GMT's Serpent's Skull PBP


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Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis shrugs at Aerys reaction and moves away as she starts packing. He is distracted enough by Petry to not really take in Meraxes' comment about being delusional in the sun.

To Petry:
Moving along the beach is good for speed, but not good to see what is in the jungle. With the Dragolan's or Brin's help I am sure that we will not be lost if we travel through the jungle. I don't know what this "map" tells you, but if we ARE near the north tip of the island I would check north first, to be sure there is nothing there.

To the group as a whole:
We will find nothing in this camp to help us, but elsewhere on the island...He shrugs. Who knows what we may find that can help us survive and maybe even leave.

Sasha asks Petry, "When you were looking at the maps and charts, did you uncover anything worthwhile?"

Female Human Bard 1AC

"But don't you think we'll run into more of those monster crabs if we leave the camp? We got lucky on that ship I think, or at the beach. Just image it had been 5 of the huge ones that attacked us there."

She does look around quickly, peering into the woods, to make sure her words didn't just draw out some of those monsters.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry shook his head at Sasha. "The map of the island is very basic. It shows a few creeks, some coves, some ridge-lines and hills. Nothing about any structures or anything. I wonder why no one has colonized this island. It's less than four days from Eleder, a prime location to resupply or get advance news from the government. If anything, just being here will let me add to the map, make it more valuable when we leave."

"I think the crab-things were aquatic, from the sea." he tells Allia dryly.

"So if you want us to have a goal, a mission," Petry says the group, "we're going to search the entire island for the Captain. I don't think he will help us, given that Ilana has bewitched him, but maybe he might know of the shipping lanes and if a signal smoke fire can help rescue us. We are going to get off this island, one way or another." he said with some determination.

"I'd rather not start exploring until tomorrow's dawn, given this heat. Just moving here from the ship was bad enough. Is anyone else tired?" the young man asked the other men and women. "We could pass the time telling each other our stories. I'm sure Master Gelik has many tales to tell us, eh?"

"Perhaps we can venture out at night, too. It can't be this hot at night, too, can it? There must be a reason why this island isn't inhabitied... but I'm not sure if I want to know the full answer."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"Nighttime on the beach wouldn't be a problem, I can-" Petry said confidently, remembering his special power, then breaking off the thought before he revealed it to the others. "...uh, that is, we can take torches from the fire? To light our way." he corrected. He looked at the dense jungle around them, the trampled path back to the beach their only mark upon the thick foliage. "I'm not sure what comes out at night, either, here."

Female Human Bard 1AC

Is there anything that I know about Smuggler's Shiv, for example why it's not inhabited (or maybe that it is?) Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 ... meh I guess not

"Oh yes, of course, that makes sense, that they were aquatic. But there could be other creatures here, that are just as terrible, right?"

When she hears him talk about the captain again "But maybe if we can kill that witch to make him normal again, right?"

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Big hunters often come out at night and your eyes are weak. The People see well at night, but not you.

GMT- I assume that nightime is a bad idea, but would a survival check confirm this? If so:
Take 10 on SURVIVAL:10 + 7 = 17 (1 ranks, +3 Class Skill, +1 Wis, +1 Racial, +1 forest)

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

I for one would like to see a bit more of this island. I'm not one fer leaving my life up to chance that someone will happen by and rescue us. As far as the island being uninhabited, I doubt it. This island is too big and has too many resources to go uninhabited. As you said its a prime place for many types of people. Those of honest pursuits would use it as a resupply point. He smiles for a second and then says Those with, how did you put it, ethically dubious pursuits, could use it for many reasons.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis looks at Allia evenly and says,
Maybe if we stay here then nothing will come eat us, and maybe if we stay here someone will come save us. More likely something will come from the jungle and eat us one at a time in the night AND no one comes to save us. I would rather go and find us a way off this place.


Allia, you begin to vaguely remember stories from the sailors about the Shiv. It’s commonly believed that the shores are haunted by the ghosts and ghouls of the sailors who have died on the jagged rocks and reefs surrounding the island. These rumors are supported by reports of
several failed attempts to establish long-lasting colonies on the remote island.

