbarian's advantages is their d12 hit die, but the swinginess of a linear probability curve can really negate that advantage. Thus I thought about giving them a hit "die" of 2d6 instead, which led to the idea of doing this to all classes. Thus, a hit die of 1dX would be replaced with 2d(X/2), leaving us with the table:
1d6 - 2d3
1d8 - 2d4
1d10 - 2d5
1d12 - 2d6
This gives hit points a more bell-curve-like distribution, with an average result move likely than an extreme one. The other most notable change is the average roll goes up by 0.5 HP.
What do people think?
You can choose a different favored class bonus each time you level.
Coup de Grace yourself with unarmed strikes. (I'd say you would count as being at your own mercy.)
How much/what kind of stuff is in the GMG that doesn't appear in the PRD/d20PFSRD?
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex) wrote: Starting at 4th level, a druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood. What, specifically, does the bonus apply to with regards to the bolded part?
Unlike in 3.5, you don't move into your target's space when you successfully grapple them.
Jiggy wrote: KaptainKrunch wrote: I'm pretty sure "throw" is referring to the throw of the dice.
But how come we don't call it an "attack throw" or a "skill throw"?
Anyone know the nerdly entomology of this game term?
Probably because you're neither attacking nor using a skill. The "saving" part of "saving throw" probably (though I'm just speculating) refers to your attempt to save your sorry behind from whatever nastiness is being sent your way.
There's lightning headed for your face. Throw the dice to see if you can save yourself from electrocution - make a saving throw. (S)he means why don't we call attack rolls and skill checks "throws"?
Haversack with bags of holding in the side pouches. Use the bags for storage and the main haversack pouch for things you'd need quickly in combat.
Lord Fyre wrote: [segue way] That would be pronounced "seg-way-way".
Kazejin wrote: Inconvenience wrote: 2) 10d6 for such a spell. A spell crit is x2 regardless of the weapon used to deliver it. Just need to point something out: If you crit with a spellstrike from a spell that deals 5d6 damage, the result is not 10d6. The result is 5d6 X2. There's a difference.
10d6 means you roll a d6 10 times (or roll 10 of them, etc)
5d6 X2 means you only roll 5d6, but double the result. This is the correct way to calculate the critical damage.
And yes, this can (and generally will) result in different numbers. The calculation of 5d6X2 has a different set of potential mathematical results due to less random chance being involved. Nope.
CRB pg. 184 wrote: A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses, and add the rolls together.
Quote: A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points.
How do the troll pieces know which one's the largest?
The image ain't working for me.
In Chapter 3, under Eastern Armor and Weapons.
(Also, I can't see your post for some reason.)
Edit: and now I'm the only post here...
A CR 1 pit isn't just a 10-foot deep hole in the ground. They're covered with something, as you wouldn't need a DC 20 perception check to notice and a DC 20 disable device to disable a Large hole in the ground.
Mojorat wrote: thinknit thatbexists atvthe thecsame anyonectskevthe Slow down, man.
How about we rename 0-level spells to "1/2-level spells" and be done with it?
ddgon wrote: Can use use their cruelty (evil lay-on-hands) though a weapon? Or dose it have to be a touch atack with a hand? Also, can you hold a 2handed weapon (greatsword) and use this ability?
They get negitave channel so can they take the feat to controle undead?
Why would anyone pick the mount? you Have to wait 30days if it dies. And it is as SM3 not the Druid compain that paladin gets. I find this odd. Would letting them get a Fendish Horse be that bad? really?
No, you'd need to get a Conductive weapon to do that.
Yes, as it's a supernatural ability.
Yes, they can take Command Undead.
Horses are on the Summon Monster II list, so you can get fiendish horses. Also, it doesn't have to be a mount, and you can change it whenever you gain a level.
Burning Flash is listed in the various class word lists as boostable (it is listed under higher word levels with an asterisk), yet the word's description says it's only boostable for sorcerers and wizards.
wraithstrike wrote: SImRobert2001 wrote:
example wrote:
*Cave Fisher CR 2
XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4
XP 1,200 As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4. well, thank you, but i was referring to creatures that have different CR's, to get the total CR. As a better example. Two CR 2 Mobs, with two CR 3 mobs, with a CR 10 mob.
Use the table on page 398 (or here).
wraithstrike wrote:
The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.
Yes it is.
CRB pg. 397 wrote: Step 3—Build the Encounter: Determine the total XP award for the encounter by looking it up by its CR on Table 12–2. This gives you an “XP budget” for the encounter. Every creature, trap, and hazard is worth an amount of XP determined by its CR, as noted on Table
12–2. To build your encounter, simply add creatures, traps, and hazards whose combined XP does not exceed the total XP budget for your encounter. It’s easiest to add the highest CR challenges to the encounter first, filling out the remaining total with lesser challenges.
When a spontaneous spellcaster (sorcerer, oracle, etc.) gains new spells known, can they be a lower level than what is given (e.g. instead of gaining a 2nd-level spell at 4th level, can a sorcerer pick a 1st-level spell instead)?
Also, since it implies the Bane keeps running if the weapon is "dropped or taken", I would assume it wouldn't if you gave the weapon up voluntarily.
You could also argue that the thrown object is actually ammunition for your hand, and you are applying the Bane to your hand.
Any plans for including Words of Power?
Table: Trade Goods wrote:
5 gp One pound of salt or silver
Ergo, 5 pounds of silver is 25 gp.
