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Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Time Travel is only done right as a parody, like in Futurama, because it's such bad writing it exists only to be mocked by good writers.
I am required to point out the requisite exception that proves the rule on this, which is of course Chrono Trigger, the best time travel story ever written IMO.
The best take on time travel (which I am not fan of in general) was in Babylon 5 - in big part because it was planned part of the story, thus reflecting the fact that if time travel would happen, the past results of future time travel would be already history and affecting the now from the beginning.

I admittedly haven't seen B5, though it's on the list of "things to get around to watching eventually", so I can't much comment on it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

So my favorite locally-owned hardware store was having a 40% off sale on outdoor plants and soil today.

As we're waiting in line, Hermione notices the display of pocket knives.
H: "Mama! Look! Remember how Papa was saying I'm old enough to have a pocket knife of my own now?"
(WW has been saying this to Hermione for the past year. We don't agree.)
Me: "Yes, but Papa and I don't agree on that. We'll discuss it."
Farm Grandma Saleslady: "You know, I think you were having the same argument about pocket knives the last time you were in here."
Me: "It's possible, but we haven't been in here in a few months. I think the last time was when we were here with our Girl Scout troop selling cookies out front."
FGS: "Yes! That was it. You were arguing about it then and you're arguing about it now."

But she was smiling while she said it, because, well, Texas.

This is the kind of knife that you need to get her!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've not seen Agent Carter, but I didn't much care for the ending, either.


Natasha: I'm going to literally die no take-backs to protect the people I have come to consider my family.
Steve: Cool, not good enough for me! Also I apparently don't care about having my best friend Bucky back anymore despite ripping our team's loyalties in half over him, so bye! And we're not going to give you a funeral because we care more about Tony, who is literally the biggest jerk any of us know! And the guy who basically set up half these issues with the whole Ultron situation, but...y'know.
Natasha: Wait, what?

I can't find a way to parse Steve's behavior that isn't OOCly selfish as all hell and a direct middle finger to his supposed friends.

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So my favorite locally-owned hardware store was having a 40% off sale on outdoor plants and soil today.

As we're waiting in line, Hermione notices the display of pocket knives.
H: "Mama! Look! Remember how Papa was saying I'm old enough to have a pocket knife of my own now?"
(WW has been saying this to Hermione for the past year. We don't agree.)
Me: "Yes, but Papa and I don't agree on that. We'll discuss it."
Farm Grandma Saleslady: "You know, I think you were having the same argument about pocket knives the last time you were in here."
Me: "It's possible, but we haven't been in here in a few months. I think the last time was when we were here with our Girl Scout troop selling cookies out front."
FGS: "Yes! That was it. You were arguing about it then and you're arguing about it now."

But she was smiling while she said it, because, well, Texas.

This is the kind of knife that you need to get her!

if you don't believe me, believe the dragon!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

You mean like how the gauntlet could simply create endless resources instead of death?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chrono Cross proved that time travel only leads to problems, even as a result of said "best ever" time traveling in Trigger (which I too adored).

Not only is this a knock on Cross, but given what happenwd with Schala, time vortexes, pocket universes, and more, nothing was actually fixed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So my favorite locally-owned hardware store was having a 40% off sale on outdoor plants and soil today.

As we're waiting in line, Hermione notices the display of pocket knives.
H: "Mama! Look! Remember how Papa was saying I'm old enough to have a pocket knife of my own now?"
(WW has been saying this to Hermione for the past year. We don't agree.)
Me: "Yes, but Papa and I don't agree on that. We'll discuss it."
Farm Grandma Saleslady: "You know, I think you were having the same argument about pocket knives the last time you were in here."
Me: "It's possible, but we haven't been in here in a few months. I think the last time was when we were here with our Girl Scout troop selling cookies out front."
FGS: "Yes! That was it. You were arguing about it then and you're arguing about it now."

But she was smiling while she said it, because, well, Texas.

This is the kind of knife that you need to get her!

Canst thou feeleth me glaryngge at thee with an looke of styrn dysappeprouual on mine hairye visage?

Thou shouldest be able to, pig-faced bascinet and Atlantique Ocean nottewythestandynge. Katanas indeed!

Also, whenne will I recieveth mine Freehold-aproved silver-plated guisarme?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Mark your calendars: Impus Major takes his (first) driver's license test on November 15.

Quake in fear!

