Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Because my brother insists on serving bland over cooked octopus on thanksgiving for whatever reason.

So this year I'm making Takoyaki for the holiday food pissing contests my brothers insist on having.

Edit: When wrestling octopi it is customary to not wear clothing.

So I was told.

I just wish the underwater camera wasn't necessary.

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Of course i have to actually learn how it's done...

Shouldn't be too hard.

If someone has a better recipe i'm all ears. :-)

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Sounds like a good recipe to me. I made their yakisoba with good results.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Because my brother insists on serving bland over cooked octopus on thanksgiving for whatever reason.

So this year I'm making Takoyaki for the holiday food pissing contests my brothers insist on having.

Edit: When wrestling octopi it is customary to not wear clothing.

So I was told.

I just wish the underwater camera wasn't necessary.




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At last! Freehold gets to fulfill all his fantasies about Wisconsin milkmaids bearing trays of cheese in the snow! :)

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John Napier 698 wrote:
At last! Freehold gets to fulfill all his fantasies about Wisconsin milkmaids bearing trays of cheese in the snow! :)

is that what they call it?

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I definitely want one of these.

You want a Matt Danick sign? Wouldn't you prefer a baron arem heshvaun sign?

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What's the only drink size allowed in North Korea? The Supreme Liter.

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This is not what adulthood looked like in the brochure.

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I would appreciate apple-picking more if I didn't know about grocery stores.

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I want to thank my Mom for providing me love that's as unending as her voicemails.

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Last Father's Day, my son gave me something I've been wanting for years: the keys to my car.

I have a new girlfriend with anorexia. I don't think it's going to work out, though. I keep seeing less and less of her.

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Okay. Here we go, again.

Please don't be offended by any of the jokes posted above.

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In gaming news, I nearly killed a PC tonight. The 2nd level Samurai got smacked with a sneak attack from a 3rd level rogue for 17 damage (I rolled boxcars on the sneak attack), and then took another 10 or so from the flood troll, dropping him to -7. For some reason, I just can't seem to miss when I attack him. Other characters, I sometimes hit sometimes miss, like you would expect. But when I swing at him, I smack him around like the proverbial red-headed rented step-mule.

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Close, but no cigar.

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Well, when you knock down one guy, but there are six more about to kick your ass, you tend to focus on the ones that can hurt you rather than delivering the final blow.

Scarab Sages

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Anyone around here know what happened to Uncle Teddy?

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Anyone around here know what happened to Uncle Teddy?

Nope. I hope he is ok.

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Bleargh!!! Cough drop mouth.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Anyone around here know what happened to Uncle Teddy?

I did some checking, and the last post he made was on June 22.

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Ice hockey looks like guys wearing knife-shoes are beating each other with sticks for the last Oreo.

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Brrr..., Brrr..., Brrr..., ~sweats~ Being sick sucks.

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I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

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Sharoth wrote:
Brrr..., Brrr..., Brrr..., ~sweats~ Being sick sucks.

Yarr, I see a poorly dragon!

Whisky and curry - that'll sort 'ee out, by Dagon's danglers!

Get well soon! :)

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
This is not what adulthood looked like in the brochure.

So say we all!

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

One day, I hope. About ten years ago or so, my mother and I was going to Minneapolis to visit my brother and his wife, and we stopped at Stephen's Point. She bought a lot of needlepoint stuff from a company named Herschner's.

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There were brochures.

Damn, all I got was the brochures to Noah's Ark, Tommy Bartlett's Ski, Sky, And Stage Show, and Pirate's Cove mini-golf.

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

What happened to the extremely-tentative trip to California so we could feed you?

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I am looking for someone with PayPal account who makes purchases on Paizo to get $10 from me to buy me Alien Archive pdf for Starfinder...

How am I supposed to write Starfinder monsters without Alien Archive?!

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Freehold must be rejoicing... Facebook seems to be rather wonky today.

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Drejk wrote:



I am looking for someone with PayPal account who makes purchases on Paizo to get $10 from me to buy me Alien Archive pdf for Starfinder...

How am I supposed to write Starfinder monsters without Alien Archive?!

As soon as I get paid, I'll see what I can do. Don't worry about paying me back in cash. Just consider it an investment towards receiving more monsters.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
In gaming news, I nearly killed a PC tonight. The 2nd level Samurai got smacked with a sneak attack from a 3rd level rogue for 17 damage (I rolled boxcars on the sneak attack), and then took another 10 or so from the flood troll, dropping him to -7. For some reason, I just can't seem to miss when I attack him. Other characters, I sometimes hit sometimes miss, like you would expect. But when I swing at him, I smack him around like the proverbial red-headed rented step-mule.

It seems that the dice hates that PC.

