Best class for a Gnome to play from an optimization standpoint...


Blah blah blah, you should pick what best fits your character concept, blah.

I get it, but I want to talk about the rules and mechanics here because I find it fun to muse about.

I'm staring at the Gnome and wondering what class build would he excel in that no other race could excel in.

Wizard isn't an optimal choice for the Gnome, because he doesn't get a bonus to INT and the Elf just rocks every other race in almost every case.

Sorcerer seemed like a good choice, until they gave Humans 20 more spells known with their Favored Class bonus. (Now I don't see any reason not to play Human for sorcerer from a mechanics standpoint.)

Bard would be good, if you're just going to cast. What are you going to do when you're not casting though? The three archetypes that Treantmonk suggests are all better optimized with some other race. And in most cases, a Bard can't just cast all the time without having some serious spells-per-day starvation.
Plus if you're going to just cast as a bard, the Human gets 20 more spells known with their favored class bonus....

Summoner looked like an optimal choice - but the Half-Elf gets 5 more evolution points by level 20.

I thought about maybe a dervish dancing Magus would be good, but the Halfling would be a better small race choice for that since they actually get a bonus to Dex.

Any of the martial classes are going to be pained by having a penalty to strength. Alchemists are INT based...

I'm thinking the Oracle is a good possibility - the Humans still have the advantage of more spells known, but that doesn't seem as important to me when it comes to Divine Magic. Now this could just be my limited experience with divine magic, so I wonder what you think about this...

Are there any builds for specific classes that would be best with the gnome?

And by that I mean actually mechanically effective? I know that you could make a fire bard by using the pyromaniac alternate race feature and the Fire music feat, but that's not exactly an optimal choice by any means.

Liberty's Edge

I play a gnome pyromaniac, theologian of Brigh, with only the fire domain. It may not be as min-maxed as possible, but he works thematically and is a pretty good armored nuker, who can channel both positive and negative energy.

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Heavens Oracle

Cross Blooded Draconic (red) & Orc sorcerer with Pyromaniac

Mounted Paladin

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Are you looking for "best class for gnomes" or "class gnomes are better at than any other race?"

The answer to question 2 is none.

KaptainKrunch wrote:

Blah blah blah, you should pick what best fits your character concept, blah.

I get it, but I want to talk about the rules and mechanics here because I find it fun to muse about.

I'm staring at the Gnome and wondering what class build would he excel in that no other race could excel in.

Wizard isn't an optimal choice for the Gnome, because he doesn't get a bonus to INT and the Elf just rocks every other race in almost every case.

Sorcerer seemed like a good choice, until they gave Humans 20 more spells known with their Favored Class bonus. (Now I don't see any reason not to play Human for sorcerer from a mechanics standpoint.)

what do you mean by an extra +20 spells? with favored class bonus?

you get +1 hp or +skill I thought

Lobolusk wrote:
KaptainKrunch wrote:

Blah blah blah, you should pick what best fits your character concept, blah.

I get it, but I want to talk about the rules and mechanics here because I find it fun to muse about.

I'm staring at the Gnome and wondering what class build would he excel in that no other race could excel in.

Wizard isn't an optimal choice for the Gnome, because he doesn't get a bonus to INT and the Elf just rocks every other race in almost every case.

Sorcerer seemed like a good choice, until they gave Humans 20 more spells known with their Favored Class bonus. (Now I don't see any reason not to play Human for sorcerer from a mechanics standpoint.)

what do you mean by an extra +20 spells? with favored class bonus?

you get +1 hp or +skill I thought

APG had some race specific favored class options. Humans who were psontaneous casters could choose 1 extra spell known (1 level below their highest) as an option. This was IMHO the best favored class option for any race.

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Gnomes are the best Illusionist, hands down. Effortless Trickery and threatening illusion make this so.

The more spells as a human is nice, but scrolls can do that as well. The lack of interest boost is offset by the DC increase to illusion and con is the second best stat for casters.

Alternate racial favored class bonus.

And @Hudax, both questions are up for discussion.

Although question 2 is what I am most curious about.

Cheapy wrote:

Gnomes are the best Illusionist, hands down. Effortless Trickery and threatening illusion make this so.

