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I know there are guides but has anyone ever made/found one that is like reading rules from a board game ? Or maybe some really easy to run modules ?

This is really nice, but I was looking for something closer to dragon age Inquisition style.

^^^ Thanks all !!!

Set wrote:

There was a prestige class by a third-party I'm not remembering called the 'Master of Small Magics' that focused entirely on expanding the characters use of cantrips, at the expense of higher level spells.

That sort of thing could be interesting as an Archetype for Sorcerers or Wizards, in PF, one that *greatly* expands the potential uses of cantrips, but totally forsakes higher level spellcasting (using the slots gained for higher level spells to instead upgrade cantrips, increasing # of targets, duration, or damage dice or whatever) to cast cantrips that increase in damage / duration / etc. based on caster level, increasing like magic missile or fireball automatically, and using limited resources to boost them even further (turning a single target acid splash into an AoE effect, for instance).

I'm sure heads would explode at the notion of a spellcasting AT that essentially gave up all non-cantrip spellcasting, but sometimes that's what expectations are there for, to shatter. :)

oops, I meant to ask do you have a link to that class ?

Set wrote:

There was a prestige class by a third-party I'm not remembering called the 'Master of Small Magics' that focused entirely on expanding the characters use of cantrips, at the expense of higher level spells.

That sort of thing could be interesting as an Archetype for Sorcerers or Wizards, in PF, one that *greatly* expands the potential uses of cantrips, but totally forsakes higher level spellcasting (using the slots gained for higher level spells to instead upgrade cantrips, increasing # of targets, duration, or damage dice or whatever) to cast cantrips that increase in damage / duration / etc. based on caster level, increasing like magic missile or fireball automatically, and using limited resources to boost them even further (turning a single target acid splash into an AoE effect, for instance).

Would happen to have a link to that class ?

I'm sure heads would explode at the notion of a spellcasting AT that essentially gave up all non-cantrip spellcasting, but sometimes that's what expectations are there for, to shatter. :)

CrystalSeas wrote:
Lastoutkast wrote:
Why would you want stronger 0-level spells?

I guess I like the idea of a useful power, like a magic missile that does't level or mage armor

Cyrad wrote:

I frequently see homebrew cantrips that are too strong. The problem with more powerful 0-level spells are:

1) They're at-will abilities in a game that revolves around having limited daily resources.

2) They're abilities you get at 1st level.

Valid points.


Completely agree, building a quick spell use is nice just to get the game going.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:
The Steel Refrain wrote:

Fair enough, Lastoutkast, but they should realize they will be missing out on all sorts of great utility, or just cool flavourful stuff.

For classes like Clerics and Shamans who can pull from their full list at all times, having a good mastery of the many various options is critical to getting the most out of the class. When playing those classes (and other prepared classes like wizards) I frequently leave spell slots open at the beginning of the day so I can draw upon that versatility as occasion demands.

Also, you probably want to ensure you add all the key healing and condition removal spells to your list. They aren't exactly 'sexy' and won't necessarily appear in anyone's list, but they are crucial additions to the adventurer's toolkit.

I'll Agree with all this.

The open slot also helps if your not adventuring that day to fill in Hour/Level buffs and cast them before bed having them Up and running at the start of the next day with your Slot Open again. I basically Live in a Life Bubble when I get it as a spell for that level. Things Like Magic Vestment, Greater Magic Weapon, Mage Armor, Endure Elements (Pre Life Bubble lol), False Life or Greater, Defending Bone, A. Barrier (I make this look real sexy on my spell eater bloodrager). I use spell storing Armor/Weapons to fill on my off day and have more spells on the adventuring day and free action economy. Start using Cheap metamagic rods and you go even farther. Extend is Dirt Cheap gold wise.

The leave a spell slot open is a very handy thing to do once you get some game mastery going.

Awesome, thanks all. I'm trying to make a list of spells that are "worth" it.To speed things up a bit and not have players have to read though 1500 spells.


two-weapon fighting, two handed fighting and so on.look for suggestions on what feats to pick at certain levels.

you could go with armor gives a damage reduction and drop the touch AC. When i gun a game with guns this is my go to rule at my table.

