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Just out of curiosity, does anyone else pronounce Yuugasa's name like this? Or is it just me?

Also, is anyone else nekkid? Or is that just me, too?

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Unsure for all I know you pronounce your U's like A's.

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I pronounce it "You-gah-sa"

Scarab Sages

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Back to work.

Tummy still isnt entirely OK yet :(

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Woran wrote:

Back to work.

Tummy still isnt entirely OK yet :(

Have you tried candied Ginger? It works for me when I'm nauseated.

The Exchange

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
All_might! wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I love going outdoors. It's so much better than going outwindows.
No sense of adventure.
I can sense adventure. Then I wait quietly until it passes by.
You would make a terrible main character. Probably a decent sidekick however.
Nah, I don't have the flexibility for a sidekick. Might be able to manage a front kick, but I doubt my knees would stand for it.
I can do a sidekick easier then a front kick myself. Much like Mort (I guess?) I need to work on my flexibility.

I think I front kick better then I side kick. And also my right side kick is better then my left.

The Exchange

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Woran wrote:

Back to work.

Tummy still isnt entirely OK yet :(

Ginger tea, Woran, ginger tea!

And yeah another busy day at work =(

The Exchange

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John Napier 698 wrote:

Hi, everyone.

I had a very busy weekend. Saturday, my Supervisor asked me (Of course he asked me. Everyone else probably said no.) if I wouldn't mind pulling an eight-hour shift Saturday night through Sunday morning, in a Hotel, within which was a wedding party. Of course I said yes (dumbass) because he sounded desperate. So, Sunday, after I got home from work, I had to sleep seven hours. I woke up long enough to make dinner and have it. Then I got another eight hours of sleep before waking up at two this morning. And I still feel tired. The glorious life of a Security Guard. Overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated.

Sometimes you need to learn to say no. Unless you're being paid a lot for that.

Man that should apply to me as well. Never been good at telling people no.

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Insanely busy today because the roofers are showing up (yay!), I have to try to get Impus Minor's iPad back (boo!), and I have to help the kids pack for a Tahoe trip they're leaving on tomorrow (mixed feelings).

But in terms of the choir trip, on Wednesday the new car rental place (Avis) was head-and-shoulders better than the old one (Enterprise): The car was ready on time, was clean and nice, and was the car I requested. I reserve judgement until I go by there this morning, but considering the car's still in the lot and I'll be there the moment it opens, I'm feeling better about my chances of getting the iPad. I'm just VERY concerned that "Find my iPad" isn't working because it implies someone consciously turned it off, which is a very, very bad sign.

On Thursday the drive down wasn't as good as last year; my girls were excited, but sleepy, so most of the trip was just them sleeping. Towards the end I woke up and got about an hour of singing along to the Glee and Heathers sound tracks, but not a full 6-hour performance like last year. And we stopped at a convenience mart and THEY DIDN'T HAVE slushees!

We were disappoint!

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Just a Mort wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
All_might! wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I love going outdoors. It's so much better than going outwindows.
No sense of adventure.
I can sense adventure. Then I wait quietly until it passes by.
You would make a terrible main character. Probably a decent sidekick however.
Nah, I don't have the flexibility for a sidekick. Might be able to manage a front kick, but I doubt my knees would stand for it.
I can do a sidekick easier then a front kick myself. Much like Mort (I guess?) I need to work on my flexibility.
I think I front kick better then I side kick. And also my right side kick is better then my left.

Front kicks are for speed and positioning, side kicks are for power. And yeah, different tendons so different people will like them differently. I love side kicks, but I rarely landed one on a real opponent. Front kicks were just, "Excuse me, you're getting too close. Can you back up a little for me?"

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I love front kicks. Dont love side kicks, could never position them properly for anything other than a surprise push away. Then again I prefer kicks for knee and shin work, hands and elbows for everything else.

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I have short little legs so not a fan of kicking people.

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[redacted] is in the [redacted] room, so now I wait...

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I've only used a side kick once outside of practice. I caught someone rushing me out of the corner of my eye. Landed the side kick square in his lower abdomen just as he was about to launch himself into a tackle. I was wearing tank boots at the time. And he was running into it.

