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The pages for Grommash Hellscream, Kel'Thuzad, Thrall/Go'el, and Vol'jin are just placeholders for people I'd like to see written up eventually. That is why Kel'Thuzad has noting on his page other than a quote, picture and a couple of notes as to what I thought he might be. In regards to your other alignment concerns Maverick898 and I will talk about it, and thank you for you comments and critiques.

LordKelvin |

Wow, awesome thread! Dotting :)
@Entryhazard I think the Lich King leans toward CE, actually. So many times he said stuff about destruction and chaos. Maybe NE, which I would surely peg on Sylvanas.
Garrosh for sure should be CN/CE.
About the power levels... are the Dragon Aspects really less powerful than Arthas? It's been some time I played the game, so my lore-fu isn't the best but do Deathwing and the Lich King really compare like that? I thought the Worldbreaker should be something like CR 26 or 27.

Maverick898 |

So here's the reason why Garrosh was selected as Lawful Neutral. Yes the argument can be made for Evil as well.
Law implies honor, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, self-righteousness, and a lack of adaptability.
All traits Garrosh himself has shown. He wants to rule Azeroth for 'His' horde, an all orcish horde. It was the what he was taught, and influenced by. He's self Righteous, and refuses to believe that he is wrong in certain aspects of his rule.
He's Neutral because he believes he is doing what is best for the Orcish Race, and will go to extreme means to accomplish this goal. Weather they be good or evil. Impaling Warlocks on the spires of Orgrimmar could be seen as a good act by eliminating those who could bring foul demons. Nobody would bat an eye if a paladin would do it.
Anyways your welcome to argue, but I'm gunna keep him Lawful Neutral.

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I'm pretty sure most paladins would bat an eye, but that's an argument for elsewhere.
I would otherwise second the argument for lawful though. Excellent explanation.
I would vote in favor of the start neutral, progress to evil over the course of several games.
Grom I would say Chaotic neutral.(though certainly tipping to evil during the re-infusion of demon blood from WC3)
Perhaps throw a few notes as to when some of these stats represent the particular characters?

Maverick898 |

Perhaps throw a few notes as to when some of these stats represent the particular characters?
Noted and we shall make notes moving forward.
So after all the races, and character's we've done, we decided to do something a bit different.
Today we present our first city!
The Human Kingdom of Stormwind!
"A strong and sturdy fortress, fit for an empire."

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Ladies, and Gentlemen, the Blade of Hanna and Kang the Decapitator have joined the Doomhammer among the list of converted magic weapons.
Check out the collected conversions file for them and everything else we've done to date.
Edit 26 July 2015 - 19:02 Local
Also, it was pointed out to me that I forgot to post about two characters that I've created using our work here. One is based on a character I play from World of Warcraft, and the other is based on my brother's troll shaman.
Whitebranch: Male Tauren, Druid 4.
Tolgark: Male Jungle Troll, Sorcerer 13/Archmage 6.

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The Blood Elf racial ability of Arcane Torrent as silence seems like a suitable workaround, but might be better written up as a spell in the document to then be used for this racial ability.
Some sort of 2nd level abjuration spell that imposes a concentration check on any spell the target attempts for the next round, and, if successful at disrupting a spell, has a chance of granting the caster a surge of magical energy (+1 caster level to the next spell cast within 1 minute? 50% chance of refreshing a spell slot expended of up to half the level of the spell disrupted?), could represent the mechanics of the ability in game (hampering magic use, granting some mana to the user, IIRC).