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OK. I hate to come out of the closet, but it's already been taken care of...
Merry, er, October? Drejk!

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That was... Fast. And yet, I have Nobody to thank for the Alien Archive I just got.

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Thank you, NH. I'll save that ten and wait to see if there's anything else Drejk may need. Incidentally, I get paid tomorrow.

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Huh... There is now a search sidebar in My Downloads?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Huh... There is now a search sidebar in My Downloads?

LOL. My "My Downloads" page is a running joke. Have you seen how much "stuff" I'm subscribed to (AP and campaign every month, plus pawns every couple of months)? And have been since around 2013? When we're gaming at Shiro's and we need a map, I try to get him to go to my Paizo page so we can grab it, and he just hates it because he has to scroll through dozens (probably over 100 now) of PDFs.

So a search sidebar would be... good... for those of us who subscribe too much.

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Strange, the short USB/microUSB cable from a power bank seems to be restricted to charging devices via USB, and does not allow data transfer (or even detection of connected device)... I didn't expected that.


Hyped this exiiiiiiiists~!

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Tacticsalien wrote:


Hyped this exiiiiiiiists~!

*Applause, confetti, fireworks*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

What happened to the extremely-tentative trip to California so we could feed you?

More realistic then you might realize. :-)

Planning an actual vacation is my winter activity. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Huh... There is now a search sidebar in My Downloads?

LOL. My "My Downloads" page is a running joke. Have you seen how much "stuff" I'm subscribed to (AP and campaign every month, plus pawns every couple of months)? And have been since around 2013? When we're gaming at Shiro's and we need a map, I try to get him to go to my Paizo page so we can grab it, and he just hates it because he has to scroll through dozens (probably over 100 now) of PDFs.

So a search sidebar would be... good... for those of us who subscribe too much.

Not only am I subscribed, but I also grabbed every free download I could get my hands on back in the day.

Of course, now that they cleaned it up I can't find anything.

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Drejk wrote:
Freehold must be rejoicing... Facebook seems to be rather wonky today.



3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

What happened to the extremely-tentative trip to California so we could feed you?

clearly, you need to bring that food to Wisconsin and have a big family meal together.

Just your family and captain yesterday's family and lisamarlenes family.

I will be sending milkmaid outfits for lisamarlene, Mrs yesterday, and Nobodyswife. And captain yesterday, as I know he will feel left out.

And a go pro, along with a sase for return of said go pro and a set of Tupperware so that I may enjoy dinner as well, if I can't make it.

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You know what I've found interesting since I stopped eating meat at home? I haven't really been craving it. The transition into only really eating meat as restaurants has been shockingly easy to live with (I suppose the fact that I actually like a large number of feux meat producta, both soy and bean based, has some role in this), and I'm getting more curious about vegetarian restaurants (I live in San Francisco, they have to be available. Just need to pay attention.). I thought this would be harder to live with and require significant willpower, but not really.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
You know what I've found interesting since I stopped eating meat at home? I haven't really been craving it. The transition into only really eating meat as restaurants has been shockingly easy to live with (I suppose the fact that I actually like a large number of feux meat producta, both soy and bean based, has some role in this), and I'm getting more curious about vegetarian restaurants (I live in San Francisco, they have to be available. Just need to pay attention.). I thought this would be harder to live with and require significant willpower, but not really.

Greens is expensive, but remains one of the best restaurants at which I have ever eaten.

And it is entirely Vegan.

I'll ping NobodysWife about affordable alternatives downtown (i.e., places you can eat more than once a year). I love Greens, but I've been there once. Kind of like the French Laundry -- worth the experience, but I'm not rich enough to make a habit of it. Or even go a second time...

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captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:

I have been put in charge of helping us break out of our hermitic shell.

So, if anyone wants to visit Madison...

What happened to the extremely-tentative trip to California so we could feed you?

More realistic then you might realize. :-)

Planning an actual vacation is my winter activity. :-)

Well, be sure to give us a little bit of warning! Rivoli's web site doesn't allow you to make reservations for more than 6 people, but I've seen parties of 8-10, so I think if you call in and speak to a manager you can get a bigger table.

Fortunately, I have reason to believe that if we try to make reservations for 10 they'll figure out a way to do that. When you can get away with running up and hugging the head chef, they give you a little bit of leeway that way...

EDIT: Of course, it may be a smaller group. Impus Major commits heresy by saying that the dinners "are good, but aren't worth the money" so he chooses not to go. Impus Minor is finicky and so he prefers not to go. So we'd already be down to 8, and I don't know how much Tiny T-Rex would enjoy it. I am not leaving Crookshanks and Impus Major alone in a house together, though! At least not a house that I want to find standing when I get back to it...

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