Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Yeah it was a culture shock for me as an american when I moved over to Germany. Uberweisung for everything!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I probably shouldn't use credit cards, I make god awful decisions with them but they are the fastest way to build your credit score. I'm hoping to by a house in the relatively near future (In a couple of years) and if I want to get a bank loan, I need to bring my credit score up.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Hey I'm still teaching one Autistic kid (Oscar) even though I lost the other Autistic kid (Thomas). I'll give Oscar an extra bro-fist and a few high fives on your behalf :)

Oscar has really come a long way although he really does have his moments where he makes me want to throw myself onto the floor kicking and screaming in frustration, but Thomas who was also doing well got yanked by his parents because of their own inability to cope. I'm kinda pissed at his parents over it, whilst the other half of me 'gets' that they have their own battles.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Awesome :) Thanks Shifty! Yeah... Freyja makes me want to throw myself on the floor and throw a tantrum pretty regularly. Like when she insists on going into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and standing in there 50 million times a day. Or when she goes in my room and tears up my stuff. Or when she has her bipolar-esque moments. One minutes she's laughing like an insane person, throwing herself all over the place (nearly cracking her skull open, head butting me in the face etc.) and then the next minute she's crying and screaming, stomping her little feet, pushing the cats off the arm of the couch, throwing toys etc. No obvious trigger, just goes berk. She's what they call "non-verbal" so she can't even tell me what's wrong, what has made her so upset etc. It makes me feel so incredibly helpless.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah Oscar does that to me. Everything is cruising along, then his head tilts about 15 degrees, I see his eyes wander, and the next thing you know he's completely off on a tangent. Then he is either hot or cold or thirsty or hungry, or maybe tired, or wants to pretend he's an aeroplane... then at some random time he's back like nothing happened.

He responds well to someone holding his hand though (literally).

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TW I must say I love your daughter's name. Battle on mighty shield maiden!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

@Shifty That's a good thing, many autistic children shy away from touch completely. That's one of the things I'm so grateful for with Freyja, she loves being touched. She is very affectionate. I don't know if I could handle it if she weren't. When she goes off the handle like that though, any attempts I make to soothe her only make it worse. The only thing I can really do is try to explain to her that this isn't how we express our feelings and make sure she doesn't hurt herself (or the poor cats) too much.

@Shady Thank you so much! Her father is very proud of his Norse heritage and we're both pagan so it seemed like a good fit :)

VC - Sydney, Australia

Oscar just likes his hand held. Thomas would go off on a tangent and want to touch everything (although didn't like being touched when that happened).

Presented challenges.

We had another kid who we realised it just wasn't going to work though as he couldn't bear being more than two feet from his nanny. The nanny got funny when the other kids asked me if I was really going to take her out for dinner. She got embarrased and then stopped coming shortly after... no nanny = no kid.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Lmfao, did you ask her out to dinner?

Freyja is 4 1/2 and still wants to put everything in her mouth like a baby would. I have to watch her like a hawk. It's just how she explores the world, but there are a lot of things in this world that should definitely not go in her mouth.

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VC - Sydney, Australia


The nannys are all young nurses (or nursing students) moonlighting as nannies for the nice wealthy families in our area. Clearly there had been a few conversations between them the kids were all privy to. Clearly the kids didn't think not to repeat what they had heard, and when they did I think everyone was surprised... my polite "umm...err...no?" may or may not have been the right answer, but wow did she go crimson.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Lol, awe. She had a bit of a crush then. How sweet. And how completely mortifying lol. Poor woman.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

OK this woman is going to bed, tons of people coming by later for cake and ice cream and it's already 4:33 AM. So, I bid you all a Goodnight/day/morning.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Night Bree!

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Male Pale Master

good night Bree and happy birthday!

DZZ: I want to try out a tengu magus.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Tengu Magus? Yeah, HOD is definitely the right campaign for that...in a city where nagas rule and bomb-packed goblins roam the streets no one minds a tengu, I swear!

Happy B-day Bree and all the best to your little family.

@ HORs: The island is done, Zincher has secured the remaining noqual and either slain or caught the remaining akatas. You can surely sell the ship in Riddleport, but most probably only for a fraction of its actual value, because most likely Shackles Pirates will hunt the new owner down...

