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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Weird....I love my microwave.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Most folks in the Bay Area can't afford to buy until at least their mid-thirties, and the way the student loan system is set up, my sense is that the idea that "You're going to be in debt until you die" is so heavily ingrained in my generation, that I wouldn't think your case is all that unusual.

This is entirely conjecture on my part with no data to back it up.

Well, I was also terrible with money management until just last year, so a LOT of it is my fault entirely:

- My parents gave us a significant "nest egg" with which to put a down payment on a house. Instead, we rented a nicer place than we needed during our time in Davis, and I ended up spending the last of it on the Celica. So, no student loans, no car loans, and no debt, but flat broke at 29 in 1996. By the time you're 29, you should have SOME kind of savings; at least a few thousand in an IRA or something.
- After both of us had solid work for a few years and we lived in a cheap rental, we'd managed to build up some savings and retirement funds. To buy a house in the Bay Area we had to cash all of it out, then borrow against my inheritance for the rest. So once again at 35 in 2002 I was dead broke. Yes, people will say, "No; you had a MASSIVE asset in the house." But if you're planning on living the rest of your live in said house, it's hard to consider it a "liquidatable asset".
- Even with the mortgage and GothBard staying at home to raise the Impii, we should have been able to scrimp and save over the next 6 years; instead we borrowed more and more money to do major renovations on the house (the windows, the French doors, the studio) and to support our unsustainable lifestyle.

So GothBard got a "real" job in 2016, and suddenly with a full dual income we're finally digging our way out of the hole and putting huge amounts into our 401(k)s (my contribution is 15% from me plus 6% from my company, so I'm at 21% right now), but yeah, I'm not going to be out of debt until I'm 80 unless there's a major change in our income.

Kind of scary.

And the numbers involved are BIG. If you exclude the house, we're hundreds of thousands in debt. My *hope* is to be at 0 net worth in 3-4 years, house excluded. So, we have the luxury of a house in the Bay Area. If worse comes to worst, we can reverse mortgage the house to fund our retirement. But I'd really rather manage my money well for the next 15 years and retire comfortably while keeping the house.

The good news is that I'm finally managing our money rather well.
The bad news is that it didn't start until I was 50.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.

Wow. You really love your microwave...

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.
Wow. You really love your microwave...

A little too much, I would say.

That sounds unhealthy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Does he love his microwave? Or does the microwave love him?

And most importantly, how does that make him feel about my mother?

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Random final thoughts for the morning:

- While I understand that patient people can live without a microwave, I'm not that patient. I need it for my coffee in the morning (yes, I brew a huge pot and then drink it over the next 2-3 days by microwaving it, and even coffee snobs have said that the day-old coffee "isn't bad"). Without a microwave I'd have to manually heat it. Similarly, we buy a lot of pre-prepared foods for when no one feels like cooking, and both kids prefer the microwave. (GothBard uses the toaster oven.)

- I've been sober for 3 years now, and the pandemic has NOT been kind. The reason I took up drinking was to make the time pass: I had a boring job, I was spending every day working on the job, working on the house, and raising the kids, so I had no time to myself, so I kind of wanted all the days to blur together. As we sit stuck in PandemicLand, there's once again the urge to drink to blur the days. Obviously I won't do it, but it's scary that I haven't had a drink in 3 years and I STILL have a strong urge to drink at least a couple of times a week.

- It's really distressing to see just how much my departure from Paizo APs was justified. The family's loving the "random encounter homebrew" I'm running because the monsters follow the same rules as the PCs. There's no, "These guys pop out of the wall without you having any possible way of detecting them." (Multiple occurrences in Books 2 and 3 of Shattered Star). There's no, "These guys put up a horizontal Wall of Force between you and them so they can use their abilities against you and you can't touch them." (Mummy's Mask). There's no, "Here's half a dozen creatures, all of whom spam a special ability that completely disables your character, and you have to make a new save every round, because being taken out of a combat is so fun." (Once again, Shattered Star throughout Books 2 and 3.)
Yes, I have to make the encounters CR+2 or CR+3 to make them challenging. But gee... the players having to use tactics within the scope of the standard rule set is making them really happy, because they can actually figure out how to fight the creatures, instead of a constant, "Oh, no. That creature ignores that rule," that's so common in the APs.

Anyway, off to other things...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
By the time you're 29, you should have SOME kind of savings; at least a few thousand in an IRA or something.

Yeah that was never gonna be an option for me. At 29 I was living paycheck to paycheck in a middling apartment in Georgia, and shortly after had to move back in with my parents because I couldn't afford to stay on my own. >.>

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

- It's really distressing to see just how much my departure from Paizo APs was justified. The family's loving the "random encounter homebrew" I'm running because the monsters follow the same rules as the PCs. There's no, "These guys pop out of the wall without you having any possible way of detecting them." (Multiple occurrences in Books 2 and 3 of Shattered Star). There's no, "These guys put up a horizontal Wall of Force between you and them so they can use their abilities against you and you can't touch them." (Mummy's Mask). There's no, "Here's half a dozen creatures, all of whom spam a special ability that completely disables your character, and you have to make a new save every round, because being taken out of a combat is so fun." (Once again, Shattered Star throughout Books 2 and 3.)