Split second kind of thing, no time for the brain to get in the way.

So after I was able to retract my leg and get a good look at my "assailant", I realized I just crumpled a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while.

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If I tried a side-kick, I'd expect a whack on the leg, and serve me jolly well right.

We're allowed music in the new office, but only in the form of the most deathly dull Spotify playlist I've ever had to endure, so I may have to liven it up with random howls or sinister chants in Aramaic.

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I know it's late, but re: the shirt: I am not without ranks in Diplomacy.

While I might have vented here, my entire interaction with the kids was:
NobodysHome: Hey, guys! My favorite sweatshirt's been missing for a few days. Can you all please check your houses and see whether you might have taken it home by accident?
Resident Smart-Aleck: Oh, yes. I LOVE to go to my friends' houses and steal their parents clothes!
NH: Er, you DO realize that of the 10 of you who come over, FOUR of you wear sweatshirts that look very much like mine, so while YOU don't, other people DO?
RSA: Oh, yeah, you're right. I guess that's reasonable.

I use FaWtL to vent. When I'm dealing with people, I actually use some modicum of tact.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, kids' vacation days! Always the stuff of entertainment!

NobodysHome: Impus Minor! It's 5:45 am! (His usual wake-up time on school days.)
Impus Minor: Eerg. Why, Dad? Why?
NH (realizing his mistake): I just thought you might have wanted to know. G'night!
IM: I hate you, Dad!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I forgot about commercials, gods are they getting terrible.

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Used my first Keurig coffee maker today.

Not a fan.

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[redacted] is out of the [redacted] room! Everything seemed to go well. Now I just wait until I can take [redacted] home.

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"What are you listening to?" "Nothing, just trying to block out daytime tv" - guy asking me what I'm listening to with my headphones.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Used my first Keurig coffee maker today.

Not a fan.

We went through several high-end brands (including Keurig) until we found the not-cheap-but-cheaper-than-that-<expletive> Remington iCoffee.

It's a piece of junk made of glued-together cardboard and melted-down Legos (at least it seems like it), the pressure of the hot water pops up the lid so you have to put a significant weight on top when you're brewing coffee (we use a 2 lb jar of sugar), but wow does it make a nice strong pot of coffee...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Used my first Keurig coffee maker today.

Not a fan.

We went through several high-end brands (including Keurig) until we found the not-cheap-but-cheaper-than-that-<expletive> Remington iCoffee.

It's a piece of junk made of glued-together cardboard and melted-down Legos (at least it seems like it), the pressure of the hot water pops up the lid so you have to put a significant weight on top when you're brewing coffee (we use a 2 lb jar of sugar), but wow does it make a nice strong pot of coffee...

So does my 17.99 coffee maker from Target and I don't even have to overpay for the stupid pods. I just have to moderately overpay for decent coffee.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope everything went well Cap. Give [redacted] a light, pain-free hug from me, Zelda, and Aiymi.

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Why does every local car dealership feel like the best way to sell cars on a tv commercial is to yell as loud as possible and gesture frantically at the camera.

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We have a 6-year-old Keurig. I don't use it anymore, but we keep it around so the kids can easily make cocoa or something without turning our kitchen into a warzone.

Grand Lodge

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captain yesterday wrote:
Why does every local car dealership feel like the best way to sell cars on a tv commercial is to yell as loud as possible and gesture frantically at the camera.

Market research

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Why does every local car dealership feel like the best way to sell cars on a tv commercial is to yell as loud as possible and gesture frantically at the camera.

You would think they would have learned from their days as discount furniture salesmen that yelling and a free onion doesn't work, but alas.

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This is the first time in four years I've watched actual TV.

I don't miss it, at all.

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Also, I'm pretty sure all my psychological issues I've had can be traced back to watching TV commercials.

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One old person not quite understanding how valet parking works has caused a back up of all the old people in line behind him to abandon their cars which is causing a huge bottleneck at the entrance which is leaving the staff scrambling to valet all the abandoned old people cars.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
One old person not quite understanding how valet parking works has caused a back up of all the old people in line behind him to abandon their cars which is causing a huge bottleneck at the entrance which is leaving the staff scrambling to valet all the abandoned old people cars.

