GMT's Serpent's Skull PBP


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Whoops. My fault. He is just laughing - nothing inspirational is happening at all.

Allia sees a curved blade on the ground and grabs it. It's a kukri. You're not sure who it belongs to.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan takes the long way around to E6 and attempts to hit the large sea scorpion.

To hit: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 1 - 2 = 8

Tomorrow, perhaps. At least I'm setting Ishirou up to flank it.

Realizing that she has no idea how to use it properly, however, she drops it and picks up a glimmering long sword. Her mind travels back to her early days in the carnival when she tried her hand at sword dancing. It was largely unsuccessful - she hoped this would go better.

Seeing her pick up the sword, Gelik yells, "Hey, you there. That's mine. I want it back after this fracas is complete!"

My grace as GM knows no bounds.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia looks for the nearest scorpion when the gnome yells at her "Oh don't you worry, what would I want with a halfling weapon anyway?"

GM_Todd wrote:
My grace as GM knows no bounds.

I fall down on my knees and start praising the endless graciousness of the benevolent GM_Todd

Brin Status:
hp 12/13
AC 15 (T 12, FF 13)
FORT +4 REF +4 WILL +1
Active Effects: Sickened, Inspire Courage

GMT wrote:
Jask scoots himself towards the water. He then stands up. "Damn these chains," he says. "I can do nothing!"

Brin rasps, "I know, I'm trying!"

Easily side-stepping the creature's lazy claw swipe, Brin tries again to hack it apart with his blade.

Greatsword Attack (Sickened, Inspire Courage) 1d20 + 5 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 2 + 1 = 16
Greatsword Damage (Sickened, Inspire Courage) 2d6 + 6 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 - 2 + 1 = 16

The sea scorpion explodes into pieces with Brin's attack. The guts fly into Jask's face - he is at first surprised, but then a look of utter joy crosses his face. "That's it! We're almost out of this!"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Round 05, Initiative=08, map is BeachRound5PCs.png

Stats-Temp Effects:

HP=6/7 points, AC=11 (touch 11, flat-footed 10), no armor, no weapons, speed=30 ft.
Fort=-1, Ref=-1, Will=0 (sickened condition)
Not holding psionic focus; Power Points=6
Petry is sickened (–2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks)

"I'm fine, Meraxes! Help the others!" Petry said. He watched the big scorpion move towards Ishirou as he cut up the smaller one. The half-elven woman from the ship looked to be incapacitated but alive, Brin and Allia were moving to help the manacled prisoner, and no one else was in danger. Petry had to regain his psionic focus before he could help Ishirou. He held his right hand to his chest and began the breathing and mental exercise to focus the power inside him.

(Getting psionic focus, a full-round action.)

Brin's attack killed the small sea scorpion. Only one left - the big one. he thought.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis turns around and, upon seeing the larger sea scorpion, takes a deep breath. He glances down at his hands. Probably a very bad idea. He staggers over to the pile of gear C-9 and retrieves his blade. As he holds his blade up in a guard position he grimly says, Let us be done with this.

Meraxes surveys the battle and sees the dead creatures. His headache and sickness are still with him. He struggles to pick up his scroll case and begins looking for his backpack and other supplies.

"I'm fine, Meraxes! Help the others!"

Nah I think I've done my good turn for the day. Gods my head and stomach hurt.

"Anyone see any more of them?" Meraxes struggles to get the words out.

fort:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
hp: 5/8
currently -1 dex

Round 5 Cleanup
Allia's body begins to naturally reject the sea scorpion's poison. The numbness goes away almost immediately. Unfortunately, Meraxes is still affected.

Allia, your Dex returns to normal. I said one point damage to Dex, but it was just a temporary effect.

Round 6:

Map Link

The final, larger eurypterid raises its tail and begins to turn in a circle - it is looking for the most threatening target. Its focus lands on Dragolan. It instantly lashes its tail out in his direction.

Tail Attack
1d20 ⇒ 8

The tail bounces harmlessly off of Dragolan's chest.

