Saruchan68 |

Well hello to all. Long time no see. So what do you guys want to play, I am leaning towards a spell caster type. Anything really cleric, bard, or wizard. Cleric with a pole arm and a war god, a bard with a little sorcerer for offence, or a monk/wizard ( just two levels of monk, for AC and combat moves ) I am willing to play anything that the party needs, but I bet Devin has a ranger in mind, I am not sure what Paul and David will want to play.
I am not sure how this works, but I am willing to give this a try. Mostly to stay in touch with you guys.

Saruchan68 |

Okay since this a first come first serve her goes.
Sumak Thornheel
Tallfellow Halfling Bard/Sorcerer
I am 3 foot 6, hair is red orange and eyes are blue I weigh about 36 pounds.
I wear grey knee britches and a light blue shirt with a blue vest and studded leather armor. I carry a backpack and bedroll with a winter blanket, I have a nice wide brimmed tan hat with two blue jay's feathers. My weapons are a dagger, whip, and a Halfling sling staff.
Str 11 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 20
Skills Acrobatics, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Perform (Oratory), Perform (Sing), Spellcraft, and Stealth
I picked up wanderlust and swift as shadows for Halfling luck, Surefooted, and Fearless.
Bard Spells Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, and Read Magic
Cure Light Wounds, and Identify
My feat is Point Blank Shot.

Saruchan68 |

Well I finished the Oracle. Her Name is Sapphire Cabyllo el Feugo. She is 3 foot 6, and has red hair with blue eyes. She is wearing a Chain Shirt and has a Small Steel Shield, her weapons are a Light Mace,and a Whip. She is not blind, but she can't see all that well. She worships Pelor and Yondalla. I hope to be of great help to all with the healing.

Luciano Thrice-Damned |

Well, here he is.
Luciano (pronounced Lu-CHEE-a-no) the Thrice-Damned
N Human Inquisitor 1
I am 6' with a heavy build, jet-black hair, and pale skin. He has almost unnatural bright yellow eyes. He has a wild, haunted look about him. I imagine he looks like th avatar picture. He would be dressed in a weather-worn cloak, a cool inquisitor-type hat, and dark hide armor with a crude symbol of Pelor etched into it. I carry a heavy crossbow (my primary) and a heavy mace and shield (fall-back).
He is an inquisitor of Pelor. If you have heard of him, it is probably not good things you heard. I wrote a pretty extensive background. It is a little wordy, but I am proud of it and it is worth checking out.
Str. 15, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 13 (was once MUCH higher), Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Disable Device 9, Heal 8, Intimidate 7, Knw Arcana 5 (he was once an 18th level Sorcerer, but much has been lost), Linguistics 2, Perception 8, Sense Motive 9, Survival 8
Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot
Spells, Detect Magic, Light, Acid Splash, Detect Poison (mostly for my own safety), Bane, Cause Fear
I have the Jaded Attribut (+2 versus Fear).

Sir Thomas Shineshield |

Well I finally got around to getting this guy made, so here he is
Sir(self-given but he doesn't tell anyone that) Thomas Shineshield
LG Human Paladin 1
He is 6'3" with a thin, well muscled body, brown hair and light tan skin. He also has piercing green eyes that make a person feel like they're being silently judged. He has the standard shining paladin armor and has a Myaheine holy symbol carved into it. He carries a Bastard sword as his primary killing utensil, and a warhammer for the destruction of undead.
Str 18 Dex 15 Con 17 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 18
Skills: Diplomacy 8(9 vs females) Heal 6 Sense motive 6 perception 3
Shield focus and dodge
I have the charming trait just so i can hammer in that "prince charming" aspect.

Saruchan68 |

Cool story Dave. And nice character Devin. I guess Sapphire looks a lot like the pic, just that her hair is red. I don't have a long story, because I am just 24 not 1,000,000,000 years old and all.
Hey Dave how are the kid and the wife, please tell her I said hi. Any way you guys take care and talk at you later.

![]() |
It's two little girls now. We jsut had our second back in December. Emi Eleanor.
They are all doing fine. They have been in Japan since Emi was born. THey are in the far south, so they weren't affected by the earthquake, but the paperwork for our youngest has gotten delayed.
How is Texas? I was there just two months ago visiting with my Grandma. I stopped at the Den, but I didn't recognize the place or any of the people. It was a short trip, so I ddin't get a chance to look you guys up. How is your new town?

Saruchan68 |

well Congrats! on Emi. Hey are you a chief? You sure are having a lot of girls. It is good to hear they are well. I have not been in South Texas since Oct. Now I am up in Lewisville north of Dallas. I will be moving to San Marcus in August, so I can go to Texas State University. I have my AA in History now I need a BA then Masters and a PhD.

stonechild |

You guys are doing okay so far, not dead yet anyway.
In order to roll dice or talk out of context (ooc), you need to look beneath your post.
First it'll say post as (blank) on the lower left. By scrolling through the choices it gives you, you can change who, you're posting as, that's how dave posts as Lucian thrice-dammed instead of otomodave and devin posts as Sir Thomas Shineshield instead of chasingthenight.
Second once you've chosen what alias you want to post as, you'll see, below it and directly in the middle, BBCode tags you can use:. Click on the show box and several lines will come up.
In order to bold something, type bracket(actually use the bracket or endbracket symbol)the letter "b" and then endbracket. Then type the text you want bolded. Then type bracket, backslash, the letter "b" and endbracket. As an example this is how you bold words
Rolling dice is similar, you type bracket, the word "dice" and endbracket. Then you put what ever dice expression you want to roll, 1d20, 1d12, 1d10+5, 5d6, 2d8+4, etc. The type bracket, backslash, the word "dice" and endbracket. As an example 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23.
To type something in the main page out of context, type bracket, the letters "ooc", then endbracket. Then type what you want. Then type bracket , backslash, the letters "ooc", then endbracket. As an example: this is a learning experience, but no more non-ooc questions in the play-by-post site okay? They go here in the play-by- post discussion site

Saruchan68 |

You can get it down loaded on btjunkie a torrent sight. I am watching it. I am going to buy it when it becomes available. I love that series, the fifth book is due out on June 21, and yes I will sell blood if I have to. The show is sticking to the book rather well. The shows are out on Sunday, so we down load them on Monday. Sorry about earlier post I was not sure how to do this stuff, but I am learning.

stonechild |

Yeah it will be, but you know them and how than can procastinate. So don't hold your breath. I didn't ask about Kitten, from what I understand she's very busy.
They're speaking common. Technically anyone can click on a spoiler and see what it says, but the results are just meant for the recipiant. I'm hoping that you guys will keep the mystery by not clicking on it. However if it's something that you absolutely don't want the others to know it's best just to send it to me via email.

Fyrian |

Hey everyone! My name is Chris and John has invited me in to the game you all are playing. I'm a little new to Pathfinders and role playing as a whole to please be kind! I'm involved in a regular weekly game so hopefully I'll transition well into the the play by post. I'm going to be playing a Human Paladin named Ardamir. If you've got any questions for me just let me know and I look forward to playing with all of you!