"How are we only supposed to hike around this island for a few hours before it gets too hot and we have to rest? If we went at night we could cover even more of the island and be outta here faster."

"I think you can move during the day," Sasha says. "But if you have to exert yourself - setting up another camp, fending off a sea-scorpion or something else - that's when it would get dangerous to one's health, I think."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"Then we compromise." Petry declared. "Half of us explore the island, half of us stay back here to guard the camp and hunt locally for food - fishing included. I agree that it would be better to go at night, but it's hard for most of us to move around at night, not without a lot of torchlight. So we leave early in the morning, before light, and explore until the heat of the day forces us back to camp, and sleep until the middle of the night or so. If we need to break and move, we do it around sunset, after the heat has worn off, but with enough light to avoid the big animals and dangers as we set our campsite back up."

Petry looked from one person to another. "How's that sound? I think I'm up for some exploring, to help the others with some magic if needed." he asked.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia grows pale as she remembers the horrible stories she heard the sailors tell her. "No! We can't stay here, we have to get away from the beach! The shores are haunted, I just remember how the crew told me stories about this island! That's also why there's no colony here, because the ghosts kill them all!"

(actually surprised I remembered anything with that die roll. :) )

Again, let it be known that your GM is gracious.

Ishirou turns at Allia's words. "Those are simply rumors. I've heard stories from when Sargava was first settled. It is said that engineers erected a lighthouse on this island's southwest shore. The light was intended to warn approaching ships of the dangerous waters and, eventually, was to have been the first building in a small colony. The light and all plans for colonization were abandoned just before completion. The settlers claimed that the island was full of curses, haunts, and..well..cannibalism. But those are just tales told to frighten children."

Jask says, "I have heard similar stories. There are rumors that a group of shipwrecked Chelish soldiers, survivors of an attempted Thrune invasion of Sargava some 70 years ago, were stranded on an island in Desperation Bay. The rumors claim that they degenerated into a cannibalistic society, and that their descendants scour the isle’s shores for shipwreck victims to add to their meals."

Seeing the response his words have on the group, he quickly backtracks. "Again, these are just rumors. I'm sure there is nothing to them." Then, as if to change the subject, he says, "Now, what are your plans for exploration and division of camp duties?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

"A lighthouse? Cannibals? Ghosts?" Petry asked. "If this place is inhabited, by cannibals, no less, then defending the camp while we explore is our primary concern." The young man looked thoughtfully at the jungle around them.

"Well," Petry said, "we can't just sit here if we're going to be rescued by a passing ship. Brin's already gone hunting. Gelik has a sword, but with his" Petry looked at the fastidious gnome "attention to detail," Petry continued, "I'd much prefer him and Jask make sure the camp stays free of bugs and that any kills or fish are properly cleaned and smoked. Gelik can work on his stories too. Ishirou and Aerys can guard the camp, if they're willing. Me, Allia, Dragolan, Kalis, and Jasper can be the daily explorers: I can map and attack stuff, Kalis can scout and he's made for jungle work, Jasper can help us with any snares or traps, Dragolan says he's prepared for the jungle, and Allia...well, we probably can't stop her from accompanying us. And uh, Sasha!" Petry stuttered, with a glance at the redhead, "uh, you can come with us or maybe help Brin...hunt?" the last Petry said slowly, as if testing the words.

(Edited by a reminder from Allia.)

Female Human Bard 1AC

"There you hear it, he heard those stories as well! And if they are just rumors, then tell me why is it that noone else lives here? They wouldn't abandon that colony just because someone told a ghost story! So there must be something terrible here!"

(I'm pretty sure you mean Jasper and not Jask as part of our exploration team, right?)

Meraxes remains quiet.

Maybe there's an answer to these dreams on the island too.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis frowns when ghosts are mentioned. Canninbals are vile, accursed people, but they can be easily killed with a sword. All people know that ghosts are not for warriors to kill. It is better to have shamans or medicine men deal with ghosts, lest you end up one yourself.

