Urinsane's page
403 posts. Alias of Emperor7.
Sebastian wrote: Kajehase wrote: How's Belle? Getting it on with a hairy animal and her talking inanimate objects. Are one of her talking inanimate objects named Woody? Will it make the hairy animal obsolete?
Now there's a conversation piece.
Drejk wrote: What? It's not hard. There's a pill for that!
Freehold DM wrote: Well, I am good with my hand....;) *snork*
Drejk wrote: I suspect that results could be somewhat different if I took that test in the morning, at night or tomorrow. Or, after coming out of cold water?
Where is the cake with a dancer in it?!
Orthos wrote: Heh, same here. I spent it laying in bed wetting myself... O.O
Drejk wrote: Well, let's hope the date with dream will have grande finale in bed. O.O
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Orthos wrote: Pile on the meat. That's what she said!

aeglos wrote: Hi everyone,
FLITTERWOCHE - glimmering week, or as the english speeking world calls it: Honeymoon
we are in the Berchtesgadener Land down in southern Bavaria.
It is one of Germany's most famous vacation area, everything is just like Americans imagine Germany, in other words very Bavarian:
The Alps, mountain lakes, Dirndl, Lederhosen, beer in huge Maßkrügen
it is kind of ironic because Berchtesgaden is bavarian since just 200 yearsit was an indipended church state before 1820 ruled by Lord- Abbots
famous landmarks are the Königssee, Zauberwald, Hintersee and germanys second highest mountain, the Watzmann, part of a mountain massif formed by the Watzman, the Watzwife and the Watzchildren (yes, really)
on a much darker note, Hitlers holiday house, the Berghof was here (now a resaech and documantation centre for the nazi time)
today we took the famous boat tour over the Königssee to St. Batrholomä and did a great walk around the Obersee
Hope you are posting while Sabine is passed out from exhaustion. It's your honeymoon! Get busy!
Drejk wrote: My nap was disrupted by knocking on the door. I got up and went to check to see pretty girl handing me a 1 liter bottle of Coca Cola. Sometimes it's worth to get up from bed... In a bikini?! And slowly sliding an ice cube down her neck?! Then asking if she could take a break on your couch and if you'd rub her sore feet?!
Freehold DM wrote: I put it in backwards. How the heck do you manage that?
Icyshadow wrote: ...ugh, I can literally feel the anxiety and stress building up as the rectal exams approach. O.O
Nekkid Desires?
Sounds like a good name for a book
Freehold DM wrote: I want it so badly... You and me both...
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Kajehase wrote: He'd better have some Irn-Bru and a sausage dinner with him. Oh, he'll be sure to bring the sausage all right...
Freehold DM wrote: Scintillae wrote: And [redacted] cat girls. fify so that it is now gospel. Anne Hathaway type cat girls? Oh yeah.
Aberzombie wrote: aeglos wrote: hi everyone
I hope everyone is ok
today is Sabine's birthday, I painted her a sunflower with my dad's old oil-paint Huzzah! Tell her Happy Birthday from all of us!! Be sure to put the Happy in Happy Birthday for her!
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Scintillae wrote: ...My fortune cookie just told me that I will get an offer I cannot refuse. ...in bed
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Celestial Healer wrote: I am [redacted] a goat. I have never had one before. I am very curious how this is going to turn out. Go back to honey!
Celestial Healer wrote: I don't use honey that often, so it made for a nice treat. Then later on there was [redatced] with honey. It was a honeyful day. O.o
Celestial Healer wrote: Yesterday I sexually experimented with some [redacted]. It is fantastic when drizzled with honey. I hear ya!
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Freehold DM wrote: I haven't worn underwear in YEARS!! Guy underwear at least...
Urinsane wrote: Jess Door wrote: it's not only a matter of melting the cheese enough, it's also important to toast the bread just right.
That's it. I'm going grocery shopping on the way home.
M u s t h a v e . . . Peanut butter? Gently applied to... Or honey? Slowly drizzled...
Jess Door wrote: it's not only a matter of melting the cheese enough, it's also important to toast the bread just right.
That's it. I'm going grocery shopping on the way home.
M u s t h a v e . . .
Peanut butter? Gently applied to...
