GMT's Serpent's Skull PBP


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Female Human Bard 1AC

The young woman ignores Kalis suggestion to check out the supply room first, too worried about the captain's fate right now.
When she reaches the room, she stops before the door and enters it slowly, looking around the ground as well to avoid any more attacks by these scorpions

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Breathing heavily from the exertion, Petry recovers the pick from the scorpion's body, still keeping his hand on it. The tool continues crackling every few seconds.

Hearing Kalis, Petry responded, "Yes, we should start with the lowest room and go up. I brought a sack, but obviously it's not enough by itself." He looked at the nearby ledge and the rope he had tied above the ship. "We could relay stuff back up on the ledge, instead of putting it into the lifeboat. We need to take everything we can off of this ship, down to the rope and the sails."

Petry will join whomever goes below to the supply room first, then the captain's quarters.

Allia (and any who follow her):

The captain’s cabin is a wreck—a jagged hole in the side has allowed most of the room’s contents to spill out into the surf and wash away. There are no bodies - alive or dead - in the room.

Your initial search reveals some useful supplies, most of which are found in an overturned desk (fortunately, the desk was too large to fit through the hole in the wall).

One upper drawer contains several keys, while another drawer contains several sea charts and maps, along with the captain’s log. A third, lower desk drawer, is locked.

Finally, a large footlocker leaning against the desk is marked with crude writing, reading Jask Derindi. This footlocker is also locked.

Kalis and Petry (and all who follow them):

As you approach, you notice fairly fresh blood has leaked through the door and out into the corridor. The door to the supply room is locked, but looks as if it is been badly damaged by the sea-scorpions efforts to get inside.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan follows Kalis. "I don't hear anything else down here, so it's probably safe to split up for now. Faster, too."

Female Human Bard 1AC

GMT and anyone who came to the captains room:
Allia pulls the backpack from her back and opens it, starting to fill it up with what seems useful, especially the sea charts and maps, as well as the captain's log. "He probably wants this back when we find him" she says to herself.

As her eyes fall on the chest with the prisoners name on it she yells out to the others "Hey, I need someone strong here! There's a chest about the prisoner, but I can't carry it alone!"

While she waits for someone to arrive, she goes through the keys and tries to remember if she ever saw the captain open that drawer and which key he used. If she can't she begins to randomly try out keys to open it.

All others:
All other's hear Allia shout after a bit "Hey, I need someone strong here! There's a chest about the prisoner, but I can't carry it alone!"

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis puts his head against the door and says loudly, If anyone is in there and is by the door, move because I am going to break it in. He braces himself for a moment staring intently at the door before his body explodes forward, his foot lashing forward to strike next to the door's lock.

Rage for one round. Str check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Guess I'll have to take 20 without the rage bonus

Allia and anyone else in the room:

Allia manages to find a key that fits in the lower drawer. In it she finds a bottle of fine brandy, a darkwood model of the Jenivere in a glass bottle, and a small coffer containing 350 gp. Additionally, there is a long leather satchel that holds a dozen labelled potions for emergency use: four potions of cure light wounds, a potion of cure moderate wounds, four potions of lesser restoration, a potion of remove disease, a potion of water breathing, and a potion of water walking.

A DC15 Appraise check is enough to accurately determine the value of these items. I would like these potions assigned to people before the end of the day and in people's profiles please.

The Supply Room Crew:

Kalis tries to break in the door, but is unsuccessful.

Allia and anyone else in the room:

You hear a loud noise coming from the supply room, much like you heard before you jumped onto the deck of the ship.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Guess I'll have to take 20 without the rage bonus

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan attempts to smash the lock with his mace. Full-round action, so automatic hit. Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Female Human Bard 1AC

GMT and anyone with Allia:

Appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

She looks at the model of the ship for a few seconds, but is not sure she's seen it before. No matter what she thinks it's worth she carefully places it in her pack, a thing to remind her of this dying ship.

She nearly drops it as she hears a loud noise from outside, but as she sees nothing and nears no followup noise that indicates another fight, she returns to examine the items.

The satchel with those potions might come in handy, and she puts it in her pack as well. Important right now is to grab things and get off the ship before it sinks, there was always time to split the things later.
As she remembers Aerys preoccupation with booze, she decides to add the bottle of brandy as well, to keep the half-elf calm.

Is the coffer with the money too large to fit into the backpack?

Meraxes followed Allia to the captians chambers.

"A set of keys, but a lack of things to put them in...Most interesting. One goes to the drawer...Say Allia- how do you feel about that prisoner? Do you think he is telling the truth about his innocence and should be let go? Random question."

Supply Room Crew:

At Dragolan's attempt, the already damaged door opens inward.

