![]() Shifty wrote:
Draw yourself a 5ft square, stand in the middle, draw another 5ft square and have your friend stand in the middle, without going into his square try to touch him with a ruler, my arm may not be zero feet but it cant even leave my square without help from the ruler, and even then it only barely makes it out. So if I want to hit him with it I have to enter his square, which is represented in the rules as 0 ft of reach. ![]()
![]() Okay so someone mentioned the absolute kill for this thread in that other thread. Do you give dagger wielders a 0ft reach? your 4 inch long pointy thing cant possibly reach as far as my foot and a half long pointy thing (abstract numbers, point is the same nonetheless) so either one needs reach or the other needs to lose distance, cause as far as "can I imagine it" realism goes, I cant see the dagger wielder not having issues with reach in a sword fight, but much like tight spaces there are no rules for that. It is bias to penalize one if the other has obvious constraint your willing to ignore. ![]()
![]() Yes, your old. Yes realism is really really boring. If you want to play realistically then either dont play a fantasy game, or let me DM you so you can learn how bad an idea this is. Besides, protecting a spellbook is almost too easy. You do know you cant target something with full concealment right? You know a wizards robe could probably give it full concealment. Also charisma is your personable stat, the higher it is the more naturally personable you are. Has nothing to do with how personable you can be. Thats why everyone gets to roll the same d20 and can but the same points in diplomacy. And penalizing people for small spaces just drags the game out when they stop bothering to crawl through small spaces. Or if forced to will just shield rush there way out. Making that small space a pointless waste of time. ![]()
![]() Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Gotta say i disagree here, first I never do weapon drops, where there is stuff because they need stuff, not because it makes sense. Also if they lose there stuff then they werent prepared, probably bout time to roll a new character cause you fud up. If i forced that situation past any precautions im a shitty DM and shouldnt be dming. Having said that, I dont think penalizing two handers in small spaces makes a lot of sense. These guys are super human, it probably takes 2 inches of space for him to flourish his weapon in an effective manner, then again if this was a rule in a campaign I played in I would carry a heavy/tower sheild just for this occasion when I can crouch foreward with no fear of being hit ( cause realistically nothing is getting past the shield and it also makes no sense that anything could swing there dagger hard enough to sunder it.) Yes its as boring as it sounds, welcome to realism. ![]()
![]() Shifty wrote:
Why buy a dagger? grapple or an unarmed strike would be more effective/less expensive. (no I'm not afraid of melee kobold's getting AOO's) Or hell, just hold your enormous hammer or shield in front of you and keep moving foreward, nothing has the strength in that small a space to stop you and eventually you'll hit a larger space. Alternatively invest in wands of expeditious excavation, or have the druid burrow a tunnel under the tunnel to make a bigger tunnel. Point is, buying that dagger is still the least effective option. ![]()
![]() So let me get this straight, I can do gun damage + bonuses + smite bonus x 2 to an enemy (and hopefully drop them and do it again) or I can do gun damage x2 + bonuses x 2 on a regular full attack. In my experiance bonuses times two would do more damage, sure you could do it when you cant take a full attack (as a ranged combatent) but your less likely to drop someone tk gain grit back. So this smite is actually gimping my attack? ![]()
![]() InsaneFox wrote:
The guy who can survive the two barbarians obviously has a bad will save, the guy with a good will save wont survive the two barabarians, so both are instant kill depending on opponent, you havent shown one to be worse then the other. Fighter dies to hold person+cdg, wizard dies to barbarian full attackx2. Unless its a paladin then neither tactic will save you.... ![]()
![]() I disagree on two things, one I doubt it would be uncomfortable, hold your vreath for 3 seconds, you barely notice, thats how the internal alchemist feels in three hours. Two, he could still probably talk, it only forces a little air out to talk and you can still hold your breath while doing it (go ahead try it), so if the alchemist is a loudmouth go ahead and knock an hour off his time (sure he can just restart it whenever but meh) ![]()