Even though Dragolan hasn't chimed in the game lately, are you guys ok with shuffling things ahead to evening?

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Cannibals or ghosts, does it matter? Both are really bad news! Should we really stay here till tomorrow, if we start exploring today we can be done sooner and then we can leave!"

(Ah, ninja'd by the GM, yes, my post aims pretty much at the same question)

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

I say shuffle ahead to morning and lets roll.
I think better to start in the morning. Spend this afternoon working on camp and defenses. Spend all day tomorrow exploring.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Yes please, shuffle to about 6pm to let Petry sleep! :) He'll do a little roleplay with his map kit and the footlocker at that time. Then you can fast-forward to early morning.

Petry looked up from his bedroll where he sat. "It's hot, Brin's gone hunting, we need time to think this out and do some work around camp, and I'm tired. I don't want to do anything until it gets cooler, and we can start that schedule I talked about - before daylight breaks tomorrow."

Petry lay back on his bedroll, keeping himself under the makeshift oiled canvas the others had put up near the tents. "We still haven't divided up the gear from the Jenivere. Save the footlocker and the keys for me - I want to practice on that lock down the road." he called out, and closed his eyes.

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Yes, it's hot, but it will be hot again tomorrow, does that mean you don't want to do anything tomorrow too? And maybe your precious schedule is flawed if a few hours already screw it up. Come on, we can't just sit here and do nothing!"

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

I'm with Allia on this one. I think we should go explore what we can while we can. As my old pappy always used to say "it's easier to prepare for bad weather if'n you know whats comin." So I think we should explore and see what sort if any defenses we need to make based upon what we find.

"Are you thinking of going far from camp and travelling all night? Or will you just venture out a ways and return? I would prefer that as many people as possible be here once night falls, just in are needed."

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia looks up towards the jungle and then back at Ishirou "Oh, I don't want to be out THERE at night! But we don't even know what's behind that tree over there" and points to a tree at the other side of the clearing.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Survival check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Licking his fingers clean, Dragolan returns from foraging around the edges of the camp area with a few pieces of fruit. "The yellowish-green round ones are excellent, but the slender pink ones are...well, I sensed no poison, but I would have to be desperate indeed to choke down more than a bite."

On seeing Jasper, he starts. "Another survivor! Did you happen to see any of the crew? As you may have heard, the ship is wrecked, and we found the bodies of the first mate and the cook. Odd, though...the cook had apparently been killed by a large snake. Have you seen any of those yet?"

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Dragolan Canario wrote:

Survival check: 1d20 + 5

Licking his fingers clean, Dragolan returns from foraging around the edges of the camp area with a few pieces of fruit. "The yellowish-green round ones are excellent, but the slender pink ones are...well, I sensed no poison, but I would have to be desperate indeed to choke down more than a bite."

On seeing Jasper, he starts. "Another survivor! Did you happen to see any of the crew? As you may have heard, the ship is wrecked, and we found the bodies of the first mate and the cook. Odd, though...the cook had apparently been killed by a large snake. Have you seen any of those yet?"

No snakes as yet, but I am sure they are out there. As far as going into the jungle, a quick jaunt of the immediate vicinity would be excellent, perhaps there may be another area to set up camp that is less exposed. I am going to go out and would love some company.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"I believe that traveling at night would be unwise, even though it's cooler. Many creatures hunt then, and all of us save Kalis are night-blind. Between Allia and I we can provide cool water for us, which will help with the heat."

He looks at the maps. "It seems to me that Petry's signal fire suggestion is wise, but we'll have to get to the southwest part of the island to be reasonably sure of being seen. Perhaps we can explore the regions of the island closest to us, then move our camp southeast around the curve and explore ahead of us as we go. If we knew the island better I would suggest we simply move every day, but that could be quite dangerous."