Yes, I have to make the encounters CR+2 or CR+3 to make them challenging. But gee... the players having to use tactics within the scope of the standard rule set is making them really happy, because they can actually figure out how to fight the creatures, instead of a constant, "Oh, no. That creature ignores that rule," that's so common in the APs.

<continues to take notes>

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I had to work my way up from the lowest rungs of poverty to middle class, without a college education.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

Given your top of the page post, that seems like a sanitary course of action.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Flopping onto a golf course eating the s@@$ out of a couple of golfers and then flopping back into the water is exactly as much fun as it sounds.

Scarab Sages

I use the mircoware to heat up leftovers.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Heating leftovers on the stove or in the oven was the biggest adjustment, but I find the result is usually better.

That said: I am not proselytizing a microwave-free lifestyle. In particular, those with parasites kids need to feed them as efficiently as possible.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Wait, I almost forgot:
Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy BDay NH! =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday NH!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Nobody's Home!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
I use the mircoware to heat up leftovers.

Even golfers?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Halloween!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In other news, since we myconids are allowed to form melding circles again Englanderers are now allowed to form a 'social bubble' with one other (non-blood related) household, I went to see ALL (DE) yesterday, for the first time in around three months, and by Ishtar and Inanna, was it not good to see her again in person. We didn't do much, bar eat tea, play a game called 'What's Wally Doing?' with the kids, which is basically charades with a near-life size doll, and hang out. ALL(DE)'s son is obsessively into Sonic the Hedgehog at present, so I sat with him this morning and watched a bizarre Youtube show where someone with a bunch of Sonic-related stuffed toys makes little plays with them. Today, they were playing 'Truth or Dare', and Tails got punched in the eye.

My FLGS is also trading again, so I popped in there to buy the Old School Essentials rulebook on my way home. The trains were on time both ways, which is unheard of for Northern Rail, either because they have much, much less to do in lockdown, because they're now under state ownership since the previous train operating company lost the franchise for being impossibly s$**, or a combination of the two.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
I use the mircoware to heat up leftovers.
Even golfers?

Fireball is a more versatile spell than most people think.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy Birthday!

I have started sending wine/chocolate/cheese to people for occasions (birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.) and it is always a hit. Why don’t more people understand that giving food is the way to go?

(Just make sure it’s food that the person likes. Anybody who sends me a fruit basket clearly doesn’t know me.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy NobodysDay!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
I use the mircoware to heat up leftovers.
Even golfers?

Especially golfers.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy birthday!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

No wonder we see things differently. Your birthday is the opposite of mine.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy Birthday!

I have started sending wine/chocolate/cheese to people for occasions (birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.) and it is always a hit. Why don’t more people understand that giving food is the way to go?

(Just make sure it’s food that the person likes. Anybody who sends me a fruit basket clearly doesn’t know me.)

it is my half birthday tomorrow, send me half a meal!

I'm a bit concerned about my neighborhood.
In the past few days, two major local business within a couple of miles of our house (our credit union branch, and the local Walmart grocery store) both closed due to staff testing positive for Covid-19. I'm waiting to see what closes next. This is going to get so much worse before it gets better.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy Birthday!

I have started sending wine/chocolate/cheese to people for occasions (birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.) and it is always a hit. Why don’t more people understand that giving food is the way to go?

(Just make sure it’s food that the person likes. Anybody who sends me a fruit basket clearly doesn’t know me.)

it is my half birthday tomorrow, send me half a meal!

*stuffs half-eaten sandwich in an envelope and addresses it to Freehold*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, I almost forgot:

Nobody's Home will not mention this, but today is his birthday.
(Kermit flail)
Happy Birthday, Nobody's Home!


What NobodysHome Wants For His Birthday:
To spend a quiet day at home, doing whatever he happens to feel like at the moment, without being disturbed, and without receiving any physical presents he will inevitably have to throw out before the year is done because they take up too much space.

What NobodysHome Will Get For His Birthday:
A barrage of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday and trying to have an awkward conversation because NobodysHome doesn't want to spend his day talking to people, and at least half a dozen gifts he'll have no use for.
If you really want to give me a present, just make me food. I like food, and it doesn't clutter the house...

Happy Birthday!

I have started sending wine/chocolate/cheese to people for occasions (birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.) and it is always a hit. Why don’t more people understand that giving food is the way to go?

(Just make sure it’s food that the person likes. Anybody who sends me a fruit basket clearly doesn’t know me.)

it is my half birthday tomorrow, send me half a meal!
*stuffs half-eaten sandwich in an envelope and addresses it to Freehold*


lisamarlene wrote:

I'm a bit concerned about my neighborhood.