![]() ProfPotts wrote: I'm sorry... what do you think the words written under the Feat actually say? I didn't write the thing. Yes, it makes no sense (apart from as game balance)... but shooting the messenger isn't going to help, now, is it? ;) Look at it this way, your fatigued but your immune to the effects, so go ahead and write fatigue on your sheet, just dont write any of the penalties. ![]()
![]() First paragraph, "ninjas suck cause I dont want eastern in my western fantasy" < irrelevant argument. Second paragraph, the fluff implied... Uhh no fluff is not and was never intended to be concrete, if I want my barbarian to be animal loving and worship nature it doesnt mean I have to play a druid. You can call your ninja a prissy loud richboy if you want, the fluff of the class is irrelevant. Third paragraph, a 4d4 greatsword would very easily break the game in numerous ways, low levels would be a walk in the park, crits would be worse then they already are and vital strike would go from situational to OP. Balance means it doesnt make cr appropriate encounter irrelevant, theres power creep and theres unbalance, they are not the same thing. Power creep is usually considered bad because it pigeonholes builds because those options do everything for you, but if the rogue was so bad only hardcore fans use them then it isnt power creep to release something people will actually use, and those same rogue fans will play rogues to their death. So nothing changed for the rogue. ![]()
![]() All I got from that is you dont like the ninja because it isnt called a rogue, seriously just call it a rogue. And the ninja area of the forum is for playtesting for balance, does it do obscene amounts of damage or allow for instant no save encounters? No? Then it isnt unbalanced. Comparing it to other classes has no relevance to balance. Wizards are easily stronger then most classes, do they break the game? Yeah they can but only at high level and only if you built your whole career to do it. The ninja isnt even that strong and yet your advocating he should be toned down. ![]()
![]() edross wrote:
Except the rogue is the stove, the ninja is the fix. And if you really believe that then why are you only trying to "fix" the ninja? (regardless of how well balanced it is next to the other classes) Why haven't you made a thread or two about many other things just as bad (Eg. monk) are you just biased against the ninja or do you actually think your helping the game? ![]()
![]() edross wrote:
Every monk archtype ever is better then the monk, so they all need toned down too right? ![]()
![]() Lobolusk wrote:
It says equal to your unarmed strike, your unarmed is equal to 1d8+x it is not equal to 8+x unarmed = 1d8+x
and about the not holding back, you do realize you still roll damage against inanimate objects right? it has nothing to do with how much effort you put in (that's what str is for), The weapon damage is things like their throat muscle twitching as you cut so the vital spot ran against the flat of the blade. ![]()
![]() Few things 1) No you don't get max damage 2) Greater grapple is debatable on whether or not you can pin in one round. 3) When in a grapple you can take one attack (this ends the grapple without greater grapple to maintain), your opponent can take his full attack. 4) If you grapple, eat a full attack, then pin instead of attack, your opponent can escape the whole thing just by resisting the grapple. 5) Be a druid, be a snake, have fun constricting things. That's what I do for a grapple character. ![]()
![]() Jason S wrote:
In order to sunder a +4 weapon you have to have a +4 weapon, so if you do then sundering may not be a good option for that extremely high wbl game. Much more efficient to TWF, hard to miss. ![]()
![]() Nah sunder away, they might get annoyed every once in awhile but if you really destroy something worthwhile your high enough level where the wizard laughs, waves his hand, and makes reality believe it never happened. At lower levels you can't sunder any of the good stuff anyway so I've never seen it hurt loot then either. Not sure why so many people are put off from using it. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
Cause I dont have the book and dont know what the feat entails xP ![]()
![]() Gregg Reece wrote:
So in other words, your nerfing an item because giving the fighter a plus 5 holy sword of instant killing was a bad idea? Either deal with it or take the item from him until he should reasonably have it. ![]()
