High level arena OOC PbP

Play-by-Post Discussion

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Better to have the proper OOC thread


Here's Sammy!

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I wanted to start this weekend, but i'm afraid i won't be able to :-(
Will let you know something by Monday or Tuesday

Male Human Antipaladin 15

Well, I didn't get skills and last details finished anyway. I'll try to get to those today and erase any last vestiges of the samurai text.

Posting to have a dot.

Hope people do not mind a late volunteer.

Character concept in development. With real Life Work Schedules being some what hectic, it may be a week from this post before anything is put up.

Character concept will be 'Uber Tank'. Heavy Armor, switching between large Shield/Sword and Two weapon type. Very unsure of a good 2H weapon at this time.

I hope I am not intruding. *Bows*

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Welcome "
You are not intruding, as i'm not sure when we will be ready, i'm having some trouble with RL schedule myself.

Posting again to show interest.

Character info in development. *Bows*

Male Human Antipaladin 15

To me, all 2H weapons are great for the right build. So you just have to decide if multiple attacks, base damage or combat maneuvers are your preference. I am sure we'll help you out if you like.

I cannot find a limit on the size of a creature I could animate. I know I am topped out at 48 total HD from animate dead. So I am thinking of spending some gold on animate dead for a few plague zombies and a flying mount.

You guys will utterly dig this mount. I am a jerk. : }

Okay, rolling Hit Points

9d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4) = 28


Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec

Hit points being rolled:
14d10 ⇒ (8, 10, 7, 8, 5, 8, 4, 4, 5, 4, 10, 1, 8, 4) = 86

Bonny I may be missing something, but the characters are level 15. Once again this is wraithstrike.

*Gives throaty chuckle* Indeed they are.......

Don't worry, luv. I know what I'm doing...kind of.....just don't worry if I have to squint some times...>_>

Slowly working the character up.

DM's perusal and comments welcome and appreciated. *Bows*

Feats not put in yet. Only a cursory equipment list so far.

Much cheers to every one. =)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Checkin in. Glad to see I ddnt miss anythin this weekend. Way too crazy n awesome to get any sorta character work done, lol.

Playin Dawnflower Dervish Fighter. Quote that best fits him "In combat, as in all things, speed kills"

Feats written in, not factored yet.

Heh, how many people are thinking of taking "Amateur Guns-linger" and getting a pistol or two...? (^_~) Link

Equipment not fully listed nor costed.

Comments/advice welcome.

Much cheers to every one. =)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Sorry i don't seem to be checking much this thread, i'm even busier with each passing day.Will try to check on PCs, but since you are using a lot of material unknown here yet i'll have to trust you (^_~)

Still working on character.

Debating on whether a level in Barbarian is a good 'addition' for getting the movement speed in armour up...=)

Much cheers to every one.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I think i'll kill some of my managers if i won't get a bit of time at home :-(

Should be better next week

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec

I am being short on free time also. My real life game should be ending tomorrow so I should be ready in a few days.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I'm sorry this is taking so long, maybe i should have waited more before posting my idea

No problem. I just need to update my profile a bit, but I think I'm ready to go whenever you are.

Feats listed, equipment listed, rough background up.

Perusals and comments welcome. *Bows*

Lets get dangerous....(^_~)

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
"Bonny D" wrote:

Feats listed, equipment listed, rough background up.

Perusals and comments welcome. *Bows*

Lets get dangerous....(^_~)

Your AC is incorrect.

AC: 30 (+9Natural,+8Half Plate,+8WallSheild,+5Dex)
Touch: 15 , Flat Footed 25

Flat footed should be 35

I will now look at the rest of the character, except for the DM only section.

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
"Bonny D" wrote:

Feats listed, equipment listed, rough background up.

Perusals and comments welcome. *Bows*

Lets get dangerous....(^_~)

Your damage for the falcata should also be +12 since it is magical . I did not go any further, but you might want to check for any more errors.

What I would recommend in order to save others time from having to reverse engineer the character is to do it like this-->

Main Hand +43/+43/+38/+33/+28 (1d6+25 / 18-20 x3)
Offhand +43/+38/+33 (1d6+25 / 18-20 x3)

(Attack Breakdown: 20 BAB, +11 Strength, +5 Enhancement, +1 Competence, +1 haste, +4(Twin Blades), Perfect Balance +1, Weapon Focus, +1 Greater Weapon Focus, Balance (-1 TWF Penalty)

(Damage Breakdown: 11 Strength, +5 Enhancement, +1 Competence, +4(Twin Blades), +2 Weapon Spec, +2 Greater Weapon Spec,)

That way everything is accounted for. For the entire character--> Click me

*Bows* Thank you very much for that.