The more spells as a human is nice, but scrolls can do that as well. The lack of interest boost is offset by the DC increase to illusion and con is the second best stat for casters.

Hmm an arcane sorcerer gnome with both the spell focus feats could be potent.

Not quite as potent when dealing with undead and oozes though.

I'd say summoners because of their size, but the same can be said for halflings for the same reasons.

KaptainKrunch wrote:
Not quite as potent when dealing with undead and oozes though.

you can still attack them with Shadow spells. And of course any other spell, since even a gnome illusionist sorc will have plenty of spells of other schools.

From a power perspective, I'd add a single level of heavens oracle. You know which Revelation to pick.

Other than that, I'd agree with the coffee golem. Summoner is a great class for gnomes. If you miss the +5 Evo pool from half-elf, just go with the master summoner and use your Eidolon exclusively as mount and for utility.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I'd say summoners because of their size, but the same can be said for halflings for the same reasons.

I think gnomes are better than halflings since con is probably better for life link unless youre going archer with your summoner. The favored class bonus is probably better in most cases too.

But as mentioned, unless you're going master summoner, it's hard not to go for the half-elf's extra evolution points.

With their stats, gnomes are good at being a charisma-based caster of any kind. Obviously, either illusions or fire spells should be the main focus.

The master Tinkerer Trait can also come in handy. You can use it to get a free proficiency for any kind of weapon. May be useful if you want to add a bit archery to your oracle or sorc. Every other race would need to take a feat, multiclass or be an elf.

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KaptainKrunch wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I'd say summoners because of their size, but the same can be said for halflings for the same reasons.

I think gnomes are better than halflings since con is probably better for life link unless youre going archer with your summoner. The favored class bonus is probably better in most cases too.

But as mentioned, unless you're going master summoner, it's hard not to go for the half-elf's extra evolution points.

True, but it's only 5 evolution points across 20 levels. WHich doesn't suck, but if you play a halfling/gnome you can have a wicked mount starting at first level which essentially negates the movement issues.

Shadow Lodge

Gnomes are excellent choices for sorcerers, oracles, and summoners. You can also trade out your Gnome Magic for Magical Lingust and become a huge Suggestion Bard.

Take Magical Linguist and Gift of Tongues, put your FC into extra performance, and focus on battlefield control and opponent charming. They make great standard bards, Court Bards, or Magicians.

Shadow Lodge

If you want a walking artillery piece then go with the Alchemist and add the Pyromaniac alt race ability from the APG.

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While lacking a racial intelligence bonus, gnomes make excellent alchemists. And with Ultimate Combat out, you can have some fun with firearms.

Master Tinker +Gunsmithing +Master Alchemist +Swift Alchemy means that you can make your own firearms and not need to spend a feat on proficiency, and you'll be able to churn out guns and explosives at a prodigious rate.

Add in Pyromaniac and the racial favored class bonus, and you'll make a lot of bombs.

Make yourself a rifle, take the Explosive Missile discovery on top of every other bomb-related discovery you can get, and you'll essentially be pint-sized artillery, shooting high explosive rocket launchers at touch AC.

KaptainKrunch wrote:

Blah blah blah, you should pick what best fits your character concept, blah.

I get it, but I want to talk about the rules and mechanics here because I find it fun to muse about.

I'm staring at the Gnome and wondering what class build would he excel in that no other race could excel in.

Wizard isn't an optimal choice for the Gnome, because he doesn't get a bonus to INT and the Elf just rocks every other race in almost every case.

Sorcerer seemed like a good choice, until they gave Humans 20 more spells known with their Favored Class bonus. (Now I don't see any reason not to play Human for sorcerer from a mechanics standpoint.)

Bard would be good, if you're just going to cast. What are you going to do when you're not casting though? The three archetypes that Treantmonk suggests are all better optimized with some other race. And in most cases, a Bard can't just cast all the time without having some serious spells-per-day starvation.
Plus if you're going to just cast as a bard, the Human gets 20 more spells known with their favored class bonus....

Summoner looked like an optimal choice - but the Half-Elf gets 5 more evolution points by level 20.

I thought about maybe a dervish dancing Magus would be good, but the Halfling would be a better small race choice for that since they actually get a bonus to Dex.