Bah never mind. I took a closer look at the tengu and it really doesn't fit with the story I had in mind.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Well in order for us to call it a wrap do you just want to do chuck out some figures and I can get the loot done tomorrow?

Ship:how much?
Noqual: Value? (Is it priced like Mith for example?)
How much was the reward for Qweeg?

Other than that the loose 'loot' pool will consist of:

First fight with Drow x2
Fight with Qweeg and associated loot
Fight with Drow
Fight with drow (Final)
First Noqual find: 10 pounds
7 pounds
5 pounds
3 pounds
3 pounds
2 pounds

I miss any?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Not quite, I think:


Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

The bounty for TREEG :) is 1000 gp. The ship nets: Look at the campaign thread.
Noqual: Depends on the buyer-don't you want to use it? It's so imba, you don't really wanna sell it, do you?

VC - Sydney, Australia
Zyren Zemerys wrote:
Noqual: Depends on the buyer-don't you want to use it? It's so imba, you don't really wanna sell it, do you?

I'm sure we will keep all the noqual, but for the purpose of splitting loot as evenly as we can manage, I am just trying to get an idea of relative value so we can keep things balanced. We have stacks of the stuff, though not sure we can all make use of it.

On a side note, Im lost on why Bree and Cat want Chain Shirts as opposed to BP's... am I missing something BP>>>>>>CS.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Ok, for that purpose you can treat it as equally valuable as mith.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah then Cat+Bree = MithNOQ BP's for sure.

Yeah DZZ, I saw that I was mistaken. My goal is to link this guy with the church of Shelyn in his story along with the Intense Artist trait so he can have Perform as a class skill. Lately i've been wanting to play a singing character without being a bard. Maybe I'll go with half elf or elf. Still looking.

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

I blame my brain Shifty... and it's lack of workiage - if a Noqual BP still counts as light armor then I'll run with that instead.

Hmm or I can make this easy on myself just take one level of bard and the rest as magus.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

questions upon questions :)

Questions feed me, questions keep me strong!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks guys XOXOX.

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Dungeon Master
Alana wrote:
I will totally have to get back to you on that one. I don't know anything about the geography of this place and have no clue where she's from. Birthday today, so I'll try to research it when I can.

No problem, Twilightrose! I have to go out and play a gig soon anyway. Have a wonderful birthday!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks :) Have fun!

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

I'd say its going to be 'Noqual Agile Breastplates' for Bree and Cat, probably Kabal too. Winter is a Heavy plate tank, not sure what Sebastian might be inclined towards. Obviously Sable is a no armour kinda guy.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Everyone just cleared out, so far a grand total of $60 in donations with a couple of other people who plan to donate later. Not too bad. I am so incredibly worn out though. Entertaining always does that to me.

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VC - Sydney, Australia


Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Yay indeed :) My little brother is taking me out to dinner tonight to make up for not being able to show up to my party yesterday. He's so sweet :) He's got to be pretty high on my top 10 favorite people in the world.

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M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]
Twilightrose wrote:
I probably shouldn't use credit cards, I make god awful decisions with them but they are the fastest way to build your credit score. I'm hoping to by a house in the relatively near future (In a couple of years) and if I want to get a bank loan, I need to bring my credit score up.

just remember they're also the fastest way to torpedo your credit score too!

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I think the people in charge of creating the joke called credit scores should be hamstrung or castrated every time they screw up someone's score causing headache's for months if not years to the person whose score got screwed up.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

@Vaughn I'm all too aware :)

@Tirion I don't disagree :)

I work with the US military overseas in Germany so that means most of my freinds are military. I just drove the last of my freinds of mine to the airport at 0430 this morning. It's not the first time I've done it but every time it sucks. In fact this is 5th time i've put very good freinds on the airplane back to the states and when you've got no family your freinds become your family. That and the fact that I was awake at 0415 this morning and I have to work all day means today is going to suck. Hard.

PS: It not even 1000 here and I've already had 3 cups of coffee.

