Anonymous Avatar Syndrome Support Group

Off-Topic Discussions

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We're here to help.

Thank you, words on my screen. I'll go first. My name is TheWhiteknife. (pause for all the faceless words on my screen to type, "Hello, TheWhiteknife." Seethe with inner rage at the caps locked and mis-spelled words.)I first realized that I had IAS when all the words on my screen refused to submit to my obvious mental superiority on a gaming company's messageboards. Though I tried to show the soulless horde of sheeple the error of their backward hillbilly ways (for surely they must be hillbillies. RPG playing, internet savvy hillbillies, but hillbillies nonetheless.), they just would not listen! In a rage, I godwined every thread that I could manage to before my family called IAS Anon. Thank you for listening, you teeming mass of pseudo-people.

edit-fixed spelling hahaha

You dumbas... I mean... I hear you, dude.

My name is Kruelaid and for years I've been ragging out on the stupid posts scrolling across my screen. And when i caught on that people were actually writing this stuff, I mean WTF? That was shattering enough, but don't they realize that I have scientifically proven that I am only wrong .5% of the time? One by one my two relationships fell apart and I found myself completely alone, not really adrift because I live in a land locked city, but anyway I finally realized, mathematically of course because I am a frickin math genius, that the best thing for me to do was to pret... I mean to accept that I have problem. So I came here.

Sorry dude I'm not hugging you or nothing, too many germs.

Hi my name is Mouthy Troll, and I suffer from both IAS and AAS (Anonymous Avatar Syndrome), thus my afflictions are more 1337 than yours, so SUCK IT!

I just realized that I am an avatar of someone who doesn't want to post under his own name because he (or she?) wants to remain anonymous and disconnected from the opinions and views I splat all over various forums.

I mean WTF? It's bad enough I suffer rage over people creating dumb classes in an RPG when they NEVER looked at my ideas. Now I learn that this rage isn't even really mine? THAT PISSES ME OFF! I mean ..that pisses some anon off, I mean, I'm mad at myself. Man, my head hurts.

Anyway, that's why I am here. Or am I really here?


Hi I'm Sock Simian. I'm a separate account, so I can look like a real person, but I am actually someone who has been banned or ostracised by a majority of forum members. I suffer from AAS too (so eat it MT!), but mine is even worse, because I have to try and not sound to much like my banned/hated account to stay on the forum. And it is soo hard with all THE FRIGGING PUKES HERE WHO DON'T HAVE A GODDAMN CLUE WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOU..err..*ahem*..I mean I am happy to be here and share my ideas with the community ....


Hi my name is.....ummmm......ummmmm.....umm....oh yeah, Towlie. And I like getting high. Getting high is teh coolest. You get to see pretty colors, you think everything is funny, and all of your worries are taken away. I'm here because my parole officer told me I had to be here. So, um do any of you guys wanna get high? I was told this was the best place to score.

Towlie wrote:
Hi my name is.....ummmm......ummmmm.....umm....oh yeah, Towlie. And I like getting high. Getting high is teh coolest. You get to see pretty colors, you think everything is funny, and all of your worries are taken away. I'm here because my parole officer told me I had to be here. So, um do any of you guys wanna get high? I was told this was the best place to score.


You looking for sumthin' for your head?

Well, it looks like to best place to score right now is over in the Government Folly thread.

Silver Crusade

Without decomposers to recycle materails none of us would be here and life would run out food and plants would have nothing to fertilize them.

Ingran Rootbeard wrote:
Without decomposers to recycle materails none of us would be here and life would run out food and plants would have nothing to fertilize them.


Pay attention kid.

Sorry to be a crashing bore, but taking the piss out of Asperger is not ok.

Cassia wrote:

Sorry to be a crashing bore, but taking the piss out of Asperger is not ok.

NP. You are certainly not a bore. But I do think there is a big difference between people who really suffer from a social disconnection because of autism and Aspergers, and people who just don't give a shit about other people when they get on this messageboard.

I think your perspective is quite reasonable, that there is an apparent insensitivity or even cruelty to people who are suffering a disease here... and I HAVE been known to be cruel... but on the other hand there may be people who see this thread (as tongue in cheek as it is) and be motivated to actually learn something about Aspergers. More on this...