Has anyone done this or see it in other systems ? Like taking a feat that gives you a 1D6 sneak attack.

Vatras wrote:

The 1st edition had unlimited spells and therefore needed no metamagic. Then came 2E around and spells were cut down. Someone noticed at some point that a 10d6 fireball does not cut it anymore, especially since HP got slightly upped. So when 3E was written, they choose the middle path (of course). Spells were still pretty much nerfed, but they invented metamagic to allow them some usefulness past level 10. Since HP got buffed even more in 3E, the effect wasn't all that great...fireball does still 10d6, but monsters have now 15d8+30 hp instead of 12d8+0.

With this quick excourse I want to illustrate how unlikely it is that metamagic will get replaced. It is certainly possible by re-writing the spells in the vein of 1E, but I can already hear the screams that mages are way too powerful. Especially from the poor melees and archers, who dish out a lot more without using limited resources to do so. From what I see, people are also afraid to use high-powered magic systems, so there are not that many interested in one.
So unless you do it yourself, I doubt it will happen. I am certainly too lazy to do it (;)), as it is a lot of work to begin with and has quite a few ramifications along the way, which need ironing out too (e.g. magic items or monster abilities). It can certainly be done - 1E worked too and was a lot of fun to play, although quite different from Pathfinder.

Taking damage caps off was what I was thinking as well, my goal was to make spell casting more intuitive and fast. I'm also not to worried with in pathfinder compatibly.


So instead of having to read close to 10 pages on what you can and can't do is there much shorter list of actions or like I said maybe just roll a percentile to see if it works ?

Thanks guys, I don't mind if the power level is a bit higher, I'm going for simplicity. like I wish 6 points could mean you get a +1 to all your stats or instead be +3 to str and +3 to con

So this is probably not new but I was looking to make a buy point system where your stats are already modded.
So instead of saying;str 18, dex 10, con 14, int 12, wis 16, cha 20.

They would just be; str 4, dex 0, con 2 and so on.

So would a buy point of 15 turn into 6 or 7 ?

Sorry I'm having a hard time explaining this, I hope it makes sense to someone.

Thanks all !

As in bluff vs sense motive, precision vs stealth ? and so on ?

Up to 4% funded, please read and share :)

Gamemasters Gearbox

All-in-one gaming aid with over 2000+ cards and 36 4"x4" tiles

Whats in the box ?

36 4’’x 4’’ hard dry erase tiles
glossy cardstock cards.
monster cards - 345
feat cards 177
class cards 32
spell cards 623
gear 151
armor 18
weapons 92
magic items 83
traps 50
NPC 60
Story/event 300
Misc rules and tables- 80

Thanks for checking us out, please share !!!

J4RH34D wrote:
Perhaps 15$ for a no art version?

Printed ? with or without tiles ?

J4RH34D wrote:
The addition of the extra tiers is fantastic. I hope it makes more people donate

Thanks me too. Trying to come up with a no art price point.

J4RH34D wrote:

Thanks Lastoutkast

You are responding to feedback almost instantly which is great.

I know you earlier said that your largest expense would be the art.
If the goal is not met what are the chances you could do an artless version?

I'm going to add a pdf version of the aid due to your suggestion. So thank you :)

Duncan & Dragons wrote:

Will the tiles be fairly compatible with WotC Dungeon Tiles? Meaning, are they of about the same thickness?

Note: I understand the danger of using Dry Erase compatible (your product) next to a Non-Dry Erase product. (Dungeon Tiles), but is your goal to make them similar?

There a little thicker.

Not really, I'm going for quick and modular vs. a super detailed dungeon but I do plan on putting in a few 1"x1",2"x2",3"x1",4"x1" long tiles to make better pathways.

Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I'll probably back this then. I haven't fully decided yet. Nothing to do with your product. I am not really in a place to buy anything I don't explicitly need.

Thank you, I appreciate your interest.