Approximate time: 4:00 p.m., Day 1

Dragolan, mangages to forage enough food for one person - equivalent to one day's ration. You can add that to the group total.

Brin's Hunting Trip - Rolls:

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
1d4 ⇒ 1

The temperature has fallen slightly, and while it's still hot, you don't feel as if moving will be torturous. Suddenly, there is a loud crashing sound coming from the west side of camp. As everyone jumps to their feet, a red-faced and sweaty Brin walks into camp carrying the carcass of a large bird and another, stranger-looking creature. "I didn't find much," he says breathlessly. "I managed to kill a bird and this creature that attacked me. It is a strange beast indeed. I did come across what looks like the den of some kind of animal - fortunately, I suppose, it was not at home. Also, there are wicked number of mosquitoes on this blasted island. It was awful out there."

Brin drops the carcasses down on the ground. The strange looking creature is brightly colored with an overly large head, a mouth full of sharp teeth and bright, shiny eyes. It has leathery wings and a long, skinny tail.

Add two rations to your total.

Upon seeing the brightly colored creature, Sasha lets out a gasp. She doesn't sound frightened or concerned; she sounds excited and giddy. She kneels down to get a closer look at the body, a wide smile on her face. She lovingly caresses its head and examines its wings. "I think it's a Dimorphodon. I've never seen one in person - they're gorgeous aren't they?" To most people, it is anything but gorgeous.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan's first concern is for the ranger. "Are you injured? Here, have some water." After that, though, he'll take a look at the dimorphodon and the bird.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia shies away from the dead animals the ranger simply dropped on the ground near the fire. "Eww, they look disgusting, why did you have to bring them here... oh, no, you don't expect us to eat those, do you?"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"I'm sure I can make them taste wonderful...or at least adequate. I haven't tried to look for spices yet."

Brin shrugs off Dragolan's request for help. "I'm just hot. I need to sit for a moment and rest. Some cool water would be appreciated, though."

Brin has taken one point of non-lethal heat damage. He will be fine once he cools off and rests.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia looks sceptical at Dragolan, not really believing what he was saying. But she remembers that he managed to make some pretty delicious meals out of the Jenivere's supplies, contrary to what the cook did, but still they couldn't have been that bad, could they?

Upon Brin's words she gets up, picking up a waterskin from the pile already feeling how the water inside gets cooler. "Oh yes, of course, here have some" she says as she offers it to him.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry, awakened rudely from his nap, blinks as he looks at the two avian carcasses Brin has brought. "Dimo...Di-mor-pho-fon?" he says slowly, learning the new word, "pho-don?". Petry shakes his head, moving away from the bird and reptilian (Guessing). "Let me guess, the naturalist was from Absalom? They always try to be as obtrusive as possible with their names."

"So, what did you find to the west of us? The map of Smuggler's Shiv says the island narrows just after a hill." Petry asked Brin.

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

When you are hungry enough everything starts to taste like the finest dining. Jasper thinks back to his childhood scraping a living on the streets, going hungry a daily occurrence then. Back when he knew where his sisters were and whether they even lived or not.

"It was incredibly slow-going," Brin said. "I was only able to go about 1 mile an hour through the thick jungle. I probably went about two miles before turning back around. I didn't see much of interest - other than that creature's nest, but again, I didn't make it very far.

Each square on the travel map represents one mile. Brin made it to (B6) before turning around.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry nodded, going to his pack and coming back with a small kit containing a simple slate with a grid carved into its surface and a number of different colored pieces of chalk (APG). He sat down close enough for Brin to look over his shoulder. Drawing from memory, Petry drew the northern edge of Smuggler's Shiv on the slate with the colored chalk, adding a large red dot where their current campsite was located. (Link to DM Todd's map.)

"Like this?" he asked Brin. "We were shipwrecked here," tapping the slate with his chalk, "and woke up on the beach here."

(Just adding a roleplay reason for DM Todd's maps, folks! As part of Petry's background; I actually added cartographer to his history because of a discussion here on the Paizo boards on how a cartographer would be needed in the Expanse.)