Ishirou, ready to end the sea scorpion's existence, attempts to move into a flank position. Unfortunately, as he starts to move, he doubles over as the sickness washes over him.

Gelik, feeling safe, moves to Sasha and attempts to give her aid.

Heal Check 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

"Sasha, wake up!" he yells. He puts his ear by her nose to see if he can hear breathing. Coming up he says, "I have no idea what I'm doing - perhaps one of you are practiced in the art of healing?"

Aerys continues to vomit. Jask appears to be muttering a prayer.

Updated Map

Female Human Bard 1AC

HP: 6/9
Bardic Performance: 5/8
Initiative: 19
Status: sickened

After having found what should be a longsword in the pile of things, she grabs it firmly in her hand, trying to balance the unusual short blade which was never intented for someone of her size.

It takes her a few moments till she has a comfortable grip on it, and she steps around Ishirou right next to the critter, almost stepping on one of the dead scorpions.

She raises the blade high above her head, gripping it firmly with both hands and tries to slam it down through the hardened shell.

1d20 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) - 2 - 2 + 1 = 15 (-2 sickened, -2 wrong size, +1 inspire courage)
1d6 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) - 2 + 1 = 1 (-2 sickened, +1 inspire courage)

Free: Inspire Courage
Move: to C6
Standard: KILL KILL KILL!!

Allia brings the sword down, striking the sea-scorpion's shell. She is able to draw blood, but the combination of sickness, difficulty with the weapon and the natural armor of the eurypterid result in only minimal damage. It continues to wave its tail menacingly.

The eurypterid takes one point damage.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis grunts as he lifts his blade and steps forward, a stomach cramp still causing him discomfort. 5ft step to C-8 He manages to focus on the scorpion through the discomfort and brings his sword down on the monstrous vermin.
ATTACK:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 (+1 BAB, +3 Str, +1 Trait, +1 MW, -1 Power Attack, -2 sickened, +1 Inspired, +2 Flanking) DAMAGE:1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 (+4 Str, +3 Power Attack, -2 sickened, +1 Inspired)

As Kalis brings his sword down angrily, the scorpion is able to deftly get out of the way.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan frowns in concentration as he attempts to smack the creature with his mace.

To hit: 1d20 + 1 + 1 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 1 + 1 - 2 + 2 = 14 (STR, Inspired, Sickened, Flanking)

Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 - 2 = 1
ETA: Forgot about Inspire Courage adding to damage....

Dragolan also manages to strike the enemy, but, much like Allia, is only able to cause minimal damage.

The eurypterid takes one point damage.

Brin's Status:
hp 12/13 Move 30'
AC 15 (T 12, FF 13)
FORT +4 REF +4 WILL +1
Active Effects: Sickened, Inspire Courage

Brin grunts in satisfaction that his blade has pulverized the crustacean. Looking around, he squints through the pounding in his head. Only one more? A big one. Let's finish this!

The ranger silently stumbles across the sand, with deadly intent. He raises his sword and strikes!

Move to D6, attack last eurypterid with greatsword.

Greatsword Attack (Sickened, Inspire Courage) 1d20 + 5 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 2 + 1 = 15
Greatsword Damage (Sickened, Inspire Courage) 2d6 + 6 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (5, 6) + 6 - 2 + 1 = 16

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Round 06, Initiative=08, map is BeachRound6PCs.png

Stats-Temp Effects:
HP=6/7 points, AC=11 (touch 11, flat-footed 10), no armor, no weapons, speed=30 ft.
Fort=-1, Ref=-1, Will=0 (sickened condition)
Holding psionic focus (Electricity); Power Points=6
Petry is sickened (–2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks)
Allia has Inspire Courage: +1 competence bonus on attacks and damage, and +1 morale bonus on saves vs fear and charm

Petry chose a spark, the lightning of the storm, this time from the energy types available to him. He tried again to determine if the sea scorpion had any weak spots, because it looked like it was all shell and pincers. (General Knowledge check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 (With sickened -2.) I see I'm making my usual dice rolls.)