M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]

HOD folks:
I'm a little hesitant to bring it up, but . . . I'm having some issues with our campaign. I know that sometimes things just go slow, but lately it's been SOOOO slow that I find it nearly impossible to get invested in the story! Our current adventure has seen us open, what, three of four doors in almost a month of real-time. At this point, I'm struggling with the continuity--what is this place we're in, why is it next to the burial grounds, do we have *any* clues regarding what we're looking for . . .? And that's just the continuity for the adventure itself, not even taking the campaign as a whole into account.

Now, if everyone says "Suck it up, homey. Everyone deals with stuff like this, it's the nature of PbP" then that's fine, I'll suck it up and make a greater effort to be more invested/involved. But if there's anything else I/we can do to improve the flow a little, is that something we can discuss?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


Good point, I was absolutely thinking the same. What's the matter with not-posting or not interacting?

M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]

thing is, I'm trying to KEEP connected, and witholding further posts will just increase my disconnected feeling/attitude. The effort is getting frustrating, though, because it feels like we're spinning our wheels--very very slowly. I don't know what the answer is (if there even is one . . .)

Clever & Charming Halfling Sorcerer 7 (hp: 53/53, AC 21, T 17, FF 18) Spells: 1st: 8/8, 2nd:8/8, 3rd: 5/5


I've loved my character, Kyren Tosscobble, in this game and I love posting for him. In fact, he has been one of my favorite characters I've ever made, but I am starting to feel like maybe he is annoying everyone. If he is, please let me know. Also tell me how you think I can help improve my role-playing with him.

Long ago, when I started with Solaric, I was always concerned that I posted too much. I asked in the HOL OOC thread the following question.

Solaric wrote:
Sometimes, I get the feeling that I am posting too much and stealing the spotlight. What are your thoughts?

Shifty gave me a great answer that I have often thought about.

Shifty wrote:
I'm sure we all feel we do that at times... I too can get quite caught up in lengthy and frequent posts. That being said, I think as a player I am happy to see more people get more involved, as a vibrant and active group makes for a more engaging (and hopefully) longer lived campaign. So my tip is keep throwing it out there.

However, here we are approaching almost two years later, and I'm not sure how to help this campaign other than by simply posting frequently and in character. I love this campaign and hope to see it continue for a long time to come!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Afternoon everyone! Sorry I haven't been so active the last three days. The 10th was my birhtday. The 11th my daughter knee bombed my in my upper back, right over my spine, it didn't do any serious damage but did hurt like hell and seems to have bruised two adjacent ribs. The 12th, I slept a good portion of the day because I took a painkiller the night before and they have a tendency to K.O. me big time (thank the gods my brother is here to help me keep up with Freyja)and was in worse pain. It felt like someone had hit me in the back with a 2x4 instead of a smaller concentrated area. Today, the pain is less but spread wider. I hurt from the base of my skull, down my neck all the way down to the top of my butt. Maybe I should have gone to the doctor, but honestly, I've had spinal injuries before and I am certain that this isn't one but just a matter of pain from over compensation and the body causing other muscles to tense as a means of protecting the ribs and muscles that were damaged. Still, it sucks. So, I'm taking it kind of easy. Don't worry, I'll be fine in a day or two I'm sure and I'm not bedridden by any means ;)

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M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]

so now you can use the classic joke, if you've got someone in cahoots.

You: "You know, I really think I've got a weak back."

Someone else: "Really? How long have you had that problem?"

You: "Oh, about a week back!" BADABOOM

feel better. Back injuries suck.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Lol Vaughn, yes they do. Big time.

Well ZZ and everyone else I'm pretty set on what I want to play as either a paladin or magus so LG or NG respectively. Very introspective character either way and with very strong beliefs. So ZZ, character creation guidelines?

Check that. I'm always playing some kind of good character. Let's dig into the other stock and see what kind of nefariousness I can think up. Any suggestions?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Creation guidelines:

roll 4d6 7 times. Drop the lowest die from each roll and the worst of all summed-up rolls. Then you have six ability score whose sum should equal at least 75.
2 traits.

We already had an evil character in the beginning of HOD, he had lots of epic encounters...:)

4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 6) = 21
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 3) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 5) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 2) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 5) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 5) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 5) = 11

Ug, talk about min maxing. That 11 and 9 hurts.

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