Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

How to make others doubt your competence before you even start:

"Sorry, I was on Mute. Most famous 3 words in the industry these days."

I'm wondering which 3 he meant.

EDIT: "I am nekkid," on the other hand, is indeed 3 words.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How I know the first day it gets above 80 degrees.

Coworker gets really pissed about something trivial and declares he's going home early.

Unfortunately for him, this job doubles as a gym for me.

Also, I have the truck keys.

Edit; Ha! It's only 76! I'm going to give him so much crap for getting old because of this!

Scarab Sages

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Me: "So, the bread represents Christ's body?"

Priest: "That is correct."
Me: "And he was crucified, died, and was buried?"
Priest: "Yes, and then three days later he rose from the dead."
Me: "... Because of the yeast?"
Priest: "Get out."

True story:

When I was a kid, I was raised Catholic, and as we were in a class preparing for First Communion, the priest asked if we had any questions, and I, as an innocent child asked:

"Why does Jesus taste like a paper cup?"

The priest laughed. The nuns laughed. I never got my answer. I wasn't trying to be a smartass. It's just...anyone here who's Catholic knows those wafers taste like styrofoam.

Or like the cheapest cheapest ice cream cone wafer.

Meh. After a splendid last month's selection at Humble Choice, this month is bland, uninteresting crap.

I got a nice mission - secluded plant (in region reminding me of industrial zone here in Kraków), bunch of gangsters, no civilians, can use heavy weapons without worrying about cops.

I have cleaned the area of gangsters, and almost finished dealing with the two waves of reinforcement (yes, drive a bunch of cars from the side that I can see and eliminate you en masse with granade launcher, then proceed to run upstairs into my explosive traps!) when I died to... Weird fall over (if not through) the safety railing.

Twice. In more or less the same spot.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
lisamarlene wrote:
Feros wrote:
Yep. No one vaccinated has died of the variants or the central strain. And the "avoid death" aspect is what is really important about vaccines.
Hey Feros, what is it like in Canada in terms of vaccine supply and organization?

Much like the US, it depends on where you live. About ten to fifteen years ago, our federal government said to itself, "We don't need to keep companies up here capable of producing mass vaccines, we can rely on the USA!" Needless to say we are now having a harder time than we should have in getting vaccine supplies. It's improved over the last few months and the situation will now be rectified for the future, but shortsighted stuff can come back and bite you in the backside when you least expect it.

The organization of vaccine appointments has been improving, but for a while there we were all in the dark, with none of the provincial governments doing a decent job of keeping the people appraised as to when they should make an appointment. They're sort of learning as they go. My province of New Brunswick is getting there, but when garbage collectors got on the vaccine list before morticians you know that there are still some miscommunication going on.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Me (on cutting pavers and such): It's not THAT hard, all it takes is repetition. You don't think I was born with a saw in my hand do you?

High Schooler #1: Yes

High Schooler #2: I was also going to say yes

Coworker: I might have told some people that.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Silly spring. Giving us a day full of hail.

It was nuts. ALL (DE) and I went for a walk around a lake (in Lancashire), and it started snowing then; when we went over the tops back to Yorkshire, there were parked cars covered in it; it really came down when we got home, but had vanished entirely when I went out for fish & chips.

She joined in on our Savage Worlds game this evening, too, which was nice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
The patio is almost finished, just got to lay out, mark, and then cut the sun out of stone, finish cutting the sun rays, mix up the concrete edging, sweep in about 1,200 pounds of polymeric sand, blow it off and then compact it and sweep another 200 pounds of polymeric sand into it, blow it off again, and then gently spray it with water.

{mentally pictures co-workers Captain Yesterday & Flint Marko in reboot of Marvel's Damage Control comic}

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Can I go home yet? I've been here for 90 minutes, surely that's good enough, right?

{tunes up guitar for unplugged version of "Hotel Rey de los Mono"} ♩♫ "...Plenty of laundry at the Hotel Rey de los Mono..." ♩♫

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Me: "So, the bread represents Christ's body?"

Priest: "That is correct."
Me: "And he was crucified, died, and was buried?"
Priest: "Yes, and then three days later he rose from the dead."
Me: "... Because of the yeast?"
Priest: "Get out."

Time for some math...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Me: "So, the bread represents Christ's body?"

Priest: "That is correct."
Me: "And he was crucified, died, and was buried?"
Priest: "Yes, and then three days later he rose from the dead."
Me: "... Because of the yeast?"
Priest: "Get out."

True story:

When I was a kid, I was raised Catholic, and as we were in a class preparing for First Communion, the priest asked if we had any questions, and I, as an innocent child asked:

"Why does Jesus taste like a paper cup?"

The priest laughed. The nuns laughed. I never got my answer. I wasn't trying to be a smartass. It's just...anyone here who's Catholic knows those wafers taste like styrofoam.

At the last Catholic church I attended before I officially became a Protestant, we baked our own unleavened bread because the priest hated those wafers so much. We had a weekly baking rota.

I saw a thing where someone said their church had done similar-taking turns baking communion bread. One week someone made raisin bread, and the priest didn't notice until he was blessing it and said "This, apart from the raisins, is the body of Christ".