"Here's the last one!" Petry called out to the others.

Concentration check to suppress the display of the power (DC 15+level of the power): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 (With sickened -2.)

A bass-pitched hum issued from around Petry's outstretched finger as if many deep-pitched voices were shouting it. (DC 15 Perception in 15 feet radius to hear the effect.) A crackle of lightning lanced out from Petry's finger to touch the creature again. (Energy Ray: Electricity; 1pp; 10-feet to D7)

Ranged Touch Attack:1d20 ⇒ 10 (With sickened -2 and Inspire Courage +1)

Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 (Inspire Courage does not work on rays?)

Petrys future actions for everyone:

I've have to expend psionic focus to conserve points next time, I'm not hitting it, I think.

Brin's furious attack cleaves the sea scorpion in half - causing Petry's electric ray to land in the sand with a sizzle between the eurypterid slices. And then, apart from the waves crashing onto the shore, there is no sound, no movement. All is quiet.

Everyone earns 150 XP for the successful battle. Good work!

As the final eurypterid is destroyed, you all take a moment to look around the beach and take a breath. Your adrenaline rush that kept you fighting begins to wear off, as does the sickness.

Aerys finishes vomiting, wipes her mouth with her sleeve and eyes the pile of items. "Do you suppose there's anything to drink in there?" she asks no one in particular.

Jask still has a smile on his face. He seems almost giddy with excitement. He says nothing, but moves towards the group. As he gets closer, Ishirou steps forward. He has recovered from the sickness as well. "Stop right there, prisoner. You just stay over there as we tend to the injured and discuss what's next," he says. He then realizes that Jask may also be injured and asks, "You're not injured yourself, are you?" The smile disappears from Jask's face. He stops walking and shakes his head "no." He drops to his knees and begins looking intently at the manacles binding him.

Gelik turns to the group and says, "Uh…hello? There's a beautiful damsel in distress. Someone else will have to come to her rescue, however, as I'm completely incapable. I'm sure she's fine, though." Moving to Allia, he says, "It looks as if you're more than a mere dancing girl, eh? I'll take that from you." He reaches out his hand for the sword.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"Good job, Brin!" Petry said, looking at the body of the last scorpion. The young man frowned when Ishirou spoke to Jask, saying back to him, "I think the rules have changed. We're all here together." He was about to say more when Gelik interrupted them. Turning furiously towards Sasha on the beach, Petry ran to where she was lying.

He knelt down and picked her head and torso off of the sand, shielding her eyes from the sunlight. "Sasha? Sasha!" Petry asked the unconscious woman. The Chexlian looked back at the group. "If my backpack is in there, you'll find a healing kit, but I haven't been trained!" he called out to the others. (Heal check (untrained, no skill ranks, 10 Wisdom): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9 (With sickened -2.))

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis begins a careful search of the pile of goods, starting an inventory in his mind. He specifically keeps an eye out for waterskins and whatever Petry's healing kit may look like.

If he finds water he will hand it to someone to take to Aerys, adding Be careful and only rinse out your mouth. We are unsure of our...position here and may need to make what we have last.

PERCEPTION:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 Wis, +2 racial, -2 sickened)
If I don't find any in the first cursory search, I will take 10 to search again

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Looking down at the dead eurypterid, Dragolan thinks to himself, I'll be pulling bits of shell out of every bite...have to see how it tastes, it might be worth it.

"Give me a moment to find my healing kit, Petry...I've had some training in that regard. First, though, gather everyone around me." He chuckles weakly. "Even like this, I've still got enough life in me to spare a bit!"

When applicable, Heal check on Sasha: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 2 = 23

When applicable, Channel Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 1

When applicable, another Channel Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Better than nothing, I suppose.

Sorry - everyone is done with the sickness now. Should have called that out explicitly.

Even without training Petry is able to rouse Sasha. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles when she sees Petry's face. "Well there - did we have a party last night or what?" she asks. As she tries to sit up, she is overcome with nausea. Dragolan approaches and kneels down. He begins rubbing the top of her back in a circular motion. Instantly, Sasha's nausea dissapates. "Thank you, sir. Thank you, both," she says.