Re: 15-foot cones
"A cone-shaped spell shoots away from you in a quarter-circle in the direction you designate."
Therefore, a 15 foot cone should look like these:
(X is cone area, 0 is rest of implied circle, c is caster)
Not this:
This is a problem with a strict interpretation of the crafting system rules, that there's no distinction between the intrinsic value of an item (i.e. being made of gold) and value of the craftsmanship used to make that item (which would be the main cause of increased DC due to a higher price).
For reference, here's the current archive page with the thread in it.
Ravingdork wrote: Sizik wrote: Fun fact: Sharks can be tripped. Not having legs kind of makes them immune.
Where does it say that they have no legs?
Fun fact: Sharks can be tripped.
Ravingdork wrote: It is true that the behir has legs, but cannot be tripped because it also has a serpentine form.
What about the rast? It has many lags and can't be tripped, yet is not describes as serpentine.
Summon Nature's Ally wrote: When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type.
Serpentine wrote:
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (good); Attack bite (1d6), tail slap (1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions bite, climb, reach (bite), tail, tail slap.
There's nothing here that says they can't be tripped. It could be argued that they don't have legs, since humanoid gets 2 and quadruped gets 4, and thus can't be tripped (which would go away if it takes the legs evolution). However, having legs is not a well-defined quality.
ntin wrote: For a sufficiently large number sequence though is not there always going to be some sort of pattern? This sounds like an interesting topic to read up on.
Also ‘R’ is Ruby on Rails?
The (default) RNG used by R is the Mersenne twister, which has a period of 2^19937 - 1, although I've heard that given 624 consecutive output values, you can predict all future values.
Roll 4d6. The result is how many points you have for point buy with standard costs.
LordZod wrote: . . . bombs cannot critically hit . . . Yes they can.

Doidao wrote: I didn't want to make another topic, so if you good people don't mind I'll simply bump this one with some new questions.Thanks in advance for answering any or all of them!
9.What’s the difference between the campaign types presented on page 16 on table 1-2 and how do I work with that?
The difference is in the power of the PCs. PCs with higher stats are able to deal with challenges more effectively than those with lower stats at the same level, so the game will have to be made more "epic" to compensate. Lower stats result in a more "gritty" or "realistic" game. Keep in mind that basic NPCs (ones with NPC classes) are built with a 3 point buy.
10.Do favorite classes apply to NPC classes?
Eh, it doesn't say that they don't...
11.How many hours of work/day are necessary while crafting? Can you do overtime?
It doesn't give any time for mundane crafting, but for magic items, it's 8 hours per day.
12.Do I use Perception to search a room, loot, scavenge, etc, and how?
Yes. Roll a Perception check, and ask the GM if you find anything.
If you are the GM, set the DC to something reasonable relative the the difficulty of the task at hand, usually a multiple of 5. For example, finding the average concealed door is DC 15, while the average secret door is DC 20.
13.Can you combine the Improved Counterspell feat with a Ring of Counterspells?
I'd say you can't, as you're not the one counterspelling, the ring is.
14.Can you take the Toughness feat multiple times?
No, you can't take a feat multiple times unless the feat explicitly says so.
15.Does a Cleric need to make a CL check in order to cast a cure spell on an ally with SR?What if he casts it on himself and he has SR?
Yes if cast on others, no if he casts on himself, as "A creature's spell resistance never interferes with its own spells, items, or abilities."
16.Can divine spellcasters counterspell, and can a counterspell be counterspelled?
Yes, and "Counterspelling works even if one spell is divine and the other arcane." I'm not sure about counterspelling counterspells.
17.Can you prepare low level spells in higher level slots(for example, Magic Missle in a level 7 slot)?
Yes, but it doesn't get any power increase (unless using the Heighten Spell metamagic feat).
18.Are the changes in AC and attack related to size derivated from the modified Str/Dex or do they stand alone and stack with the new modifiers?
They're separate from and stack with the ability score difference.
19.What is the normal, average falling speed in this game system?
Assuming normal (Earth) gravity, it's 32 feet/second^2, which means you fall 16t^2 feet after t rounds, or 576t^2 feet after t rounds.
20.What are the turning speeds and general speeds of siege machines?
Again, thanks in advance!
There aren't any rules for siege machines yet, but there will be in Ultimate Combat.

After scouring the rule book, there's nothing that says that the casting ability of sorcerers and bards (and by extension, summoners and oracles) is officially called "spontaneous casting", which is the term for the cleric/druid ability.
However, the Magic section states
Magic wrote: Most spellcasters prepare spells in advance—whether from a spellbook or through prayers—while some cast spells spontaneously without preparation. and the various prestige classes that increase spellcasting ability say
Quote: He does not, however, gain
other benef its a character of that class would have gained,
except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is
a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level
of spellcasting.
which leads me to believe that "spontaneous casting" is the de facto name for "casting spells without preparing them in advance", while not being an official term (Similar to how "iterative attack" only occurs once in the CRB, under "Ending the Campaign" in the Gamemastering chapter).
Phasics wrote: Lurk3r wrote: Wouldn't you have to use the Multiweapon Fighting monster feat at that point? I also didn't know you could take discoveries more than once. Multiattack the monster feat is only applicable for natural weapons and dosent help an alch since all the natural attacks from ferral mutagen are primary and multiattack only redcues the secondary penalty attack from -5 to -2 He didn't say Multiatttack.
Vestigial arm wrote: An alchemist may take this discovery up to two times.