Though having armour made of Mithril does count towards making the armour 'lighter' by one 'class', I do not think it changes the Dex Bonus/Penalty of said armour. So I was wrong in the amount of Dexterity allowed by the Agile Halfplate, which has a score of +0.

Character adjusted to make better. =)

*Bows* I apologise for my complete lack of nouse when it comes to things such as these. Playing 'at home' with mates is one thing. Getting it 'right' out in the big wide world is completely another.

Much cheers to every one.

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
"Bonny D" wrote:

*Bows* Thank you very much for that.

Though having armour made of Mithril does count towards making the armour 'lighter' by one 'class', I do not think it changes the Dex Bonus/Penalty of said armour. So I was wrong in the amount of Dexterity allowed by the Agile Halfplate, which has a score of +0.

Character adjusted to make better. =)

*Bows* I apologise for my complete lack of nouse when it comes to things such as these. Playing 'at home' with mates is one thing. Getting it 'right' out in the big wide world is completely another.

Much cheers to every one.

Mithral does raise the max dex, and it makes the armor lighter for purposes of weight but you still have to be proficient in the armor's original category.

Example:Mithral Fullplate still requires the Heavy Armor Prof.
I kind of skimmed over your guy, but did not do a real check. I can do an in depth check if you want, but it might not be done until Wednesday.

Due to me running a high level game I am pretty much burned out. I will bow out of the first fight unless it takes a while for it to start, but I should be ok for the 2nd fight. I will still be bringing the cleric for the 2nd round.

PS:I can check people's characters if they want.

*Bows* Again, thank you very much for your efforts and am humbled by your input.

I have levels in Fighter, so the proficiency in Heavy Armour is okay. I would be thankful for any assistance. The difference between reading a stat block description as a DM and generating a character from the get go is...rather different/daunting.

While I am sorry your work load has knocked the stuffing out of you, I would be honoured and happy to have your input/thoughts as to the character build. I must admit to being of the persuasion of having more 'fun' than taking the design of the character too 'serious'.

I again apologise if this attitude is at odds with people here. *Bows*

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I'm grateful too, but things here are getting a bit better, should start working to start the game at last

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
"Bonny D" wrote:

*Bows* Again, thank you very much for your efforts and am humbled by your input.

I have levels in Fighter, so the proficiency in Heavy Armour is okay. I would be thankful for any assistance. The difference between reading a stat block description as a DM and generating a character from the get go is...rather different/daunting.

While I am sorry your work load has knocked the stuffing out of you, I would be honoured and happy to have your input/thoughts as to the character build. I must admit to being of the persuasion of having more 'fun' than taking the design of the character too 'serious'.

I again apologise if this attitude is at odds with people here. *Bows*

Fair enough. I may make recommendations, but in light of your "fun" build I will understand if you don't take that route.

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
"Bonny D" wrote:

*Bows* Again, thank you very much for your efforts and am humbled by your input.

I have levels in Fighter, so the proficiency in Heavy Armour is okay. I would be thankful for any assistance. The difference between reading a stat block description as a DM and generating a character from the get go is...rather different/daunting.

While I am sorry your work load has knocked the stuffing out of you, I would be honoured and happy to have your input/thoughts as to the character build. I must admit to being of the persuasion of having more 'fun' than taking the design of the character too 'serious'.

I again apologise if this attitude is at odds with people here. *Bows*

Character review:

I noticed you have 10 character levels, and the templates only add up to a +4. Assuming every CR equals a level your guy is only level 14 and not 15, but that is more up to the DM. I did want to point it out however.

For languages you get common and elven, plus your int mod of +3 give you 3 more. If the bad guys try to speak in another language in combat that might matter. I do that to my players all the time so the bad guys can openly discuss tactics.

Critical Focus only gives a +4 so you should be confirming on a 13 not a 12 with the Falcata, and the Bastard Sword should be confirming on a 15, not a 14. The spear confirms on a 16, not a 15

Your saves are also low. You are a melee guy so you can probably take the reflex save damage, but your will needs to go up. I would suggest a cloak of resistance.
Ok. I just went and checked your hp. I am not at least suggesting a belt of mighty +4 so you can get another 20 hp.