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis rises and begins to dress the creatures. He glances sideways at Allia and says grinning slightly, This lizard will be good eating....especially the claws. Once cooked over the fire they will be crunchy and greasy. He then rises to go bury the offal.

I've had a busy day. Sorry for not chiming in earlier everyone! This is such a fast paced game compared to my other PbPs.

"It'd be better than the rations from the ship.. I'd prefer to keep them in the last-resort category as possible... but like Jasper said earlier- 'Hunger is the best sauce.'"

Meraxes studies the monster that attacked him. He's never seen anything like it before.

Goregous? ehh..

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry stood up with his slate map. "We'll move out tomorrow morning at first light, before sunrise. It'll be cool then. We can go back to the beach, and go around the northernmost tip of the island. That puts us back at the campsite by noon if we do a mile an hour and cut through the jungle at the end. If there's any game," he said, with a look to Brin and Ishirou, "we'll be scaring them your way."

"I doubt we'll find much at the northern tip." Petry told them, "But if Smuggler's Shiv crashes any ship that comes close, then there might be other shipwrecks to scavenge from. I'd rather get as much equipment as possible, weapons even, before we run into any cannibals. We go down south along the outside coast, criss-crossing into the jungle to the inner coves as needed."

"If the Captain and Ilena are here for a reason," Petry continued, "then the Captain should be having as hard a time getting through the jungle as anybody else. That gives us time to prepare ourselves as we follow him and Ilena. The sooner we find clean water sources, like the creeks on the map, the better." The young man looked up at a passing cloud. "We don't even know what night is like here, yet." he mused. "Away from the city, away from the might be different."

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan studies the map while Petry is talking, nodding as he finishes. "Your plan is a good one. The other thing we should do is watch for the large creature whose lair Brin found. I would prefer not to be taken by surprise whilst abed." He chuckles slightly. "I have the most to fear from any carnivore--particularly one with a discriminating palate!"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry grinned at Dragolan's joke, then looked at the slate-map again. He went to the pile of equipment and thoughtfully picked up a coil of hemp rope. Ugh. Petry thought to himself. Too heavy. That grappling hook is heavy too. Smiling to himself as he worked out the problem in his head, he went back to his backpack and took out a few items, placing them on the equipment pile. (Added to Petry's profile under the Jenivere.)

Artisan's tools (gemcutter) (5 gp, 5 lbs)
Spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs)

"I'm not going to need these, while we're exploring, I think. So much for telling everyone I was a minor sorcerer." Petry said to himself. And I'll leave the scroll cases here too, and just carry the map maker's kit. That will cut down on the weight. "Now I can carry the grappling hook, for climbing."

Petry saw the manacles they had removed from Jask. He picked them up, as well as the keys on the key ring. He saw Kalis watching him. "Just to practice on - but I still need the right tools." Petry told the elven barbarian. The footlocker might be a better training test.

"Well, Chelaxian, I bet the nights here in the wilderness are safer than the nights spent in that country of devils. I'd take an over-grown flying lizard over a devil any day of the week."

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia sighs as it seems decided that they wouldn't start before the morning. It's obvious that she isn't too happy about it, but she keeps her opinion to herself now.
As noone is telling her to do anything, she leans back, closes her eyes and tries to rest for a bit, to make sense of the events today.

After a while she gets up, reaches into her pack and takes out a small wooden box. The box seems utterly unremarkable, but she strokes over it slowly while her gaze is fixed on something distant, as her mind drifts off, thinking about the time when she got it, a smile appearing on her lips.

Blinking she snaps back into the here and now, slowly opening the case and reveals a flute inside. It is a simple instrument, fine craftsmanship for sure, but not masterfully ornated or otherwise in any way special.
As her fingers trace over the instrument the smile flickers back on her face, and she picks it up and begins to play one of the happiest songs she knows, "The Maid in the Larder".
Or at least that's what it is called in Rahadoum. She had heard people call some of her tunes by different names before.

Perform: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

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