(And for those following my ridiculously-slow trickle of photos and videos onto Flickr, GothBard's pictures are now up, including the Noma menu and pictures of all the food.)

** spoiler omitted **...

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Exotic Poundland.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In other news, I have just arrived back from Big Annual HEMA Camping Weekend, with 1 (one) new bladed weapon and 1 (one) new shiny shield, and the knowledge of dozens of cool moves to try which I will consistently fail to remember when actually fighting, as is my wont.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

You mean like how the gauntlet could simply create endless resources instead of death?

Among other things. Honestly, altering his motivation would've been more effective, IMO.

I would have been more invested in a Thanos who wanted to kill half the universe to impress his boo Lady Death than the attempted-sympathetic genocidal Thanos what doesn't understand Malthusian catastrophes.

One's just a comic book villain the heroes can go "Oh jeez, this guy is legitimately crazy, and we cannot let him win!" The other is a trolley problem that lets the Russos pretend they're all deep and s#%~.

This tweak still lets them have their shock-value snap, but it doesn't distract from the stakes by debating whether or not the man with a handheld nuke is doing the right thing, undermining Gamora and Nebula's arcs regarding their relationship with their father.

...still doesn't fix Cap's ending sucking, though.

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So much to say:

1) the MCU Thanos is better than the comic version; this can also be attributed to Josh Brolin's skill as an actor

2) Endgame was a bit of good-bad fun that only merited a once-seen in the theater for me, but it satisfied contract obligations and at least tied off a storyline. The best part? It wasn't quite as brutish, heavy-handed, crude, and "wutdafuq?!!" as GoT.


'cause political, inflammatory, and unpopular:
I've been on the wrong end of a gunbarrel exactly once in my life, and for one of the weakest reasons possible . . . and none of that was the gun's fault. We have the testimony of millennia to remind us that we humans are rotten to one another, and for reasons of noblest and most dubious nature and motivation. That won't change because of a law, or supply controls, or a lack of readiness.

Learn to defend yourself. Learn to handle gun and blade. Learn to watch out for and to avoid trouble.

Don't do these things because it's your responsibility -- do these things because you can never be completely certain that anyone else will help when you need it most. Which means that either by election or default, it is your responsibility. Or, at the best-end-of-the-worst-case -- you've got little reason to complain when things go that wrong.

Just my opinion. I'm done.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Firedove's birthday to you all!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

So, show of hands, everyone here has already seen the Mexican restaurant commercial with Thanos twerking, right?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

...well, I have now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Happy Firedove's birthday to you all!

Happy birthday to Lady Firedove!

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

It's not about believing in time travel - it's about it being lazy writing from a literature perspective. It's the get out of jail free card that every sci-fi and fantasy hack uses when they write themselves into a corner. Any decent high school or college level writing class will tear to shreds any submission that even features time travel because it's just s$+~ty s++%ty s$&$ty.

Remember the key isn't about believable, it's about internal logical consistency. If Superman can lift a sun, that's fine. But if his...

I fundamentally disagree.

Time travel can be a lazy clutch, but it really isn't fundamentally so. It heavily depends on the rules and limits to said travel, and why those rules function.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Chrono Cross proved that time travel only leads to problems, even as a result of said "best ever" time traveling in Trigger (which I too adored).

Not only is this a knock on Cross, but given what happenwd with Schala, time vortexes, pocket universes, and more, nothing was actually fixed.

I fundamentally disagree, part again.

All CC proved is that a person placed in charge of a property that was originally an excellent group-outing can, inspired by the one person's dream, really alter the feel of said property into something almost unrecognizeable.

CC was a decent property and a solid idea - it needed more polish on the execution, it was not CT, and did not represent the concepts that CT did.

(Also whatever happened with Schala was fundamentally suggestive that it did "solve" things, even though it self-contradicts this in its own lore. Effectively, CC was a great idea that was a mess of story telling and didn't lead to a satisfactory conclusion because it was mishandled.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Happy Firedove's birthday to you all!

Happy Birthday Tacticslioness!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

This afternoon, Hermione walked up to me holding a biography of Dorothy Day and said she was considering using Day as the subject for her Historical Heritage presentation for school this year. (This is what older Montessori kids do at school on Halloween: dress up as historical figures and give presentations about them.)
I said, "Great! She's a really good choice. For her costume, we'd just need to find you a kind of baggy, shapeless dress, and I think I have..."
Hermione: "...ten of them?"