Drejk wrote: Time to shave [redacted] my backside moving towards the [redacted]. Chicks dig a shaved [redacted]
Aberzombie wrote: My sister-in-law received a Keurig coffee maker - same model as my own. Needless to say, I'll have to visit her apartment. Too bad you missed ToP with this one! Would have been totally FAWKWARD!
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Freehold DM wrote: Normally, I would risk over to jess doors house to explode all over her laundry. You can get arrested for that. Or, so I heard. Never happened to me.
Celestial Healer wrote: Whenever I am [redacted] other people who are [redacted], I always urge them to [redacted] often,... Bad Angel! I approve.
I don't understand this thread. 'Spleen it to me, Lucy.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Jesszilla wrote: aeglos wrote: save at home now
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE I think we need your help in The Pacific Rim Are you suggesting a rim job?
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lynora wrote: Mmmm. I ran out of coffee creamer so I poured some soy milk egg nog into my pumpkin spice coffee....pure deliciousness. ^.^ Blanked out on most of this. All I heard was that you poured egg nog on your pumpkins. I approve.
Kajehase wrote: Work today was at -19° Celsius (-2° Fahrenheit). Getting a bit too nipply for my taste now. FIFY
Never too nipply!
Cheapy wrote: Grats aeglos!
... Now about these glowing condoms. Have you tried blowing them into shapes?
Just be sure that the lubricant doesn't smell funny...
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Drejk wrote: How slick is the [redacted]? Maybe sitting on one's [redacted] and sliding down the [redacted] would be safer? (depending upon quality and toughness of [redacted]) Dirty Drejk. I approve.
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Bitter Thorn wrote: Diane is worn out from yesterday and Wednesday. *fistbump*
You go, BT!
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aeglos wrote:
and how big a [redacted] do you have??
Uh oh. Now the rest of us will feel inadequate. Again. ;)
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Celestial Healer wrote: ...rubbed down with butter and herbs. You had me at rubbed down...
Emperor7 wrote: Mmmmm....muffin for breakfast.
No, not that kind. Blueberry.
I dated a dancer named Strawberry once...well, nevermind.
DSXMachina wrote: Giving nekkid 'helping hands' to James Jacobs..... :O *snort*
Icyshadow wrote: Handling the mouse, or the trap? Yeah, no double intendre there...
Drejk wrote: GM throat failure. *snort*
Bitter Thorn wrote: Urinsane wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote:
If the group gets on well, the more the merrier.
Sounds like my kind of party!
*breaks out the cooking oil and a tarp* :)
I may be in your ball park for Christmas. My balls are so large they need a park?!
EDIT: LMAO!!!!! Nekkid Ball Park
Bitter Thorn wrote:
If the group gets on well, the more the merrier.
Sounds like my kind of party!
*breaks out the cooking oil and a tarp*
aeglos wrote: someone just walked through the living room wearing only bra and panties and a Iron Maiden zip-up hoddie beloning to me
<- happy dwarf
You said you weren't going to tell anyone!
Last time I give you a free show...
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gran rey de los mono wrote: While I haven't done that, I have [redacted] a beholder. Several times actually. The same one. Grab an eyestalk and ride 'em cowboy!
lynora wrote: I finally got around to cleaning out my [redacted]. There is much less need to [redacted] now. [Redacted]. Only in december...and even then only the last couple of weeks. I only have [redacted] on my [redacted] because I [redacted] to find some that didn't leave me feeling [redacted]. (Shall we [redacted] the holly or each other?) (bonus points if you know what [redacted] film that's from.) O.O
Freehold DM wrote: The real question is, which pony did you whip? S&M Pony?
Freehold DM wrote: The real question is, which pony did you whip out? Excuse me while I whip this out........
Scintillae wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Don't hate, love and tolerate. Excellent work. Scintillae wrote: In other news, I successfully managed to derail a political discussion with a My Little Pony. More along the lines of:
*clocks out from work*
*rushes from break room* "OH MY GOD that political ad"
"I voted last week, coworker, I don't have to care anymore"
"But did you SEE-"
*reaches into purse, retrieves pony bought on lunch break, strokes mane*
"Happy place."
"You're weird..." *leaves* I'm Sebastian's surrogate, and I approve this message.
Freehold DM wrote: I love fruitcake. Gets me nice and socially lubricated. Mmmm....lubricated....