Any of the martial classes are going to be pained by having a penalty to strength. Alchemists are INT based...

I'm thinking the Oracle is a good possibility - the Humans still have the advantage of more spells known, but that doesn't seem as important to me when it comes to Divine Magic. Now this could just be my limited experience with divine magic, so I wonder what you think about this...

Are there any builds for specific classes that would be best with the gnome?

And by that I mean actually mechanically effective? I know that you could make a fire bard by using the pyromaniac alternate race feature and the Fire music feat, but that's not exactly an optimal...

Gnome Oracle of Lore: sidestep secret: 7 dex 20 cha lvl 1 20+ AC minimum DC 15 on any spell

Shadow Lodge

SunsetPsychosis wrote:

While lacking a racial intelligence bonus, gnomes make excellent alchemists. And with Ultimate Combat out, you can have some fun with firearms.

Master Tinker +Gunsmithing +Master Alchemist +Swift Alchemy means that you can make your own firearms and not need to spend a feat on proficiency, and you'll be able to churn out guns and explosives at a prodigious rate.

Add in Pyromaniac and the racial favored class bonus, and you'll make a lot of bombs.

Make yourself a rifle, take the Explosive Missile discovery on top of every other bomb-related discovery you can get, and you'll essentially be pint-sized artillery, shooting high explosive rocket launchers at touch AC.

Don't forget Slash Weapon Mastery for the win.

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Oh god.

Gnomish Dirge Bard 2 / Heavens Oracle 1 / (Serpentine / Grove Born) Crossblooded Sorcerer X.

Bard gives you the ability to affect undead with mind-affecting spells.

Serpentine / Grove Born gives you the ability to affect plants, animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids.

Oracle gives you Awesome Display.

I guess the sorcerer part doesn't matter as much as the Dirge Bard. Dirge bard would mean you could Hypnotic Pattern undead. Or Rainbow pattern.

Ok, so it's probably best to go 2 levels of Dirge Bard and then the rest in Heavens Oracle, since you'll get all the important Pattern spells that way.

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Lance based cavaliers can do some kickin damage and small sized cavaliers can do almost the same damage without having to worry about having room for a large sized mount.

Of the two small sized races I'd go with a gnome over a halfling for a cavalier any day. The +2 DEX that halflings get isn't a huge deal since most cavaliers are rocking out the heavy armor and the +2 CON that gnomes get is always useful for a melee character.

my 2cp

- Torger

Shadow Lodge


The trait Trickster and the feats Effortless Trickery and Threatening Illusion allow a gnome to be a pretty damn good illusionist. I'd say the bonuses make up for the potential 2 point difference in intelligence between a gnome and an elf. Of course, Spell Focus: Illusion and Greater Spell Focus: Illusion are also must-haves. Varisian Tattoo: Illusion is also a good choice. And you get a few more ghost sound spell-like abilities per day if you give yourself a decent CHA as well.

Liberty's Edge

Sarta wrote:
I play a gnome pyromaniac, theologian of Brigh, with only the fire domain. It may not be as min-maxed as possible, but he works thematically and is a pretty good armored nuker, who can channel both positive and negative energy.

So looking at this combo mechanically, as a theologian you can memorize domain spells for additional castings, which is important when your domain provides non-cleric spells, which Fire does.

1st level, you get fire bolt, which does 1d6+1 per two levels. You are considered to be three levels higher for this power due to theologian and pyromaniac.

Domain spells (which can be memorized for additional uses - and you are considered one level higher for effects): Burning Hands, Produce Flame, Fireball, Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, and Fire Seeds.

At fifth level you can make Fireball a focused spell for free.

Finally, you can still wear medium armor and shields, still have access to non-nuking cleric spells, and can channel positive or negative energy. If you select Brigh - a popular gnome deity - you can channel both with the versatile channeler feat.

Gnome Alchemist-Crossbowman!!
- Favorit Class Bonus: 1/2 bombs per day
- Pyromaniac (+1 level for bomb damage)

3d6 + int mod damage at level 4 on a touch attack is realy good ;-)


I like mounted summoner with the alternate racial that lets you be proficient with anything you craft, make yourself a lance and some guns, have a good time.