Kalis grabs one of the waterskins from the pile and moves to hand it to Aerys. "I don't want water, you fool," she says. "I need something stronger. Is there any rum left?"

Standing, Dragolan releases two waves of energy that heals the minor wounds of the party.

Everyone regains 2 HP

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
"Good job, Brin!" Petry said, looking at the body of the last scorpion. The young man frowned when Ishirou spoke to Jask, saying back to him, "I think the rules have changed. We're all here together."

Allia looks around the beach for the first time really, at least past the immediate vicinity, now that the danger of the crabs has passed.

"We're here together alright. But where is here?" she asks.

She looks at the sky and the horizon, to at least get a rough idea what time of day it is. (survival, not trained, sickness is gone, right? 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5)

As Gelik approaches her and demands his sword back, she hands it over without any discussions. No need to provoke him "What do you mean? Trying to stab something with a large knife is not really hard"

She isn't exactly sure what Dragolan iss talking about, but takes the step towards him anyway, and then just sits down in the sand. She pulls the boot of her left foot and begins to rub the place where the scorpion's stinger had pierced the leather.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis looks scornfully Aerys, Strong drink is not what is needed now, strong wits are.

As he is going through the supplies Kalis points out, We have been abandoned, and on purpose, probably on the shore that we saw last night. My guess is that we are nowhere near Eleder because why strand us close to a settled area.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Still rubbing her foot, trying to massage the memory of the pain and strange feeling away she answers Kalis without looking up "But why? Why would the captain leave us on the shore like this? I know him, he wouldn't do that"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"We all just..awoke here. The last thing I remember was dinner on the ship...last night?" Petry said. He saw Jask still kneeling in the sand, and frowned again. Leaving Sasha's side, he strode past Ishirou, saying "Prisoner or not, we're not on the ship right now, and I hate seeing someone tied up like that. We could get attacked again at any time." He knelt on the sand, telling the man "Let me look at those. I've had to get out of a tough bind myself, in the past, but it was only rope, not manacles. Does anyone have any small tools I can use?" Petry called over his shoulder.

For GM Todd:

Petry has a +5 for Disable Device (-2 sickened, I know, I know), but the rules state without an authentic set of lockpicking tools it adds +10 to the DC. Petry can't pick anything with that handicap. He could use Call Item to get Artisan's tools, but those aren't lockpicking tools by any means. Not yet. Petry also didn't pack a set of lockpicking tools, I spent his money elsewhere.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis shrugs as if it is unimportant I heard several times from the crew that he was acting strange, maybe some spirit had him in it's clutch. The People know such things happen. He pauses a moment, appearing to be in thought.I would doubt that everyone had enough strong drink to make us sleep and magic sleep does not work on The People.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Petry, sickened condition is gone.

"But... if he was acting strangely and ordered us off the ship, why would the crew go along with it, if it was so strange? It.. it just makes no sense"

She tries to recall the events from the last days "Unless... has anyone seen the captain yesterday? I mean, seen, not just been told where he is?"

Seing that Petry tries to open the prisoners manacles she jumps up "Hey! Don't do that! We don't know why he's been chained up. Maybe he's a psychopathic mass-murderer and will try to eat us all!"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan closes his eyes for a moment, idly pressing a finger to his lips in thought. "I don't remember seeing the captain yesterday, only Devers. If you're suggesting that the crew and first mate mutinied, then drugged and marooned us before they headed off to the Shackles, I suppose that's possible. We're missing one other passenger, though--has anyone seen Ieana?"

"In Vino Veritas. In wine truth."

He repeats his last words remembered before he blacked out. He recalls the party a little bit, but everything is either a blur or totally black. Although feeling a little better, he still doesn't feel well.
Meraxes is curious about all the gear that is piled together around his feet.

"This is wrong. Something is wrong. Excuse me! everyone! Does it not seem odd that our gear is all here? In a pile? After a shipwreck or mutiny or something?"