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I've received dose #1.

35 days to go...

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Night John.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: People who act surprised and/or offended when I tell them they need to put on their mask can just go f@%% themselves.

But not each other. I don't want them to reproduce.

Yes that is how we got into this mess.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: People who act surprised and/or offended when I tell them they need to put on their mask can just go f#%~ themselves.

But not each other. I don't want them to reproduce.

~GASP~ NO!!! Say it isn't so!

Dark Archive

Major Sarcasm wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: People who act surprised and/or offended when I tell them they need to put on their mask can just go f#%~ themselves.

But not each other. I don't want them to reproduce.

~GASP~ NO!!! Say it isn't so!

Now, now. Some people just are not reasonable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Voice of Reason wrote:
Major Sarcasm wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: People who act surprised and/or offended when I tell them they need to put on their mask can just go f#%~ themselves.

But not each other. I don't want them to reproduce.

~GASP~ NO!!! Say it isn't so!
Now, now. Some people just are not reasonable.

Even usss villiansss wear maskssss! Why can't they? COBRA!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

~skitters through looking for prey, ignoring those who don't wear a mask~

Cobra Commander wrote:
The Voice of Reason wrote:
Major Sarcasm wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: People who act surprised and/or offended when I tell them they need to put on their mask can just go f#%~ themselves.

But not each other. I don't want them to reproduce.

~GASP~ NO!!! Say it isn't so!
Now, now. Some people just are not reasonable.
Even usss villiansss wear maskssss! Why can't they? COBRA!!!

That's the problem. They don't see themselves as the bad guys.

Chryssalid wrote:
~skitters through looking for prey, ignoring those who don't wear a mask~

Welp, boys and girls. Looks like it's time to burn this place down.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

First concern.. Sharoth is in charge of the voice of reason.

This video is titled when your players' plain is stupid but they roll a nat 20, and I can't really argue with it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

♫ The two "Rs" in JRR Tolkien stand for Rockin' and Rollin' ♫
♫ Down to the Grey Havens I be strollin' ♫
♫ But the eagles poke at my head, not fun! ♫
♫ I said eagles...hmmm...stop it now! ♫


Propaganda. When a British person takes a close look at something.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Body: "When sleep?"
Me: "We literally just woke up. It's time to be productive."
Body: *tearfully* "But...when slllleeeeeeeeppppp??????"
------------ 16 hours later -------------
Me: "Okay, body. Now it's time for sleep."
Body: "No! F!&& you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jimmy Buffett wrote:

♫ The two "Rs" in JRR Tolkien stand for Rockin' and Rollin' ☺4

♫ Down to the Grey Havens I be strollin' ♫
♫ But the eagles poke at my head, not fun! ♫
♫ I said eagles...hmmm...stop it now! ♫

We need a parody of seagulls stop it now for every genre. Do love craftian horror next!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Body: "When sleep?"

Me: "We literally just woke up. It's time to be productive."
Body: *tearfully* "But...when slllleeeeeeeeppppp??????"
------------ 16 hours later -------------
Me: "Okay, body. Now it's time for sleep."
Body: "No! F~$% you!

Body: You had your chance!!!!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Me: "What's entomologist code for 'I stepped on it, I'm so sorry, it was dark, and it's so small'?"
Entomologist friend: "Impromptu dissection was performed under less-than-ideal lighting conditions."
Me: "Cool. How about for 'The little f+#+er BIT me so I yote it into the undergrowth on reflex'?"
Entomologist friend: "Subject was removed from study pool due to abnormal interaction responses."

("Impromptu dissection" makes me laugh for some reason.)

Also, why the F&&& is "yote" in the Chrome spelling dictionary?

Dark Archive

An observation wrote:
First concern.. Sharoth is in charge of the voice of reason.

It is very reasonable for that to be the case.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Jimmy Buffett wrote:

♫ The two "Rs" in JRR Tolkien stand for Rockin' and Rollin' ♫

♫ Down to the Grey Havens I be strollin' ♫
♫ But the eagles poke at my head, not fun! ♫
♫ I said eagles...hmmm...stop it now! ♫
We need a parody of seagulls stop it now for every genre. Do love craftian horror next!

♫ I don't do requests ♫

♫ So Vid-man...mmgh...stop it now! ♫

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf**#in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Harold turned, the lamp behind him highlighting his chiselled cheekbones and mirroring the smouldering embers in the depths of his smoky grey eyes.

"Janet", he said, in his deep, resonant, husky voice. "Janet - I WANT you"

"N'gthagn iirm n'an'an'okul'luu pthalogn!"

"Janet!" Howard's face showed clearly the rage and misery warring within him. "Janet - don't you care? Can't you see I'm dying inside because you won't have me?!"

"Ghathrgnuuuk! Tekeli-li!"

The shoggoth squelched towards the door and slowly squeezed itself through the keyhole and out into the night, never once looking back at Howard with its myriad of eye-like appendages. Howard watched her go, lips tight, a single tear glistening on his manly cheek, then went off to pen a letter to the editor of Weird Tales blaming the whole thing on the Jews.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. He takes a drink and then asks the bartender "Hey, do you know anything about fruit trees?" The bartender says "No. Why?" The guy says "I don't know. My wife just told me to 'Go grow a pear', but I don't see how that has anything to do with me being too scared to kill the spider in the shower."