The way I see it, the fact that adults on a messageboard come across as having a cognitive disorder is so frickin shameful I can barely contain myself. We are all people here, what is up with people acting like nobody else has a perspective, that no one else has thought out there world view, that no one else is capable of rational thought? WE ARE NOT A BUNCH OF DISABLED KIDS! What (trolls) exactly is wrong with you? This thread is not here to take the piss out of Aspergers, Cassia, it's here to take the piss out of jerks. I say this respectfully. You obviously care.

As for Aspergers. Wow. Here's a little story that seems off the topic of Aspergers, but I don't think it is. I am allergic to corn and soy. The symptoms of my allergy are bizarre. In fact the whole food chain in the US is now built on corn (soy to a lesser extent) and you guys are funding it with your tax money. All that crappy processed food that you guys eat, all those thousands of chemicals that industrial food production pretends are good for you (thank God I can't eat it)... all funded through tax breaks to corporations if not outright payments from the government. Joe buys a Big Mac in Seattle... the rest of America is paying for most of it. But I ramble on.

In my search for answers about why I can't eat f+*&ing ANYTHING processed, ZERO. Not even any feed lot meat or farmed seafoods which all eat tax funded corn and soy. In my search I have learned that I am not the only one suffering from digestive and autoimmune disorders these days. Even more interesting, I have learned that not only other people with digestive disorders, but in fact a good many disorders that are not obviously digestive or autoimmune have increased (or made their debut) on a timeline that also coincides with certain chemical changes we have made throughout our food chain.... (not making assumptions here, I'd rather imply something and let people do as they will upon hearing me say this: of course there can be many other explanations for this stuff... and of course people will use other explanations to excuse themselves from actually thinking about the issue... but anyway).

That said. Sometimes you need to make an issue out of something... Who ever agrees on how it should be done?

Kruelaid wrote:
Cassia wrote:

Sorry to be a crashing bore, but taking the piss out of Asperger is not ok.

NP. You are certainly not a bore. But I do think there is a big difference between people who really suffer from a social disconnection because of autism and Aspergers, and people who just don't give a s&$$ about other people when they get on this messageboard.

I think your perspective is quite reasonable, that there is an apparent insensitivity or even cruelty to people who are suffering a disease here... and I HAVE been known to be cruel... but on the other hand there may be people who see this thread (as tongue in cheek as it is) and be motivated to actually learn something about Aspergers. More on this...

Not to nitpick, but Aspergers isn't a disease, and a lot of people would be very offended to hear it described as such. I have Asperger's, and I'm a liiittle offended by you comparing those with the disorder to the trolls. Not that it isn't funny, but some of your phrasing gives the wrong impression.

For instance, your post implies that Asperger's is something childish. Plenty of adults have it, and plenty of those with the syndrome (of all ages)are actually very mature.
Also, I hope you appreciate how hard it is to write this post without sounding like an egomaniac. >_>
Anyways, you clearly know about the whole thing, and I misunderstood the joke, so let's just look away while I throw down one of my kobold-made smoke grenades and run away.

*Throws down a rock labelled 'smoke grinade'*
*Rock ricochets off the ground and hits me in the kneecap*
*Limps over to window*
*Climbs out*
*Remembers that I'm on the fifth story*
*Manages to climb back inside*
*Limps over to elevator and presses button*
*Notices the elevator is out of order*
*Takes the stairs*
*Falls down to the first floor*
*Limps outside*

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
cool stuff

Thanks for posting. I was kind of hoping you would. I mean no insult to you and if anything I want to apologize to you for suggesting that jerks on these boards have anything in common with you in any way. You've been pretty cool since you joined these boards. There were some rough spots but you approached them with a lot more intelligence and emotional sense than some adults here ever muster.

And in fact this whole thing goes back to a cracked piece.

As for adults with the "disease" or disorder or whatever label anyone uses, it goes way back, for sure. What has worried me of late are tge increasing reporting of aspergers, autism, and a whole slurry of other problems that began in the 90s. Something is up.

I think part of this is simply an increasing awareness of such conditions, but the coddling approach our society has taken to raising children over the last two decades is also a major contributing factor.

We seem to be having an increasingly narrow definition of the word "normal," and as time goes on, any person who demonstrates deviance from that definition is assumed to have a disorder of some sort. Over-diagnosis is an enormous issue in fields such as this, and I feel that in another ten years, "What's you're social disorder" is going to be a common icebreaker at parties.