In the past few days, two major local business within a couple of miles of our house (our credit union branch, and the local Walmart grocery store) both closed due to staff testing positive for Covid-19. I'm waiting to see what closes next. This is going to get so much worse before it gets better.

I'm honestly worried about places like Florida. If you look at the data, it's horrible. And the governor's in complete denial that there's an issue. I hate to be a doomsayer, but I think there's going to be a lot of death in Florida before August is done.

Oklahoma was looking bad BEFORE tens of thousands of people who don't believe in masks nor social distancing descended on Tulsa.

As I put in a spoiler before, it's just mind-boggling.

Be careful. Be safe. Be a member of your community who cares about others. That's really all it takes.

Things are better here in KS, but most people I see when I'm out and about are at least still wearing masks and trying to stay distant. Even when you can't - I had to get fingerprinted for my upcoming job, for example, which required being in direct contact with my new hiring manager - masks and lots of hand sanitizer still going around.

Between that and staying at home as much as possible we're riding this out hopefully until it fades out in our area.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Things are better here in KS, but most people I see when I'm out and about are at least still wearing masks and trying to stay distant. Even when you can't - I had to get fingerprinted for my upcoming job, for example, which required being in direct contact with my new hiring manager - masks and lots of hand sanitizer still going around.

Between that and staying at home as much as possible we're riding this out hopefully until it fades out in our area.

I'm honestly disappointed in my neighborhood. The moment the governor declared relaxed rules on May 4, masks vanished.

Fortunately, stores and restaurants still all mandate them, and thankfully nobody throws a fit nor gripes about it, but it's pretty much, "Grab a mask, put it in your pocket, get outside the store, chat with your friends for a few minutes, put on the mask, and go into the store."

One of those, "I will follow the rules without understanding the rules," moments.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Better than the alternative, at least?

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.

Awww <3 ... {coughs up another dozen spiders}

Freehold DM wrote:

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

{puts on sexy milkmaid drider cosplay}

Edit: OK, this a new level of weird even for me.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Lloth's Microwave of Mega-Doom wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.

Awww <3 ... {coughs up another dozen spiders}

Freehold DM wrote:

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

{puts on sexy milkmaid drider cosplay}

Edit: OK, this a new level of weird even for me.

I’ve never been so proud of this thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Happy Birthday, NH! Hope your day was good and covidiot free!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Happy Birthday, NH! Hope your day was good and covidiot free!

LOL. Well, I *did* have to leave the house to pick up breakfast for GothBard, but Impus Major came with me and did all the interactions, so I have quite literally not interacted with anyone outside of my home.

I think I'm safe, unless the viruses (virii?) managed to cling tenaciously to Impus Major as his immune system annihilated them only to hop onto me and invade.

(For those who don't know, Impus Major gets sick at all maybe once every 3-4 years. His immune system is scary. 2 years in a row where both Impus Minor and I had the flu, and his immune system just didn't care.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

(For those who don't know, Impus Major gets sick at all maybe once every 3-4 years. His immune system is scary. 2 years in a row where both Impus Minor and I had the flu, and his immune system just didn't care.)


Be young again, 25-33, when I got sick noticeably enough to visit doctor... Twice, I think...

About the same, until around 30ish. Even then, I typically only got light colds. The CV only worries me because it seems to have enhanced effects on a lot of groups I'm part of (overweight, chronic respiratory issues, borderline diabetic, high blood pressure, etc.).

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Archangel of Fawtl wrote:
Lloth's Microwave of Mega-Doom wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.

Awww <3 ... {coughs up another dozen spiders}

Freehold DM wrote:

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

{puts on sexy milkmaid drider cosplay}

Edit: OK, this a new level of weird even for me.

I’ve never been so proud of this thread.

Oh, wait, not Tac.

Now it doesn't seem quite so surreal.

Silver Crusade

Oh yeah - old alias. Forgot Tac uses that avatar.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lloth's Microwave of Mega-Doom wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Weird....I love my microwave.

Awww <3 ... {coughs up another dozen spiders}

Freehold DM wrote:

Man. I really really love my microwave.

That reminds me. I better clean it.

{puts on sexy milkmaid drider cosplay}

Edit: OK, this a new level of weird even for me.

Stop, stop, I can only get so erect.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Had an interview the other day. Went something like this:

HR: "How are you at Power Point?"
Me: "I Excel at it."
HR: *pause* "Was that a Microsoft Office pun?"
Me: "Word."

I have a Bachelor's, Master's, and a Ph.D. in insult comedy. I give out 3rd degree burns.

My wife hit my in the face with an open palm full of coins. She said she was trying to slap some cents into me.

(Note: This could also work with cologne/perfume in the hand, and the word "scents".)

What's the difference between a frog and a horny toad? When you pet a frog, it goes "ribbit, ribbit". When you pet a horny toad, it goes "rub it, rub it".

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