Yes, It's Evil

Website Feedback

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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The farcical morality question joke was funny the first time someone made a thread for it. Not so much the fifth or sixth time. Seriously, people, the horse is dead. Beating it some more won't make it any deader or any funnier.

So before starting yet another stupid morality question thread, repeat after me: "Yes, it's evil." There, can we stop now?

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Epic Meepo wrote:
Seriously, people, the horse is dead. Beating it some more won't make it any deader or any funnier.

But does beating it make you evil?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

beej67 wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:
Seriously, people, the horse is dead. Beating it some more won't make it any deader or any funnier.
But does beating it make you evil?

Repeat after me...

Silver Crusade

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This is one of those questions where the answer is , "If you have to ask..."

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beej67 wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:
Seriously, people, the horse is dead. Beating it some more won't make it any deader or any funnier.
But does beating it make you evil?

hmm.....maybe we need to start a new thread, so as not to derail this one.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
hmm.....maybe we need to start a new thread, so as not to derail this one.

Repeat after me, people... See also: my two previous posts in this thread.

TFS - Christmas Tree of Might

Goku to Turles: Why are [these threads] so evil?
Turles: Deal with it.

i think being forced to repeat the phrase: "Yes, it's evil." would be considered EVIL!!!! or would it...?

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Hi, this is just an official representative of the Federal Bureau of "Has That Ever Worked?" checking in to confirm the fact that it is still true that creating this type of thread has never had any sort of impact on the original behavior occurring.

*Makes a check mark*

Ok, looks like we're good to go on it still not having any impact, please carry on.

oh my ever loving lord, Robb LMAO i fell out of my chair. thankyou

Robb Smith +1

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Can I just start one called "Is spiking an ogre's milkshake with chocolate ex-lax evil?" Then I swear I'll stop.
That does seem kinda borderline.....

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Can I just start one called "Is spiking an ogre's milkshake with chocolate ex-lax evil?" Then I swear I'll stop.

That does seem kinda borderline.....

That's an irredeemable good, I don't even know why you're confused.

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Can I just start one called "Is spiking an ogre's milkshake with chocolate ex-lax evil?" Then I swear I'll stop.

That does seem kinda borderline.....

I checked with Cayden Cailen, and he says you're golden. Carry on, good sir.

What's up with Debbie Downer, and can I get some?

Wet Blanket wrote:

What's up with Debbie Downer, and can I get some?

I heard they had a sale at Wal*Mart a couple days back.

Jeranimus Rex wrote:
Wet Blanket wrote:

What's up with Debbie Downer, and can I get some?

I heard they had a sale at Wal*Mart a couple days back.

Yeah, but I've heard that shopping at Wal-Mart is evil. Someone should start a thread to find out if this is the case.

That's part of the reason for the sale.

An excess of supply.

The original point of the joke threads was ridiculous anyway (objective morality is a crock of excrement and the correct answer to 'is it evil?' is 'ask your GM'). The fact that the inane banality of these 'joke' threads got repeated ad nauseum didn't make them any more relevant or helpful.

The Exchange

Did some one say EVIL?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Redundancy is part of a complete redundant breakfast.

[possibly (?) biting satire]
I would like to thank Paizo on behalf of we flame trolls everywhere, for creating a new safe haven for us to frolic and chew the heads off of other posters in. The permitted proliferation of 'Evil' threads creates ideal habitats for us, and I would hope that we will be encouraged to spread uncontested into other threads on the boards from the forward operating base we have now established.
Roll on the flame-wars! Power to the trolls!
[/possibly (?) biting satire]

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I think the proliferation of "evil" threads was due to the fact that I was on vacation last week. Either that, or I blame Cosmo. In any event, let's be clear: Stop doing that.

If you want to engage in meta discussion about messageboards etiquette or whether or not a particular thread is stupid or whatever, do not do it in the RPG forums. Do it here in website feedback. If you just want to goof around and make jokes, please take it to the off-topic forum. We need to keep the rest of the messageboards useful and fun.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
We need to keep the rest of the messageboards useful and fun.

So message as a requirement in the rest of the Boards should be both Useful and Fun?

That should kill about 90% of the posts!

Gary you will have this place cleaned in no time!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Well... maybe "useful and fun" may not be the precise requirement for participation. But I think flooding the RPG forums with evil threads probably falls under not being a jerk, which is a requirement.

Gary Teter wrote:
Well... maybe "useful and fun" may not be the precise requirement for participation.

Useful or fun would be more accurate rendering of requirements for pacticipation. But as Epic Meepo wrote in his first post it stopped being fun some time ago.

Scarab Sages

Are we talking evil with an "e" or an "E"?

Aberzombie wrote:

Are we talking evil with an "e" or an "E"?

If it's Walmart, it's an "E".

Can we have a "is stuff evil" section?

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Can we have a "is stuff evil" section?

Great minds think alike...

As much as I am quick to endorse the Blame Cosmo approach, it's your fault, Gary. How am I supposed to behave when you leave for such a long absence? What was it, a month?

The Exchange

And for all things Gary to go camping and enjoy yourself and spend time with your wife?!?!

Crimson Jester wrote:
And for all things Gary to go camping and enjoy yourself and spend time with your wife?!?!

Don't contemplate the selfishness too deeply, or you'll find yourself thinking all sorts of obvious things like, "You can enjoy yourself and spend time with your wife RIGHT HERE."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Am I Evil?

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In the old days, there was less whinging about evil and more detecting and slaying it!

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