
Hjordis of Clan Ertubur's page

No posts. Alias of Orsen.

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The Exchange


This is one of two campaigns that are no longer running because the GM was banned. You’ve already set one to inactive, it would be good to move this one to inactive as well, please. Thank you.

The Exchange

Hello, I would be interested in a PbP for the Strength of Thousands and need someone who would be interested in GMing it and then a group to go with it. Anyone interested in doing this. sort of thing?

The Exchange

Hello all. Looking through the many posts on the recruiting wall, I thought I’d try also creating my own post. Currently looking for a party and GM to run Agents of Edgewatch in Play by Post format. Obviously this won’t happen without a GM but hopefully we’ll get some interest on both sides. Getting players will likely not be a problem considering the recruitment forums are filled with people who want to play this.

PFS Scenario 1-02.

Dot in here.

Dark Archive

Hey, is there a way to not have your will saves come from wisdom?

Dark Archive

Ok, so a bashing shield says it counts as a +1 weapon. If I want to add a weapon bonus (+1 or ability) what's the cost? Is it as a +2 weapon or +3 armor?

Dark Archive

The feat gives a +1 morale bonus on attacks and +4 bonus vs fear saves as a swift action and the other gives a +1 competence bonus on attacks and a +4 bonus vs fear saves as a standard action.

The way I'm reading it is that I can do both in round 1 and give everyone +2 to hit and +8 to fear saves?

Let me know.

The Exchange

Hey folks. Currently building an Urban Hunter and was wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to have Divine Favor on their spell list. Outside of UMD of course.

The Exchange

Can my banner be work like a tabard or similar piece of clothing?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.


I have run into an issue with Hero Lab and I saw it posted in a couple of places. Also, some people have said they have run into this interpretation at PFS games. So, here it is:

Rogues don't have access to all rogue talents.

Now, I know it says that rogues have modified talents in Unchained. I also know they had a list of unmodified ones. But I don't see anywhere that they don't have access to any other talent for the rest of time. Like, why would the Bomber talent not be available?

I don't get it. If it's true, I don't understand the reasoning. If it's not true, why are people interpreting the rule this way? I can't find an FAQ or any thread with a definitive answer. Does anyone know when an FAQ for Unchained is coming out?

The Exchange

Hey. I have an idea for a character but I'm looking for advice on feats and discoveries.

So far, I know I want to play an alchemist grenadier/toxicant. I plan on using a crossbow to apply poison or alchemical items from the archetypes.

For race, I'm going with tiefling.

This is for an adventure path which will likely be Hell's Rebels.

The Exchange


Mutagen is the only thing I see that they have in common. CB changes mutagens to act differently, H gets rid of Mutgens. The way I read it, they fit but get rid of the new CB version of the Mutagen. Does this make sense?

The Exchange


I'm currently building a Mutagenic Mauler and I'm considering taking the trait Unstable Mutagen. I was wondering if this trait allowed me to have two mutagens going (one regular and one unstable).

I know I wouldn't be allowed to have the benefits of two different ones but having two would be incredibly useful. Anyway, I wasn't sure on the rules on this one hence the question. Hero Lab makes it look like it allows two mutagens but I wanted to make sure before I finished building the character.

The Exchange


I was wondering if I'm able to take stunning fist at first level with the brawler. Monks get it as a bonus feat at first level but hero lab is not letting me take it. Just wondering if I'm not understanding the rules here.

The Exchange

Hey folks,

I am building a halfling cavalier and wanted to ride a wolf. At 7th level, the wolf would become large. What happens to me at that point? Am I allowed to ride a large creature being small? If not, why would this be an option?

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm having trouble finding it in the rule book.

The Exchange

I am currently building a magus for my next campaign. I would like to take three archetypes that don't seem to crossover but I'm not sure. The wording is weird.

Staff Magus
Spire Defender
Card Caster (Harrow Handbook)

Clearly trying to build an elven version of Gambit here.

So the issue I'm having is this: Staff Magus gets ride of the medium and heavy armor class abilities to cast while wearing these types of armor. Spire defender gets rid of armor proficiencies but leaves the door open to take the proficiencies at a later time once you've reached those levels.

Here's the wording of Spire Defender:
At 1st level, the spire defender gains Combat Expertise and Dodge as bonus feats, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. The spire defender is not proficient in any kind of armor or shield. The spire defender does not have the magus’ ability to ignore arcane spell failure from armor; however, if the spire defender becomes proficient in light armor, he automatically gains the magus’s ability to ignore the arcane spell failure chance of light armor. If he becomes proficient in medium armor, at 7th level he ignores medium armor’s chance of arcane spell failure. If he becomes proficient in heavy armor, at 13th level he ignores heavy armor’s chance of arcane spell failure.

For me it's the wording of leaving the door open later on to take advatange of the class abilities if I choose to take the proficiencies that's bugging me. I feel like one is really trying to get rid of the proficiencies and one is clsing the door entirely on going down that road with anything but light armor.

Please let me know your thoughts and it would be great to get a paizo staff ruling on this one.