As it flies open, you are greeted by the unfortunate first mate, Alton Devers. The first mate's body lies slumped against the wall, quite dead, still wearing his masterwork studded leather armor and clutching his masterwork short sword in one hand and Meraxes' scroll case in the other.

The rest of the supply room turns up several tools and lumber that could come in handy in building a secure campsite: a block and tackle, three large canvas sheets, two fishing nets, a grappling hook, two bullseye lanterns, 12 flasks of lantern oil, 150 feet of hemp rope, and five shovels.

Even to the untrained eye, the first mate seems to have died in the last few hours from two sets of wounds. You can do a heal check to accurately identify them.

Captain's Quarters Folks:

The brandy is worth 50gp and the model is worth 100gp. The coffer would need to be carried or the gold poured into your pack (the chest weighs about 10lbs and the gold 6lbs.).

Female Human Bard 1AC

GMT,Meraxes and anyone with Allia:
Allia hadn't heard Meraxes following her and nearly yelps as he starts speaking.

"Oh, there are more than just two locks on this ship. The brig, the supply room, the prisoner's chains for example. I don't know about him... maybe the chest will tell us. We should carry it outside and go through it once we are back on land, don't you think? Maybe one of the keys will fit it. We shouldn't spend more time here than we have to."

She stuffs the keys in the pouch on her belt.

"I have to check something else" and walks over to the small door leading to her own room, trying to open it. "It's stuck, can you help me with it?"

GMT/Allia/Captians stuff:
Judging by the size of the chest he isn't too concerned about helping her get the door. She already has the keys and the satchel of emergency potions. No sign of his scrolls. Without saying a word Meraxes goes to pick up the chest labeled Jask and proceeds to carry it out with both hands outside.

While he walks away you hear "Not really. I don't want to spend more time here than I have to."


HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

GMT/Supply Room Crew:
Heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 "While I check Mr. Devers, roll everything up in the canvas. Ah, and here's Meraxes' scroll case." Dragolan tosses the scroll case and the sword onto the canvas when it's still unrolled.


The first set of wounds seem to have been inflicted perhaps 7 or 8 hours ago, and were caused by a rapier or a similar stabbing weapon. The wounds were not mortal. You recall that both the Captain and Sasha carried rapiers.

The second set of wounds are inflamed stings from these sea scorpions you have fought, and in his weakened state from the stabbing wounds, Althon succumbed to the poison and died here, sometime in the last couple of hours.

It looks like Althon was trying to take supplies to the door before succumbing to the poison.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

The Supply Room Crew:

Petry watched the elven barbarian try to kick in the door but fail. The large Chexlian had more success, but the broken door revealed the fallen form of the first mate. "The sailor!" he said to the others. "Do you think he tried to fight whomever crashed the ship?"

Petry knelt down next to the man and closed his eyes. Looking up at Dragolan, he asked "Can you tell what killed him? And," he gulped, "should we take his armor and sword too?"

Petry helped the others search the supply room. He put the fragile lantern oil flasks in the burlap sack he had brought with him, tying it off, then hefted the hemp rope over one shoulder. Somehow he managed to keep the miner's pick in one hand. "I've got these, at least." he told Kalis and Dragolan. "We should also check the sleeping quarters - I've still got two backpacks to recover!"

Walking back to the main deck, Petry called out "Hey Meraxes, we found a scroll case! Is it yours? And the first mate is dead over here!"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Supply Room Crew:
After a cursory examination of the dead first mate, Dragolan says, "Interesting. He was wounded several hours ago, then it looks like the sea scorpions finished him off while he was trying to get some supplies together. I think it'll be faster to carry him than to strip off his armor here, but yes--he doesn't need it any more. Let's get the supplies first, though." Dragolan will assist with piling up less fragile items on the canvas and rolling it up.

Meraxes turns around to see Petry telling him the good news.
"Well that is fantastic news! May I see it? err...the scroll case, that is."
Meraxes brings the chest along with him due to fear it might spill overboard and be lost or worse- get claimed by that greedy Allia, she open the chest, and steal whatever is worth stealing.

Female Human Bard 1AC

GMT,Meraxes and anyone with Allia:
"Thanks alot!" she replies sarcastically as Meraxes just walks away with the chest.

She yanks again at the door, putting her entire body weight into the attempt. If she manages to open it, she'll quickly search the room for those possessions of her that were missing from her pack.


The door is stuck. You can't budge it by yourself.