Vanessa Pablovovitch Shachtman wrote:

Harold turned, the lamp behind him highlighting his chiselled cheekbones and mirroring the smouldering embers in the depths of his smoky grey eyes.

"Janet", he said, in his deep, resonant, husky voice. "Janet - I WANT you"

"N'gthagn iirm n'an'an'okul'luu pthalogn!"

"Janet!" Howard's face showed clearly the rage and misery warring within him. "Janet - don't you care? Can't you see I'm dying inside because you won't have me?!"

"Ghathrgnuuuk! Tekeli-li!"

The shoggoth squelched towards the door and slowly squeezed itself through the keyhole and out into the night, never once looking back at Howard with its myriad of eye-like appendages. Howard watched her go, lips tight, a single tear glistening on his manly cheek, then went off to pen a letter to the editor of Weird Tales blaming the whole thing on the Jews.

Thank you! See, was that so difficult?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf!$#in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?

It exists but only in animation form..

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf$@@in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?

That's what Pornhub is for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Today will be a race against time.

As in I'll have to hurry to get my sun installed before it starts raining.

Unfortunately I'll also have to deal with obstacles like coworker deciding we have to race to get some other less important task before it starts raining or some a&@!&+! yelling at a different a!#~!$@ with my first name (I met the roofers yesterday, they are definitely a#$*%$!s).

So it should be a fun day, in a NOT sort of way.

Good luck to ye cap'n

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf!$#in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?
It exists but only in animation form..
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf$@@in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?
That's what Pornhub is for.

First off, I prefer to read romance. My imagination is much hotter than what the animators come up with.

Secondly, I specified "romance", and there isn't much romance on the 'Hub.

Vanessa Pablovovitch Shachtman wrote:

Harold turned, the lamp behind him highlighting his chiselled cheekbones and mirroring the smouldering embers in the depths of his smoky grey eyes.

"Janet", he said, in his deep, resonant, husky voice. "Janet - I WANT you"

"N'gthagn iirm n'an'an'okul'luu pthalogn!"

"Janet!" Howard's face showed clearly the rage and misery warring within him. "Janet - don't you care? Can't you see I'm dying inside because you won't have me?!"

"Ghathrgnuuuk! Tekeli-li!"

The shoggoth squelched towards the door and slowly squeezed itself through the keyhole and out into the night, never once looking back at Howard with its myriad of eye-like appendages. Howard watched her go, lips tight, a single tear glistening on his manly cheek, then went off to pen a letter to the editor of Weird Tales blaming the whole thing on the Jews.

I must admit, I am intrigued by this love triangle of Harold, Howard, and Janet.

Also, I find it humorous that Chrome accepts "yote" as a valid word, but not "smouldering" or "chiselled". I guess it doesn't much cotton ta th' metric spellin'.

Banjo the Puppet wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf!$#in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?
It exists but only in animation form..
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lovecraftian horror. Can we not get some motherf$@@in' Lovecraftian ROMANCE up in here?!?
That's what Pornhub is for.

First off, I prefer to read romance. My imagination is much hotter than what the animators come up with.

Secondly, I specified "romance", and there isn't much romance on the 'Hub.

Romance can be a lot of different things a lot of different cosmic entities.

captain yesterday wrote:

Today will be a race against time.

As in I'll have to hurry to get my sun installed before it starts raining.

Unfortunately I'll also have to deal with obstacles like coworker deciding we have to race to get some other less important task before it starts raining or some a%&&%*# yelling at a different a!!#!*& with my first name (I met the roofers yesterday, they are definitely a+~~**!s).

So it should be a fun day, in a NOT sort of way.

I guess you need to...*puts on sunglasses*...make sun while the sun shines?

*intro music starts* ♫ Yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhh!!!!!! ♫

Is that how the thing is done? Did I meme?

Or am I just supposed to say "Zhu Li! Do the thing!" and let her take care of it?

Icyshadow wrote:
Kind of wondering whether to try my hand at DMing Ravenloft or Dark Sun once my DM is done running Spelljammer for my crew.


Celestial Healer wrote:
All passed!


Woran wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Me: "So, the bread represents Christ's body?"

Priest: "That is correct."
Me: "And he was crucified, died, and was buried?"
Priest: "Yes, and then three days later he rose from the dead."
Me: "... Because of the yeast?"
Priest: "Get out."

True story:

When I was a kid, I was raised Catholic, and as we were in a class preparing for First Communion, the priest asked if we had any questions, and I, as an innocent child asked:

"Why does Jesus taste like a paper cup?"

The priest laughed. The nuns laughed. I never got my answer. I wasn't trying to be a smartass. It's just...anyone here who's Catholic knows those wafers taste like styrofoam.

Or like the cheapest cheapest ice cream cone wafer.

Cant get enough of that flavor it makes me think of ice cream. Mmmmmmm Jesus!

NobodysHome wrote:

I've received dose #1.

35 days to go...


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