Deep 6 FaWtL

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And we shall do it nekkid!

Br@in wrote:
And we shall do it nekkid!

That's what she said!

How you doin'?

Liberty's Edge




for a full year

'til we're full grown

Where are we going to find a diabetic zebra at this time of night?

the same place we always find a diabetic zebra

So we are raiding taig's house again....

he has Girl Scout cookies too

I need a cigarette

the mini-blitz done wore me out

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?
I'm hoping for New Hampshire, but Upstate New York is a possibility.

People moving almost always makes me sad (I don't know why), so I was reading along with a sinking feeling until I got to this post! Live free or die!

See you Saturday, CC (and Dorkmash)!

Yeah, who knows, but I might be coming to a lOcal coffee shop near YOU, O Glorious Asst Secretary of Rural Pacification and Collectivization. =D. My wife will be oppressing the local workers by insisting they show up on time and do their jobs. How fascisistic!

Anyway, that's 2013's issue. I'll see you at TotalCon. Look for the guy wearing a flumph shirt in olive drab. I'll be the one who looks like an oversized dwarf. I signed up for the Irom GM event @10 am so well see how that goes.

Wow just found out the iBorg had a whole galaxy of lesser-known letters under the commons if you hold it! Yay! ÛüiùÚūrœøōöóį.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

My wife will be oppressing the local workers by insisting they show up on time and do their jobs. How fascisistic!

[Stands outside CC's wife's workplace handing out pamphlets]

Oh, so you're going to get there much earlier than you'd originally planned, huh? I'm still hoping for some 8am Call of Cthulu action, but I didn't register so we'll see.

Anyway, I've seen your picture around. I imagine that I'll be the only guy there with a red beard and wearing Teamsters regalia. I'll do the whole Private Messaging thing Friday night to codify things, though. (Same for you, Gruumash..)

Sovereign Court


Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

My wife will be oppressing the local workers by insisting they show up on time and do their jobs. How fascisistic!

[Stands outside CC's wife's workplace handing out pamphlets]

Oh, so you're going to get there much earlier than you'd originally planned, huh? I'm still hoping for some 8am Call of Cthulu action, but I didn't register so we'll see.

Anyway, I've seen your picture around. I imagine that I'll be the only guy there with a red beard and wearing Teamsters regalia. I'll do the whole Private Messaging thing Friday night to codify things, though. (Same for you, Gruumash..)

Coolio. Yeah I figured I'd try a game, wtf not? I'll keep an eye for a red-bearded goblin with commie gear on =P.

Ditto Lord One Eye. Hope to see you then!!!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Morning all....

Congrats are in order for the Shinester, El Tagio, and Mini Zombeh.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
If you're not rules savvy, don't use rules.

I don't. At least, not many.

Actually, I'm pretty rules savvy. I just don't think that rules should get in the way of a good story. :)

The blitz was fun. It's been a while since three pages of posts was quick reading. :)

Today's lab was titration. I like the titration itself well enough, but I hate cleaning the buret. I'm always terrified I'm going to break it, and they're so expensive.

Scarab Sages

Mrgh? BttH?

Aberzombie wrote:
Mrgh? BttH?

Burets to the head? Not the same...

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Mrgh? BttH?
Burets to the head? Not the same...

That makes sad zombie sad.

Scarab Sages

Spaghetti night! Woot!

Scarab Sages

Also, I fully expect to arrive home to more packages for Charlie.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Birthday loot is teh Fawesome!

Aberzombie wrote:
Spaghetti night! Woot!

This sounds like an excellent idea.

lynora wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Spaghetti night at Lynora's! Woot!
This sounds like an excellent idea.

Cool! What time should we be there?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will have slow-cooker beef stew and biscuits when I get home from work. <3

Emperor7 wrote:
lynora wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Spaghetti night at Lynora's! Woot!
This sounds like an excellent idea.
Cool! What time should we be there?!

lol. You don't want spaghetti night at my place. My little boy has caught the flu and doesn't mind sharing. ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

lynora wrote:
My little boy has caught the flu and doesn't mind sharing. ;)

ugh... mine has had a phlegmy couch for the last week and has decided to pass that on to me. Only I got sooo much more. :/

(3 days off work more... I feel like total crap!)

lynora wrote:
TOZ wrote:
If you're not rules savvy, don't use rules.

I don't. At least, not many.

Actually, I'm pretty rules savvy. I just don't think that rules should get in the way of a good story. :)

Interestingly enough, this just got me in trouble with the wife this weekend at the Darklight Sisterhood game. *sigh* Sometimes the antagonist just needs to fail their save or the PCs need to get the occasional extra attack of opportunity to keep the game flowing smoothly. I try to remember that they are the stars, but it's hard to do when I'm getting stellar rolls and they're rolling in the single digits.

Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
PMG told me he regularly dresses as Teddy Roosevelt. Is Taig a distant relation, you think? Like Paris and Moorluck?
They're like the Wilbury clan.


flash_cxxi wrote:
lynora wrote:
My little boy has caught the flu and doesn't mind sharing. ;)

ugh... mine has had a phlegmy couch for the last week and has decided to pass that on to me. Only I got sooo much more. :/

(3 days off work more... I feel like total crap!)

Yuk. Hope you're feeling better soon. We've been passing this same flu back and forth between us for about three weeks now. We're all quite tired of it.

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
TOZ wrote:
If you're not rules savvy, don't use rules.

I don't. At least, not many.

Actually, I'm pretty rules savvy. I just don't think that rules should get in the way of a good story. :)

Interestingly enough, this just got me in trouble with the wife this weekend at the Darklight Sisterhood game. *sigh* Sometimes the antagonist just needs to fail their save or the PCs need to get the occasional extra attack of opportunity to keep the game flowing smoothly. I try to remember that they are the stars, but it's hard to do when I'm getting stellar rolls and they're rolling in the single digits.

Oh, so you're one of those people. One of the ones that the dice actually like. *glares*


The Exchange

Uhg. *grumble*

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I did follow up calls on a bunch of jobs today. Only got shot down once. Keep your fingers crossed.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I did follow up calls on a bunch of jobs today. Only got shot down once. Keep your fingers crossed.

Will do!

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
I did follow up calls on a bunch of jobs today. Only got shot down once. Keep your fingers crossed.

Dude, for you I'll cross my fingers, toes, eyes, and testicles.

*that hurts BTW.*

Celestial Healer wrote:
I did follow up calls on a bunch of jobs today. Only got shot down once. Keep your fingers crossed.

If you can be in Trollhättan, Sweden in... 13 minutes, you can have mine. Fudge in a bell I'm feeling unmotivated tonight.

Liberty's Edge

Fudge in a bell?

What is your job Kajehase? And you work in a place called Trollhatten, how cool is that?

Liberty's Edge

Great to hear Charlie’s birthday went well Aberzombie.

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
lynora wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Spaghetti night at Lynora's! Woot!
This sounds like an excellent idea.
Cool! What time should we be there?!

Actually, due to time constraints, it ended up being left over stew night.

Mothman wrote:
Fudge in a bell?

My attempt at a bit of rhyming slang. Have to say I'm more pleased by "Jeremy Hunt!"

What is your job Kajehase?

And I work with [gilding the lily speak] the distributing of traditional media-outlets [/gilding the lily speak], that is, as a paperboy. ;)

And you work in a place called Trollhatten, how cool is that?

Well... if it'd been an American place, we'd be Detroit - too much ethnic segregation, screwed over by General Motors, at least one decent soul-singer (no good sport-teams, though) - so... pretty cool. :D

Five pages? Now, that's a productive day.

Scarab Sages


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