Ambrosia Slaad |
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The way my Sicilian auntie taught me was...
I don't know how much time you have, but making it from scratch can be extremely simple, and make for an amazing sauce if you cook it for long enough...
Nh just did a fancier version of what I was going to suggest...
Thanks all. I've made meatballs and sauce for spaghetti before, but I get tired of the old standby. This time I'll try red wine and some roasted bell peppers in the sauce, maybe a bit of ground pine nuts in the meatballs.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Taco Bell/Old El Paso mild taco sauce is Dad's spiciness threshold (and even that garners complaints). Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich would be completely inedible to them both.*Reads spiciness threshold*
I... What?
I... Don't...
Even... Friend with horrible heartburn stuff can handle...
mild sauce, no... heat!?
Dad has always been a picky eater, Mom is a bit more adventurous. The three of us (adult) kids quite like hot spicy foods, as well as my two nephews, so their dislike doesn't seem to be genetic.
Edit: Nekkid spiciness?

Ambrosia Slaad |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:For some reason I have been seeing mochi everywhere recently why is it so popular all of a sudden?Because it’s delicious?
Our local supermarket (Publix) has started selling mochi ice cream. Looks good, but I haven't tried them yet.

Freehold DM |
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Cover Turtle wrote:She's not a centaur, but there's a couple photoshoots of Bianca Beauchamp in full latex ponygirl outfits floating out there in the Intertoobz that might do it for you, Mr. Turtle. You'll have to Google for yourself, likely NSFW for everyone except Freehold.Oh Mort...
Sweet sweet Mort.- Warning!!! NSFW content in the link below! -
(or at least somewhat NSFW depending on your particular workplace, beware!)
If you won't give me the Centaur, at least give me this!
- Warning!!! NSFW content in the link above! -

Drejk |
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And it really was fundamentally amazing to both of us. I carry my morality internally; I did not cheat on my wife not for fear that someone would catch me doing it, but because I found the very concept morally repugnant. She could not comprehend why I wouldn't do something fun when I could get away with it without fear of consequences. Lawful vs. Chaotic, right there.
Here I must strongly disagree - it's much closer to Good vs Evil distinction than Law vs Chaos - acting the right way as opposed to acting in a way that provides more tangible gratification to you.

Drejk |

Freehold DM |
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NobodysHome wrote:And it really was fundamentally amazing to both of us. I carry my morality internally; I did not cheat on my wife not for fear that someone would catch me doing it, but because I found the very concept morally repugnant. She could not comprehend why I wouldn't do something fun when I could get away with it without fear of consequences. Lawful vs. Chaotic, right there.Here I must strongly disagree - it's much closer to Good vs Evil distinction than Law vs Chaos - acting the right way as opposed to acting in a way that provides more tangible gratification to you.
i must disagree, good and evil have no sway here, this is more chaos vs law, otherwise anyone gazing upon someone they find attractive is one bad day away from lichdom.

Drejk |
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The Game Hamster wrote:I cooked with wine before I was 15. But I lived with my parents, and they bought it.
I still can't buy it till the end of July.< The Game Hamster used >
< YOU'RE OLD attack >
< It's super effective! >
I can legally buy alcohol for twenty years (and a few months)...

Drejk |
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Drejk wrote:i must disagree, good and evil have no sway here, this is more chaos vs law, otherwise anyone gazing upon someone they find attractive is one bad day away from lichdom.NobodysHome wrote:And it really was fundamentally amazing to both of us. I carry my morality internally; I did not cheat on my wife not for fear that someone would catch me doing it, but because I found the very concept morally repugnant. She could not comprehend why I wouldn't do something fun when I could get away with it without fear of consequences. Lawful vs. Chaotic, right there.Here I must strongly disagree - it's much closer to Good vs Evil distinction than Law vs Chaos - acting the right way as opposed to acting in a way that provides more tangible gratification to you.
No alignment is simple yes/no, each has grades of going deeper and deeper into its virtues/vices.
The exact argument used by NobodysHome is definitely not about law and chaos. It's about selfishness (I get to have fun without regard for others) vs unselfishness (I care for others, even if there are no witnesses to that).
Of course, cheating can and usually is a chaotic act - but the specific reasoning given here wasn't at the Law vs Chaos line.