J4RH34D wrote:

Thanks Lastoutkast

You are responding to feedback almost instantly which is great.

I know you earlier said that your largest expense would be the art.
If the goal is not met what are the chances you could do an artless version?

Thanks, I'm trying :)

Fairly low. If I didn't have to have art I could make it now, the thing is I want to make something that welcomes new players and makes the game faster for veteran players. New players love art more than they want to read a 360 page book. But if there is an outcry for it I'd be more than happy to put one out.

Bob_Loblaw wrote:
Is it really just $25 for everything or am I not understanding something?

yes, 25 for everything.

J4RH34D wrote:

Lastoutkast, thanks for putting that up there, and it is right under the video so it is nice and clear. It is great that you are responding to feedback.

Still curious about my questions up thread though :)

Thanks, doing my best to keep up with all of it :)

that info is closer to the bottom of the page past the demo pictures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigDTBone wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Well, Paizo sold 3.5 houserules on the quality of the art...
Fair, I can see why he chose to use the flip map art because they are beautiful. I'm actually surprised at the audacity of doing it without acknowledgement.

Audacity fixed, I updated the page. Thanks for the heads up. :)

J4RH34D wrote:


Are you Charlie, the project organizer?

If you are, I have a few questions.

I am, ask away.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I don't believe it is for sale. Use as a preview is probably not kosher either, but IANAL.

Correct, it was only for demonstration. The rest of the kickstart are designs and and art that I have commissioned.

BigDTBone wrote:
Is that artwork on the dungeon tiles lifted from paizo flip mats?

Just to show as a preview and for play testing in person. I have an artist currently designing 12 different terrain type. My biggest cost is the art; each piece cost me around 30 dollars. So 320 monsters, 200 feats, gear...and so on.

JPSTOD wrote:

good luck..

Not anything I am interested but I still wish you luck.

Thanks !

The Game Masters Gearbox

I got it fixed, thanks all :)

I made a new thread and fix the link. can a moderator delete this thread please ? Thanks

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/346823433/pathfinder-game-masters-gear box

I can't seem to make this work.

There is the link for the kickstarter.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/346823433/pathfinder-game-masters-gear box

The gearbox consists of monster,trap, spell and feat cards. As well at 36 hard dry erase tiles. Please share.

Thanks all !!!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Feats, skills, organization maybe ? I want to make shorter blocks

What is the highest level of pc's you will run in a game ?

As in what levels do you refuse to run because the game becomes unbalanced ?

Thanks all!

I want to make some note cards with rules but text is too much for the card size I was wondering if there is a way to make the overflow text to another label so they can be two sides.

Hope that made sense :/

Berik wrote:

Well, if you put the original formula in B2 then you could drag the formula down to cell B17 and then you'd get all of those cells populated at once. Looking something like the below.

1/3 [CR 1/3]
1/2 [CR 1/2]
1 [CR 1]
5 [CR 5]

(If you don't know what I mean by 'drag the formula down' it just means that if you click the bottom right of the cell with the formula in and drag down, you'll copy the formula to all of the cells you highlight.)

And two hours later I figured it out :)

Thank you !!!

Berik wrote:
Getting an error trying to open that file sorry. Though what I posted will work if you have say one column with all the CR's and then want the column beside it to give the formatted version.

That makes sense, but is there a way to go those all the tables at ones?

="[CR " & A2:A17 & "]"

Because I keep getting an error message when I try :/

Berik wrote:

You mean say you have one cell with 1/3 and you want to format it as [CR 1/3] in another cell?

If 1/3 is in cell [A2] then you could have:
="[CR " & A2 & "]"

Something like this.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qHtNwtubBcbW26yyQGnxfNAlbLhma99qRSK WyfFstjY/edit?usp=sharing

so in a excel table is it possible to put one word in front of all your data ? as in I have CR [ 1/3 ] I want [CR 1/3] hope that make some kind of sense.

-- --
1/3 CR 1/3
-- --
1/4 CR 1/4

I'm looking for some ideas to make this.

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