I myself have been diagnosed with asperger's syndrome, but I've learned to cope fairly well with my alleged condition. It's true, I was a weird one as a child, and I don't always pick up on social cues as readily as most other people, but I'm starting to wonder if this was a result of my reclusive behavior during childhood, and I might be among the throngs of misdiagnosed persons.

And for lynora, cassia and anyone else also: my apologies.

martinaj wrote:
... Over-diagnosis is an enormous issue in fields such as this...

<Looks around nervously...>

Kruelaid wrote:
And for lynora, cassia and anyone else also: my apologies.

Well said K and KC and all have my apologies as well.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:


*Throws down a rock labelled 'smoke grinade'*
*Rock ricochets off the ground and hits me in the kneecap*
*Limps over to window*
*Climbs out*
*Remembers that I'm on the fifth story*
*Manages to climb back inside*
*Limps over to elevator and presses button*
*Notices the elevator is out of order*
*Takes the stairs*
*Falls down to the first floor*
*Limps outside*

*Lets go of the rope that holds up the piano hanging above the front entrance.*


Kruelaid wrote:
... You've been pretty cool since you joined these boards...

It occurs to me that this phrase means different things to different English speakers. By it I mean AWESOMELY cool.

... for a punk kid.


Hasta la vista, pancake.

Mouthy Troll wrote:
AAS (Anonymous Avatar Syndrome)

Perhaps it would have been better to use this term, but hey it's the first time I've heard it. Oh well, passion, stupid move, hindsight....

I myself can't change the thread title....

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I changed the thread title.

Gary Teter wrote:
I changed the thread title.

Thanks Gary!

Kruelaid wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
I changed the thread title.
Thanks Gary!

Thank you words on the screen!


Kruelaid wrote:
Mouthy Troll wrote:
AAS (Anonymous Avatar Syndrome)

Perhaps it would have been better to use this term, but hey it's the first time I've heard it. Oh well, passion, stupid move, hindsight....

I myself can't change the thread title....

I just made it up. Thanks for changing the title Gary.

Scarab Sages

I wondered what all the hoo-haa was about, but now I see the thread title got changed. For what it's worth, I don't see anything controversial in the current title; which seems clear it's aimed at trollish behaviour from perfectly healthy folk who should know better, many of whom seem to have latched onto the whole ADHD/ADD/Aspergers/panic of the week to hold a hand to their head and bleat "Oh, poor me, I just can't help myself."

KC: I would never have assumed you had any such disorder; you've been a long-time member of these boards, probably way before me, and I've always considered you to be socially adept.

I have an autistic son, 5 years old, and I've had to do a lot of reading on the whole Aspergers/Autism spectrum.
It certainly makes you re-evaluate your own behaviour and childhood, maybe to trace where the seeds of your child's disorder may have first appeared in your own life.
Was I an awkward kid? Yes.
Is that proof that I'm carrying some genetic timebomb? Err, no.
There's a danger there, that you find exactly what you're looking for, because you're looking for it, and trivial historical events get blown out of proportion via hindsight.

While there's no doubt my son is well into the autistic spectrum, I do have to agree with martinaj, re today's over-diagnosis of totally normal kids, who act bored or distracted during a particularly tedious subject, and get hammered with a chemical cosh for the rest of their lives. There's plenty of folk on these boards who will vouch for that.

Scarab Sages

I don't have a problem.

Neither do I.

No problem here.

Or here.

I'm all right.

Mad? I'm not mad!

I can stop any time I want to.

Seriously! What are a few avatars among friends?

It's not like I'm hurting anybody.


Stop trying to repress me!

It's perfectly logical.


Scarab Sages

Good point, Frank.

Yeah, lot's of people do it, mmkay?



You are out of order, freak!

Hi sweetie.

Captain Kid Rime wrote:
You are out of order, freak!

Which one? There are a few of us, you know.

Rudy Sodomanski wrote:
Hi sweetie.

You like me! You really like me!

Hillary wrote:
Rudy Sodomanski wrote:
Hi sweetie.
You like me! You really like me!

OMG! I've never seen that avatar. Whoa. I need a drink, my hands are shaking.

Kruelaid wrote:
Hillary wrote:
Rudy Sodomanski wrote:
Hi sweetie.
You like me! You really like me!
OMG! I've never seen that avatar. Whoa. I need a drink, my hands are shaking.

You find me beautiful, don't you?

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