That's hysterical.

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I think the cleaning crew accidentally knocked my wireless mouse off my office desk. The left click button is loose, squeaking, and has far more travel in it than it did for the 5 years prior to this. Still works fine for single clicks, but double clicks are a challenge.

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TV ads are traumatizingly irritating. Radio ads too, come to think of it. Now that I have Netflix and Audibles, I'll never go back.

I wouldn't even attempt anything but a front kick in a real fight. I never felt confident with roundhouse kicking, and even side kicks are dicey. And axe kicks are basically a fun way to stretch your legs.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Why does every local car dealership feel like the best way to sell cars on a tv commercial is to yell as loud as possible and gesture frantically at the camera.
You would think they would have learned from their days as discount furniture salesmen that yelling and a free onion doesn't work, but alas.

hides sack of free onions, cheap furniture out of shame

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Aaaaaaand... NobodyHome's opinion of human nature:
- Remains unchanged.

I showed up before the shop opened, met the same manager who I turned the car in to yesterday, the car hadn't been cleaned yet, and he let me back in to it. The iPad was there.

So, iPad recovered, but no humans involved (other than the manager being a nice guy).

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The removal of the, "Only 10% airtime may be commercials" regulation (or whatever the percentage was) killed all broadcast TV and radio for me.

I can't listen to either any more.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

TV ads are traumatizingly irritating. Radio ads too, come to think of it. Now that I have Netflix and Audibles, I'll never go back.

I wouldn't even attempt anything but a front kick in a real fight. I never felt confident with roundhouse kicking, and even side kicks are dicey. And axe kicks are basically a fun way to stretch your legs.

I wouldn't axe kick someone unless I really hated them and had them in the perfect position. Which, at 40, just isn't going to happen.

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At least you got it back with a minimum of hassle.

EDIT: Referring to NH and the iPad.

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I'll post an ER story from the trip (yes, Chaperone NobodysHome got to do another emergency medical run), but after work and helping the kids pack for their Spring Break trip...

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NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaaaand... NobodyHome's opinion of human nature:

- Remains unchanged.

I showed up before the shop opened, met the same manager who I turned the car in to yesterday, the car hadn't been cleaned yet, and he let me back in to it. The iPad was there.

So, iPad recovered, but no humans involved (other than the manager being a nice guy).

Battery died or the garage had poor/no reception so the find feature didn't work?

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaaaand... NobodyHome's opinion of human nature:

- Remains unchanged.

I showed up before the shop opened, met the same manager who I turned the car in to yesterday, the car hadn't been cleaned yet, and he let me back in to it. The iPad was there.

So, iPad recovered, but no humans involved (other than the manager being a nice guy).

Battery died or the garage had poor/no reception so the find feature didn't work?

NobodysHome's cluelessness.

The iPad doesn't have cellular access, so unless it's near an unsecured wireless network, it can't be found.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

I wouldn't even attempt anything but a front kick in a real fight. I never felt confident with roundhouse kicking, and even side kicks are dicey. And axe kicks are basically a fun way to stretch your legs.
I wouldn't axe kick someone unless I really hated them and had them in the perfect position. Which, at 40, just isn't going to happen.

Side kicks and front kicks have their place, but in an actual situation it's rare that the combatants are going to be at the appropriate range for them to be effective. And if you're in a crowded parking lot, forget it.

Oh, and my style differentiates a front kick from a push kick. Front kick has more snap to it, while the push kick is literally that.

I like roundhouse kicks, but I like them to go low - at the side of the opponent's knee. That also makes them more useful at closer ranges.

Axe kicks are finishing moves in my style, and not much else.

Crescent kicks (relative of the axe kick), in my style, are a good flexibility exercise, and that's about it.

The number one kick used in my style is a "trap" kick. My instep should land at their ankle, parallel to the ground - it's not a foot stomp (but it can turn into one if you hit higher up the shin and then step down, dragging your shoe down the leg). It's best used as a distraction while I'm using my hands/wrists/elbows to redirect their punch/grab before locking their wrist/elbow/shoulder and escorting the attacker to the asphalt (nice version).