Points for swiftness and a very palpable hit, but minus a few for accuracy.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

You mean like how the gauntlet could simply create endless resources instead of death?

Again, this is at least somewhat covered in the films by virtue of the fact that the gauntlet clearly takes a toll on its user, and the "bigger" the "ask" the "bigger" the "fallout" (or equivalent).

Could the gauntlet have done that?


Seems unlikely that anyone other than Ego or someone similar could have survived the results, though... and its questionable if they had whatever fortitude (or whatever it was) was required to succeed in the first place.

The idea that it could is tantalizing, but fundamentally it's unclear if that was within its ability (or, if it was, if it was within the ability of anyone currently in existence in the franchise to do it; and if it was, if they would even do such - Ego likely would have just used it to forward his own plans, for example).

I feel like a lot of the objections (which aren't without merit) are often made at the lowest common denominator.

I'm okay with suggesting that the gauntlet's rules weren't well-discussed (compared to, say, time travel), or that the fundamental explanations of why time travel worked that way were bunk (they were), or that Thanos is the worst space-lord tactician (he really, really is), but just stating that the gauntlet could do <X>, and thus the film sucked because they didn't feels disingenuous to what was actually shown in the film.

(It feels analogous to many of the complaints made against the new SW movies while ignoring even more salient problems with the Prequel trilogy.)

Scintillae wrote:

Among other things. Honestly, altering his motivation would've been more effective, IMO.

** spoiler omitted **

Nah. He fundamentally needs to be stopped, either way. His motivation is just kind of terrible, and it's made clear consistently in the film that he's wrong. Both were silly, silly motivations, but one at least makes more sense in a mass market.

Does he have a cause he believes in? Yes. Does he have something akin to a point? Almost! Is he absolutely nuts and in need of stopping? Without question.

I don't feel it was ever seriously considered that his views were worthwhile. Anything akin to, "Maybe he has a point." seems to have come from the feeling of being defeated.

Again, I'm clearly reading motivations very differently from how some of you are. I can see where you're coming from, but all of these exact same problems have been there from the very beginning - it seems like this was the price to enter the MCU in the first place, rather than pinning it on a single film (which is not my favorite of the series, by any stretch).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Lady Firedove!

lisamarlene wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late. The mainline Avengers stuff seems like it's crawled up its own butt in terms of being epic for epicness' sake, and I don't think they know how to juggle all these characters they've introduced.

I will not get into how I cannot take MCU Thanos seriously as a villain. I've already wasted my good rant for today on why The Sound of Music's stage version is far superior to the diabetic glurge with the nightmare puppets that is the movie.

So, show of hands, everyone here has already seen the Mexican restaurant commercial with Thanos twerking, right?

Rather glorious? Maybe? Sure, I'll go with that!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Chrono Cross proved that time travel only leads to problems, even as a result of said "best ever" time traveling in Trigger (which I too adored).

Not only is this a knock on Cross, but given what happenwd with Schala, time vortexes, pocket universes, and more, nothing was actually fixed.

If I'd meant to include Cross, I would've said the Chrono Series, rather than just Trigger.

We ignore Cross for a reason. Lots of reasons, really. Being an incomplete project is the most forgivable of them. (Though the music is amazing. Its existence is tolerable for that, if nothing else.)

Scintillae wrote:
I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late.

I will say that feeling burned out on a property or no longer being able to ignore the things that you were able to the first twenty times is legit.

That's just normal fatigue.

(Though why you'd object to the rest of the SoM movie due to puppets. Eh, I guess we all have our uncanny valleys.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I don't know. A lot of the MCU's been really hit-or-miss for me of late.

I will say that feeling burned out on a property or no longer being able to ignore the things that you were able to the first twenty times is legit.

That's just normal fatigue.

(Though why you'd object to the rest of the SoM movie due to puppets. Eh, I guess we all have our uncanny valleys.)

Oh, the puppets have very little to do with my objection. They're just easy to mock. (And "Lonely Goatherd" is a plague.)

It's the removal of the Max and Elsa subplot.

The play has two musical numbers ("How Can Love Survive" and "No Way to Stop It") that they sing for A) a bit of comedy and B) to add some depth to Von Trapp's engagement to Elsa. The first is Max and Elsa poking fun at "Lol you two are doomed; there aren't any love stories about rich people." The second is a bit more serious: the Nazis are coming to power, and Elsa is willing to work with them...Von Trapp is not. In the stage show, that is why Von Trapp breaks things off with her, rather than just having the hots for Julie Andrews. It also better foreshadows the climax of the show, when the family goes on the run in the middle of the music competition: Von Trapp has already voiced his refusal to collude with these people to the audience. Removing the song weakens the narrative strength.

