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Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I was speaking with our intern yesterday, and he informed me he doesn't drink. WTF?!?

A 20-something who doesn't drink? Something is very wrong here.

*raises hand*

Solidarity for your intern. =)

One of us. One of us.
See above.
I really don't like the buzz. At all. Taste isn't the issue here.
Same. I had a near-panic attack just from the early tingly/dizzy feeling of laughing gas. That kind of thing is a phobia for me.

I am pretty much a teetotaler at this point. I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012. My next one is likely at PaizoCon 2013. I'm not a big fan of alcohol buzzes, I don't need the extra calories, and the day after is just terrible. I don't have the time to be hungover and my chosen method of inebriation is much milder in its after effects.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm. Naked teetotaling. How ironic

Aberzombie wrote:

I was speaking with our intern yesterday, and he informed me he doesn't drink. WTF?!?

A 20-something who doesn't drink? Something is very wrong here.

The thing is there are meds you are not supposed to drink when taking. Also alcholol costs money.

Aroooooo Mama Lou!

Yes, I've been up for too long.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012.

One of me! One of me!

Scarab Sages

doctor_wu wrote:
The thing is there are meds you are not supposed to drink when taking.

Indeed. I have a co-worker who is in such a predicament. He takes anti-seizure medicine and so does not drink.

Poor bastard.

My last drink was 40 minutes ago. (Hard) cider from Normandy - yum! And thankfully no buzz, this time.

Scarab Sages

I kid though. I don't really give a crap whether someone drinks or not. Just like to have a bit of fun about it.

Hell, for a good while when I first moved up here, I rarely drank. And even today, when I drink it's usually one or two beers in the comfort of my own home.

Admittedly, I tend to skip the buzz and go straight to very, very sleepy - which is a good reason to keep the drinking to a moderate amount.

I enjoy wine with certain meals, and mead almost any time. Beer is a rarity, as there are SOME places that just make their beer too strong! glares at CH

Freehold DM wrote:
I enjoy wine with certain meals, and mead almost any time. Beer is a rarity, as there are SOME places that just make their beer too strong! glares at CH

and Belgium?

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
I enjoy wine with certain meals, and mead almost any time. Beer is a rarity, as there are SOME places that just make their beer too strong! glares at CH

Ha! I tease, but that night was probably the most I had had to drink in years...

On a separate note, I had bubble tea yesterday and it was delicious.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012.
One of me! One of me!

You definitely were a deciding factor. That and having nothing to do but game those days. Ah, time off .. *sigh*

Breakfast beacons before I can write my first post. Ham is bacon? right?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I enjoy wine with certain meals, and mead almost any time. Beer is a rarity, as there are SOME places that just make their beer too strong! glares at CH

Ha! I tease, but that night was probably the most I had had to drink in years...

On a separate note, I had bubble tea yesterday and it was delicious.

Hells yeah it was.

I'm safe with my job for now. But one more loss and I'm looking at three days suspension. I'm still going to apply for other means of employment.

Time to stop jinxing myself for now.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
.....and mead almost any time....


Speaking of which, in a little over a week I'll add the raspberries. Then another 2 weeks and bottling, followed by drinking.

Scarab Sages

And I'm now considering making the birthday mead an every year thing.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012.
One of me! One of me!

Oh, I thought you say 'one on me'.

Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012.
One of me! One of me!
Oh, I thought you say 'one on me'.

There was a lot round buying going around.

Freehold DM wrote:
I enjoy wine with certain meals, and mead almost any time. Beer is a rarity, as there are SOME places that just make their beer too strong! glares at CH

Oh boy, you should try Polish, Czech or German beers.

Another clip from Pyrkon.

You know, it's getting ridiculous. Train fare to Poznan and back is comparable to taking cheap flight to UK and back if one reserves plane ticket in advance.

I actually got this from Drejk on Facebook, but haven't seen it here yet:

Buy a book to help save a life today.

I'd love the Outlines book but don't have the cashiola.

FB event link.

hi everyone

Bayern vs Juventus Turino

last alcohol,
hm, half a beer last wedensday, I did share a bottle with my mums husband
(Licher Pilsner) before that I can't even remember

Laters. Off to my yob.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I just got a letter from Paris Crenshaw that three of my four submissions got accepted into Wayfinder #9!