Did you mean Tower shield when you typed Wall Shield? If it is a 3.5 item then feel free to ignore this sentence.
Your CMD should be a 32 unless I missed you having a penalty that I don't know about.

Since you are large the Falcata and the spear should be doing 2d6 and the Bastard sword should be doing 2d8 base damage.

You should have 5 skill points per level which would give you 50. I only see 11 being used.

2nd complete review
HP First Lvl 12 HP. 9d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4) = 30. Con Bonus+70. +1 Bonus Hit Points per Lvl=10. Toughness +10Total:130


I noticed that you do have Iron will, but you did not add it to your total save. You also did not add the cloak of resistance bonus.

I see that you have a Ring of Diminution. I am assuming that is part of your character concept and it also explains the base weapon damage that I thought was an error. Just remember to increase the base damage if you go back to being large sized during the fight.

I do not see a ranged weapon. I would suggest getting one, or least getting some potions of fly. If the monster is flying you won't be doing a whole lot otherwise.

That is it for now.

The review is complete

My deepest and sincerest thanks for your work and effort. *Bows deeply*

I am in your debt.

Where should I mail my first born, since the third mortgage upon my soul would seem to render such as payment rather void. XD

It will still be a few more days due to again a rather busy Real Life schedule. I hope every one else's reality is treating them kindly.

Much cheers to you and yours, Raspin.

Best wishes and cheers to every one.

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec

You are welcome. I have gotten so much from the community I try to give back when I can. Your debt has been covered by many others. :)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

My reality is kicking my a**e.Think will just start to plan the first arena and trust your word about the characters.

But have to admit, i'm spending a lot of my free time on Dragon Age 2 lately

Male Human Antipaladin 15

I have to replace some fluff text and get the last notes about the PBP samurai off Vex's page. But I think mechanically, he only has the mount and other zombies to worry about. Likely I won't care enough to bring all my zombies with me. Probably just let them roam around civilization and make villages into zombie village.

When the time comes, I am ready to jsut kill the (good?) guys and make more zombies to set free. : }

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I'm still here, looking to your char and trying to make up my mind on which challenge using. I'm only sorry it is taking so long,but my work schedule is terrible :-(

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec

Just checking in. I see it has not started yet. I am still burned out, but I am still wanting to compete in round 2 and DM when the group gets to Level 18.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

If i remember correctly, we still don't know how to level up.Sure not only with xp from the fight alone;also to offer some challenge to such party i'll have to go with a CR17 at least.....i doubt a CR15 will last more than one round

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec

I thought that since the goal was to test various high levels we would just level up after every fight. If we use XP we will be at the same level for at least or 4 fights. If the goal is to have a few tests fights at each level then we can do 2 or 3 fights at each level.
I understood you wanted to collect data on high level play, and we just decided to join in since it gave us all a chance to test high level theories also, or at the last, just play a high level character without having to do the adventuring to get there. The only thing that I was not clear on would be what books were available.
Since this is your idea you should really be the one to decide how we are going to level IMHO.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I also thought of leveling up after each fight

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I'm still interested, things have gotten busy for me IRL as well. Playing my Dawnflower Duelist, all about speed and fast, deadly strikes. once we begin leveling, will go Duelist PrC.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I still want to try at least the first fight,the only problem is high CR creatures require a bit of design ( read as "a lot of time") and RL is really harsh on me lately.

Male Elf wizard 5(div and ench restricted) conjuration spec
Gandal wrote:
I still want to try at least the first fight,the only problem is high CR creatures require a bit of design ( read as "a lot of time") and RL is really harsh on me lately.

I can give you an encounter if that is all that is stopping you. Just let me know if you want a single or multiple creature encounter. You will have to take care of the map though. I am not good at those.


Message me here after you email me so I check it. Sometimes mail goes to the junk folder, assuming you want my help that is. I also need to know the CR of the encounter or you can let me know how many participants you have, and I will decide the CR so you can run it.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Raspin wrote:
Gandal wrote:
I still want to try at least the first fight,the only problem is high CR creatures require a bit of design ( read as "a lot of time") and RL is really harsh on me lately.

I can give you an encounter if that is all that is stopping you. Just let me know if you want a single or multiple creature encounter. You will have to take care of the map though. I am not good at those.

** spoiler omitted **

Message me here after you email me so I check it. Sometimes mail goes to the junk folder, assuming you want my help that is. I also need to know the CR of the encounter or you can let me know how many participants you have, and I will decide the CR so you can run it.

E-mailed you Raspin, thanks for the help

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