Maverick898 |

So in the Collected Conversions you may have noticed an addition to Prestige Class section. That's right we've branched out into that area aswell. Can't say it will be a regular thing, but to fit in with the warcraft lore and theme, it was deemed appropriate.
So I bring you the might Dwarven Mountain King
And to show off that Prestige class, here's our next hero conversion.
"We Bronzebeards are known across the whole of Azeroth. Me eldest brother Magni was King of Ironforge, wise and fair a ruler as ever been. And Brann, well, he's a renowned explorer, always finding secrets, bein' written about in Explorers' League Geographic. With brothers like that, I'd feel a wee bit overshadowed... if I didn't kick so much arse! Alright, lads, line up! It's hammer time!" - Muradin Bronzebeard

Maverick898 |

Maverick898: Does this prestige class make him a king under the mountain? *ducks and runs*
Added a picture to my Whitebranch npc so now people can see what a *shifty eyes* cow he is.
Your thinking of Magni Bronzebeard :D
Anyways, who does everyone want to see done next? We are having trouble trying to decide since there are a ton of lore characters.

Icyshadow |

So in the Collected Conversions you may have noticed an addition to Prestige Class section. That's right we've branched out into that area aswell. Can't say it will be a regular thing, but to fit in with the warcraft lore and theme, it was deemed appropriate.
So I bring you the might Dwarven Mountain King
And to show off that Prestige class, here's our next hero conversion.
"We Bronzebeards are known across the whole of Azeroth. Me eldest brother Magni was King of Ironforge, wise and fair a ruler as ever been. And Brann, well, he's a renowned explorer, always finding secrets, bein' written about in Explorers' League Geographic. With brothers like that, I'd feel a wee bit overshadowed... if I didn't kick so much arse! Alright, lads, line up! It's hammer time!" - Muradin Bronzebeard
That made me wonder how strong Magni would be, and if other Hero Classes have conversions as Prestige Classes here too.

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Now for a monster type for you all to enjoy!
“The naga are cursed Highborne night elves. Ten thousand years ago, Queen Azshara made a pact of desperation with the Old Gods to save her surviving people from a watery grave. The naga are the result of that pact.” - Shindrell Swiftfire

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Just so you all know we haven't forgotten about this thread. Maverivk898 had an Infernal itch that just needed to be scratched. I hope it gives you all some relief.
As always all WoW for PF material by Maverick898 and myself can be found in -> World of Warcraft for Pathfinder

Maverick898 |

Valkyn Highwind wrote:*thump* Anyone have any ideas, comments, questions, whatever?Have you guys done any class conversions?
The only class converison we did so far is the mountain king prestige class. As for classes like warlock, druid and shaman, its all about how you fluff your character build. A summoner could be a demonolgist, and melee heavy feats xan make your druid feral.
Only classes we are interested in converting are ones established in warcraft lore that are not in pathfinder.

Entryhazard |

I'm just waiting to see a PF versions of a druid, shaman and warlock :)
Well, the Druid is easily done with the PF Druid.
The WoW Shaman too is a PF Druid, but with a bigger focus on elemental spells, the Elemental Ally archetype is particularly fitting.The warlock is slightly complicated. It could be done with a pact wizard or a cleric devoted to an archfiend, the Diabolist, Demoniac and Souleater PrCs are pretty apt on various aspects (Imp companion, Demon form and Soul Shards respectively), but in general any spellcasting class whose fluff is drawing power from evil outsiders works.

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I drew up my brother's troll elemental shaman, Tolgark, as a Sorcerer with the Elemental (Air) Bloodline.

Maverick898 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This member of the Burning Legion may be tiny, but that doesn't stop him.
"Small in size, HUGE in Evil"
Also here is the fearsome Fel Stalker. The mage bane hunter of the Burning Legion

clff rice |

This member of the Burning Legion may be tiny, but that doesn't stop him.
"Small in size, HUGE in Evil"
Also here is the fearsome Fel Stalker. The mage bane hunter of the Burning Legion
hehe love it.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here are links to my WarCraft conversion both canon and inspired. I've collected them here since they've likely been lost in the thread.
Races (Height, Weight, Starting Age, and Aging Effects included)
Dwarf (Bronzebeard)
Elf (Night)
Non-Canon Named NPCs
Casta Dawnblade: Blood Elf Female, Magus 13. (A Sin'dorei Spellbreaker of my design.)
Dresden Cryptwalker: Forsaken Male, Fighter 11/Guardian 5. (My protection warrior from the MMO.)
Tolgark: Troll Male, Sorcerer 13/Archmage 6. (My brother's elemental shaman from the MMO.)
Whitebranch: Tauren Male, Druid 4. (A low level version of my guardian druid (re: bear tank) from the MMO.)