Sooo, it will be another printed credit! :)

*sigh* And again I doubt I'll be able to get printed copy.

Cheap way of getting away with being late with blog posts...

Freehold DM wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
After over a year of trying, I've finally managed to book a show. I'm going to be sharing a basement stage with three of the biggest indie/punk bands in Syracuse. The show is in three days. Consider me terrified.
I would come if I could. Go for it shiny!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Well the call came - but the news was not good :(

The search continues...

can't say more than that - but I do appreciate the best wishes

Good luck!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
taig wrote:

I plan to catch up on the goings-on here this afternoon. :)

In the meantime, I've got Flash's new shield and a couple of monsters for your enjoyment/amusement/bafflement/what-have-you:

New Shield!

Field Phantasm

Giant Parasitic Wasp

Chaos Mouse

Minotaur of the Sea

FAWESOME stuff!!


Patrick Curtin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I think my last alcoholic drink was PaizoCon 2012.
One of me! One of me!
You definitely were a deciding factor. That and having nothing to do but game those days. Ah, time off .. *sigh*

Good times.

Treppa wrote:

I actually got this from Drejk on Facebook, but haven't seen it here yet:

Buy a book to help save a life today.

I'd love the Outlines book but don't have the cashiola.

FB event link.

Is Go Fund Me cool?

Random thought about coincidences. When we were playing Fading Suns campaign a friend invented minor noble house Wolverton who were archaeologists (of the Henry "Indiana" Jones's archaeology school, i.e. thieving adventurous type), scholars and hidden psychics... Later I played founder of the house in one shot game taking place in middle of third millennium.

aeglos wrote:

last alcohol,

hm, half a beer last wedensday, I did share a bottle with my mums husband
(Licher Pilsner) before that I can't even remember

We playing AA, well last beer was Monday (There's a great beer festival going on) before that was Friday I can't even remember getting the bus home.

Silver Crusade

Yipes. I found someone else in my department (of about 8 people) gave notice a week after I did. Being down one person will be a drag. Being down 2 will be a mess.

Oh well!

I hate this month.

5 finals.
5 practicums (classroom observation/tutoring/teaching)
4 term papers

All due in the same 3-week period.

Meanwhile, I would like to find some way to pay back my WONDERFUL professor who made me read about and watch a short film on Developing Adolescent Sexuality. I want to teach Math! I don't need to know this! Grrr.

Hello and long time no see!

I just thought I would drop off this amusing link...

Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

Silver Crusade

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Hello and long time no see!

I just thought I would drop off this amusing link...

Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

Well there's something you don't see everyday.

Silver Crusade

So, I have a trip planned to visit family in Portland this summer, and I looked up my friend who had been living there...

He moved to Idaho. Who moves to Idaho? I find the whole thing very random.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Hello and long time no see!

I just thought I would drop off this amusing link...

Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

Way to go Vice Mayor....


I may have to swipe this for Bride of Government Folly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Hello and long time no see!

I just thought I would drop off this amusing link...

Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

Well there's something you don't see everyday.

Thank God.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Hello and long time no see!

I just thought I would drop off this amusing link...

Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

Well there's something you don't see everyday.
Thank God.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

. . . .

RPG Superstar 2012

Drejk wrote:
Have you ever dreamed of dreaming?

Yes I have. It was really weird.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

Did my grocery shopping while the wife took the boy to the park for some outdoor activity.

After lunch and getting the boy down for a nap, I did a little work on a town map for my PF FR game. We seem to have reached an accord, instead of switching DMing duties each session, we're gonna each DM through one level of play. So my buddy Todd will take 5th level. Another guy will take 6th. I'll be back up for 7th level.

I'm looking forward to my DMing turn. I'm planning what will hopefully be a pretty cool adventure.

Here's a hint: Don't say "moo".


RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:

Okay. she got the offer from that we wanted for TX. July/August and we're there.

It's not the house I grew up in, but it's the change we need.


RPG Superstar 2012

Aberzombie wrote:
Well damn. A dude here at work died yesterday from complications due to an aortic aneurism. Only 55 years old. He was a real nice guy.

Wow. My condolences.

RPG Superstar 2012

BluePigeon wrote:

well, time for the job fair.

Nekkid job faire hunting. Anyone think of that?

I hope the job fair visit was fruitful!

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