I hate the movie version because these two are my absolute favorite musical numbers, and stripping them out meant they had to rewrite the story to dumb down the plot and make Von Trapp, Max, and Elsa less complex and interesting. It takes a period piece and strips out the two songs that most clearly provide the tension inherent in the setting in favor of a run-of-the-mill twee love story.

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Ah, fair! So a fan-nerd rage. That I can respect!

10 people marked this as a favorite.

26 years ago today I called the General and asked her out, she said yes.

captain yesterday wrote:
26 years ago today I called the General and asked her out, she said yes.

Happy anniverserdate!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Happy birthday to Lady Firedove and Anniversary to Capn!

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Time Travel is only done right as a parody, like in Futurama, because it's such bad writing it exists only to be mocked by good writers.
I am required to point out the requisite exception that proves the rule on this, which is of course Chrono Trigger, the best time travel story ever written IMO.
The best take on time travel (which I am not fan of in general) was in Babylon 5 - in big part because it was planned part of the story, thus reflecting the fact that if time travel would happen, the past results of future time travel would be already history and affecting the now from the beginning.

You are as wise as a Vorlon. Zathrus not trust you, what with all the eating humanoids and fire breathing and Xanatos gambits (also like Vorlons), but you are definitely wise.

Orthos, Post-Singularity wrote:
I admittedly haven't seen B5, though it's on the list of "things to get around to watching eventually", so I can't much comment on it.

You should definitely try to find time to see it. Some of the dialogue is clunky, some of the acting is clunky, season 1 spends way too much time building all the arcs & plot threads, and season 5 is largely unnecessary, BUT! All that being said, the rest of it should be required watching for anyone who enjoys sci-fi and/or engages in world-building & story-telling. Mollari and G'Kar are wonderful, and the aliens (especially the Shadows and the Vorlons) feel alien.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy anniversary to the Cap'n {nods inconspicuously} and General Longshanks!

and Happy Life Re-Up Day for Lady Firedove!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
26 years ago today I called the General and asked her out, she said yes.

Did you ask her out the first time 26 years ago, or did you have to stage a Time Heist™ sometime afterward to fix events so you did ask her out 26 years ago?

If the later, does any of the plan involve puppet Paul Rudd destroying the twerking Thanos in some horrifying manner?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
26 years ago today I called the General and asked her out, she said yes.

Run Lady Firedove! RUN!!!

Gratz to both of you!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Chrono Cross proved that time travel only leads to problems, even as a result of said "best ever" time traveling in Trigger (which I too adored).

Not only is this a knock on Cross, but given what happenwd with Schala, time vortexes, pocket universes, and more, nothing was actually fixed.

If I'd meant to include Cross, I would've said the Chrono Series, rather than just Trigger.

We ignore Cross for a reason. Lots of reasons, really. Being an incomplete project is the most forgivable of them. (Though the music is amazing. Its existence is tolerable for that, if nothing else.)

Yasunori Mitsuda is a genius that needs Nobuo Uematsu's agent.

It is sheer volume of work that makes mee like Nobuo more; if Yasunori were as prolific I'm sure he'd have the same amount of international symphonies covering his work, but alas, Square seems to have no understanding of what it means to hire a genius more than twice...unless his name is Uematsu, and then they hire him until every game sounds the same.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So my ex has a lot of British family. Some upon visiting would badmouth America. I'm not the most patriotic man, but a nation is like family; we don't allow outsiders to insult. So whenever they got mouthy I would shut them up with this line:

May Be Mean to Brits:

Solve for who got their asses handed to them by a nation they outgunned, outmanned, AND outfinanced:

1776 + 1812 = 2UK(Asswhippins)

(Yes I know historically they were pretty much draws, but when you have better everything and tie, that's a loss)

Truth is I quite like British culture, and would move there if I could...but I like poking bears with sticks, and you could see the fury in their eyes upon that one.