Ana L'ayley |

@Valkyn Highwind
>Night Elves
> -2 cha
Try -2 str. Their starting strength is 4/5 that of humans. The Wis bonus is debatable.
-2 dex for dwarves is more appropriate than cha.
Trolls shouldn't really get a con boost.
Goblins should get a str penalty.
It's like you statted most of these based solely on pictures, not their actual stats.

Can'tFindthePath |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Valkyn Highwind
>Night Elves
> -2 chaTry -2 str. Their starting strength is 4/5 that of humans. The Wis bonus is debatable.
-2 dex for dwarves is more appropriate than cha.
Trolls shouldn't really get a con boost.
Goblins should get a str penalty.
It's like you statted most of these based solely on pictures, not their actual stats.
I rather think he statted them from descriptions in lore. Plus common sense, which no one ever attributed to the MMO with a straight face.

Maverick898 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

It would seem several of the files in this thread needed to be re-uploaded. So here are the ones I've done (minus the Infernal)
Blood Elf
Canon NPC's
Deathwing the Destoryer
Garrosh Hellscream
Jania Proudmoore
The Lich King
Sylvanas Windrunner
Maurdin Bronzebeard
Expanded Universe NPC's
Vindicator Karessa
Prestige Classes

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Most of the material in this thread should be in the setting file linked below along with a whole host of other material, be they conversions or not. The only items, from this thread so far, not in the document are the Tiny Knight and the Felstalker.
The Shardrealm: A World of Fragments
As to what I used for converting the races that I did it was a combination of the table-top rpg books and information found on a couple wiki sites.
Comments about my work can be sent to:
AIM Handle: buddhathedm
Battle.net Tag: Cryptwalker#1206

Maverick898 |

Maverick898 |

So as of this posting it's February 24, 2016 which happens to be my 30th birthday. So to celebrate I am here to post the next big project in WoW Favorites done PF style.
Have fun with the BLOODMAUL SLAG MINES
This was alot of fun to make, albeit a pain in the ass. I hope you all enjoy.
Included in the adventure is my thoughts on making the module, The Slag Mines, The NPC Gallery of Bosses and enemies, a brief history of Ogres in WoW & 10 premade PC's to use for the adventure. 5 Alliance, 5 Horde. (Thanks Valkyn Highwind)

FormerFiend |

I don't know, maybe I'm biased from my days playing the Warcraft/WoW d20, but given that Sylvannas was statted up in that as a CR 33, I have a viscerally negative reaction to her being reduced to a cr 16 here.
Of course, the Lich King was statted up as a cr 50 and that got worked out to equating roughly to a cr25 under pathfinder standards. So maybe that works out.
Still, personally, if it were me, I'd give Sylvannas ten levels of ranger and 10 levels in the Dark Ranger prestige class after putting that through a conversion job.

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I don't know, maybe I'm biased from my days playing the Warcraft/WoW d20, but given that Sylvannas was statted up in that as a CR 33, I have a viscerally negative reaction to her being reduced to a cr 16 here.
Of course, the Lich King was statted up as a cr 50 and that got worked out to equating roughly to a cr25 under pathfinder standards. So maybe that works out.
Still, personally, if it were me, I'd give Sylvannas ten levels of ranger and 10 levels in the Dark Ranger prestige class after putting that through a conversion job.
I think its best to compress the range of numbers you're dealing with-especially since Pathfinder assumes there is no Epic Level Handbook to work with.
Assuming a Doomguard is roughly equivalent to a Balor or Pit Fiend, CR 16 lets them be a significant threat to sylvanas (which they were, based on Warcraft 3, yes?) even if accompanied by a retinue of powerful undead.
Meanwhile a CR 25 puts Arthas at the lower edge of the demon princes, which sounds about right.