I used to work a lot of nightclub security in my younger years. Fights broke out. Sometimes with broken beer bottles. It was my job to step in, preferably with assistance from one of my co-workers, to de-escalate the situation. It was also my job to monitor mosh pits if one formed and remove participants who were being a little too enthusiastic.

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Just a Mort wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
We go to look at kittens!
Watch out, they're masters of mind control.
Hoi! I take offense to that!

Stop carrying mind-altering diseases, then!

(I'm not going to stop, mind you, I'm just pointing out that if you take offense to being a mind-manipulator, you should probably not manipulate minds. :D)

The Exchange

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I think round house kicks take too long to execute. Anyway I got it wrong, my left side kicks and front kicks are better then my right. But the problem was when I was posting I was wearing a skirt so I couldn't test out any kicks.

And I wouldn't use any kicks in a combat situation since I think I am unused to hitting resistance rather then empty air so it might throw me off balance. Especially since when you're kicking one foot is off the ground.

The Exchange

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Tacticslion wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
We go to look at kittens!
Watch out, they're masters of mind control.
Hoi! I take offense to that!

Stop carrying mind-altering diseases, then!

(I'm not going to stop, mind you, I'm just pointing out that if you take offense to being a mind-manipulator, you should probably not manipulate minds. :D)

I don't manipulate minds I should think?

*gives everyone puppy eyes*

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gran rey de los nekkid wrote:
Just out of curiosity, does anyone else pronounce Yuugasa's name like this? Or is it just me?
captain yesterday wrote:
I pronounce it "You-gah-sa"

The latter reads like it pronounces the same way as the former, to my mind.

(I mean, you know, ending-sound-wise; obvs. not the starting syllable sounds, save for that last "s" they share.)

gran rey de los nekkid wrote:
Also, is anyone else nekkid? Or is that just me, too?

Pretty sure it's been canon confirmed that CY has never gotten dressed.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I use FaWtL to vent. When I'm dealing with people, I actually use some modicum of tact.

I feel so used!

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaaaand... NobodyHome's opinion of human nature:

- Remains unchanged.

I showed up before the shop opened, met the same manager who I turned the car in to yesterday, the car hadn't been cleaned yet, and he let me back in to it. The iPad was there.

So, iPad recovered, but no humans involved (other than the manager being a nice guy).

Grats on recovering the Ipad! =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
We go to look at kittens!
Watch out, they're masters of mind control.
Hoi! I take offense to that!

Stop carrying mind-altering diseases, then!

(I'm not going to stop, mind you, I'm just pointing out that if you take offense to being a mind-manipulator, you should probably not manipulate minds. :D)

I don't manipulate minds I should think?

*gives everyone puppy eyes*

First: ew, cat/dog hybrids look so weird~!

Says the cat-named dog-lover.

Second: Single study with limited sample size shows horrible dangers of cats and their poop; we must now rethink all of society as direct result~!

Please, please, please note all the caveats:

that article wrote:

To be clear, the researchers aren't saying the brain parasite is definitively what's behind people developing these debilitating illnesses, but it's possible that T. gondii's protein-based meddling in the brain environment could possibly influence or enable pre-existing susceptibilities in some people to these kinds of diseases.


It's a disturbing finding – especially since previous estimates have suggested T. gondii could infect as much as half of the global population – but there's no sense in getting alarmed until we know a lot more about what's going on here.

Also have a muuuuuuuuuch more reasonable take on the same study.

The second article wrote:

{Let's all say it together: correlations are not causations!}


The correlation may well be real and statistically significant, but we cannot emphasize enough that these findings need to be taken with a large grain of salt.

Also, I loved this quote from the second article far, far too much to NOT copy/past it here:

Keep that in mind before you go scrounging around in kitty litter as a way to boost your confidence in that hot new startup you’re launching. Then again, if you’re the kind of person who wants it that badly, maybe you’ll be successful after all, whether you have a brain-altering parasite in you or not.

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