Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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*Gets dressed*


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Sorry to hear that John. Do you have already a date for an intervention or do you still have to go though more tests?

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More tests are needed. At least another MRI.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Teacher: "Billy, what do chickens give us?"

Billy: "Eggs."
Teacher: "Very good! Susie, what do pigs give us?"
Susie: "Bacon!"
Teacher: "That's right! Johnny, what do cows give us?"
Johnny: "Homework."
R.I.P. Johnny

He won't.

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I saw a Lich becoming Pharasma, I swear!!!

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Did you?

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Unless that's causing me some further trouble. Then, I saw nothing.

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Are you implying I would cause strife just to exaggerate post counts.

Damn it, she's on to me!

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Nope... just to bring more aliases...

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Ylenia, Fashion Designer wrote:
Punniculus wrote:

Ylenia likes hats.

This outfit has a hat.
As does this one.
And, while not exactly a hat, this one has headwear of a sort.
Another hat.

If you could choose what class you want to pretend to be multiclass into, I could perhaps find additional choices.

Thw second one is dull and boring and brown...

But the others look awesome. I love the idea of wings on the head! Could they be red?

It makes me seem like my head would turn into a vargouille and fly away! I love it!!!

We can make the wings into almost any color, even plaid. We could even add headwings to another outfit, if you'd like.

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Ylenia, Fashion Designer wrote:
Punniculus wrote:

Ylenia likes hats.

This outfit has a hat.
As does this one.
And, while not exactly a hat, this one has headwear of a sort.
Another hat.

If you could choose what class you want to pretend to be multiclass into, I could perhaps find additional choices.

Thw second one is dull and boring and brown...

But the others look awesome. I love the idea of wings on the head! Could they be red?

It makes me seem like my head would turn into a vargouille and fly away! I love it!!!

I think that the first one fits you well.

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I can put some headwings on that. Maybe attached to the hat? More of a purpleish color to match the rest?

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The Incomparable podcast has done an episode about the Dungeons & Dragons film. There's a lot of snarkiness.

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Saw that, wish I hadn't. The second one was better.

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I liked them all; the problem with the third one was that it was closer to the others to being a good film, which made it much less fun to watch.

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There was a third?

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Limeylongears wrote:
I liked them all; the problem with the third one was that it was closer to the others to being a good film, which made it much less fun to watch.


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No wonder I didn't know about it. It seems it was never released here.

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Probably because it was better.

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If anyone does make a Pathfinder movie, I make the motion that it be filmed in New Zealand.

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Can someone provide some advice?

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A musical animal twofer! Whale AND Wasp!

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Kileanna wrote:
Can someone provide some advice?

Two words! Grappling Hook!!

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Kileanna wrote:
Can someone provide some advice?

Done, put in my two copper pieces.

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Combat Expertise. Always Combat Expertise.

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Thanks people!

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New HEMA venue in an old shop, on the main road, with colossal great windows, so every bugger who walks past can gaze at you practicing the Deadley Arts.

One bloke took a photo, then leaned in through the open door and said 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!', which is something we shall have to get used to, I suppose.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
No wonder I didn't know about it. It seems it was never released here.

It might well have been a straight to DVD job.

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That's what Amazon says. Pittsburgh's about to get hit by a (thunder?)storm. Have to shut my windows most of the way.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Happy Independence Day Eve AKA July 3rd to all the US FaWtLies. Long time (12,000+) posts since my last visit. Still alive, and looking forward to Starfinder.

I hope all is well with you seasoned FaWtLies as well as the new bunch since I last checked in.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Finally working my way through the Dark Tower series on Audible. (I knew that hour commute each way would come in handy some day.) 6 books down, and one to go (not counting the 8th book that came out after the end). Still undecided if I will be watching the movie once I've completed the series.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Combat Expertise. Always Combat Expertise.

Not if you have a strength based build. That's when you go power attack!

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Happy Independence Day Eve AKA July 3rd to all the US FaWtLies. Long time (12,000+) posts since my last visit. Still alive, and looking forward to Starfinder.

I hope all is well with you seasoned FaWtLies as well as the new bunch since I last checked in.


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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
I hope all is well with you seasoned FaWtLies as well as the new bunch since I last checked in.

Hey! It's a new-old FaWtLie!

Is there any word for that? Or is that going to have to be the word(s) we use to describe that?

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The Game Hamster wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
I hope all is well with you seasoned FaWtLies as well as the new bunch since I last checked in.

Hey! It's a new-old FaWtLie!

Is there any word for that? Or is that going to have to be the word(s) we use to describe that?

Once a FaWtLie always a FaWtLy. That was always the beauty of this thread, the ability to pop in and out and pick up as if nothing happened.

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How goes it in Dwarfland™!

Drunkenly crafting weapons and overly complicated mountain fortresses I hope. :-)

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Woot! Woot! This alias name wasn't claimed yet!

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Now to pick out a decent pic...

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Well... This certainly wasn't my planned look for today.

And I had planned every event for today... And tomorrow... And next week... And next year... But this current look, it throws everything off! I bet you can certainly see why! I just can't cope like this!

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Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:

Long time no post, Freehold! How's the big city treating you? Ready for winter yet?

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F&#&! Pea Bear has a temp of 103.6.

No good! :-(

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Not good at all...
At that point an asprin is well worth considering. Or a hospital run.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Around our house, that song goes a little more like this...
Evil Kjeldorn wrote:

*His left eyebrow twitches every so slightly, as he adjusts the rear sights on his heavy crossbow and takes aim*

*inhales slowly*


*The cries of children carries in on the wind and Kjeldorn smiles to himself*

Oh, you cad, you.

I'm assuming that "cad" is more like "rapscallion" and less like the kind of epithets used by most internet people. Please let me know otherwise.

Limeylongears wrote:




Please, no more! You can have the Emperor's battle plans, just make it stop! Make it stop, I beg you!!!

TL, you must have the patience of a genuine saint if you can put up with that all day long. Either that, or you can cast Zone of Silence at will.

I cannot, in fact, cast zone of silence at will.

Freehold DM wrote:


The song is adorable.

It's made more so, I think, by the fact that it's actually sung by a child.

That said, it can wear on the nerves after a long-enough while... especially when you're more interested in listening to something like the Emerald Sword Saga.


The newest addition, and what we put our boys to sleep with.

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captain yesterday wrote:

F@~@! Pea Bear has a temp of 103.6.

No good! :-(

Holy carp! :(

The Game Hamster wrote:

Not good at all...

At that point an asprin is well worth considering. Or a hospital run.

This thing!


I pray she feels better soon!

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So are we!

We gave her ibuprofen, season two of Burn Notice, and cold packs, we're holding off on the hospital, for now.

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As the son of a retired nurse, I recommend a Hospital Run if her fever doesn't break within 4 hours.

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My mom was a unit clerk for twenty years before going back to college for journalism, so I know. It seems to be dipping slightly and she just threw up and that also seemed to help.

She does tend to get high temps when she isn't well.

It's quite scary as a parent.

Tiny T-Rex is the opposite, half the time you don't even realize he's sick until he vomits.

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Okay. Keep us posted, please.

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Just, you know, maybe not too much detail. I don't think we need to know color, consistency, and composition of various excretions.

But, yes, get the young one healthy so that she may continue on her quest to drive you insane.

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