I am currently playing a sassy independent gnome druid. Besides me and Fluff (my big cat companion that is 4x my size) I don't need anything or anyone in my life. I have taken the feat: Extra Gnome Magic for messing with people when I need a good laugh. It's a lot of fun to RP

Oracle of bones with fell magic?

I had a lot of fun playing a Gnome fighter / sorcerer / dragon disciple. Definitely not optimized fully - but really really fun and very effective (a Gnome with a 20 STR and who usually casts ant haul every day means a gnome who can kill trolls then clean up their corpses by himself. He did die once, but only after singlehandedly taking out more enemies than the other 5 party members combined.

(it was in Rise of Runelords and he was great fun - he had a wide array of weapons, was very effective at using them and had a lot of pyro abilities as well. With the right magic items he was also breathing fire multiple times a day for about 11d6 damage per time at level 9 and had a lot of other tricks up his sleeves. Exceptionally fun to play -though likely I should have done something other than a level of Lore Warden fighter - he could have also been strong with another martial class like Barbarian which would have really fit his fighting and play style)

Scarab Sages

If you want to be something with a gnome that can't be replicated with another race then a prankster bard is your best bet. You are great at casting, and you have unique performances that don't suck while keeping inspire courage. Gnomes are also some of the best linguists in the game, and you get use out of that as a bard.

Gnome Illusionist, School Familiar, Effortless Trickery. You now have 2 virtually all day images, and the ability to add sound when necessary without losing concentration.

For a bit of an off-the-wall suggestion, Gnomes make fairly solid Monks thanks to Bewildering Koan. Go Sensei and you have yourself a pretty good support character. 1 level of Nature Oracle will let you run your AC off of Charisma so you can ignore both strength and dexterity.

EDIT: Oh dear, this is a very old thread. Oh well, gnomes kinda have a reputation for being a sucky race so this is a good discussion to have.

Just because it is not as good as a human that does not mean it's not optimal. Now if you are trying to ask what class does a gnome excel at compared to everyone other race that is an entirely different question.

wraithstrike wrote:
Just because it is not as good as a human that does not mean it's not optimal. Now if you are trying to ask what class does a gnome excel at compared to everyone other race that is an entirely different question.

Well... no, being worse than a human makes it by definition suboptimal. Now, it can still be viable but that was not the question.

Granted, the existence of Racial Heritage makes most of the Gnome choices either worse or equal to a Human doing the same thing but I think for the purposes of this discussion we can just slide that under the table.

Scarab Sages

Gnomes make good gninjas too. Bewildering koan only requires a ki pool, and ninja is available two levels earlier than monk and is CHA based.

Dark Archive

Since the Awesome Display / Color Spray Oracle still works well at level 12-15, and because it revolves around a single level 1 spell, I would be tempted to try:

1 Dual Cursed Heavens Oracle with the Awesome Display revelation, and Extra Revelation for Misfortune.

Follow with Serpentine Blooded Sorcerer to gain the ability to affect more creature types with illusion.

Unfortunately, Graveborn requires Wildblooded, so is not available through Eldritch Heritage, and not combinable with Crossblooded (by RAW)

Follow with 2 levels of Dirge Bard for ability to affect undead with illusions.

Follow with 2 levels of Ninja only for bewildering koan (Omit if cannot have Bewildering Koan as Ninja Trick at level 2 Ninja)

Sorcerer for the remaining levels.

Level 1: Extra Revelation (Misfortune)
Level 3: Spell Focus (Illusion)
Level 5: Heighten Spell
Level 7: Persistent Spell
Level 9: Spontaneous Metafocus (Color Spray)
Level 11: Greater Spell Focus (Illusion)

Bonus (Serpentine) Deceitful (+2/+4 to Bluff)
Bonus (Ninja Trick) -> Combat Trick -> Bewildering Koan

11 Ranks in Bluff -- +9 Cha, +3 Class Skill, + 10 Mask of Stony Demeanor = +33 to Bluff . . you lie well.
11 Ranks in Perception = +0 Cha, +2

Traits: Wayang Spell Hunter (Color Spray) and Magical Lineage (Color Spray)

At level 12, you would cast as a 7th level sorcerer:
Assuming +6 headband, and 19 starting cha, +1 at 4, 8, and 12, you would have 28 Cha.