Tacticslion |

Just a Mort wrote:Let me tell you about a job I had I worked at a concession stand at an amusement park. We were one of the first places you see when entering the park. As a result of this we had lines from the beginning of the day till the end. Endless flood of people throughout the entire day. I occasionally had to be on register. I hated register. but thats a different story sort of. Now on the walls were these large plastic dispensers that has NAPKINS written down them in LARGE bight print. Hanging from the dispenser was a napkin in plain view. One of these dispensers (they were everywhere) happened to be located just slightly to the right of me where I stood and took money. Right at eye level might I add. Still every other person that came through asked me Where are your napkins? This didn't bother me at first I would just lightly reach my hand out and touch the dispenser. however after doing this job for 3 months with untold thousands of people asking me the same thing day in and day out and begging the manager to stop putting me on register I quit before I strangled someone. (there was other reasons too but that contributed.)Ah well. That's a different story then. I'd just go sorry chum. We be sold out. But no need to get nasty about it.
There are lots of people who can't find their way to the cable car tower(it's at the back of my office building and there are signs pointing the way) and if I have time I actually escort them there.
And people claim God is being unfair when disaster strikes...

Tacticslion |
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Freehold DM wrote:Please tell me you could fire radioactive eye beams.I'm afraid the most exciting thing Shiro's done during all his radioactive adventures was prove that he was radioactive enough to generate static on his headset mic.
The good news is that after 3 surgeries and two massive radiation treatments over the last few years, they're pretty sure they're killing off the last of the cancer with this treatment, so now it's just hoping that the radiation treatment didn't introduce any new forms of cancer.
Stupid cancer!
EDIT: And apologies to TL for bringing up such a sensitive topic so soon, but as I told Impus Major as he was sobbing over losing another loved one to cancer: Focus on the people who win. Sometimes, cancer can be beaten.
Otherwise you live your life in terror of, "Who's next?"
My dude, anyone who wins is a celebration. I suspect that some day in the future, people will look at our current cancer treatments with the same aghast view we have of bloodletting today, but until then, it’s the best we’ve got: I’ve lost people to cancer, but my mother, father, and others have survived it. Cancer is a demon and sucks, but it’s one that can be beaten, and will, should the Lord not return first (at which point it will did a permanent death). So no worries: it’s not a sensitive subject you should avoid. It’s a subject to hold in focus and an enemy to defeat for everyone. And I’m praying for and rooting for Shiro, now (even if my autocorrect insists he is “Shirley”...). I’m glad he seems to have won! Now for the follow up...! Fight! Win! Go, Shiro!

Scintillae |
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Today's been interesting.
The bad: my AC's been stutter-starting for a while, and property maintenance guy projected Wednesday at the earliest to get an actual AC guy in, and we've been skating around the high 90s plus heat index.
The good: someone came today.
The bad: the motor's dying.
The good: I'm a renter. Not my bill.
The bad: he took the motor when he left.
The good: A few hours later, property manager sent maintenance guy over with a temporary fix until they get the repairs done.

Orthos |
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In the song "You're Welcome", from Moana, Maui states that he "can do everything but float". Despite this he repeatedly tries to escape the boat by swimming away. This means he would rather die than spend time with Moana.
Well, no, just that he has to put effort into swimming just like us mere mortals, he can't walk on water or otherwise defy gravity in that scenario. He says he can't float, not that he always sinks in water. ;)

Orthos |
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I cannot reply to nhs post due to aforementioned issues nor read all of it, so I will assume that he said "sure, freehold, I'll pay for your lap dances and such, just dont expect me to watch or make it rain".
Honest question from someone who's already struggling to get the appeal at the base level -
What do you get from a strip club that you can't from the internet for significantly less money? I was always under the impression clubs were very "look don't touch" and that's the only reason I can fathom someone would want the in-person experience enough more so to pay for it.

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Gaunter O'Dimm - I've made pacts with entities for power and now they lie at the back of my mind, waiting to take over should I draw upon the forbidden cheese.
I also found out on one theory crafting exercise that I've been living under restraints for that long I cannot fully unleash anyway. Enough to change my personality, and for most purposes will suffice to do what needs to be done, but not very gracefully. And people do it better.

Cover Turtle |
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Happy Anniversary to the lady lioness (Lady Firedove) and I! Woot! 13 years! 13 years!
*Nudges a bouquet of flowers, with a congratulatory card, and a four pack of Sicilian lemonade in front of TL's and LF's door, and scratches on the door*
(I hope I remembered correctly. You don't drink right?)
Well Cover Turtle, you haven't posted anything I'd take umbrage at. The clawing was nothing personal - most cats don't like getting belly rubbed. There's lots of articles showing that.
*Nods and smiles gratefully*
*Clearly shows turtle-foot, before giving Mort a flank-rub and fluffs her fur afterwards. He gives kitty a good-night nuzzle between her ear, lumbers over beside her basket and spins around himself a couple of times, before lying down and retreating into his shell*