Current HP: 7/8
No more dex damage right? :D

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis waves his hand dismissively, The captain left us here or the crew left us here, no matter. We are here. He points emphatically at the surroundings.

"If I were going to leave someone on an island I wouldn't let them keep their shiny expensive gear, too. Odd, no? Now where exactly is here?"

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia swallows hard as Dragolan says what she had been thinking. "Yes... I think that's what I was trying to say. There's been a tense mood for a few days now, and I was afraid they would try to take over the ship. When I last saw the captain he was acting very strange himself, like he didn't care. Maybe he had been drugged too!"

Looking at Meraxes she adds "I... I think they didn't want to kill us, or they would have simply tossed us overboard. Maybe thats why they left us our stuff too?"

Slowly she puts her boot back on, her foot was feeling better now. Apperently she had overreacted when the scorpion stung her, it wasn't so bad after all. She gets back on her feet and walks over to the pile of things, looking if any of her belongings are among them.

Meraxes responds to Allia: "They didn't want to kill us, but they left us on this.. beach. Alone with gods knows what else lurking nearby. I'm getting mixed messages here."

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

We do not know we are on an island or where we are. We trusted the captain that we were close to our destination, but we knew he was going by a strange route.

Kalis looks up at the trees and the sky.
Take 10 to use Survival to predict the weather? SURVIVAL:10 + 6 = 16 (1 ranks, +3 Class Skill, +1 Wis, +1 Racial)

Meraxes raises his voice:


"Are you suggesting the Captian just happened to black us all out and leave our stuff on some beach and say, 'Thanks for traveling with us! Have fun walking the remainder of the beach... Don't mind being passed out and feel like hell waking up. Oh and don't mind the GIANT SEA SCORPION THINGS EITHER?'"

He sighs and returns to a more normal tone.

"Give me a break."

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Well yes, but it was just a couple of tiny crabs... they didn't really hurt us, did they? We were all just a little bit panicked that's all. Why else would they leave us our things and everything?"

"Small? The thing was the size of a bloody dog! damn near ate my foot! I have no idea why we are here. I think if we can figure out where we are it will help with determining why we are here."

"My guess is Avernus considering I'm starring at Gelik's ugly mug."

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"I like your attitude, Master Kalis. For whatever reasons there be, we're here--wherever 'here' is--and we have our equipment. We'll need to see to food and shelter quickly. Which reminds me...."

Dragolan examines the bodies of the eurypterids to see if they're edible and salvageable.

Survival check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Profession (cook) check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

He'll also check the bodies using detect poison.

"Brin, Kalis--we'll also need water, I suppose, though I'd be happier with a decent white to go with these things." He looks around. "Do any of the rest of you have any skill at surviving in the wild?"

"I'm sorry Dragolan, but remind me again why are we not scouting the beach for more of these things and looking for signs of a way to Eleder? I'd appreciate it if you paused from analzying how delicious these monsters would be for 2 seconds and come up with ideas on to be rescued or get us to civilization. I'd rather not turn this event into a camping trip and be here longer than we have to near these things."

Female Human Bard 1AC

Actually, just how big were the crabs? The normal ones and the large one?

"You were able to stomp them with your foot, and I don't think they knew those things would come out of the water here."

She still tries to defend her old crew, not wanting to believe any of them would just maroon her on an island.

"No, I don't. I can't even figure out if its morning or evening. Which way is north?"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan cocks an eyebrow at Meraxes. "I scout better on a full stomach, thank you. If you wanted to make yourself useful you could keep an eye out for any more of the things. Or divide up the equipment pile.

"As you so succinctly point out, there is a great deal about our situation we don't know. I would prefer to see to our immediate physical needs before we attempt to solve the larger problems--where we are, how we get to Eleder from here, how we survive in the meantime, and how we came to be here.