![]() Anburaid wrote: Though its a bit of a pain to grab (requires combat expertise :P), Felling Smash looks decent, and seems to be stackable with vital strike and furious focus. Grants a swift action trip attempt with a successful power attack. If you got greater trip, then you also get an AoO out of it, allowing you to move, vital strike, trip, AoO in one round. Well with the tiger pounce mentioned above you could actually use the combat expertise, with power attack being free you wont even notice the penalty from combat expertise, its free ac. Edit: thanks about the tiger pounce, shoulda figured it would be in tiger style. Ill have to wait for the book to see what can be done with it. ![]()
![]() Mergy wrote:
Would two of those happen to be power attack and furious focus? I dont have the book so im actually asking ![]()
![]() So gunsmiths make a 1000 gold gun at first level and wandsmiths can make 1st or 2nd level wands with literally no chance of failure at first level, which are close to and more exspensive items respectively. Gunsmithing is a dead profession as soon as you can make 3rd level wands automatically because it gives better profit. Dont see the brokeness. And as for the touch AC thing, alchemists have been all over that since the apg, and I can throw as many bombs per day as bullets you can make per day, only they cost me nothing, sure you can buy more ammo but I can spend that same gold on alchemists fire which will do as much damage as your gun. All that plus splash damage, mutagens and extracts ![]()
![]() grasshopper_ea wrote:
Standard action vital strike, free action grapple with grab, constrict does damage equal to your base attacks damage, so the question is wether vital strike modifies that damage or not. ![]()
![]() overdark wrote:
Well previous crafting had checks (sometimes) but I'm not aware of any balances as hardly anything about them is balanced, so your fact is slightly flawed. Quote:
Be back with the quote for that, had it when I posted that but was on my phone so couldn't link it or anything. ![]()
![]() What was the intention of this thread again? What are we supposed to be discussing? As far as I can tell some guy just wanted to tell people what class he was playing, dont think he even asked our thoughts on it. So getting back on topic, ahem "cool sounds like a fun character for your group, hope your DM has the same view of LG as you do, good luck" ![]()
![]() You know an alchemist who takes extra bombs as his feat every level would be able to throw enough bombs to last all day even with his 4-6 per round (he can even supplement a few with alchemists fire if he likes ) and he will still out do the gunslinger in damage, utility, and overall cost of adventuring (bombs are free! And alchemists fire is less exspensive then bullets because you need less per day) Sure it would be boring to play with extra bombs being your only feat, but unlike the gunslinger who is just as boring because of his forced feat selection in order to even get full attacks the alchemist still has extracts and discoveries. So why are the gunslingers full attacks all of a sudden so broken? You know the crafting DC on bombs? Zero, the cost? Nothing! ![]()
![]() You could do what my group does to the player who always rolls well and even rolls in his own special little box. We just dont give him any limelight, the DM never gives him any important rolls or challenges his character. During encounters he throws fodder at him until we have all dealt with his actual encounter. Basically his fake rolls dont mean anything, he always survives and likes to boast how he is always the last one alive when we make new characters but as long as he is having fun and his cheating isnt ruining encounters and puzzles for the rest of us then no one bothers to say anything. ![]()
![]() Stynkk wrote:
No, he has one rule (which in certain cannon he eventually breaks) ![]()
![]() Umm how about your level 15+ and are literally 9 levels stronger then someone considered super human? I wouldn't be surprised if the fighter hooked the giants leg (with his massive 30+ str, also 10 points higher then someone super human) pulled him down to his level slashed his face and the giant stood back up in recoil. Your like 5 levels from being early Goku, yes this stuff is trivial for you. ![]()
![]() Kais86 wrote:
Fly doesnt, neither does dominate person, or dispel magic (on those pretty flying boots the fighter has). Or any other "make a will save" spell... You must have taken iron will and improved iron will, now you only have a 50% chance to die... Every round... (Cause im flying and your flying will be dispelled). ![]()
![]() Sigil87 wrote:
You mean like.. oh say... Every monk archtype ever made? ![]()
![]() Sigil87 wrote:
What if we took away the iconic picture a renamed it the psionic spy? Now its just an arctype with a ki pool instead of trap stuff. |