GM Lictor Lane's (Half) Mad Men with a Kick - CoT Team 2 OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

Dark Archive

Welcome to a GM/Lictor Lane Nightmare

Thanks all for applying and congrats on your acceptance. This has to be one of the sneakiest groups I've ever seen and those skills will definitely be put to good use in this AP.

A couple things before we kick off in character. Use this thread for any planned absences, concerns about how things are going, references to OOC materials, etc. I probably won't be quite as diligent about checking it as the IC thread so if it seems like I haven't heard you, just give me a nudge IC.

Second, as I mentioned in the selection post, I will be using Google Docs for some of this AP. Particularly, I will be using it for the Westcrown Guide and thus, I would like to close it to only the two groups running the AP. For this reason, please send me your Google ID or an email where I can invite you. You can either post it here or send it to me at michaelane at gmail dot com. Once you have done that, feel free to check out the Westcrown Guide here:

Westcrown Guide

If any of you are inspired by the guide to create more NPCs or locations, go ahead and post them here and I will add them.

I believe the only loose end for this group is that I still need a second location for Antal and I need both locations for Franco. If anyone is missing an NPC or two, send those my way too.

Oh, part of the reason I put you guys together were possible connections between Antal and Sazer and Franco and Antal so if you guys want to develop those a little further before we start, have at it.

I've got a lot going on today so I will try to have the IC thread up by this evening. Failing that, I should have it up tomorrow morning.

Thanks all for joining the experience, I'm really looking forward to it.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 1

Cool, looking forward to this. :)

my id for Google Docs is TN_Clegg AT lycos DOT com

Dark Archive

Caravas Simjen wrote:

Cool, looking forward to this. :)

my id for Google Docs is TN_Clegg AT lycos DOT com

Caravas, you should be in. You aren't from Tennessee by any chance are you? We're in the midst of a move from Franklin to Chicago.

I do have access now, thanks. :) (Very nice pages by the way... How'd you get that that nice? :) )

Nope, I'm from Northwest Arkansas where we're on a simmering boil.... LOL (supposed to be a heat index of around 115 today or tomorrow....)

Dark Archive

Ugh, we're on vacation in western NY. A lot hotter than it should be, but way better than you're experiencing.

I used Google Sites. It's really easy to get the hang of once you get going. Definitely recommend it for campaign journals. You can give other people ability to edit too so it can act like a Wiki.

Cleric 2, HP: 15, AC: 18, Tch: 13, FF: 16 F: +6, R: +4, W: +8, Init: +2, Per: +6

I just sent a request for Privileges oldmancoyote13 at gmail dot com

Dark Archive

You should be in now Coran.

Cleric 2, HP: 15, AC: 18, Tch: 13, FF: 16 F: +6, R: +4, W: +8, Init: +2, Per: +6

reading it as I type, did you want me to flesh out the connections with the NPC i made and Coran or just leave it as is.

Male Halfling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1

Just requested access as ryuko_kun, dotting the thread. I'll post something of note when I get off work.

just requested access as tom[dot]wayne

Male Gnome, pyromaniac Witch, patron Elements.

thanks for the invite, lookign forward to hwo this all unfolds.


Dark Archive

Thanks for the patience all, I now have the IC thread up for us to start.

IC Thread

Male Halfling Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1

Hooray, Antal Syiel away to post!

Cleric 2, HP: 15, AC: 18, Tch: 13, FF: 16 F: +6, R: +4, W: +8, Init: +2, Per: +6

I am heading to a family Birthday Party after that I will Update.

Dark Archive

Quick heads up for anyone checking the OOC thread. We're in the midst of a family move and headed to Gen Con Wednesday night. Yes, very well timed. Anyway, I still expect to post over the weekend, but if it slows at all, you'll know why.

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