"Some of you--" He indicates Kalis, Ishirou, Sasha, and Jask. "--are from this area. Do any of you recognize where we are?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"If he was murderous, would whoever dumped us here put him with us?" Petry replied angrily to Allia. He studied Jask's manacles, ignoring all the talk going back and forth.
(Disable Device: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 I've got a bad feeling about 1st Level, with the improvised handicap, I don't think I can do this at all.) "I am sorry, Jask. But unless I can get some actual tools or we find the keys, we may have to find a way to break them off of your wrists."

Petry leaned back, sitting on the sand in front of Jask. "Wait a minute, I had three backpacks at my roll! What's in that pile?" he said, looking back at the pile of equipment.

Brin exhales deeply as he ends the threat posed by the sea scorpions. As the effects of the sickness fade away, he pauses to clean his blade on the ground, before speaking.

Dragolan Canario wrote:
"Brin, Kalis--we'll also need water, I suppose, though I'd be happier with a decent white to go with these things." He looks around. "Do any of the rest of you have any skill at surviving in the wild?"

Nodding, Brin answers. "I do. I've spent as much of my life in the wilds of the Darkmoon Forest as at home. Granted, he says looking around, "this beach is a far cry from those lofty woodlands."

After thanking Dragolan for healing his foot, Brin begins to walk around the beach looking for clues as to who may have piled up the equipment, or how they got there. "I believe I could help fashion some shelters for us if it appears we're stranded, but let's try to determine what's happened, and where we are."

Survival 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

After a moment, Brin calls out to all within earshot, "Do any of you have detailed knowledge of the Jenivere's trade route? Is there a likely place for shipwreck or marooning on the route to Eleder?"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1
Brin Steffens wrote:

After a moment, Brin calls out to all within earshot, "Do any of you have detailed knowledge of the Jenivere's trade route? Is there a likely place for shipwreck or marooning on the route to Eleder?"

"I have a map of the area in my pack. I don't remember how much of the sea route it shows; I was more interested in the land."

Whoa. So many questions. So much confusion. I'll do my best to catch up.

Allia is able to determine that it is early morning.

Dragolan, now that you're out of immediate danger, you begin to detect the aftermath of high concentrations of poison in you - the effects are now passing. This poisoning likely explains the lack of memories people seem to have of last night. Examining the crabs, you see that they would make an excellent meal - especially the larger one. As you're examining them, you notice numerous humanoid footprints leading to and from the water along with a fair number of furrows leading up to where you woke, suggesting that someone dragged you up from the water’s edge.

At Dragolan's question, Aerys looks to the sky, the beach and for any landmarks. Her eyes open wide. All she says is, "Smuggler's Shiv."

Anyone who wants to can roll a Knowledge (Geography, History or Local) or Profession (Sailor) check at this time.

As Kalis looks to the sky, he is able to determine that it is going to be an incredibly hot day. Getting shelter will be critical. As he looks back to earth, his keen eyes see something on the horizon - it is the Jeneviere shipwrecked on the beach less than half a mile to the northwest.

Brin, you realize that without a campsite, everyone will be much more exposed to the elements, wildlife, bugs, and other dangerous elements on the isle. You predict, that even without the proper tools, it will take you 3 hours to set up camp.

Did I miss anyone's check or questions?

Looking at the map, Dragolan discovers that Smuggler's Shiv is a small dot of an island near the major trade route.

Having had a few moments to take stock of the situation, Brin announces, "I have no idea where we are, but if we're stuck here, we'll need to make camp. I believe can set up a suitable campsite for us, but without any tools to work with, it will take some time."

GM_Todd wrote:
At Dragolan's question, Aerys looks to the sky, the beach and for any landmarks. Her eyes open wide. All she says is, "Smuggler's Shiv."

"Smuggler's Shiv?! What's that?"

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

The only thing I can think of is a general list of supplies, since I have been searching them for a bit.
Kalis looks around for a minute and sighs deeply. He points at the horizon to the northwest. There is the ship. He looks down and plays in the sand for a few seconds. I believe our priorities should be shelter, water, food, and then exploration for a way to get to our destination. The exploration will probably begin with getting to the ship, if that will be possible. He glances at Meraxes as he says the next part You can panic all you would like, but it will do little to change what needs to be done.

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