The Supply Room:

So are you carrying out the lifeless body of the first mate and all the gear?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry gestured back at the door with the pick in his hand. "Dragolan and Kalis are getting the heavy stuff and the, uh, body, right now." He heard a sound like someone hitting a door on the other side, at the Captain's quarters. Looking around, he called out "Sasha! Brin! Are you checking out the hold? Where's Aerys? Didn't she come with us?" He was definitely feeling better; the sick feeling in his stomach and his head was almost gone now.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Supply Room Crew:
Not to start with. We'll lay out all three sheets of canvas on the floor, line up the shovels in a bundle on them, then toss on the block & tackle, grappling hook, the first mate's shortsword, and the fishing nets; then roll up the canvas with the supplies inside and take the rolled-up canvas out. If we have time, we'll come back for the body.

One question for everyone: Who's where? Allia and Meraxes are in the captain's quarters; Petry, Kalis, and Dragolan went to the supply room, and that leaves the NPCs and Brin. Are the NPCs doing anything to help with the salvage?

I guess Sasha can help. The other NPCs aren't on the ship - they are back by the rocky passage you used to get onto the ship.
Sasha walks, wide-eyed towards the group at the supply room. "You'd better come see this," she says. Motioning towards the larder. Seeing the supplies, she offers to help carry what she can - after you come to the larder.

Brin is willing and able to help carry items as well.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"Brin, you and Kalis carry out the supplies while I see what's in the larder." We'll see if any of the wine from last night is still out....

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry will set down the bag of flasks and the hemp rope at E9 on shipround3pcs.png so it doesn't slide around and go to the larder with Sasha. Petry followed the redhead and Dragolan.

Dragolan and Petry:

Sasha leads you into the larder. Although the majority of the Jenivere’s food stores were kept in the now-missing cargo below, there are enough preserved rations are stored here to supply a single person with food for 24 days. "I already have the rations stacked and ready to go. But that's not why I wanted you to come in here," she says. She leads you to the corner, where stashed behind some foodstuffs lies the dead body of the Chef.

Heal checks to determine the cause. If you care.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

For completeness' sake, Heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18


The cook was bitten by a snake of some sort- the bite marks are serpentine in origin, and a particularly large serpentile creature it seems. The cook also has traces of poison on him and was dragged in here before being killed by something or someone stronger than him- and he was not a small fellow.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"That's odd...he was killed by a snake, I think."

Anything anyone else wants to do while on board?

Female Human Bard 1AC
Dragolan Canario wrote:
One question for everyone: Who's where? Allia and Meraxes are in the captain's quarters;

Nope. Allia is there. Meraxes left, carrying the chest away and collecting his oh so precious scrolls, too busy to help poor little me getting a door open.

"Hey, could someone please help me in here?" she yells again outside "Or do all of you really have to be in that other room"

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis works with Brin to get the supplies out as quickly as possible. While he is transporting the goods to the shore, Kalis takes a quick second to look around and get his bearings. [I]Where would be a good place to set up camp?[/b]

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

After examining the cook's body, Dragolan will go help Allia while (presumably) Petry and Sasha get the food out.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Dragolan Canario wrote:
After examining the cook's body, Dragolan will go help Allia while (presumably) Petry and Sasha get the food out.

Allia smiles as Dragolan enters the room.

"Ah, Master Canario, I knew you'd come to my rescue. I'm desperately trying to open this door here, but it seems stuck, and I can't unlodge it myself. Maybe you can open it for me?"

She gives Dragolan one of her best and most innocent smiles.

Dragolan and Allia manage to get her door open. To Allia's delight, her entertainer outfits, perfume, mirror, cards, soap and scarf are very nearly as she left them - if a little bit wet from the water creeping under the door.

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Thank you so much."

She immediately begins wrapping the perfume vials so they won't break easily, and stuffs her clothes and the other belongings in her backpack. She's not overly concerned with keeping it all clean or whole for that matter, just wants to get as much as possible into the pack.

Once she's done and has her backpack secured on her back again, she looks at Dragolan and asks "Do you think we'll need money on this island?" and points to the coffer that's still lying on the ground.
She herself never had much use for money, as everything had been provided for her.

I'm most likely in the medium encumberance area now.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan smiles warmly in return. "I'm pleased to be of help, Allia. I doubt we'll need money on the island, but we won't be there for very long. I hope."

Female Human Bard 1AC

"From the first day I saw you, I knew you were a real gentleman, not like many of your fellow Chelaxians." She thinks a moment about what she just said "Uh... I meant no disrespect, I appologize."

I'm going to assume you all are done on the ship and are making your way back across the rocky passage, carrying your findings from the ship.

Current Time – 8:30AM, Day 1
The group make their way back across the rocky passage, struggling to carry all of the gear and maintain their balance. As you're making your way across, Brin shares with everyone that a beach base camp is probably a bad idea, as visibility is very high on the open beaches. He suspects you'd be safer from potential predators a little ways into the jungle.