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I can't discuss it I'll get to worked up and the end result won't change anything even if I explained all the perceived plot holes and how things work in a coherent and sensible way it won't miraculously change ones perspective of whether they liked the movie or not plus I don't feel like going through the effort. My patience with arguing on the internet is just completely gone. I'll just say I liked it An awful lot.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do you know how to catch a polar bear? It's easy.
1. Find a frozen lake.
2. Cut a hole in the ice.
3. Sprinkle peas around the hole.
4. Hide.
5. When a polar bear comes to take a pea, you kick it in the ice hole.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I told my boss that there were three companies after me, so I needed a raise if he wanted me to stay. He asked "What three companies are after you?" I replied "The power company, the gas company, and the water company."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Do you know how to catch a polar bear? It's easy.

1. Find a frozen lake.
2. Cut a hole in the ice.
3. Sprinkle peas around the hole.
4. Hide.
5. When a polar bear comes to take a pea, you kick it in the ice hole.

... That's cold...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I told my boss that there were three companies after me, so I needed a raise if he wanted me to stay. He asked "What three companies are after you?" I replied "The power company, the gas company, and the water company."

Boss is clearly the monopoly man. Beware the train stations. Also I always thought if you owned the train station you should be able to go to the other stations for free or otherwise pay to travel to the stops. It would probably be OP...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My wife sent me to the music store to get some sheet music. To make sure I got the right ones, she gave me a Chopin Liszt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OOOh very niche.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
When a polar bear comes to take a pea, you kick it in the ice hole.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, everyone.

Happy Birthday, Lady Firedove!

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Morning FaWtL folk! Hope everyone is well, had a good weekend, and has a lovely day ahead. :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Belated Happy Birthday to Lady Firedove and VE! Hope ye had great days, spent doing what ye enjoy. :)

So as I am level zero at cooking (nice Kung Fu Panda reference that everyone will get, me!) I’m curious if anyone has an idea of how you might go about making a Pediasure and/or <drinkable> yogurt pie (the pie need not be drinkable).

Pediasure is Pediasure - probably different for different flavors (due to slightly different base ingredients), but I don’t know.

Drinkable yogurt is Dannon Danimal Smoothie drinkable yogurt of various flavors. (Mostly strawberry, but that’s because it’s packaged with everything.)

Seems like it should be possible to make something out of these that isn’t ludicrously tough. Then again, I’m like the Pignoramous of the kitchen. So.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
{nods inconspicuously}

drinks tea

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

So as I am level zero at cooking (nice Kung Fu Panda reference that everyone will get, me!) I’m curious if anyone has an idea of how you might go about making a Pediasure and/or <drinkable> yogurt pie (the pie need not be drinkable).

Pediasure is Pediasure - probably different for different flavors (due to slightly different base ingredients), but I don’t know.

Drinkable yogurt is Dannon Danimal Smoothie drinkable yogurt of various flavors. (Mostly strawberry, but that’s because it’s packaged with everything.)

Seems like it should be possible to make something out of these that isn’t ludicrously tough. Then again, I’m like the Pignoramous of the kitchen. So.

Disclaimer: I am neither a nutritional expert nor a pediatrics expert. I can cook pretty well.

For drinkable yogurt:

1. There is a drinkable yogurt on the market called kefir. I don't know if it's in your price range and/or if the probiotics are friendly to kids' digestion, however. That might be something worth asking your doctor.

2. Put yogurt in a blender (or a bowl and be prepared to whisk vigorously), and slowly add milk until it is the right consistency to drink. I might also add half a banana for a little potassium, sweetness, and fiber if that seems appropriate (if you can blend it in thoroughly; if the kid has trouble swallowing the chunks may not be good, however).

Re: making it like pediasure. I don't know what kind you use or what your aim is for this--i.e., what your kids' nutritional needs are. Looking at the contents of "grow and gain" it looks like relatively small quantities of various vitamins--small probably assuming multiple bottles might be comsumed per day. The yogurt alone should provide about the same protein content (if you want more protein, Greek yogurt is very high in protein), and the yogurt and milk will be adequate sources of vitamins A and D, as well as calcium and whatnot. Adding strawberries would certainly add some vitamin C, and sounds like it's a flavor your kid likes (again, blending thoroughly if need be). Powdered dehydrated strawberries are also an option, though they'll be a little lower in vitamin content, I think.

If the kid needs fiber you could add a little metamucil (look for the stuff that is called "Free" or something as it's flavorless), following the recommended dosage on the bottle for children.

Since all this is for kids, a small amount of honey or other sweetener may make it go down better, but of course not too much.

Above all, I would check with your doctor about what nutrition is important for your kid and safe, inexpensive sources of those nutrients, and you could add those to the yogurt shake.

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