NobodysHome |
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Freehold DM wrote:I cannot reply to nhs post due to aforementioned issues nor read all of it, so I will assume that he said "sure, freehold, I'll pay for your lap dances and such, just dont expect me to watch or make it rain".Honest question from someone who's already struggling to get the appeal at the base level -
What do you get from a strip club that you can't from the internet for significantly less money? I was always under the impression clubs were very "look don't touch" and that's the only reason I can fathom someone would want the in-person experience enough more so to pay for it.
Strip clubs are all about the touching. What is "legal" and what goes on in such clubs are two totally separate things. The nude woman sitting in my lap with my arms around her waist was pretty darned tame.
You can basically pay $20 for a "private lap dance" and you're led into a back room and... yeah.
A lot of it is thinly-disguised prostitution, depending on the nature of the club. But the one night I went to such clubs, we went to 3-4 different clubs, and at every one multiple women offered every one of us "private lap dances", and it was extremely clear that male orgasms would be involved. I'll give the standard disclaimer that no, I didn't actually purchase one, but all my other party members did, and were away for the correct amount of time for such... things.
So yeah, a LOT more than the internet. I can at least attest that touching is a big part of such clubs' appeal.

NobodysHome |
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So, you may be going over the top when you call a restaurant to make reservations and the person taking your call suddenly gets extremely polite and says, "OK, Mr. NobodysHome, I'll have my events coordinator call you back and we'll work out the details of your reservation."
Mr. Over-the-top strikes again. (A delightful nickname given me by one of the uchi deshi at the dojo.)

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I cannot reply to nhs post due to aforementioned issues nor read all of it, so I will assume that he said "sure, freehold, I'll pay for your lap dances and such, just dont expect me to watch or make it rain".Honest question from someone who's already struggling to get the appeal at the base level -
What do you get from a strip club that you can't from the internet for significantly less money? I was always under the impression clubs were very "look don't touch" and that's the only reason I can fathom someone would want the in-person experience enough more so to pay for it.
** spoiler omitted **
That explains a lot. Definitely not the impression I had from general cultural osmosis - that was a very clear line of "girls on stage, audience in the seats, girls can tease and taunt and tempt but if the audience attempts in any way to make contact that's not allowed".

Orthos |
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So, you may be going over the top when you call a restaurant to make reservations and the person taking your call suddenly gets extremely polite and says, "OK, Mr. NobodysHome, I'll have my events coordinator call you back and we'll work out the details of your reservation."
Mr. Over-the-top strikes again. (A delightful nickname given me by one of the uchi deshi at the dojo.)
O.o what did you do?

GM Mort |
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The clawing was nothing personal - most cats don't like getting belly rubbed. There's lots of articles showing that.
Well, as I'd like to put it, actions should have consequences. Like throwing a tomato at NH, claiming someone else did it, deserves a tomato thrown at you by that said someone in return.

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*Nudges a bouquet of flowers, with a congratulatory card, and a four pack of Sicilian lemonade in front of TL's and LF's door, and scratches on the door*
Yep, TL doesn't drink. It's against his religion ;)
TL- I'm just being flippant. I know it's your personal choice, which is really your own business :P

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*Clearly shows turtle-foot, before giving Mort a flank-rub and fluffs her fur afterwards. He gives kitty a good-night nuzzle between her ear, lumbers over beside her basket and spins around himself a couple of times, before lying down and retreating into his shell*
*purrs and nuzzles Cover Turtle*
*giggles at the spinning turtle*
*Puts a blanket over his mid shell and butt so he doesn't get cold at night*

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:O.o what did you do?So, you may be going over the top when you call a restaurant to make reservations and the person taking your call suddenly gets extremely polite and says, "OK, Mr. NobodysHome, I'll have my events coordinator call you back and we'll work out the details of your reservation."
Mr. Over-the-top strikes again. (A delightful nickname given me by one of the uchi deshi at the dojo.)
LOL. Well, it's getting so close to the date that I decided I needed to pull the trigger on reservations, so I called Skates for reservations for 14. They're a skosh more expensive than Rivoli, but they have massive areas for large groups, and since the new head chef took over a few years ago their food has been top-notch.
But yeah, dinner for 14 at a place like that'll run well over a grand, so you get their attention pretty quickly. Fortunately, I budget for such stupidity in my annual budget, because there are certain times you just want to gather a bunch of friends around and say, "Enjoy yourselves! Eat like kings, and stop worrying about what things cost!"
They're a fish place, but they're one of the few places whose prime rib is, in my mind, excellent and one of the best things on the menu. And it's like $50-$60 for it, and you can add lobster to bring your dinner to $90, not including appetizers, drinks, tax, and tip.
And y'know what? I really want my guests to be able to say, "You know what? I'll never eat like this on my own! I'm going to pull the trigger!"
It'll make me happy.
And nobody I invited is going to order the $200/ounce caviar or a $2000 bottle of champagne, so it'll be fine.
Or I'll just get Shiro drunk and trick him into paying...