9/day 1st level, 8/day 2nd level, and 6/day 3rd level spells.

10 +1 (Gnome) +1 (Spell Focus) +1 (Greater SF) +9 (Cha) = 22 DC, without spell level on Illusions.

22 DC Cantrip, 23 DC level 1, 24 DC level 2, and 25 DC level 3 spells.

With Wayang Spell Hunter and Magical Lineage, you can persist at no level increase, so you can make a DC 25 Color Spray that the enemy has to roll twice to save against (once round one, once round 2 if first succeeded). If the bad guy succeeds, misfortune for yet another reroll. . . If still succeeds, bewildering koan to keep him from hitting you on his turn, then try again.

Works on all animal, magical beasts, undead, humanoids, etc. Not on plants though.

Level 12HD creatures count as 3 HD for purposes of your Color Spray.

According to Paizo's Monster Creation guidelines, a CR 12 monster will have a good save of +15 (vs your 25 DC) for a 50% success rate, without other considerations. They will have other saves at +11 (again v. 25 DC) which increases success rate to 70%.

With Persistent (which they all should be since it is free) the rates go to .5*.5= 25% save rate and .3*.3 = 9% save rate.

or 75%/91% chance for success. . . throw in Misfortune and you get up to a 87.5% success rate v. same level creatures.

This is a sleepy little hole-in-the-wall thread due for its irregular necro.

Many new archetypes out now; do any cater better to gnomes than other races?

Honestly, what about the Kineticist?

Small size means +1 attack/AC. Focus on ranged abilities and you generally don't have to worry about being bull rushed or grappled. CON-based class for damage, and you can focus on touching Touch AC with your attacks to make your life easier. You don't care about Strength, and your +Charisma could help with social interactions. Also consider that if you went Void at all, you could take the Darkvision alternate racial trait so you can create Darkness with your AoE blasts and see into it / through it without difficulty.

Gnomes make good illusion-based sorcerers. +CON and small size means great defenses; +charisma and +illusion DCs means you're better at your schtick.

Gnome bards aren't bad. You're never gonna be a melee beast, but you could pull off a ranged bard pretty well I think. +Charisma and +CON are perfectly good; -Strength ain't so bad if you deal with it properly; and small size, as always, means you hit more frequently. Arrowsong Minstrel could be an alright choice?

Gnomish spell racials are the REAL kicker, though. See, Faerie Dragon Magic is really nice, because Grease and Silent Image are really nice. Pyromaniac is really nice, because, hey, Produce Flame is cool! But what makes all those gnomish racials REALLY good is when you combine them with the Fey Magic Racial trait, which lets you CHOOSE a 1st level druid spell to take...

Such as Recharge Innate Magic. It recharges itself, because it IS innate magic. You get infinite uses of your racial SLAs. With a little charisma investment, you can have infinite silent images, grease spells, or produce flames at level 1. Infinite cantrips and druid orisons, too, without even needing a level in a spellcasting class. It's not a bad deal.

Otherwise, keep in mind that gnomes are generally good at spellcasting. A gnome oracle that favors fire spells ain't a bad call (Hi, Pyromaniac). Same goes to, say, a Gnome Sorcerer with the Solar bloodline. You could also make a gnome oracle or sorcerer focused around Light spells (Burst of Radiance, Burst With Light, Wall of Light, Sunbeam, Sunburst, etc) for a campaign like Carrion Crown, or anything with lots of undead. Interestingly, the Shadowplay racial trait also boosts your ability to cast spells of the Shadow and Darkness descriptors, so you have some interesting RP potential there... Fire Domain Gnome Clerics aren't SUPER powerful, but they're definitely a fun option if you go Theologian (fireballs everywhere). Heck, even a gnomish necromancer is viable thanks to Fell Magic. Just find the right charisma-based spellcaster and go.

Gnomes are REALLY good. Like dwarves, people don't play them enough.

EDIT: And actually, now that I'm considering this... Infinite Chill Touch via Fell Magic + Fey Magic could be really interesting for a Gnome Magus, couldn't it?

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