As you approach the other castaways, Jask's face lights up. "Did you find anything...of mine?" he asks hopefully. Ishirou just grunts at his words, not even looking up from sharpening his sword.

Aeryn runs up to you and asks desperately, "Did you find any alcohol? Please tell me there was some rum or wine on board somewhere. Right?"

Gelik looks up and his jaw drops at all the gear you've managed to salvage. "Unbelievable. Who would have thought it possible? Perhaps I underestimated you all. But probably not."

I debated whether or not to share this, but I thought it would be a good idea. It's taken directly from the AP. It should be helpful.

Each NPC castaway has an initial attitude toward the PCs dependent on the PCs’ backgrounds. The PCs can attempt a Diplomacy check to adjust a given NPC castaway’s attitude beyond this initial attitude once per day.

There are other things you can do for the castaways that will improve or damage their attitude towards you. To help track this, I have a chart in my profile (and also HERE) that you can check on regularly. (Sorry, Meraxes, it's in Dropbox. That's just easier to keep updated.)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry helped Sasha carry the food supplies out of the larder. After several minutes, he followed up by dragging out the body of the cook they had found in the room. Then he helped Brin carry the body of the first mate from the supplies room. (Everything at C6, D6, E6 to C6, D6, E8.) Then he, Sasha, and Brin hand-carried the equipment and food up the stairs to the upper deck near the cliff. (E15, F15 to E18, F15.)

As they finished, Petry told the others, "I'm going down into the hold to look for my backpacks now."

(Edit: GM Todd posted before I could! I hope I get my backpacks and everyone gets the stuff that they left behind on the ship!)

I have some sad news for you - your backpacks aren't here. Everyone has retrieved what was to be retrieved from the Jenivere.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia carries the coffer with the money with Dragolan's help up to the campsite.

As she sees that the others are dragging dead bodies around she asks "What happened? Where did you find them?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

As they approached the others on the beach, Petry was puffing from the weight of the canvas he carried with Brin, as well as being loaded with hemp rope over his shoulders. They put everything down at the pile of equipment from before. "Brin's right - we should move this to the edge of the jungle at least before we lay it all out to split it up." (Before the others start talking to us.)

(Back on the ship, Petry let the pick fall from his hands, which faded away after a few seconds. "Nooooooo!! My stuffff!" he cried out. (I spent a trait to get the money for those backpacks!)

(A little retro for Allia if needed.)

"We...found the first mate at the supply room. He had those scorpions attack him. (pant) The cook is different, he had some kind of large snake kill him, (pant) according to Dragolan. And....they're heavy! But they deserve a burial at sea. The rest....the lobster-things must have gotten them already. And my backpacks in the hold!" Petry looked exhausted after hauling all the heavy equipment to camp, and it was still early morning.

(Edit: I guess we did bury the first mate and the cook at sea, after getting the armor off of the first mate.)

Female Human Bard 1AC

"A snake?" Her eyes go wide and she looks around, hoping she doesn't see anything snakelike anywhere.
"Did you see it?" (perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8)

When she doesn't see anything she calms down a bit again and says "They're sailors. Their home was the sea and they wouldn't want to be buried at land. That's what they always said anyway." a touch of sadness in her voice when she saw two of the people she had known for over a year now dead.

Afterwards she looks down at the pile of supplies they have gathered "That's ... alot of things. Do you think we need them all?"

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

We may need it all and more with a group this big. Kalis scans the shores on either side of where the ship is wrecked looking for signs of a stream or other water outlet.
Can we make a survival check to find a good location to camp? Perhaps near a stream or other source of fresh water?

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia nods, slowly realising this won't be over by evening "Yes... I guess... you're the expert on living in uncivilized areas"

She helps getting everything off the ship and then climbs up to the others on the ledge again and joins the others.

Again, Jask asks if you've found anything of his - or at least the keys to release him from his manacles. He is getting desperate and he hasn't yet seen the footlocker with his name on it.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

For this man's sake I feel we should discuss this now. Otherwise, his constant hooting may mean I mistake him for a monkey and kill him for his meat. I saw him on the boat doing low tasks such as cleaning. He was held in his metal ropes and not watched closely. I do not think the captain would do such unless he saw that this man was not a danger. I do not think it does any of us harm to let him go, but to keep him in his ropes is bothersome to us all. These are my words on the matter, Ishiro. You seem to be an honorable man, so I ask that you give them grave thought....Unless you have more reasons about why we should do differently. Kalis levels a calm, but steady gaze upon Ishiro.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Kalis' words make sense, she thinks to herself. But would he really be in chains, hunted through different countries, if he wasn't a criminal, if he hadn't done something?

"We found a chest with his name on it. Maybe inside we find why he's a prisoner? Then we know if he's dangerous, right?"

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